tv The 77 Percent Deutsche Welle November 28, 2022 7:30am-8:01am CET
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how, hey nick, you know, past these traditional seeds are more capable of meeting the challenges of tomorrow's climate? mm hm. i am. sure who are so when i see that woman, she had to sleep in tom. he killed africa in 60 minutes on d. w. making raring to read me if there is any erotic events between them, you'd have to find it between the lines. oh d w literature, 100 german must reads ah, it's time for another edition of the 77 percent show. i am your host, wendy camara. and to day you are watching a very special show we're talking
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about drug abuse. my colleague, it is kamani and her crew visited nigeria capital, a boucher, to discuss the issue. young people there, talk about it very openly. so they not only know the causes, but they are also aware of the solutions. over to you, edith. ah . hi, and welcome back to another episode of the 77 percent this week. we are back in a book, jenny, julia, and we had to ask an age or question. is it possible to win the war on drugs? i want to ask. mr. mohammed a j is the commandant of n d l e a. this is the national drug or legislative body here in the country. the most recent reports by your statistics body indicates that about 14000000 people have used drugs at some point. why do you think this number is so high compared to the rest of the world that you know for luca, decisive nat geo, cuba mission was were over 200 and some to 1000000 people. so 14 is what
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a fraction then what steve, it is too high. 14000000 people use using drop is too high to their local factors, or can be a dues as to whether or why they are using these drops. will it be lack of employment to society? will it be ah luck with parental chia? will it be broken? who parents are normal together? default one and wife are normal together. so nobody to console. the kids here who need b? ah, a lot of pressure in the society that is through employment, a lot of use i have graduated from the university looking for employment will do, will not get one. so a lot a deuce. why a lot of use are to to induce bill. okay, so let me find out 1st hand from somebody who was a drug user, but his kindly reformed ah, beep. thank you so much for agreeing to speak to us so that things that muhammad is talking about. they're those factors that lead people into drug use and abuse. does this sound familiar to you? very familiar?
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yes. so can you tell us a brief history of how you got into drugs, what you are using, and how long is all about peer pressure in high school? find people who are into drugs and the parents and or checking up to do free. and you can get to get easily on to the same time criticizing the fact that your fight against drug in nigeria is to me is almost impossible. they are just scratching the surface. because recently, i'm a police officer, a very prominent for this. i just, i was, was caught in between the line of drug abuse. i am trafficking to tell me if this high profile people are involved, intuitive drop. how can it be so, okay, so before we go, because it looks like we are going into the ocean and i wanted to stay by the show a little bit. so let me introduce half. so who is an investigative journalist? tell us what the biggest challenge is, what people consuming,
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how are they getting access to? it's one thing that we should firstly, focus on is the way i believe or whether from what we've done from the reports that we've done on drug abuse. most drug abusers do it as a cry for help is not that they just woke up and decided to start doing drugs, but rather there's always some sort of stemming reason why they chose to do it as a, as a sort of relief. yeah, he mentioned unemployment, of course it's one we'll also need to look at the aspect of women, many women resort into taking drugs from what we have reported because of their being married at a young age or because they're divorced. and in northern nigeria being at the customer is such a taboo to the point that some parents would kick their daughter out if they could cut out obviously. where do you think she'll find refuge? yeah, it's either she finds someone or be friends someone or gets her boyfriend that will eventually push her why influenza into starting drugs rate. i want to come to you. hm. so because you come from a region in this country called poppy,
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can you tell us a little bit about it? first of all, i think us begin off poppy. i'm talking about drug abuse. i think you're going to go anywhere from each other to go out to the streets. you see a very young dudes walking on the streets. teaching has like a civic, like i said, it's normal and parental support or social security number and social costal sadie, forth inviting from way confirmed or really influenced using sabrina's with drugs. okay, let me ask phases here because we're hearing a lot of peer pressure being repeated. but surely there are people who stuck consuming drugs when they're much older. and i mean, in their twenty's perhaps in their thirties at that point they know better. so it can't just be pre, a passion, a peer pressure. yes, as a matter of fact is not just peer pressure, you're or the pressure. so in the society there is a need short, no job influence legacy. you know, a place where you, you, you grow up and you know, the condition in which you leave can, can push you to, to, you know, indulge in drug abuse and dependency. yeah. oh, okay. i made you've been quiet for
