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tv   Conflict Zone  Deutsche Welle  December 1, 2022 4:30am-5:01am CET

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symbol of power, rebellion and sensuality wound by royalty and icons alike. and you got this and magic wand and ground through divorce guy with a can is full cultural history, secret weapon lipstick, december 3rd, on t w. the war in ukraine may have strengthened western alliances in europe, but not in all cases. the big outlier is the hungarian leader, victor, or been the one supply weapons the care and won't let them transit is country. my guess from budapest is the prime minister, state secretary opened kovak. do you want to lensky to win the war?
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we want peace. we don't want him to wear every day and power. it's a cheap. if he's at moscow's price, what, whatever happens, whatever happens in ukraine is no good, not only for hungary, but for europe. so why does hungary is government? think putin is made russia great again. why is or been so scared of a mixed race, hungary, and what about the rules of law issues with process is not uncovered. welcome to complex own. thank you for having me. let start. if we may with the war in ukraine as far back as march, your prime minister declared the answer to the question of which side hungry is on is that hungry is on hungary is side. but that's what the full story is it. you've made a lot of statements and done a lot of things that will have please your friends in moscow or you rushes trojan horse inside nato. well, when you put the question, please also make the quotation proper. because the beginning of the sentence was
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that, that we are going for piece and that is hungry was among the 1st countries immediately go to a cease fire and be immediate be stopped. that's the only way actually at to try to sort out the coffee. and indeed, whatever anybody else says in this conflict at all, and each may to member, state and country regarding the war is always representing its own interest at 1st . very obviously, we do have joint interest by being members of nato, the members of a defensive alliance, also as a neighbor of ukraine and should have started with this very obviously we have obligations when there's a war raging in a neighboring country and people are playing for the life, so this is how we stand, that this is how we approach discovery. okay. i mean, i'm not going to take anything away from the assistance that you've provided to ukrainian refugees, which has been substantial. but look at your actions like refusing point blank,
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to give you crane any weapons, or allowing nato to trans ship weapons through hungary to help them. moscow must have been delighted with that. no. what we don't know about moscow. and as a matter of fact, we don't care about moscow as a prime minister. and many of our leading politicians have formulated what really counts for us is that as a, as a, as again, as a neighboring country, we a substantial 150000 on gary and minority in the neighborhood. and the weapon shipment, any participation in supplies, we've made them as well as hungry a target. don't forget about the incident. what happened in poland? we all know that all neighboring countries of ukraine can become by accident or by him. jones, part of the complex if they are not careful enough, hungary, his position has always been very clear about the weapon shipments and the status of that is we are at the part off of we are going for peace. if that was,
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and if there is a company in the company in central europe, it has always been for hunger areas, not to talk about those actually guar middle metal. the in the, in this, in this war be south of hungary or in this regard to ne, hungry. so again, this is a very consistent hungarian approach to complex in the region. there may be a consistent approach, but if you wanted peace so badly, why didn't you tell moscow to get its troops out of ukraine and do it that way? we did. so i'm going to was among the 1st to condemn the aggression and we have repeatedly have been asking and are opting for immediate truth withdrawal and stuff of the conflict. it's a clear violation of international law. be believe that the prime minister of foreign minister of parliament is a matter of fact, a president who just visited ukraine a couple of days ago have been completely and fully explicit about the nature of
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the war and the nature of the aggression that we see in the right? yes, but what you've been proposing is exactly what moscow wanted freeze the conflict while the criminal had the upper hand and could cement its territorial gains. in any case, why should ukraine sit around the peace talks and surrender territory to a hostile invader? has been bumming and destroying its towns and cities and murdering its people. why should it sit around with peace talks? because b stokes and compensation to each other is the only way out of the company. another way out of the conflict, which is the rush to get its forces out of ukraine, force is that it should never brought in in the 1st place yet, but we don't respect them without speculation. but there's only one way if you want to push them out again, instead of escalation and the skulls late neighboring countries, let me repeat, this is nothing. you can see that the company dating back to 2014, when the local annexation of the crime. yes,
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we've seen sanction policies and attitudes on behalf of most of the most of us in europe, the united states. and as a matter of fact, nato not finishing the complex as a matter of fact was not able the attitude, the approach to stop the company, it has intensified. so again, properties, thoughts and effort, which we don't see on behalf of the leaders of the european union to step in between the water bodies, come the tension and try to do something for sorting out the differences. that would be the way out. when you said that, but what, what kind of piece do you think, realistically, moscow would sign with ukraine, while huge numbers of russian troops are occupying the vast areas of that country out numbered on the battlefield. ukraine would have had no choice, but to effectively negotiated some surrender. and you've known that all along. but realistically nobody has nobody tried. this is
