tv DW News Africa Deutsche Welle December 3, 2022 12:30am-1:01am CET
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order tracks down the arctics. major players with sushi rouse begins a dangerous game. people overseas that yeah, we are here. we're patrolling area now, the cards are being re, shuffles, who has the best headed? russia is quite active economic in the arctic. if you see something that looked like james bond, it has to do with the military. it starts december 23rd on d w. this is d. davina is africa coming up on the program. what's in a name in berlin? activists from the african diaspora. celebrate a milestone in revealing the 2 legacy of german colonialism. will speak to a man who's been working towards this day for decades. the fight against the h i. v. pandemic takes another significant step forward. activists,
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a recent medical advances are game changes. we'll look at these measures of the efforts to promote their uptake and the dows a back after a 3 year absence. we have a taster as the historic sailboats. finally, we joined the annual race in kenya with i'm so me your logic. well, it's good to have you with us. let's begin right here in berlin, where activists have been querying the german capitals colonial past. this country was part of the early european rush, formalized by the berlin conference in 1884, to build empires. and in africa, germany colonized territory and modern day togo, cameroon, rwanda barone de tanza, nia and namibia. it lost them all following the 1st world war. but that was after
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it had carried out mass atrocities in some of these places, particularly the genocide in namibia. a, some of the colonial administrators was celebrated here even having streets and monuments named after them. a group of activists have made it their mission to have those names changed. and after years of intense lobbying, they've made major progress. he may, are ha, yesterday has been decades in the making activists from the african diaspora and and g o z have long been calling for the names of german colonize us to be removed from berlin streets during a ceremony with authorities, local activists, and the delegation from cameroon, to streets of the so called african quarter, a residential area in the north, west of berlin. now got new names. isn't what you're, what insufficient austin, wonder. this street was named after other feudalism who established imperial
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germany's colony. in what is the modern day country of namibia, cornelius frederick street has taken its place named after the indigenous leader who fought in the resistance against the german colonization. there. gustav nasty go who declared to days. cameroon, toggle and parts of ghana as german imperial colonies had this square named after him finally developed during the nazi era. it is now called monga bed square in honor of emily and rudolph. to allah monga bell, who let the resistance movement against german colonize us in cameroon. for frederick's and rudolf munger, bell were executed by german forces. a descendant of rudolph rang a bell also took part. davis had mentioned the coolio easier people who colonized were celebrated as heroes. here and germany, that's why they're named the streets after them this class and that in and been, and new or mid level i like now there is
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a completely different understanding. we now know what these people actually did in the colonies. how many people they killed franchise without this really mentioned? did you do that? how might have added on, but the work of the activists is not over yet, as suggested by the end. she also, the district government is expected to place memorial plex and information stance in the area. and the hope is that the last remaining streets, named after a german colonizer, can soon be re named after a member of the african resistance. and a war fought in eastern africa against german colonialism. these developments are the result of decades of campaigning. i caught up with one of the people who has been leading these efforts here in berlin. this is berlin's africanist esparsa. and that means african street is one of the cities african quarter. you might be wondering what that means. well, when somebody here who knows all about that, knack out cerebral, you've given guided tours of this area for more than 15 years,
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walk up to d, w as africa. thank hill a santa santa so why is this called the african quarter? and what exactly is african about it? this african quarter. you find the germans when they become a colonial power. you'll find that some people from german, from belinda were in london only paris. and they saw streets to their having offered the names. and did they, did he asked himself, why did they have such plants with the africa names? then they came to the answer. oh, because they are colonial empire as now. oh, so we are a colonial empire because german became lit a colonial power. so then they said let us show their work or so we're colonial power. then they started with this quarter. he ain't bailing with just saudi fis tossed fritz camaros furniture and douglas streets. and then they went on
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extending this quarter during the weimar republic. julian there last time, and at the end of 1958 there came here to the ghana street, but if we look at each exactly, it is yet colonial quota because you find it has 3 streets amongst district phosphates, which i named and a person. i'm this pestilence at the so called the founder of the colonies in africa. so this is one of those places you said is named after a person. can you tell us more about it? this is claire here is name is glory. fine. mr. gustav knocked gul. mister, go stuff not to come. was an africa explorer. he was it made you seen doctor, and also he was a kind over dear pro much. so when did you must go to their colony?
