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tv   DW News Asia  Deutsche Welle  December 8, 2022 6:15pm-6:31pm CET

6:15 pm
thank you so much. you're watching t w news coming up next. indeed up, new news, asia. why has indonesia granted an early release from prison to a man who helped kill more than 200 people in the infamous volley holdings that and will coming up next in d. w. news. asia is my colleague, parish vanity. i'm and you cause mckennan. i look forward to seeing you here again at the top of the next hour and more international headlines. i thought she thought sometimes books are more exciting than real life raring to read. oh, what if there's no escape? w literature list, laundry,
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german ma street. what are sports all about in winning fighting scoring we say they're about never giving up the most exciting sport. stories about people passion and their dr. sports life every weekend on d w. ah, this is did up in years asia coming up today, indonesia needs as a convicted terrorist and with it receives a flood of criticism. omar for take was convicted of being behind the bali bombings of 2002. now he's been released. we ask why and look at how survivors of the attacks have reacted and i'm e,
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pork making milestone. that's how china describing and she didn't think visit to saudi arabia. so what does china want, and what does that mean for the why? the region ah i british manager, welcome to the doctor. news is sure glad you could join us. indonesia has released from prison. the man convicted of making the bombs used in the bali, bombings of 2002 or more partake had served about half his sentence of 20 years before his release. the government says he was successfully reformed in prison and that he'll be monitored during his for all the bombings in 2002 on the holiday island of bali killed 202 people. many of them australians, kendra, had urged indonesia numerous times to reconsider partakes release. but in the end,
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those concerns came to not the called him demolition man who mar patel at met it, building the barley bombs at his home. but throughout his trial a decade ago, he always denied planning the attacks. the judges agreed and handed him a hefty prison sentence instead of the death penalty. i know it is proven that i am just the little guy. i had a small role. i am a dear, not an elephant. they can take on credit authority. see patty has since been de radicalized, and can know, have his life back. survivors are angry. well, the very distraught son. i'm shocked really her or couldn't. ok still can't understand how this person the better. no cradled so much loss of life,
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not just fall aiyona strains, 203 people could be walking free this morning here in either in indonesia or it just doesn't seem well at all. i can understand that the bombings carried out on to night clubs on october 2002 destroyed hundreds of lives, and left a scar on the city. for those there that night, the culprits release comes with questions. say buffer. i feel that it's bizarre, that such crimes against humanity can be granted parole. what are the guarantees that they would not do the same thing? jemina, murray, and some other. for me, emily, i'm very sorry to hear that he was finally freed. i just hope the government is committed to its parole requirements. they have no money at the memorial to the victims. the names of the dead serve as
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a painful remainder of the stakes involved and gentlemen of modern, this is did up the jakarta correspondence sharon, my resume along sharon. i think the question on everyone's mind is why has partake been released? yes. so i slide new for indonesia to release terrorist and paddock who was sentenced in 2012. he was sentenced for 20 years in prison. and the reason why he is released now, according to authorities, is because patrick has already served 2 thirds of majority of his prison time. he also has shown good behaviors, and he has been d, radicalized in fact. but that was an i is an icon for the indian government for their do radicalization program. so that's why right now, but that has been released. how's the government so sure that this man who is behind the death of so many people is effectively div radicalized.