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a point here. so the reason for that, they don't want to cement the situation in moscow's advantage to that. we believe that the bad political decisions, including the sanction policies, actually special on the energy, are not, are not coming the tension and not a way out of the complete it. rather, they rather contribute to the escalation hungry has been explicit on the, on say, the sanction policies and about i mean, congress political stance on the issue as an a very country. we are a small actor. we are a neighbor. we are a small actor on this field, very up. this is a lot larger forces. lot larger interests are mingled and it's to single out hungry . why is it hungry and hungry? an effort that is not stopping or not helping to stop the war would be justified with all due respect. again, hunger disposition is very clear. don't try to tell us actually that we are
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watching the war effort. we are walking any effort to bring bes, 3 grain now and get in position is good, we are explicit. we are not finding, we're not having 2nd thoughts. we would like to see this happen actually on behalf of those who are triggering potential rather than call me get. why do you consists in the play down, suggestions of close relations between vladimir putin and your prime minister. you've said in the past, the terms political ties attributed to the pm and the russian president don't exist . the russian, the read, the relations are not closer than those between russia and germany. that's not quite true, is it? well, there's a very simple reason because nothing, substantiate what you are trying to tell of hungary size connections. relationship with russia is no more intense, the or particular in its quality than say, it was or is the case if it's about germany meetings in 13 years between the
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leaders of meetings, even even victor or ben said when he was in moscow, february the 1st 3 weeks before russia invaded, this is our 12 meeting that's rather rare. he was crying about it. it is on, you know, have you come to the meetings, conversations and negotiations with german, french, italian, and other leaders? you know, you don't. the reason is actually that when you have, let's put it that way, many respect a strategy partnership with a country me applying you wrote materials with a special regard to our energy resources, gas and oil, which is a historical inheritor. so it's not to the full, it's not the, not the activity of this government which has resulted in almost one side dependence for historical reasons on russian energy. you have to have a proper relationship which is trying to make things countable and accountable. and
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the special relationship may be formulated, as you suggested only from this perspective. but when you are dependent on russian gas by 55 percent oil, more than 80 percent, i believe this kind of cautiousness is required. so, so this is your priority, isn't it? then this is your priority, don't on any account, endanger your energy supplies from russia. that's your priority in this conflict, isn't it? don't try to suggest that anybody is having a moral superiority or a moral problem. just trying to clarify what it is i'm just trying to clarify with the best interest of hungary, and that is the hungarian people to have and accountable relationship with those countries. actually, we are in connection our partners in trade energy supplies. this is a very safe hungary, an attitude. when we are members of the nato that's good in that way, which is based on mutual respect and when it comes to the country's economy and
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that is very existence, including household goods, about energy is dependent on the resources that are coming from russia. you have to be very careful because any step to a wrong direction would basically mean the whole of the country media. you had mr or been in moscow, as i said, february the 1st 3 weeks before russia invaded. this was a piece mission. he described it as a piece mission. why do you think it's failed so spectacularly? well it, if it was a failure, didn't any later. and microphone that have shorts have also failed. so again, hungary knows its place in international relations as i just mentioned to you know that we are especially by military or security perspectives. we are a small country ah, and our roof of maneuver,
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our political tools as our hands are very limited, bad i just explained to you actually that when we have to rely on very unfortunately because of the missing infrastructural investments on behalf of engine on one side supply vanity, then you have to be respectful of what is happening. and again, the prime minister with a very d, historical knowledge and the 30 years political experience is exactly in possession of the knowledge, how to handle situations like this. we don't have more say, we don't have more influence on a great power like russia than a germany. so when we tried to talk about peace very obviously, it was not the hungarian perspectives and suggestions and insights that were making any besides influence on what russia has decided to do. just
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for years after putin seized crimea, which you spoke about a little earlier and fuel the war in the dumbass region, victor about heat praise on the russian leader saying in 2018, it needs to be recognized. that putin has made his country great again. and that russia is, once again a player on the world stage. what's so great about a country that launches illegal invasion crackdown increasingly on human rights and mud as its political opponents at home and abroad? what's, what's greatness about that? what with all due respect the sentence, the words of the prime minister as these are exactly true, this is what we see russia regain strength, claiming to regaining influence and has started the war. we do know that it was an aggression. we do know that it was an on you and, and the conflict that could have been prevented actually. recognition is the best in europe and leader who prevent prevented this conflict,