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come on, andy toggle. ca maroon was a plantation colony. so people were brought down to starkey plantations there. but the people resist. so den their eyes concealer. mr. b smock sent me stuck with stuff not to god to come aaron to secure their colony. so when he came there, he went to traditionally does our chiefs patel them? this country now belongs to the kaiser that you've said in no way. so what he did, he took their daughters and the sons of the chiefs as hostages, and he put them into his can you bots? so dad, he was now do you mind into the chiefs?
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if you don't obey the orders, then we're not going to see them. all the sodium talking about me stuck was tough. he was the one who planned 8 because he was the boss there. so a brutal colonial legacy, but who is the square and now going to be named after? now, this is claire. it is good now to be named anda mung. a bed road or flung a bed. but he really is. is among our bell, the family name, because also his wife, emily among a bit also was fired in with him. rudolf among a bay was a young come, marian, jordan de jim under colonial timing come at or on. he came here in german for some causes and he demanded to their gov meant debt, the gymnast this should lead to the people who come out on their way. there took
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their own people here and they didn't want to hear him. what he is demanding, though, he just left, he went to bed to calm eroni, and he joined their so called the rebels against the day. jim, i knew colonial power, and then he was caught, he was excruciating in 2014. so this is another spot, ludovico strasser, who's looters, low dairy. it's he wench to namibia, which that time was german, saudi west, in the beginning of $1884.00. and he went to that emma chief and he asked it to buy a land, a victim. the land was big enough. the chief saw to him a piece of lunch. and mister lew down his after getting this piece of land, he put your gross, they're a big ross and college lou data,
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it's leg. then he came back to german before their conference. they're buried in a conference started and he sold this piece of land to their j money or i wish at next time. and we, we, we call him load that it's the liar fritz, the liar. because this piece of land which he bulge there. now my people and you just only the english myers, but he changed his mind to german mize, which you find a gym. and mine is 5 times a british my video fight. the was a very big and a and then they took this lead as, as settlers lunch, as settlers call on me. and who is the street now going to be named after this trial? he and now his claim to be named unda. cornelius fredericks
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panell is fred, it's was, it's an additional usa, a chief of the now a people who are so let's his warriors in deceased ammunition, war of 19 or 4th, or 19, or 8. and then he was captured and he was taken to a concentration pump. and he's where he was executed. but dare you find. he died with a lot of men and lot of women and children. and when they did excuse him, they chopped off his head. and the head was brought to he, a clergyman at that time for us is still such as they are a lot of such heads here and bones which were brought to jail and forest researches and dead. we found that if the street and now is going to be re named dead, this man dissolve. the beauty meant here his head, his t here in gibbon,
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and his grinded grunt, she'd wrench to the are looking for 8 when they are he and jim and always day a cried for. they had 2 decades to buck so that they could body him according to their traditions. so what about this street? we're on paces only hit us a lay is glorifying carl pet us called pit us. he's been taken as the founder. all jail money is to africa, colony wish to days, tanzania, rwanda, andy barone, and cockpit us. he was very, very, very brutal in tanzania. people called him cornel adamo in kiswahili, im corner, his hind and dumb is blood blad, the handy. and he a gym and he was known as hang pita. he went on kill any
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people hanging people, then they're hot to order him back home. so he was called beck and he didn't been glorified and aware that steely would find him here. he was named, he was named here, it was an empty here, in 1939. when the 2nd world war started, the 2nd ward you watch was to was not to just only to asked. i mean ne to the jews, but also the germans there. one day i did their place under the sun, which they lost, so they wanted their colonies back and missed a beat. us decide their footsteps to be followed. that's why he was named here in 19 said to ny andy, we have been fighting for renaming this a street since 1984. 0,
