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tv   REV  Deutsche Welle  December 11, 2022 7:30pm-8:01pm CET

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young jin, this to look at each yet i was to sing of beforehand for the long silence terror in 45 minutes on d. w. global ideas is on its way to bring you more conservation. how do we make cities greener? how can we protect habitats? we can make a difference global ideas, environmental series in global 3000 on d, w and online to day on rez, is d v battery swapping better than charging can sanctions at russia provide its soviet eric har brands? and why does this woman love her v w golf mark one so much
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with 6 men of 22nd. you've probably heard about neo, the chinese car maker that has cars will schwabl batteries today. we'll take a detail look at how that works, but will also look, how long does it take, what does it cost, and is it really necessary? welcome to read our test car as the neil e t 7. the flagship sedan is the 1st model to enter the german market. right behind me, you can see the newest, neo swap station near all spoke germany. and while we're waiting for our turn to get the car inside, we can also talk about the major use cases that you have if you want to swap your battery with the car, the 1st one being have long distance trips. so for example,
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going on a vacation, then you will want to have energy pretty fast and you don't want to wait at the charging point. then this is the way to go. and the other point is if you don't have access to charging, for example, at home or at your workplace, then this could also be for you. b t 7 has a power output of 480 kilowatts and comes with 2 different battery options at the moment. i right now we're waiting in front of the swab station for turn to swap our battery. and then we'll take a look at exactly how long this will take to 75 kilowatt hour. battery delivers 400. 45 tomorrow. it's a range. according to w, l t t test results. the 100 kilowatt hour version can go up to 580 kilometer at the swap station. you can choose which battery pack you want to receive news. no,
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i only need to press star parking and also press the stop for the time or your parking. now be aware of your surrounding saw the car. 2 in any door or take over the steering wheel, health hotels, me the brake panel, control the b. it's tell me what i can do and what i can do and the rest, it's doing it itself. and i can tell time is running. we're at 20 seconds, right? now the car is breaking up into the swap station. i'm not doing anything, not exhilarating, not breaking, not steering everything is done purely by the car. by no me. with all automated system, it's nice for the driver to keep checking for obstacles or people or so now i can press stop power swap. preparing this may take some time. please wait. legal serve, inspect and shifted is a neutral clock. it's about the during this time the vehicle may shake and make
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knowing this is normal, not open any door shift here or press the brakes. so we'll wait. it says 3 to 5 minutes. we'll see how long it actually takes were at 147 right now . i mean the cool thing about it, you can stay in the car. imagine if it's raining, then you don't even need to get out to charge your car. you simply get driven in weight and your call you can check your fall in some emails or something while everything else is done for you. that's pretty need 2 and a half minutes. right now. i felt that god going up the loud but i was worn through it. okay now, because going back down. right now we're at 3 minutes. 12 seconds car is still off so i guess we're not finished yet. it will turn back on once i can drive all that
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and i'll stop the timer. i 4 minutes. 5 seconds. cause going back up. i guess now we're getting the new battery. me. i was likely to offer a 150 kilowatt hour, a battery from 2024 cars going back down. norway is coming back to life. oh, he's she's looking ah cart. there's some sounds, but it's not yet on there also still a red light. i don't know if you can see this on the outside. that probably tells me not to drive on right now, but the car is still off so i wouldn't be able to drive any way i. so now the light is green. i can drive out, stop the timer, i so all in all we had a time of 6 minute 20 seconds, but we're all of it. so getting the car into the swamp station and then the swap
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process as it took like 3 to 5 minutes just as neo claims. but 6 men and 20. he won't charge a battery at a regular charging station in that time. so it's pretty fast. i know that we've swapped the battery, we should also talk about the other things. the pricing is 1st. as of now you don't have to pay anything. if you want to swap the battery, it is like some sort of test procedure that neo goes through. and that's why you don't have to pay anything in norway where this technology already exists a little longer. you will pay are all $9.00 to $10.00 euros per swap, and then added ease, of course, the kilowatt hours that you use. so if you bring your battery in, like 30 percent, you will pay for the 70 percent. you get with the new battery that is swapped inside your car. the price per kilowatt hour will be similar to that at
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a regular charging station meal on the off of the car. and the battery is always battery as a service. so it stays with neil and new is the owner of the battery. you will have to pay a monthly fee for the battery that starts somewhere around 165 years in germany for that. a small 75 kilowatt hour battery. and you will have to swap included. busy mom, and though you cannot take swaps that you didn't use into the next month, your own, you have to per month. but in fact, that's enough. because now let's talk about necessity. you don't always need to swap your battery because the usual case where you will use your car is to go to work. and then you will charge your car delia at home or at your work place. and only if you don't have one of these, then you would use to swap stations more regularly.