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who could have prevented this conflict. i'm suggesting that those power is actually who can be hard to say measured to the powers and the influence of russia, but they don't respect the sentence of the prime minister is exactly true. this is what we see. this is greatness. is it mother and repression that don't bother you at all, but that's also a sign of greatness. is it? well, you and you can have an opinion then as well as we have an opinion on what's happening and how, what quality, what we think about that. but still it doesn't change is the past actually that what, what the prime minister was referring to is happening right. miss coverage. why is it the since the war began? your government seems to have gone out of its way to do favors for the kremlin. why did you insist that the russian orthodox patriarch carol be removed from any you sanctions list despite his active promotion and support for the war? well, if it's about the sanction policies, especially when it's about individuals related to churches, it's
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a matter of principle. hungarian government has always been clear about the central policies in appropriate and it's actually, it's about political not to talk about military goals. right from the dating back from the 2014. and here we go. in 2012, 22. there is a war. after years of protection policy, it's about the churches and church personnel. we believe we believe that it's dividing line. so if you start introducing sanctions on church leaders, where are you going to stop? who is go going to make? what about russian romance? then, you know, if you wanted to sanction individuals, there are other approaches and other possibilities to reach the desire target not through and why they're a religious position or a sanctioning churches, as it was suggested back, that you did have other possibilities. you could have targeted russian diplomats in
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protest that most goes aggression, unlike other countries who kicked out some 400 of them. what stopped you doing the same way you scared of moscow's reaction where we are exactly doing what others are doing. you exactly know how is going actually behind the scenes if you like. there's always a big debate, lots of bargaining, who to put on the police and who not to become this. to be clear, clear here. again, we have before the suggestion, i'm the don't blame us on something that we have indicated before him. we have indicated that the principle for methods a principle we are not supporting any sanction on any religious person. that when i wasn't talking about religious person i was talking about diplomat. yeah, if it's about if there's no complete there's no complete band of diplomats eda. so you have to be very careful how you how you impose how you implement the central policy. because the ability of capability to maintain compensation with the
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opposition side and that the blame for the war. and we all know that have committed aggression is equally important. so when it's about the imposing sanctions and bringing a new section, you have to always have to be very careful both from this perspective. i mean diplomatic. and if you like our perspective, but also economically, as i just suggested earlier, you have been very careful. you've also had 4 months to ratify, sweden and finland, accession to nature, despite saying you'll do it, you still haven't, you said you will do it now early next year. so what the hold up just to be difficult. what just to tell you one example actually, which is the basically overburdening the hungarian parliament is our compensation commission and the european so we have accepted and we have negotiate it's 17 different measures and points by which they stop started and trying to standardize
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the problems actually we have in our relationship, we were ready to throw them out at a quiet time and i got to tell you as the prime minister pointed out, not a minute is going to be lost because of hungary in october. i mean, you said that in october m, p 's from your party, blocked emotion that would have speeded up the process of ratifying sweden and finland succession. why did they do want you all due respect? we are hungry and government. hungarian. parliament has its own agenda is going to be put on its timeline and julia accepted as we suggested because the hungarian government is fully supported of those 2 candidates. so with all due respect, don't try to tell us and give us timelines and urge us into decisions which are going to be made according to our own. finally, let's go about hungry has been at odds with brussels for some years over the rule of law, issues among them, what they see as your excessive control of the media and your lacks attitude to
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corruption surrounding the disbursement of e u funds. you say you have address, those concerns. the you is about to decide whether you've done enough. you certainly waited a long time to do anything at all, didn't you? nobody ever was able, we'll be able to define what exactly the rule of the mean that are know how to say on the bias and objective factor and the bench month by which it can be measured. we have, i believe, the lad and clearly indicated that we are ready to engage in the composition with the commission. if it's about the particular issues. it took the commission almost 2 years actually tell us to tell us what exactly the problem is. we have sort of 17 points out over order that referred to out of these what technical issues from the hungarian perspective not met as a principal on our behalf. but there is no obstacle to accept or sign
