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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  December 8, 2022 10:00am-10:15am CET

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aah! building. the biggest thing in the world is the spirit of an architect. motions and starts december 25th on d w. ah, this is dw news live from berlin. german authorities say they will make more arrests one day on from the biggest anti terrace operation. in decades 25 people remain in custody of the raids across several cities. germany's top prosecutors says the suspects are part of the far right group. that includes the former m, p and members of the military. the biggest financial fraud and german history comes to court in munich, 2 and a half years after the collapse of why a car prosecutor, prosecutors aim to prove that former executives work to hide 1900000000 euros in
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missing revenue. ah, i've got else as well come to the program in germany. dozens of people remain in custody after raids across the country on wednesday. the targets were suspected supporters with far right movement that rejects the legitimacy of the german state . the federal prosecutor set those detained fantasized about forming a new german army and installing a minor aristocrat as lead of the country. it is the biggest anti terrorism rate in germany for many years. on wednesday morning, some 3000 police raided more than a 100 properties in several german states and arrested 25 people. all of them suspected members, all supporters of the so called case book, our movement,
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their goal, a crew data in germany. they wanted to overthrow democracy, the for her wrist as suspects are united by their rejection of state institutions in germany and so on. in deutsch lurise, the suspects belief in conspiracy myths consisting of different narratives from the rice burger ideology, as well as the queue on an ideology speaker, if you look here, so reader, cool. in an id you review, the network was made up of both a political and a military group, according to german authorities. they had planned to invade the german born to stock and use violence. germany's interior minister, nancy phasers, said the investigations provided a glimpse into the quote, a best of a terrorist threat from that iceberg. our media, their current to some decent tack. who wouldn't agree on a day like today, where there's one of the biggest raids against far rights efforts aimed at attacking our state. that polarization is on the rise and we have to defend our democracy every single day. at school named on
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t. v. eden. tar ones. the devil katy off, lawyer for tidings. if they had succeeded, this man was to become the new head of state heinrich choice, a descendant of an aristocratic family from eastern germany, who still uses the symbolic title of prince heinrich. the 13th. the entrepreneur from frankfurt is said to be the ringleader. she would have been installed as the new justice minister, bigot mozart, vin common, who was a member of the german parliament for the far right alternative for germany party until last year. she has since resumed working as a judge at the berlin court efforts to remove her from her position because of her involvement with far right. extremists failed earlier this year, but the court confirmed that she was released from her duties on wednesday the rice berger at far right extremist, deeply anti democratic movement. its members reject the german state and its
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democratic system and are prone to violence. german authorities estimate that the scene consists of some 20000 people between 2015 and mid 2017 alone. more than $10500.00 crimes are said to have been committed by so called price burger. earlier i spoke to you earlier evening, she's the author of the book going dark, the secret social lives of extremist. i asked her if she thought the iceberg removed from the house been underestimated so far. to some extent, yes, i would say that the authorities in germany have an increasingly focused, also on that ice for the movement. and they created actually a new category for classifying anti government extremism, or they call it democracy de la legitimizing extremism. last year in 2021. that has been rising awareness because the movement has grown and has expanded massively over the last few years. the origins of that iceberg movement are already in the,
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in the 1980s. but reading the last few years, they have really gained ground and have also become more dangerous, and radicalized towards violence. ok, you say they've become more dangerous. how dangerous ave they are a? well, the problem is that we have in germany, we have a 20 around 20000 that i still go. and 5 percent of these are estimated to be prone to violence according to the police and to the security services. so these aren't that, that means we have at least 22500 people who might be prone. and of course in this plot, we saw that there is a very strong overlap also with the q. and on the contrary, smith, community of q and non, where we have also seen high willingness to resort to, to violence, not just in germany, but also abroad in the us. of course, we had the ties to the january, 6 storming a capital riots. and in germany we also this is not completely new because even
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a few months before the capital riots, there was an attempted storming of the german parliament. and there was a high involvement of iceberg end of q and on it here and there. so this doesn't really come as a surprise, but it's still shocking to see that the large scale of this, of this operation and of this plot, the people involved the set to be conspiracy theorists who reject the modern, the german state. is there an upward trend of these sentiments in germany in general? you think? i'm afraid so? yes, because there is a very, unfortunately, there is, has been now really a rising anti establishment, resentment within the german population. that is, of course, mirrored in other parts of the world, but there is a higher, there's a higher recruitment potential for movements like that. i still got and also q and non, where we've really seen these movements expand
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a lot in germany. and germany was particularly prone to these conspiracy mits that are, of course, combining old conspiracy minutes, often ice the movement and wanting to re establish the pre war or to borders and not believing in the legitimacy of the current state and current democracy. and combining those old older elements of that ice for the movement with new q and non conspiracy made that then take this on to global level where they would blame the so called global leads and would also often auntie and to semitic elements to these narratives. but was edna from institute for strategic dialogue in london vall, let's take a look at some of the other stories making the news around the world. israel troops killed 3 palestinians and adorn right on the city of geneva. they occupied west buck palestinian authorities, spoke of fierce clashes. israel said it's soldiers wanted to detain the suspected