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a while. let me bring you into the conversation. what is your experience, ah, with drug use and abuse, knowing full well that at the more mentoring a relationship with somebody who is currently fighting addiction. everybody has something to do with the use of drugs either you use in you have used or somewhere close to use use in, or someone in your family use it here. i don't think there's a home in done. okay, let me just do a quick survey of what he's saying. any of you know, somebody who is directly or indirectly affected by drugs can raise your hands. so it's very, very wide spreads are okay. so tell me what your experience was. your personal experience. a lot of oliver's to where you do drugs. so multi am into ha davis. i used his think he left to walk in. some will tell you he's been hard yet can sleep . when they get home, there's no light in the drugs. miss wood. so needs to be awake all night just to walk, probably different unit trucks to the to one way or the other easy. it gets us coming back to the use of jokes. okay. yeah, i want to come back to you mohammed because
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a lot of the drugs that i used in this country specifically and also in other parts of west africa, north and central africa tend to be pharmaceutical drugs. intended for use afford illnesses. so how are you able to regulate something that is the legal against any legal use? these are drugs they're supposed to be dispensed by pharmacist or no account should you dispense diaz upon, for example, trauma dog, for example, a patient or somebody that does come to a shop to buy must produce prescription to woman. that is not prescription and you dispense it with that individual. you up automatically on administering to drop outside or singers and critics here, i'll switch that pharmacy should be homeless was. is it really possible to keep track of every single one and make sure they're operating above board? it's not really possible to keep track of these on every pharmacy. we have numerous
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meals. i will see you when we go. yeah, we are told also pharmaceutical schools or do we have isolated tissues, pharmacies that are into money, they want to make money by hook or by crook. so would you dispense these kind of control drugs? you want me to come to germany without doctors prescriptions. but, you know, we're talking about pharmaceuticals or control drugs as we're calling them. but people are getting more creative with what they're doing to get hi. can you tell me some of the things and ways that people are employing to get that high? who have the low drugs legs at the rest of them? can you explain what those are? the unnatural leisure of plans for when you take them, you feel is feeling one minute. you're high yet high. so high. if we go to extra lens like getting higher from the soccer, we and it works from the watch soccer. we like the soccer. we have gotten a goto, you know, people get high from the see which water to see which got our soccer. we end with soaking nails. there are the things you do to get home. so just soaking steal nail
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. yes. still nills and go roast and drinking the water in drugs that are not that are legal. and when you use them a lot, use live in a high quantity. you get yeah, i've had home for it. can somebody explain to me this phenomenon of had called guttural water? let me ask comes up because he said that in his area you've seen this persistent use of drugs and it's normal. yeah. are you seeing these cocktails that we're talking about and can you describe some of them? yes, definitely. like i, i still remember the 1st time i saw one, how was i was surprised was like, oh i think i was working over my friends of the day i saw she was just bending over the soccer wing, causing him. he's always like, what is it doing? i felt like just gets in high, was like high from dad. i mean was like yes, it's also a mental it from. we still get i and it's, it's ron pines from my please the okay. let me come to you have so because we're hearing that a lot of the people are doing what i would consider quite honestly crazy. and it is
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said that many people go into this without really knowing what the effects are. are you finding this to be true in your investigations, or are people aware and quite simply they don't care. hm, definitely. i think a lot of them don't know. but then there's also some of them don't know, but just choose to feign ignorance and decide to tell themselves that okay, am i die by the end of the day, i have to take these drugs. i can't survive without them. a lot of people that resort to going to the sewers are using, shall you show, which is the glue and other avenues that were to be honest, i've heard and lived i. exactly. there's so many different avenues. and this is because they can't afford the industrial drugs. yeah. so mohammed is your job then and impossible and why you set up to fail. because if people are going to literally go to the gutters to get that high and who knows what's left them there? you can't possibly enforce that. you can't control that. we, we, we really have