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the 2 agreements that are required actually to have have access to the defense all due respect. he's not going to be pendant on hungary. expectations are that as we have negotiated and we may compromise very clearly everything, get congress disposal to fulfill the requests on behalf of the commission. we are expecting signatures, and we are expecting that money to arrive to hungary duty as it should be, arriving by now. as a matter of fact, let, let us remind us that we are at that has been accepted 2 years ago. the original intent was to have excess considerable amounts of money that would now, economists recover after the pandemic, and that is the car on the virus. the coffee rises to us last, we still haven't received one euro then other countries are enjoying it's not the matter of rule and law, rule of law and you know,
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human rights and other issues you were mentioning, but he's a matter of competitiveness and equal treatment into european union, it's not just me mentioning human rights attitudes, a lot of your government policies have been can them pretty much unanimously by not just by human rights groups, but the you and human rights office, the organization for security and cooperation in europe. the council of europe, the us state department, but you feel that some kind of what liberal woke and the white conspiracy against hungry you really believe in all these organizations, governments and political bosses and political lobby groups. exactly. know that there are no problems with human rights hearing hungry in july, victor about railed against what he called an idea. logical trick of the internationalists less to say, europe population is already mixed race we hunger, ariens are not a mixed race. and we don't want to become a mixed race, mixed politicians in the post west on nations any more. but a conglomerate of people. what are you so afraid of in hungry diluting your racial
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purity? congress perspective on those issues. you just mention. it's very clear for the past, more than the case by now. hungary had children a different way when it's about dealing with population issues. we having to use new family policies based on the traditional family in face of the development invest in europe and the united states. we have chosen a different economic boss based on the jobs and the employment areas as many as possible. we have created 1000000 new jobs. we'd be very clear about if it's about the, the hungarian youth and protecting children's rights. that they belong to the parents under the age of 18. so there's no kind of b t q propaganda in the i understand that understand that. but mr. all bands comments were widely condemned as racist. the u. s. envoy against anti semitism
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double lips. that said, she was deeply alarmed by the rhetoric that clearly evokes nazi, racial ideology. she's right, isn't he? i mean, what about that one whistle to the far right, wasn't it? it really sounds like the so called the liberal persecution that you and many best in europe, your media started against hungry years ago. you exactly know that the central european, the capillary what the prime minister said, what it means is it clearly mean that somebody has never been a multi ethnic is he or country by defenders of western europe. it has always been multi ethnic by defenders of europe own history and that the central european that we don't have to tell us what multi ethnic volume and mean here in hungary, but we have 11 national minority is living together for centuries or rather
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a 1000 years dating back, so everybody exactly knows what the prime minister means by those those worth. and we are not standing alone. most of center european, central european people being alike. and that is we don't want to be a newport new port, new perception of multi atmosphere. they bring into into century euro, we see in france, germany on the know you just briefly back to the war nato, once the landscape, to win the war. you know, prime minister calls him an opponent, nato sends more and more weapons. you say that's just prolonging the war. do you want so landscape to win the war? we want these we don't want him to win every day and how to keep moscow's price. what, whatever happens, whatever happens in your brain is no good, not only for hungary, but for euro's you see what is happening. you see the looming inflation and
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economic crisis. as a matter of fact, this is, this is a crisis which is a result of bad political decisions rather than reality. and that is the lack of materials and the proper economic crisis. well, it's all, it all goes back. it all goes back to the origin. the ongoing and the future of the war, according to the best european heads of states and western european mindset. we here in central europe, especially as a neighbor of the brain, have children a different bought them. that is, we are calling you get truth, be stop and stop of the fighting. because that's the only way out of the complex. i understand that. but as a nature member, you cannot bring yourself to say you want ukraine to win. russia was the aggressor, you've, you've acknowledged that, but you can't say that you want ukraine to win with all due respect. nato is a defensive alliance, and nato is not having good ah, anything to do without a common decision in grade. to what you see on behalf of the members,
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they give them that we are fully and completely standing together with our nato allies. and we have always forward and not going to follow the common nato decisions sound call that's been good to have you on conflict. so thank you very much indeed. and keep ah ah, ah, with
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ah guy, i can check off what hold on for them. okay. okay, sounds good. oh, transport is the greatest causes, theo, 2 emissions in europe,
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