tv DW News Deutsche Welle December 9, 2022 4:00pm-4:30pm CET
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world with his building and architect emotions. architecture is kind of a mystery. believe me, daniel. the discount starts december 25th on d w. a. this is the w news my from by land. brittany griner is free and back in the united states after months isn't russian prison camp playing, carrying the u. s. basketball star touch down after she was handed over in the prisoner swap, an exchange for a notorious russian arms dealer. also on the program, german lawmakers called for tougher security in parliament following one of the
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country's biggest anti tara operations, but decades. the chance that describes the alleged qu, plus as very serious international outrage and calls for more sanctions against iran. follow the execution of a 23 year old man for taking part in anti government, protests rights groups. all that more hanging on the way under the world cup in cook top reaches the quarter. the quarter final stages. little massey takes the field for argentina against the netherlands for what could be idle international favorites. brazil faced croatia ah, being released from a russian penal colony. these pictures were taken as a u. s. government, a plane touched down in san antonio, texas while ago a deal done between the u. s. and government and russian government so have released in exchange for russian arms dealer,
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accused of supplying al qaeda and the taliban. amongst many of us a prisoner swap on the tarmac up without the effort. it was hill, but captivity ended for us basketball star, brittany greenow, senior on the left and the russian army dealer weak to boot on the right. you as president joe biden spoke to griner shortly after her release. i'm glad to be able to say the brittany is in good spirits. she, she's relieved of finally be heading home. and the fact remains that she's lost months of her life experienced the needless trauma. she deserves space privacy in time with laurens to recover and heal from her time being wrong through the tank. dryness wife sharelle, tanked those involved and bringing brittany home over the last 9 months. you all have been on so privy to one of the darkest moments of my life. and so today i'm
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just standing here. i'm overwhelmed with the emotions, but the most important emotion that i have right now is just sincere gratitude. while griner was still on her way to the u. s. boat was already being welcomed by his family in moscow. he had been in the u. s. jail since 2012. solving a 25 year sentence for arms trafficking. because it greiner was arrested at moscow airport in february and sentenced to 9 years for the possession of cannabis by a russian court. these emergence published by the russian government shall have been released from the penal colony. she was held in and put on a plane to abu dhabi once inside. she was asked about her well being with well, i really who, why? yes. and with that her long audio is finally over.
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well mikaela mikaela christina is our correspondent in washington, and she told me about how brittany greiner is doing following her incarceration. well, we know is what we heard from joe biden as she's in good spirits. she was also described to be very gracious. we saw a walking on the tarmac, but her 1st will actually be to a medical facility in san antonio to have authority checked after 10 months of detention in, in the end, in this penal colony. she's a top athlete after all, 2 times olympic champion. so either way, this will take toll a toll on her fitness, and there was talk also by joe biden of trauma that she may be facing. and everybody around her, including her team at which spoke up for the 1st time this morning. want to give her the space that she needs to recover in washington are douglas farah, is a journalist on author off
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a book about victor boat. he told me more about the man and why russia is so keen to have him back. well, if you're good had come out of the cold war and built this amazing air fleet and weapons transfer system, this business that turned along for almost a decade. but he was one of the russian soviet intel operatives. he had very good friendships with people who become very close to through the years. and i think that the ultimate explanation for why they were so interested is that they really didn't want to leave anyone. it felt very strongly that he was one of them. they also felt very strongly that this would be embarrassed, and i think for, for the united states. and i think it deprives the u. s. government and others are deprived is not maybe not the right word that takes away the brittany reiner human rights elements that have been used successfully. i think, to tarnish, put an image abroad. the victim who is this is a really smart man. he speak 6 languages,
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start out very young. he started out in his twenties, amassing this giant empire that provided weapons to charles taylor in liberia, multiple sized and go to war, the congo war of the taliban. the northern alliance and u. s. the british forces in iraq and afghanistan, so it was quite a, quite a polyglot, and what he was able to do, right? so, so we have a basketball started for a man whose business activities that resulted in the deaths and naming of thousands of tens of thousands of people. this right here was a fair deal. no, i don't think it's fair at all, but i think it was the right deal. i think the in fair and the fairness, i think there were, if there were just as victim who would never leave prison. but i think that his ability to influence or carry out his arm straight is done. he's been in prison since he was arrested in thailand in 2008. he has no currency left in the world that where he was once a king. and so i think he's not a threat on the international scene anymore. and i think that makes it in my mind
