tv Focus on Europe Deutsche Welle November 24, 2022 12:30pm-1:01pm CET
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an increasing number of women and less in america, guessing their need to stop murdering and depressing us voicing against sexism while and, and for to abortion. pressure from the street has been successful. opposition is on the rise. with much starts november 25th on d w with this is focus on europe. i'm lar babel lola, welcome to the show. relations between europe and iran are deteriorating fast as
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the european union levels, fresh sanctions against iran for human rights violations, namely the violent crack down on people taking part in the uprising. well, people in cities across europe are showing solidarity with a rounds. protesters with rallies like this one here in london. they are echoing the calls for freedom and equality and demanding a regime change in iran. or some iranians are traveling to neighboring turkey for a taste of freedom. in the city of van, many rules of the mila regime, don't apply. women don't have to wear head scarves. people can dance and clubs and drink alcohol as yourself. he is an iranian living, an exile, who understands their desire for freedom a few days and turkey gives them respite from the troubles at home. but the trip isn't always without risk. oh, almost every evening. it's the same scene and a night club in the eastern turkish city, yvon, iranians sing the song, barajas,
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woman, life, freedom at home. it's forbidden, ah, here they can sing it for all to here. ah, ah iranian exile, i ross, you sappy knows the situation in his home country. well, he's a tour guide and eastern turkey and shows iranian tourists around lake vaughan. but his passengers are only marginally interested in the lake. they're really here to have a good time. come on, go ahead, go over that. yeah, no, not. after all, that's why they came to turkey to do what's forbidden in their home country. i'm not done a job and to get away from the brutal repression of the protests at home. if only for a while, most don't want to speak before the camera. they're afraid of the iranian regime, even when they're outside the country, yourself,
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he has less cautious. he's lived in turkey for a long time. ah leon, if you decide to move out of it, they can move more freely here, only, mitchell, but you can tell they feel safe on you. i need to do. somebody can walk the streets without years or something will happen. history school fill out of the window to tell you your, your love on the city of vaughan and eastern turkey lies about 100 kilometers from the iranian border. iranians don't need a visa to visit turkey. $300000.00 came in the 1st 9 months of this year. i've had 4 people in iran. vaughan is the closest city and what counts as the west on i feel free here. i like it very much. i'm going to sit iranians also like to come to on to shop because of the sanctions. many goods are more expensive in iran than in turkey. clothing and textiles are not the only
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popular items. dalia not doing okay to get her medicine has become very expensive in iran, so we buy it here. we're planning to caught these foreign brands are very good for diseases we haven't. ron, thank you to you don't know how love you monica jocelyn from wilson. i love, i love it also benefits the turkish shop owners says they're struggling under the high inflation. meanwhile, their customers from neighboring iran are helping them stay afloat at 40 economies eclipse glasses of we don't have any big companies or factories here. go visit. so that's why this border trade is something of a lifeline for us. what voltage it gives them some other local residents are not quite as enthusiastic about the visitors. conservative muslims complained that the iranians are bringing sinful behavior to the city. did andrea chau my the co op lu, whatever they're not allowed to do at home, drink alcohol and other indulgences, which they do it here will sector. and that bothers many of the locals in gallup
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vulnerable day of charlotte. but others in von aren't bothered by this at all, especially women. they're grateful for the iranian women. with the coffee that in the past, you never saw a woman sitting in a cafe alone. i'm not coughing, but since the iranian women have come, it's become normal. so they're showing us how it's done, mother, and now the men here are used to it on continental through almost lung long. but the iranians don't sit in cafes at night. they go to the cities discos, with iranian music, and iranian d j's. the guests feel right at home here. buddy, i did that on sunday. the what i'm. i would really love to settle down in turkey. i love it here and can't wait to come back any more. he and foster myself. it came yesterday to show what he was going on, k r. as you said,
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he also brings his 2 groups to the iranian discos. he knows that it offers them a taste of freedom that's missing at home. did i alter talk? yeah, they can really let off steam here in the disco you're looking at a few alcoholic drinks are also part of the fun. of course. carter. yeah. but even this party only lasts till morning. then it's back to iran, back to the unknown. a short time later, we were told that 2 of the returning tourists were detained and interrogated by iranian police at the border. the war and ukraine is having a big impact on its small neighbor, the republic of moldova, the impoverished nation has taken in hundreds of thousands of ukrainian refugees. the countries residents are now in for a tough winter, and the town of lava is no exception. moldova is dependent on russian gas,