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i shall, there is no way to ensure whether someone is fully des, radicalized or not, but pot tag or in the future will be closely monitored by the government of indonesia and the fact that he's also still in parole until to the 2030. he will be also joining a mentoring program until then. and the regular asian program in asia so far has been, um, you know, people said successful. we have seen success stories. i have met and talked to former parish conflicts who is now economically empowered and they can, you know, no longer dependent or on their a previous thera, groups. but also we have seen yesterday a suicide bomb being that happened in band to him who was arrested if this means he previously was charged for a terry sentence. so there is no way to ensure whether someone is fully to do radical ice. we just have to wait and see, and therefore the question is, as you earlier mentioned, that this is not the 1st time the nation government has released a tourist,
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particularly when it comes to or people related to the bali bombings. for example, last year i will bucher by so you must him clerical, formerly headed, the group slip was behind. the bombings was released last year after his sentence was reduced. the question is, why the indonesian government so keen to release terrorists and those connected to the bali bombings the reasons are it ranging, you know, for example, for humanitarian reasons, as for the case for the i will back out of our share. but also there are skepticism or criticisms that say, oh, the movies, just politically motivated, but at the same times are asked, but also see it as a good move uh for the government that can be seen. um, you know, the stairs can help them to. uh, i down to 5 to a rest harris and in order to combat terrorism. so indonesia got the upper hand to really combat tourism in the country. most of the victims of these a bali,
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bombings were australian under australia's home minister clare or nene, has called it got a horrible day for the families. is the concern of the release of partic, could impact indonesia relations with australia. here the government of us really has said that every australian has the right to be disappointed by the news of the release of will mar pat. but the government will urge the nation government to really work in a close tie and to surveil on my part that closely so that he won't do the same thing again in the future. so um, so far, indonesia knows trulia has been a close in a close partnership, you know, in order to come back to represent in the region. and anesha has been supporting a sorry australian has been supporting indonesia and to work, you know, with a detachment 88 special forces to come back to arizona. but definitely in the future. the partnership or to cooperation between in nature and australia willing
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it mutual trust relieved their with are being broken so much for joining us to do sharon some along the debris correspondent in jakarta. thank you. ah. chinese leadership being is in saudi arabia for to visit the china's foreign ministry has called an epoch making milestone earlier today. he was broken to the royal court by saw the crown prince. mom had been feldman, billions of dollars and deals are expected to be signed during the visit. china is already the top consumer of saudi oil, and that's the relationship that's expected to keep growing. she's also expected to meet other out of leaders during his visit. let's get more perspective on those from steve saying he's director of the china institute at the school of oriental and african studies in london. professor, thank saudi arabia, has traditionally been a long term us ally is president huge and being looking to change that relationship
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well, the relationship that saudi arabia maintains with both china and the united states have been undergoing changes anyway. and she, to me, is certainly seeking to cement that changing relationship. saudi arabia now is the, has china as the most important trading partner, one of the united states? what does children being want from soviet over? well, she didn't want to strengthen that relationship in order to ensure that energy security to china is cure as well as your, which out to the other countries in the goals and the arabic. well, just to make sure that they support china's positions globally, including at the united nations and other international organizations, beyond or in what are chinese interests in the arab world?
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i mean, the reason i ask is because china's foreign ministry has called this visit, got the largest scale diplomatic directly between china and the out of world since the founding for the people's republic of china. so what are china's interests in the region? well, china is not going to become a peacemaker in the middle east. china is not seeking to be paid the united states in to play a role as the anchor for stability and peace in the region. but china, east seeking support from countries which are not part of the west and democracies to support china's positioned globally. and in terms of international organizations, including as, for example, e. m, e, human race, cancel at the united nations. you know, the u. s. offered the region was always
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a security exchange for oil. what is china offering the region? well, china will be offering to reach and shall the rate be friendship without imposing condition knowledge piece. china is unlike the name of the stage, not going to insist that relationship with china. we will, we choir saudi arabia or other countries in the regions to match in terms or other standards on human rights or in terms of what countries they can conduct relationship with, or what kind of political systems they have in place trying that is very comfortable for those countries to maintain their own particular standards on human rights and system of government. and would that count as a win for china? because in the past to china has been a been trying to explain that human rights on universal so to speak. that there is
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the chinese understanding of human rights and then perhaps potentially there is a western lead understanding of human rights. would this count as a win for china? well, it will be a kind of a win because the chinese also saying that they are arabic ways of understanding human rights. and therefore you will have many countries, indigo, which are quite receptive to the message that china is sending to them. and of course, for a country like saudi arabia, that is the advantage of having ditch time that card to be played when it deals with the bike and ministration. now, saudi arabia who has been facing flack from the biden administration for not increasing oil out, but particularly when president biden requested the kingdom to do exactly. that is also a case of saudi arabia playing one super bar against the other to claim an advantage . i should expect so, and why would sophia marie
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b and not play to trying to come when you're dealing with an administration in washington? that's me. quiet saudi arabia to meet certain standards, particularly say in human rights, which the current saudi government is having some hesitation about we'll leave it there for the time being both. thank you so much for joining us today. steve. i'm director of the china institute at so s in london. thank you, sir. you're welcome. and that's it for today, because of course, more on our website. we'll see you back here tomorrow, but it's the end of the pandemic insight. we show what it could look like return to normal and we visit those who are finding it difficult
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to success in in our weekly coping. $900.00 special next on d, w. a. b o. o, at the height of the cave in 19 pandemic. many countries imposed tough restrictions to protect that population from the potentially deadly disease at times with little regard to the collateral economic and social fall out.


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