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possible or necessary to save brittany grant of the enormous suffering she was going to be going through incoming years because she was clearly done nothing, not remotely, anything like that. victor had done and to get her back and safe and sound and to ease her enormous suffering. i think that it was, it was a bad deal that need to be needed to be made. right. and you mentioned that in, you know, your, your 2nd answer that mr. booth is a man whose business has that taken him into not only various wars across africa, but he also work for the us and british governments and afghanistan. so how did a man who has worked for the u. s. government to come to be locked up in a u. s. federal prison for 25 years? well, in the circumstances of the world against and iraq, you know, everyone was desperate to be able to move a logistical support into their troops on the ground to save troops lives. and so
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even though they were, they knew who he was, he was the only one flying into war zones in the early days of those of those conflicts and was able to get the contracts to do that, even though people found him distasteful. he was very efficient. once that necessity was gone and other logistics were set up, he was cut off and then the final straw came when he began to negotiate with people . he thought were fork gorillas in columbia to sell the mass amounts or weapons that they specifically said would be used to kill americans. and he said, yes, there are my enemies. this is my war 2. and that was sort of the impetus for really wanting to bring him down because he clearly had gone from being a weapon supplier to going to supplying terrorist groups that wanted to kill americans. thank you so much for joining us. a journalist, douglas, so far lawmakers, harry, germany calling for the tycer security in parliament after dozens of people were arrested, a suspects in our alleged plot to overthrow german democracy. one of the people
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arrested is a former member of parliament for the far right alternative for germany party, which currently has 79 seats in the bundle stock. german chancellor, olaf shots as described. the alleged involvement of a former lawmakers, very serious. the long arm of german law reaches as far as italy, italian police arrest a former german army officer who was suspected of being involved in an attempted coup in germany. his one of 25 suspects arrested in the biggest anti extremism operation in modern germany. most of them belong to the so called rice burger movement, whose members reject the authority of the german state and believe the german empire never collapsed. the attempted crew may have been planned at a hunting lodge in eastern germany, sir india. it belongs to henry royce, a descendant of an aristocratic family, who still calls himself prince heinrich. the 13. he was the groups ringleader and
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planned to make himself head of state. if the crew was successful, local residence here, disturbed by the discovery within laden, i and the boss or jewelry of blue ball. absolutely nothing in the college eyes blazed. i monitoring, i'm good comics. i don't care what he called himself ish. ned, the hurricanes or the eating, i really don't care. a girl. we don't want anything to do with the i english next to the police are also looking for a weapons depot on the property. the fact that the group apparently obtained a large number of weapons, has alarmed investigators, and ultimately triggered the raid. disciplinary proceedings are also underway against berlin. judge baggett mouse suck. think a man who was royces, choice for justice minister. she's a former member of parliament for the far right alternative,
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the germany party or 30 say, then not ruling out that more suspects may be out there. and more rates may be on the horizon. and i was raised shops, people across germany. well, many agree that the danger to democracy shouldn't be underestimated opinion on the streets of berlin is divided over the imagine that should be taken to combat the threat of right wing extremist mafia for i'm, it is definitely scary. after all, there are people involved to one would have expected to be more level headed in the summer, and they appear to have had weapons. and that there were trained people involved people with military training. i asked her to pass on materials, but that is very scary itself was telling, thinking my, i think these people were under observation for some time to see what they were doing. so a secret service was at least keeping an eye on them. and now that there appear to have been some who wanted to use physical violence to go crazy. it's obviously
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necessary to act against them. that goes without saying was mom absorbed. it's absurd, i must say, planning and overthrown, theat and food that already divided ministry's between them. it seems sorta bit naive isn't a tongue for instance. yeah, well, i feel we should not exaggerate things too much. it's good that the state is keeping an eye on things, but we're also giving these people quite a bit of publicity. i think they are a lot of other issues that need attention that we should be looking at. well, i will take a look at some more stories making news around the world. now. the us house of representatives says, approved wreck or defense spending of 858000000000 dollars next year. it's 45000000000 war and president by asked for a bill also scraps cove in 19 vaccine mandates from energy policy on the table court in moscow has found the opposition politician ilia. yeah, she's guilty of spreading false information about the russian military and you
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crate the action to describe the killings of civilians in future by russian forces as a massacre. he could face up to 9 years in prison. fire that broke out as a shopping mall. there moscow has claimed at least one life and in go the entire building, initial report say the fire broke out at 6 am local time. the course is being investigated. tony's restitution pink has mad sir arab leaders in the saudi capital re added during the a china arab summit prison. she was already crown prince mohammed bin salvage stress the importance stable global oil market. he also held source with palestinian. the president mahmoud abbas said chinese, china supports the palestinian peoples of right to before national demand from national rights of britain has placed new sanctions on iran, including their numerous and government officials for their part and the crackdown