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but it also wants to join the you and a supportive of its stance against moscow. but now less gas is flowing from russia . and that's a major concern for staff at a children's home and lay over who are worried that supplies will be cut off for good. it's still warm in the dining room for now. lunch is being served in the children's home in the over in western moldova. but director catalina plastic, i was worried about the winter energy and food prices arising and she fears for the children's well being. for many here is the 1st place where they feel safe and secure. good gosh, i was in my so good on school. i feel safer here than at home. i g. it's so much better here. did you change your my be in the modem that i changed? my son. i get regular meal and warm young girl, lulu fareed carson at i'm at ocean morton. i'm of with, i don't have much at home,
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but i do hear to it's way different here. i feel like i'm part of the family. the parker was cynthia, each company of age of indian la familia, such as the children here were raised in lower income families in there and weren't provided the care they needed. shakara, wearing a chest thumb had been victims of violence or abuse. atlanta, i was only a minute and our job is to protect them, say, and steer them down the right path. se camshaft ha, healey park. the director is used to getting by on a shoestring budget, but the war a neighboring ukraine has made things much worse. a large share of their budget is now going to energy costs. and kyle, that are generally val, assuming at jelic i've been, we've been using electric heaters in the children's realms resemble, i'd assure would elect chair alamo man. and here in the laundry room, we washed their clothes, study when they're on the machine and, and there's a lot,
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i know i cheers, but electricity prices have shot up so much since the summer and bottom of woodville crashed it up. it's a lie now, we already have a deficit equivalent to 2 months of our budget. tar dental will apply to live though line. good old line for the last wish. it's a similar situation across the country. more the most pro european administration is a thorn in moscow side. so russia is wielding its most effective weapon gas. russia controls the breakaway regional trans neesha, gas is used to produce electricity. normally this covers 2 thirds of mold of us power needs. demand is high because the entire country uses electric heating even buses are electric. now russia has cut gas exports, claiming that mold of a has failed to make payments. and lever, guess gross, her has her eyes,
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this issue or for stop supplying because of not payment. in them now since august last heroes and her european government is in office who have paid absolutely. absolutely. oh ah, in, in, in, in time. oh our, the energy crisis is a threat to mold of us existence. that's one reason why the president of the european commission rushed to the mill, dove and capital key. she now to promise aid to the country after all, moldova is now an e. u. candidate. winter is just around the corner and it can be long and cold and lay over people here already spending over half their income just on energy again, newcomers new. oh that, i mean, we've already received
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a gas stove. the miller steam yak, log in. it'll allow, it seems way too high, but a key, but as i look, i did the i broke out a bank loan and bought wood this month and all of my income is going towards bills and the loan. can i get still? diggity of things are hard everywhere. well, survive for some, but i'd hoped it would be easier for him because he may be in the situation is especially dire for the most vulnerable leo was. government wants to keep funding the children's home, but they're also worried. remember lubricant them got right now, expenses have about wi fi in the law that he still this in the pots with amici job, we're really doing everything we possibly can. and if that inca soon given him good football, we don't want the children to be forced to live in the cold cookies. murphy can take a long time to find foster families for the children. here,
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catalina plastique wants to make sure they have a warm place to call home in the meantime, you understood, and we can only hope that we find solutions to get the high prices under control this year. for now, though, hope seems a long way in coming. what international donors have pledged millions in additional aid for mold over at a conference in paris. what is it like to be a sexual? the term is defined as a lack of sexual attraction to others. in germany, it's thought that around one percent of the population identifies as a sexual though experts say it's possible that number is even higher. given that the sexual identity is still not very well known. people like leonard from northern germany want to set the record straight. a sexuality is not a disorder, but a conscious step towards living a self determined life. our reporter met with 3 people who are defining
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a sexuality on their own terms. menard's lives in hamburg. along the reaper bond red light district visitors find porn cinemas, lap dances and sex workers. but leonard isn't interested in any of that. you know, with a certain treasure shopping around the 20th to me, that's just a trashy image or i wouldn't think, oh, breast it. you know, i want to go touch some said us. yeah. for me, it's just about advertisement for something that just means very little to me too much for steve. sex doesn't hold the same attraction for leonard as it does for others. he realized that during puberty, suddenly everybody was talking about it, but he couldn't understand what all the fuss was about. even so he gave it a try set with me hope to hear shopping, but i've just never understood what so great or special about it is on those lines or this is math bound, i can do it and it didn't gross me out,