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why are you so passionate about this cause i did the promise. my grandmother when i came here and i saw the st. ideally talk to her and she called me no final to be true. it cannot be true to must be remain. i just remember when i was just only 4 years old and it was a full moonlight outside. my grandmother told me, look at the moon. don't you see that the shod are in there? yes, i look. yeah, i see a shadow. what the shadow is, each thing doesn't look like amber. i said you had to look, let him on. so yes, then there to is a german named decala pit us because he used to, hadn't people here that much god, you punished him and hand him up there. and he was never come down here
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to do people what he did it before and is this through to which i started to with add the steel. i will fight for the till it is spread to period. believe me, i oh, my grandmother. ah, the word pandemic is currently being associated with the global spread and impact of coven 19. but it was preceded by another pandemic that of h i v and aids which is still going on after many decades. the still no h i v vaccine, but more recently there's been significant scientific breakthroughs in the fight to prevent infection. our correspondent address crecia reports from cape town. once a month, zimm slim, i've been gone. i comes to this health center to get a package of breath, a daily pill of the pre exposure prophylaxis,
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protects people from getting h i. v. when having sex, taking a need for my family to listen to generation. it's, they do have their age of a positive. so i came in to take prem because i wanna, i don't want to be that part of such ocean that is hitting a repository. the health center of the desk wanted to to health foundation doubled up as the research sites for many years. residents in the musty puma, layla township, have been participating in clinical trials 18 year old. my, when been gwinnett is also considering taking part in a clinical trial for prevention options and injection instead of a daily paper. recently we had the breakthrough of that day per injectable, that only had to be given every 2 months. that cavity, grover long acting injectable, and at the moment in this very vicinity we are testing a 6 monthly prophylactic injectable, known as lemme capital. so if we can get to a point where young people round the world, only have to take an injection every 6 months, twice
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a year. that would be an extraordinary breakthrough. linda galle becca is a leading infectious disease specialist overseeing protocols for several prep and h. i v vaccine trials. she praises the achievements in the past, and the ninety's. hundreds of thousands died of age ivy. now anti retroviral drugs allow patients to live a normal life with a normal lifespan. but the crisis is not soft. particularly in the global nose. there has been a, you know, turning away from a chevy. i think many people think the pandemic is over far from it. we had 4000 young woman became infected with h. i v in the last week alone. and we still have a $150000.00 children, newly infected with a chevy every year. at there is still a pandemic raging in many parts of the world. it's almost like we've written half
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the book. and you know, we walking away before the rest of that, the book is, is finished. an, and that to my mind is a, you know, is, is, is a catastrophe because of all the investment we've had in the last day to years could be lost if we don't actually finish the story. zimmer, clim, i've been gone. i want to play her part in finishing the story back at home. the 18 year old is busy. convincing friends to take prep don't want to go because they're saying they don't wanna eat until you peel because they're not sick. i think it's to get people more to catered about it. my home being wanna says her generation is the 1st one to openly talk about h i v. an important step to end the pandemic. and laura casey has been talking about h i v and trying to end the pandemic for many years. she leaves h i v. prevention advocacy at frontline aides in johannesburg. south africa.