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on anti government protest. this comes as a european union amounts that it's also planning for the functions. international condemnation has followed iran's execution of protest who took part in the anti government demonstrations that began in september. wilson shikari was hanged on thursday and activists a warning, but at least a dozen other iranian protesters faced the same fate. behind the walls of the notorious evian prison, most in shakers was hanged on thursday. the death sentence against the 23 rolled, was only handed down in november and has now been very quickly carried out. waterloo, has iran's judiciary accused shake harry of injuring a militia member during the protest? human rights groups condemned the proceedings as a fast track show trial. lacking an independent defense intended to scare off other protesters, bahama roy on thursday morning broadcast, as close to the iranian regime, shared this video on social media. it was supposed to prove she carries guilt,
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accompanied by dramatic music, assembled, and the use of computer generated scenes of violence. the regime staged a dubious admission of guilt will observe, as believed that the confession was extracted under torture and duress, iranian turkish political scientists. the reef gaskin says that systematic in iran minucci extra since the foundation of the islamic republic in 1979. the regime is repeatedly imprisoned, opponents tortured them and put them in front of cameras. and now they're doing that with the demonstrators. if we, they want to show them as fearful and weak people are normal. as people who break when they're put under enough pressure on little core cock. only until you days ago, a regime propaganda channeled published a video with the famous rappa too much to lay. he was who also faces the death penalty. in the video, extracts from one of his music videos were cut together with an interrogation in
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its delay. he apologizes for inciting people to protest. when on john you are. if gaskin believes the regime propaganda strategy is having the opposite of his intended effect to lay he and others. now heroes to many bruce, good people see these stage confessions law really as a sign of the weakness of this regime was trying to prevent its downfall. a regime that is increasingly under pressure because the resistance in a rollin shows no signs of going away unless i look at the european union that reaction to a vase of protests, our correspondent jack park joins us from brussels. welcome jack. for the south, right. these are you sanctions, what form of a likely to take we're expecting potentially that on monday, next week when you foreign ministers meet here in brussels, they will impose fresh sanctions,
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potentially against 20 new people. also one entity, there is already been a raft of sanctions against the number of senior iranian figures, including the head of the revolutionary guard. and a number of companies and organizations are accused of crack, dines, etc, that the sanctions, the fresh sanctions will only be detailed when we see those meetings at foreign ministers next week. but we do know very likely that they will come in ireland has been saying that they will, and indeed the french foreign minister as well, has been saying that she expects that there will now be a, these additional sanctions that will come in against against iran over the protest, but also again over the supply of iranian drones to russia's war effort against ukraine. v a u is one of a number of countries and organizations that have already imposed sanctions against iran. what more does brussels hope to achieve this time? yeah, that's the big question. so i mean, you know,
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a lot of sanctions have been put on iran, the economy, you know, the economic ties, it pretty much pretty much severed broadly. there's not really too much effect that the sanctions can happen and the european union is really seeing that with the sanctions against russia as well. no matter any sort of senior official that under a travel band or an asset freeze probably has already had that, you know, try to square off their assets and certainly is unlikely to have them staying in the european union where you can actually do something about that i think really it's about symbolism that you and other international partners, canada, and britain as well. but on sanctions today, ready against iran, is about symbolism is by saying, listen, we're doing everything that we can in the initial stage process to try and show that we're on the side of the protesters. i'm with not please them. we're trying to do what we can to force the hand of to run and, and the government in iran as well. ok, so you mentioned that the protestors and we've also talked about iran's
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role in ukraine war. now we have a, you see that the, you thing itself is a mediator and try to bring the usa and iraq back to the table over talks about iran's nuclear program at our fresh sanctions likely to affect that process this. this is the big question. it's a really complex situation actually. we've had senior iranian european diplomats. so today saying that it's becoming actually increasingly difficult to sort of separate the sanctions on human rights issues in iran, from the ones with russia, and also the decision over what's known as the j. c. p o, which is around nuclear deal. the former u. s. president. donald trump pulled the united states out of that there was a sort of hope that it would prevent around from gaining access to nuclear weapons . and there's been negotiations with the new president joe biden in united states to try and bring the u. s. back into the deal to prevent iran's nuclear program.