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did it. but i just don't care for it and i'd rather not do it. i just know how to guide me for assistance. but hope a kaya grew up in the countryside near below, felt as a teen, she just wanted to fit in. although she didn't enjoy sex, she gave in to peer pressure dive you of the ships hit her, no matter how many times i said i still wasn't enjoying it or had no desire for it . i remember i always got the same response for them. and that was some day when i really loved the person, i'd be intimate with them and enjoy it for the but that just never happened to pass that on half hour earth come. hartney sack says never meant anything to martin either. not even as a tin. he didn't understand his feelings, so he looked for other explanations. now demarco dorothy conflict,
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what i thought maybe i was gay because if i, i did the girls on seeing them that i must be attracted to guys, didn't young me. so those are the 2 choices. on the 6th, every one had to feel sexual attraction of some kind of not. but after a little while, i realized that wasn't it either. off me, leonard was in his early thirties when he learned about a sexuality. a few years later he came out as a sexual. he now lives without sex, and the inconveniences that came along with it. free from the pressure of romantic relationships, friendships with both men and women are now especially important to him as gunshot for com dosage. does it naked us? sometimes i noticed that a person is important to me, but that doesn't mean that i want to be with them constantly or in a relationship with them too much from within. those answers i'm so it doesn't bother me at all. if i know that person is already involved with somebody else,
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rosy puzzled, is for lunch, but i'd sooner but see you for martin, it was different. even if the element of sexual attraction was missing, he'd always longed for a steady relationship. he met his future wife on a sailboat when he was in his mid twenties for a long time. they didn't have sex. mentioned it said emma, people always say love and sex belong together. and does this mean they can't be separated as complex? that's a total nonsense escape, so filament. so many people have sex without love, otherwise, brothels would all go out of business homes, lloyd, and i. so why shouldn't love and relationships work without sex? it's not really necessary for a relationship. soon of me a kaya also wanted a relationship. she and marilyn are happy together. they don't have sex. they prefer activities like making costumes together. they met on a dating website where they both stated they were a sexual and we're looking for an, a sexual female partner. oh,
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not with him. then since the mom confusing me. and if any been somebody who wasn't a sexual, i would have had to ask them to go without sex. and i don't want that miss on this . we don't miss it. so it's not a sacrifice. oxygen. that's what i prefer. i'm it gives me miss on. oh martin and his wife don't miss regular sex either. she accepts his a sexuality. but that doesn't mean they aren't close. ah, this is he sued us. you fucking lily when i got my wife and i don't have anything against touch. i always say we fall asleep every night in each other's arms. i envy ne auto but never, or very, very rarely does it lead to what you'd call sex 6 men. we don't need it. i've and we don't miss it. went off hint all men art
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marching a kaya? they all experienced their a sexuality very differently, but they all have one thing in common. they don't want anyone telling them what intimacy really means. it's a place where only americans have walked the last one being 50 years ago, but the moon is about to go international as europeans are preparing for their 1st lunar voyage in a joint mission with nasa. so how to train for the trip of a lifetime while space travelers are flocking to the canary island of lands or what day. no high tech simulators are needed. the volcanic landscape offers the astronauts a taste what's to come nonzero t i go on over where american and european astronauts are training for
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their joint lunar mission. the island location was chosen because it resembles the moon and mars a future destination. the team includes german astronaut alexander, guest rudo. he's a promising candidate for these missions and song of late like by 20 degrees in their training. they're trying to find a specific type of rock rocks that tell stories. yvonne that with his own obesity lies kish, tristan. we want to examine whether there might be other forms of life in outer space. liam's you relieved some of that life might have survived in the lava caves on mars, where conditions are above 0 degrees celsius and that and their shielded from radiation. one milligram. it will be very interesting to take a closer look when we get to mars with us. i may be find out if the universe is teeming with life on i'm done for light. i'll then of this, when it has am for this for live on. but 1st, it's off to the moon, most likely in 3 to 4 years. around the,
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the astronauts will stay in constant radio contact with scientists on earth. they'll help them find the right kind of rocks more easily than during the apollo missions some 50 years ago. okay, that's in work classes often ask a she school because the moon is basically an open history book. and yadda, yadda has rocks that are 3 point. 8000000000 years old and like on earth is although we have the same history, one foot over the surface of the moon hasn't been inspected by erosion decides. so it's a place where we can study our own past. if a gang had less, you might as this week they've been practicing what to look for after a moon landings. but every time you see the only, yes, actually here, it's very nice because you see by rosenblatt on, then they radio, the scientists, moon to earth. is this a good spot to take? rock samples have made a decision. whether we're that boy here, let us know. otherwise,