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welcome to d. w. news africa. we saw from our report that prep in its pill form is already protecting people. how wide spread is its use. and creeping the pull form is fairly and well used and particularly across and global fund and pitfall, program funded programs across africa. and depending on the country in which, in which the people are in some people are able to access creek oral crypt, which is the one pill a day in government facilities. and for example, in south africa, a lot of the elements around oral prep is that not all countries provide oral prefer to every single person within the population. they are the need to be considered a key or vulnerable population. so the context really does differ depending on the country involved, but it is fairly well used across africa. and now there's this new injectable
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version of prep that last for 2 months. is that one are readily available to everyone. unfortunately not ah, rules, the injectable crip i this this multiple challenges that some people faced in terms of prep such as stigma and should they be caught when using preferred by a partner or a family member. and they're either later this from the st. louis, or as you know, possibly a sex worker or actually as h i v positive. so the, the injectable prep would definitely be a game changer insurance or increasing the number of people who would go on pre. but it is not yet available and it is not yet registered in a lot of countries across africa despite it being w h r. and we've also heard about the trials of a 6 month injectable prep or what you know about that and assuming it will work on
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if they're running trowels. yeah, i think we still got quite a long road to go until we get to the point of a 6 monthly prof. i think again, and that would also be a huge game changer in the space of a chevy prevention just because it would really help people be retained on the medication likely as we have experienced across countries, a number of people not wanting to take a po every day and you would most likely find groups who would find it easier, obviously to have a 6 monthly injection instead of a 2 monthly and, but i do think we're still a long way away, a good, good many years away. and so that is, that is, you know, available i think for now a lot of our attention and energy is directed to making sure that we get the to monthly pre available are in as many countries as possible funded and out there. and which people stand to profit from these new proper prevention methods. the
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people that would gain from these prevention methods would be your most vulnerable or for h, i v for h i v. so that would include your key population groups, such as 6 workers, men, you have 6 with men transgender people. i'm in a lot of african countries. we find concentrated it been a mix of h, i be in the population. so they would definitely stand to add to benefits. and then equally in sub saharan africa, there's a huge h i v epidemic amongst adolescent goals and young women. and that would be a really important group that we would need to reach with these prevention technologies to protect them or from a chevy and equally provide them with a choice. i'm for oral prep, all cabella or all the inject a bowl and, and allow them to choose based on their circumstances. and then, you know, in an ideal world, you would also once the general population to have access to,
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to something like injectable crypt. although i do think that we obviously need to start with the most vulnerable populations to each other in the countries. and one of those groups mentioned as women are there is a product on the market specifically aimed at them this the proven ring. can you tell us more about that so that the pattern ring, i think will also be a game changer in terms of h i v prevention. and so it's, it's a little ring that's are, you know, has a of ease and basically is inserted into the vagina and, and protects the woman from h i v, infection and through virginal 6. it's woman controlled as so she can choose to use it when she wants to, she can self inserted and it's discrete and men would know about it when having sex . and so it really gives a woman a choice to protect herself. should she feel unsafe in her intimate relationship or
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in any other circumstance and without any one knowing that she's actually on prep. and it protects r $428.00 days and is then replaced if she wants to continue with prepped in the next month. so it's definitely an i think, a really good tool for young women and goals to use and protect themselves without anyone knowing you talk about discretion. i and, and stigma around the topic. what would you advise be to someone who wants to protect themselves, but feels uncomfortable about asking. i think i would really try in and encourage them to suit themselves as best as possible or to gain access to, to, you know, life saving prep essentially, and demand the human rights. it comes down to the fact that it's a human rights and, and it's something that they should be given regardless. although in saying that i do also recognize that they are huge structural challenges in
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a lot of countries that stopped girls from being all woman. and all 6 workers, you know, from being able to do that and to assert themselves. and i think there's a larger conversation that needs to be had around. and really trying to address digman discrimination with in the health care setting and within general communities around a chevy mirror, casey from frontline aids in johannesburg. south africa. thank you for speaking to us. thank you so much. oh, that's it for now, but be sure to check out our other stories on d. w dot com, ford slash africa on facebook and twitter. before we go though, let me take you to the pristine coastline of northern kenya and some images from the annual dow raised in level. we'll see you next time, bye for now. ah
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what's probably the most luxurious, all electric se be on the market, reb. 30 minutes on t w. to the point. strong opinions, clear positions, international perspective, jim being west just confirmed at empowered as china's president. but now the people are protesting against to strict 0 corporate policy, and some are calling for she's resignation. on to the point, we ask protests in china, how deep is public unrest to the point with on d w? oh. hey guys, it's abilene sharma. well come to my podcast to love matters. but i and life
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because in berlin, because it's very closely related to me as a person who is architecture is a celebration of democracy and peace. ah, no buildings. the biggest thing in the world is this spiritual freedom. he amazes the world with his buildings and architect of emotions. architecture is kind of a mis free delivery. daniel lee biscuit starts december 25th on d w. ah, ah, it says d w needs, and these are us help stories. russian president vladimir putin has made more threats to ukraine. this time during a phone call with german chancellor up shawls. the covenants as potent told shells that a tax on ukraine's info.
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