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a problem with the india ox cobra's, so, no one conventional drugs internationally known. it is of resend that we begin to see use getting high when they've been unperceived the order of pete lucky soccer we is on. since this is so baffling to me. so this is common carriers who have a problem. there has to be a legislation does, will also cover this kind of low contracts. now that the, are you much movie, wendy, and dearly ups was actually inactive. boost is were not put into consideration what, what, what do you do with your skin? what do you do? do you arrest them off? cause more mentally temper than you are as they're what are the end of the day? you cannot prosecute him because dad is, is not covered under our legislation. or we have difficulty. we have phase or let me come to you as a psychologist because i think it's really easy to castigate. people who use drugs
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and say, hey, there are menace to society. they're the problem. but we failing to understand the deeper issues. yes, actually there are deeper issues to drugs, abuse and dependency. you know, any turned up loses the brain, the brain or like to have a repeat of it addiction doesn't, it doesn't just you just can't get addicted to a drug. your buddy system has to tolerate, the drug is tolerance. that leads to addiction. so psychologically this people are using these drugs. they are, they are chained because they can't stop themselves from taking the drugs. ah, there's this neurotransmitter among the 7 major neurotransmitters in the buddy system. if you don't take the or whatever is going to calm you down, you're going to start or you know, behave, and somehow you will, you must have shaken humans that chevron. once you take it or you simply do anything, you're going to feel this, you know, you'd be so calm. so in that process, the individual is not even if today they are going to keep a trop lot of them in the l, obviously in
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a place. and somebody wants to get the drug. and we're showing you that, that, that particular newer transmitter is going to keep wants to critic until he finds, or he, she paints our way to go and get this drug. yeah. and listen. of course, there is a psychological impact on this individual and then need to be rehabilitated the right way. because even when you go back to rehabilitation in this country, there's a big thought in the rehabilitation system of nigeria. we have to say the true, okay, we'll get to rehabilitation shortly, but i just want to tell our viewers that we had invited somebody who used to be a drug dealer. but unfortunately, he wasn't able to come here because, you know, the crowd didn't feel particularly comfortable with that, but this is what he had to say about the issue this and move to that have to do. and i love them all. and i was a school no empties or 22 of them one compared to people came from can been all connected on going to be able to do
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that or she like she's on her to go to we just want to know if you do need to do anything, special info doesn't need to you want to know. i don't once it is des moines to they had listened to scott. it's lesson called here from all right, so we think mr. x for his contributions are and i want to come back to, to, to you are mad because we're hearing, look, it is completely out of their control. and i know that addicts will get to desperate measures to get the money to get their supply. have you experienced this with your loved one where it becomes crazy, violent or simply toxic when she's on it? she's come when she's not only, you know, small things going to be issues. yeah. more things very. i've been calling you and you know, entry and i need do i need to? and if you don't pro deck she go somewhere else to get when you walk in with people who inject drugs here. okay. either we id know some of them come to 2 stages where
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they don't have more need for you. what your partner afforded and has used already to what do you do know, get some of your blood insurance and you give it to your, your partner and injects your job and he gets home. yeah, let me just explain to our view as the phenomenon that i met is describing is called flush bloods. yeah. so have you seen this happen with your own eyes? a lot of times. yeah. a lot of times. oh okay. so obviously high risk to injectable and drug transfusion diseases at the point of addiction and phrase out you had mentioned this before, but perhaps i wanted to answer this question for me. how accessible is rehabilitation and treatment? because that's the next logical solution to a person who is suffering from addiction to rehabilitation in nigeria is not as straightforward as you would think. it is better than medical you true new herbs