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we will proceed out of the crater in. eventually, astronaut alexander guest makes his way to another crater and lose his contact with a trainer team. and no longer has the information he needs. anybody can hear me. well, if any who me longevity, we have a problem. but then alexander guest arrives at his destination about an hour past schedule. this give warned us off the air down to you by the end on earth for used to having satellite receivers and communication everywhere as me. but on the moon, we have none of that. so sustained, we have to bring our own navigation and communication system. the sensors may need to be tested media, ideally the entire system, the system of i mod jessica. they continue across the island searching for the kinds of things they'll also be looking for on their moon mission. my telephone
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just wanted assistance. mitchell. we were also looking at the impact readers of media rights to see how old they are as if a child, how they're spaced on time. seasonally hawk, does this good tell us something about the risk of a media right? hating earth that's and mature of it's a fun strategies, your goal is cellphone, something we know what could happen us is we don't know exactly what the probability is the whole and how important it is to prepare ourselves to use this this year. when stuck, if we study this on the moon, we can better protect early morning fortune home done the air, the basics of con alexander guest has already spent about a year and space. most recently as the commander of the i s s. he's carried out more than $100.00 experiments, and soon he might be part of an even bigger mission. a lunar landing and establishing a research station on the moon of morn said they're forced us on resource stations on the moon. like on on tarka are going to be a challenge because we can't bring much with us and it blinks and we have to be
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sustainable. to use the resources there in the v, i splitting water molecules into breathable air and fuel a lot to do not. but we're getting ready off and decided to skipped a few to tune above id been writing this stuff for you. my and that includes this 6 day training course online, so rotate. one thing's for sure. it's no walk in the park now to another place that's otherworldly, but this time it's in denmark, artist tear anderson's store in the capital. copenhagen is a gem that in chance it's visitors. anderson arranges flowers, but he's no florist. his unique arrangements are more like works of art. anderson is a free spirit who has carved out his old genre in the botanical world. and his curious creations have attracted a cult following, ah, stepping into this flower shop. and copenhagen is almost like stepping into hans christian anderson's fairy tale world. it's the domain of
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a man who shares with denmark's renown story teller both the love for fantasy and dream scapes and a surname tear. anderson has become something of a legend. among florists. it is gonna be what i love most about plants and flowers . that's hard to say. as it hits the totality of their magic cabin, they transform a space into a perfect unity made in gar. originally he'd plan to become a pastry maker, but then decided he could express his own creativity better through flowers, phases and installations. he's been doing just that for over 50 years now. he even designed an entire country estate in sweden, flowers and steel are his hallmarks. he's also worked for the danish royal family. his husband moans helps him run. the shop is never interested in the market and, and what the clients were asking for, 1st of all of to do things that he liked and,
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and then hopefully that he could turn seduce people to buy it. so i think it's her a very lovely attitude from, for businessman. the sharp seems more like a studio one that receives international visitors, for instance, from china on busy days, customers have to pay a small admission, so things don't get too crowded. florist teran humphrey came all the way from the united states to work with and learn from tia anderson. there's not many people that think like tay am and because that it couldn't really exist anywhere else outside of denmark. i would say there is no guarantee that even top selling items like this vase can insure the shops survival in high priced copenhagen. but perhaps that's part of what makes tia anderson's are so special gets in permanence.
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conservation to life with learning packs like global ideas. we will show you how climate change and environmental conservation is taking shape around the world and how we can all make a difference. knowledge grows through sharing, download it now for free. again, they get all the harvesters or immigrants go. lucas, take everything you enjoy. eating at home with your family was harvested by people who are being exploited. and it's done, i guess, for free and we're going to need to. uh huh. can we keep doing what we're doing? and that's why a green revolution is absolutely necessary. oh, europe revealed the future is being determined now. our documentary theory will show you how people, companies and countries are rethinking everything. i'm making make changes.
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europe revealed this week on d. w. ah, this is d w. news coming to live from berlin. russia accused of trying to freeze ukraine into submission. present to landscape urges the un security council to condemn what he calls energy terror after russia launch. the new wave of rocket attacks knocking out heating, power and water supplies in.
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