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they in turn want an opening up of economic ties for the rest of the world. but these sanctions and these issues are really, really complicating this process which the european union to be fair has. ringback a lot of effort into those, those mediation attempts. it's really, you know, it's a pretty complex mass at the moment and hard to see how additional sanctions will make it any easier. thanks, roger. how did correspond jack park in brussels? so all stories from around the world. now we'll start in peru where supporters are the countries ousted president and pedro castillo of class with police. back as of the left wing populist are demanding his release and the suspension of parliament peruvian court ordered his detention on thursday. after congress voted to in pigeon, microsoft plans to purchase video game company activision blizzard for $69000000000.00, maybe on hold,
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maybe on the definite hope. as the u. s. federal trade commission seems to block them. u. s. a. european regulators voiced fears over competition, including games becoming exclusive to the ex boss 8, and the congress prove to bill protect the same sex marriages hasn't biden, is expected to sign it quickly into law draft legislation passed the senate last week of the month of negotiation. lawmakers were concerned that the supreme court could reverse its 2015 decision to legalize the same stuff with the will cut in katara play is to resume with 8 teams in the quarter finals. one of the highlights sees argentina, i meet benevolence, it's a repeat of the 1978 world cup final which argentina one. this is like this, me? yes. meeting likely to be little messy. the final game for his country, anticipation is high. mark
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meadows from d. w sort is a, doha, he says katasha love of leonor massey really shows yes. it does. they're absolutely messy. mad here in qatar, let's be honest, there aren't that many dutch fans here. there are a few argentinians were playing beach football with them yesterday, but the vast majority of fans in the loose sales stadium tonight will be cattery. all they'll be migrant workers who live there. all they'll be from the wider gulf region, and they all love messy. and the all of superstars. i was at the portugal switzerland game a few days ago. all they wanted to see was christiana rinaldo. but he was on the bench. they even started brewing the pope to go coach because he wasn't bringing him on his side as winning for one. so they, there will be such a focus on messy to night. and that might be a big advantage to argentina. but let's not forget the dutch are a big side. they are probably the biggest football team never to win the world cup
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. having been runners up 3 times, including that 1978 final and football fans will also remember a classic between the sides in the quarter finals in 1998. when denny spoke, come one it for the dutch. we've one of the great wilcock goals will be hoping for similar drama later on tonight. oh meadows in doha. well, smith's new movie is out. he started more than 50 phones, but visceral carries particular significance and emancipation. b, ask a women, portrays a slave whose horrific physical scars would aid the push for a abolition movies release comes of smith's rights to rebuild his reputation after insulting comedian chris rock on live tv. ah, hollywood star will smith in the lead role of his new civil war drama, emancipation. it's the 1st major release for smith's since his assault on comedian
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chris rock during this year's oscars in march as punishment for the slab. smith has been banned from attending the ceremony. for 10 years, something the crew hope small cloud reception of the film. they're going to be people who have come with preconceived notions and, and that's why i do with people who are open minded to, to seeing a film that deals with the subject of of such magnitude. will smith starz as a slave who makes a daring escape through the swamps of louisiana, with his sadistic master in hot pursuit. it's based on the true story of a former slave known as whipped, peter, and the shocking photograph of his scarred back published in 18. 63, it gave american abolitionists hard proof of the atrocities of slavery. it was just the picture that i see when i was young. and now from me,
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all of those scars have stories to, you know, it's not just one beating that's a lifetime work. i've been, the movie is already generating plenty of oscar buzz, and many reviews have focused on whether it could be a path to smith's redemption in hollywood and wills. apologize and 20 i. he feels horrible and there's nothing more he can do. he has apologize. he is learning his ways, he is owned it fully. it is what it is. so you know, we're hoping to film and all the people that made the films are recognized. and that slap is of the thing that leads and i will be with hartford is emancipation, stark and brutal imagery may be too much for some viewers, but its story of defiance. and resilience is a reminder of the lessons of history or japanese billionaire years. newcomers, our house announced he'll take the k pop star top on a trip around the boon on
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a space ex space ship next year. 35 year old top is a member of one of the world's most famous of boy bands on one of 8 people miss our selected for his dear moon project. the japanese tycoon launched his lunar voyage plans in 2018 and bought all of the seats of the spacious. i steer haines producer became the 1st paying tourist to visit the international space station since 2009 is reminder of our top stores at base. our american basketball star, brittany griner is back on us soil in the united states. so secured her release from the russian people academy as part of prisoners, russian with the russian victim, boot accused of helping to the taliban and al qaeda got you can always get d w. news on the go. just download the app from google player from the apple app store and give you access to the latest news around the world as well as push
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