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where you can go and get some psycho social hope that you need therapy and all those medical interventions. but then there are also to look hold you hops. we've gone reports on how we've seen so many cases encounter where drugs are tied up in chains, animals, all in the name of rehabilitating them. meanwhile, this does not help. it does not work at the end of the day. once that person, brigsby is going back to his old ways, but if they're actually enrolled in rehabilitation centers with people that are very well versed or, you know, professionals where it comes to mental health addressing these issues. hospitals need to have sections where are these there? there's some sort of supports where come from mental health and also more and we have the patient centers where these people can go and get them to help they require. yeah, let me ask kabibi, i'll get back to you in a 2nd. have be when you wanted to get clean, did you go to one of these rehabilitation centers that house is describing or what, how, how did you get king? like i said, my own face is very unique. ours miraculously hill. it just by
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a gruesome girl. what do you mean like you woke up one day and you decided ok, i'm no longer doing this and that was it? yes. wow. as well as you know, we're talking about rehabilitation in nigeria. i don't think we have any rehabilitation center energy. we only have one in of jo which is good. this is local facilities. just like the prisons in nigeria around prisons are like danger and for criminals you just purchased some criminals and the get to be more future fearless under comments to society. to become very notorious does wires here. there's no rehabilitation center in nigeria. so ahmed, is this what you are going to to comment on where you, you go into a rehab center and you come out hardens year that says like, go a high institution because all of learning, yes, because of the drugs, the drugs you use, i would say when you get into this free house,
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you get introduced and you will soft vs that are not outside. and this, this rehabilitation facilities, they're quite expensive. what of them? i know, can you tell me how much they are? yeah, like a 150, hasn't promoted probably. you could still 3 months. so there is no facility for 4 months. yes. no to drug i decide the same. yes, they may have, they may be taking the same drugs, perhaps have similar symptoms where you can just lumped them altogether and call them all drug addicts and tried to keep them all the same. you need to sit down and evaluate, okay, what stemmed the drug abuse in the 1st place? but obviously he's the mental health specialist. yeah. let's hear from him. okay. she says something very important. you're not going to give the treatment of someone who would take some cocaine or, you know, the other different forms of therapy. there is cognitive behavioral therapy. there . systematic desensitization. so you'd give the different tara piece, but different individuals with different cases. but there are
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a whole lot of being that on the ground that you know, went once i colleges on to be sincere, you know, a psychologist are not really bothered in this part of the country. and as part of the interior, like i said, going on a really bad, let me come to the commander because i saw you. it's shing, the moment face, i'll said psychologist, not valued, you even hailed your way. so tell me what you're thinking. look, absolutely what do you say this? the roku, but it's not in all cases. the national dropping forestman agency surgical money we have we really have center mainly rehab center. that would be revenue teaching claims. that's one for 14000000 use that use out of a lot. just wasted a lot if we have scenarios where in the rehab center the those that are supposed to but hopefully teach the claims are the people that i saw plant dos, glanced drugs doing this will be sued to cough. do you have no alternative other than to close that kind of rehab center. okay. i mean,
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this is the worst case scenario where the person who's meant to be rehabilitating becomes a dealer, but we're hearing that they're like prisoners. i've heard situations where people go for rehabilitation in publicly funded rehabilitation centers only to be changed to what she was seen like in it because she lives in conway. we have traditional rehab center work with religious. yeah. well, you will see declined been cim on all sort of did what you would have the expertise . okay, let me, let me ask half. so because she seems to have just hold on for the microphone please. you mentioned spiritual m interventions and other things that a lot of these cases i misinterpreted into spiritual cases. and that's why they how do you mean? okay, so genes, people believe that a lot of people have the impression that it's not, they're doing a good person, but rather diligence influencing them to go into drug abuse. so ordinarily they would decide to take this person to really just, it also could really just need to either merge or the school and try to intervene