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terrorists. new protests in iran have sprung up in the center of the capital to run videos posted on social media pages. show shots being fired as are the square gum rest comes as iran state media announced the 1st execution of a protest had taken place. the trial attached to germany's biggest ever accounting scandal has just begun to munich. the former c e o on to former executives of wire card will take the stand, the accused of hiding $1900000000.00 of missing revenue. more than 2 years after the collapse of the high flying financial tech technology company, the sheer scale of fraud is described as unparalleled in germany history. this is the man at the center of the case that sent shock waves through germany's financial and political establishments. marcus brown,
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prosecutors accused the former wire card seo and to top executives of orchestrating a massive criminal act to defraud investors. he faces charges including falsifying financial statements, market manipulation and breach of trust. he's been in custody for more than 2 years . after its founding in 1999 wire card, enjoyed a fairy tale rise by 2018. the online payments firm had become one of the 30 most valuable companies on the frankfurt stock exchange realtor. looking back, but very much looking at the future and i thing, but that then i make of growth in the next 10 years. ah, will totally all perform of richie from last 10 years. rumors began circulating early on about fraudulent activity, but barely any one wanted to listen wire card success story. it was just too good. then in 2020, after an independent investigation,
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it became clear. almost 2000000000 euros had vanished from company accounts or only existed on paper wire cards, big deals, faked or staged. the one time darling of fintech filed for insolvency. investors last huge sums auditors and german financial regulator. baffin faced heavy criticism for ignoring early warning signs about wire cart brown denies any wrongdoing. he's instead pointed the finger at wire cards, a former c o yan masonic who is reportedly hiding out in russia and wanted by german authorities by last halted from the w business is at the courthouse in munich, and he told us about what we can expect from the trial actually gearhart, not that much on this 1st day of the trial. i just heard that the prosecutor, of course is, is obviously necessary in cases like that. we'll read the indictment and that is almost a 100 pages long. so we will hear a lot of details, of course,
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in the indictment. what exactly they think was going on at wire card, but are more than reading. the indictment will not happen today, especially that the 3rd, but since today is also are some are colorful maladies that need to be taken care of. so the main part of the trial will probably start on day to day will be the reading of the indictment with details on that. it is unclear if we hear any words personally from mr. brown or the other defendants allows. a key suspect is the former a wire card, top manager, young mar, solid. he's on the run. how important would he be for the trial? he would be very important. he is obviously the key figure, not in the trial, but in the wire card fraud. he is the mastermind and he might very well be the only one who really knows what exactly has been going on, at least that is what the defendants here on trial are saying, c o, marcus, brown, and the other 2 are defendants. one of them is the former head of the dubai. ah,
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that by subsidiary of wire card. they said they knew nothing about what was going on here especially see all, marcus brown says that and that young marcella was actually the only one who did all of this or who did all the fraud on the books who cooked the books and that is of course possible it is of course very suspicious that a young marcella left or right before the company went belly up took a private chair to bella ross he is hiding in russia is expected in or near moscow and of course the german government wants him arrested their extradited, but of course in the current political environment that is very unlikely a to happen if he was on trial, it would obviously be a lot easier for the co defendants or the defendants. now in this case, to point the finger and her maybe get off a with a lighter sentence here, they could prove that it was indeed only him, but so with him not being here. it is unclear what can be proven what he did and
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what the other stead. now them are early warning signs about fraud at wire card. they have been ignored by auditors and by the germany's governments. our finance, a watchdog bar fin is a how damaging is this for of germany or germany's reputation as a financial center? good question. some of called it a disaster, a catastrophe. i would call it an embarrassment only. and of course, germany always had a very strong reputation for it's a strict regulation, it's oversight in financial markets. that is a good thing. and of course, this is embarrassing and it shows regulation here was not any tighter or definitely oversight was not any better than in other places in other countries. of course we have seen similar r fraud cases. the multi $1000000000.00 fraud cases like in the united states or so . and i think it's pretty clear that regulation is not very easy in these cases. and even the best regulators can be outsmarted with our fraud. like in
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a case our fall off of wire card, i highly doubt that anybody will base it's decision on trading with or investing in germany on a case like that. and as for all our shots, personally, i guess at these borders did not hold him responsible. they did, after all attacked him, chancellor lost out of their dw business. thank you very much. last you're watching dw news. he is a reminder of the top stories we are following for you. dozens, remain in custody after raids across germany. on wednesday, the targets were suspected supporters of a far right movement to reject the legitimacy of the german state. the federal prosecutor said those detained fantasized about installing a new head of the trial attached to germany's biggest ever accounting scandal begins in munich today. the former c e o $12.00, former executives of why a cart will take the stand accused of hiding $1900000000.00 of missing rep.
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that's it from me and the new scene. and i'll still, there will have an update for you to told the out, don't go away. doc film is up next after a short break. and of course, this always stay on top of all the news d, w dot com. i'm gab office the world cup in baton. i teen in sports in tune with we are here for you with report and background information about.


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