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maybe by beating out the spiritual elements. and then, or when you say, just me like the spirit. yeah. okay. yeah, so me, well that's not what the person needs been brought to show that the person is possessed in any way. and if they are the way to get rid of them is not by beating them. we're changing them. there are other means, but obviously they do not know this. so they just, they just improvise. yeah, they just improvise. okay. so let's come up with solutions. now. there's a reason why the war on drugs was started because there are far reaching consequences to the abuse of some of these substances. so what can we do as a society to cover this, given that there are so many young people who are into this habits has to provide a support system to listen to them. i think it's better to nip it in the bud before we begin. then after i think it's also very important that we have therapists, that you can easily walk into. no, it doesn't even have to be like someone that's medically trained even so in our home you should be able to a child to be able to go to his parents and literally tell them what they're going
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to, if not a parent's a sister and aunt someone within their society that they can use, we'll go to and let their hearts out completely so that they know that at the end of the day. wonderful me, thanks, isn't on using. got stand from. yeah. okay. i'm sorry. let's hear from you because you are very keen on police officer ethel besides enforcement of laws, what else can be done? i think then it to you is that mine says that has been created before. the fear of the full use of that we need to make the police officers, our friend, and a need to show it from the outward perspective that okay, you are friend, then it's the builders relationship between the boost batches. so the comments, would it be julie hop not brutally. yeah. not aggressively. what a common sort of picture get this person mixed up person knows the and know that's what you we are going to help you off sensitize that person. and also not only the
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addicts i use the appearance also need to desensitize. yeah. they also play a very big rule in, you know, on corbin, there's yeah, had jobs. so a holistic approach to web sensitization. yeah. and education are med, let's hear from you. first hand experience having used the drugs yourselves, the now senior golf and battling with this. what do you think it will take to finally put an end to it within an integer? kenya, to look at the sites to corruption, 1st corruption in the sense of this, this lawyer, fission enforcement agencies. i'm not in the corrupt, but you have to check deep down there and to police people, you're put in this responsibility of fighting this war. i do really fighting the war, or are they just pretending to fight the war? good question. because you, you confiscate a whole lot of drugs. we do seed on tv and it just with some bags of weed and put
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it on fire already as will happen. the rest of it drops the procedure. so before we come back to this war, we have to combine ourselves videos 1st for look internally. yeah. then secondly, i think the end you should do more like we haven't changed users and put them in the system because when i think when you know the system you can do better. you don't need nobody to tell you. so i see nothing wrong, but i don't know if i'm right, but i think if you have drug cases now you can be part of the india. so i was just thinking you could have me take this people, well we have the data. if we get them and put them into force, and i think they will do more more, more, good day more. hm. okay. so using fire to fight fire faces. let's here you had one more solution for me before we go to the commander. before a youth in this country is going to become a political thought unit to things, unit, drugs and unit weapons. so now this politicians also do not want a situation where they are going into drugs is going to be out of the society
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because they use this youth as political talks. nobody in his right says it's going to go and, you know, pick a ballot boxes and run with it or to stop somebody, you know, during the election when somebody's actually exercising his franchise. so you have to be, you know, under influence of some certain drugs. so now the, you know, the, the ball game, it moves back to, you know, the, the, the society and the system. something needs to be done, the executive, legislative and also the other arm of government. ok. let's wind up with mr. mohammed here because i started with you, i don't know whether you think is a valid solution, but i'm also curious to know what more you can have in order to be further empowered to do your job. we are in a situation whereby for example, in jesse's on the funder, i know got me strength best. there are so many agencies or ministers and our government all need funding. so annually, it's not an exception, isn't it?
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truly, we're talking now. the truth is been under funded, so govern new to do better to fund agency provides us with all that is that we need on so that you will see our best suited officers will be able to get in to put their best foot forward. you yeah, well, i thank you for the comments and i think that's a great place to wrap up this debate. now at the beginning, i asked a critical question. is it possible to wage a war and drugs? i don't know the answer to that, but what i do know is that from the discussion here, it is clear that the focus should rather not be on drugs, but on human beings. thank you for watching. ah, ah, ah, ah, ah
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