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obviously, the 7 and all your cars can be charged as regular charging stations. and we have more than $65000.00 of these. in germany, you can use almost any of these except maybe for tests lost by the other. no problem whatsoever. you can use them and charge your car the the maximum power of charging. it's $140.00 kilowatts right now. and that takes around 30 minutes to charge the car from 20 to 80 percent in if you put it to your wall box with 11 kilowatts, it's around 7 to 8 hours. but you do that overnight. so the car is full in the morning. it's no problem and it doesn't matter if it takes $78.00, or maybe 9 hours it will be full in the morning. battery swapping is to go to
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technology when it comes to recharging a car fast. additionally, it insures you always have a healthy battery in your car when it comes to everyday youth. it makes more sense to reach out to the car either at your wall box at home or at a charging spot near. you work place. that way, he will not have to make a detour to the swamp station, and it will also save you $9.00 to $10.00 euros for this will process you will have to pay in the future. neal wants to install more than one swap stations throughout germany, mostly at locations with high traffic density, or close to major connecting highways. prices for the $87.00 in germany started just under $70000.00 euros. renault was still running its moscow production line in may 2022, as shown by this russian state, television report, but big changes were
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a foot 2 months later, in the se, moscow factory. all trace of reynold badging had gone in its place, was the brand mosque of it. in cyrillic, letters, employees gave optimistic interviews to russian state tv for chosen where we planned to get to work now to restore the workshop, to normal conditions and prepare for production and a 3rd. so for the will, can muscular which may could come back. the brand still enjoys cult status in eastern germany, where enthusiasts, stage mintage, car meets. but, but the stock is soviet vehicles were even to unglamorous for the g d. r and imports dried up in the early eighty's. when mosque of it went bankrupt in 2006, when i took it over as it sought a foothold and the growing russian car market. but after russia's war on ukraine, most foreign manufacturers and
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a large number of suppliers left the country, including reno, the production and sale of new vehicles collapsed as revealed by satellite imagery . in fact, in may 2022 reno's production facility. now the mosque of its factory stood largely empty, and there were also hardly any new cars at the st. petersburg docs and trans shipment points. but russian government officials were already working to set up new trade alliances, a premier, it results among the asian countries. there's china, turkey, and indonesia. for example, just, jeff, so might be part of the production over know cars, mainly moscow's group will be transferred to toyota. it we're getting sure it's all about the dacha duster model. it sure i had in my boss for the russian government was also keen to revive its own brands. despite the estimated 1500000000 euro investment needed to resume production at the rent oh facility. in july,
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a russian t. v reporter presented 5 new planned models and the ambitious target of 600 new mosque of inches by the end of 2022, featuring air conditioning, automatic transmission, driving safety systems, and some, even with electric motors. the plan sounded especially ambitious when you consider that the former renault plant is just a vehicle assembly site crucial components such as airbags, abs, and ball bearings are no longer produced in russia. we spoke to a russian car journalist who now lives abroad about moscow's automotive aims. good about those. those are regarding the musk of a tree longevity. you have to remember that we haven't built our own cars for 20 years live, you know, it takes 5 years to develop a new car. or if there are no manufactures of electric components in russia, or there are no gear boxes. no angels,
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no design schools and you can't just make them suddenly appear again equal that all? yes. but how to mask of a chance feel about to come back in the eastern german town of tongue and moon day . $57.00 mosque of inches of all colors gathered at the harbour in mid august 2022 . there were even some rare ones, like the mosque of its foreign one, the very 1st of its generation. every parts down to the last grew from the original year of manufacture. 1954, the highlight. the crank which can be used to start the car. ah. another classic, this 1964 mosque of it's 4 o 3 owner hall. now shank worked on the brand when he was a mechanic in the former east germany. today he owns 3 of the 408 mosque of it is still officially registered in germany. he seemed skeptical that a reborn version would catch on there that i know the actual book on
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whether they will be appreciated like these old vehicles that we have here now. and whether there will be a ready clientele for the new models is a complete unknown author, but it will be difficult to gain a foothold there now is for sure. father, hardly any of the fans, were excited about the prospect of new mosque of inches coming out of the moscow factory. when good for you, we'll try and use technology that will probably not get approved for the european market. i don't believe it or patient mark to be less and came out. if a big company got involved in a western company like then maybe things could work out, feel more than marked us, but then it would no longer be a musket. in russia, the reactions were equally pessimistic. yet i'm afraid they're just assembling a car, built by another manufacturer on houston. it's lou lou mo, most christian, they won't build a new mosque rich because it's far too expensive. toya bicycle. ah,
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so what has become of the production sites? german car manufacturer is used in russia. this mercedes plant and moscow industrial park scene here in may. 2022 was only inaugurated in 201-9250 1000000 euros were invested here and probably completely written off. some workers have reportedly remained. they're on reduced hours. it's a similar picture at volkswagen in collagen south west of moscow. the satellite images are also from may, but in march the only visible people on site worst security personnel, the official line v w employs in calgary are still on shore time work. we are observing further developments here and are considering various future scenarios.
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east of moscow, initially novgorod v, w was involved in the production of gas group vehicles. but here to the german company withdrew after rushes, invasion of ukraine. it said, that's why v w has already formerly closed its offices and isn't enough. got half of the employees there. accepted offers to leave voluntarily. the gas factory specializes in commercial vehicles, but it also produced the iconic, vulgar range of cars until 20 tad in soviet times vulgar, where the vehicles of choice for the authorities. decades later, they remain popular with collab stairs, around $580.00 evils as are still registered in germany. after v w walked away from gaz, the russian government announced it wanted to revive the vulgar brand to. but as with the mosque of which the hurdles are high, that what you oracles go up gaz will not succeed in reviving the vulgar firstly
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because for this year need engineers and designers. and secondly, for a modern car you need technology. i work of stuff with the gas side is not only primitive and medieval, the modern diesel engine that the gas cars will be fitted with the what is an old run o engine that the french discarded is useless? a started digital rebel, another german firm, b, m. w, has had to reassess a long standing partnership with a russian car maker since 1990. 9 after taught in the russian enclave of kalynne and grad, has been assembling vehicles for b. m. w. in february 2022, the german firm expanded its production contract there until 2028. however, when russia unleashed its war against ukraine b, i'm doubly withdrew. and when you, my hamster, we understand that it is not your internal decision issue. this was due to unprecedented pressure. miss brittany,
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so far our korea partners are still supporting us. miss good credit, you know, to put them to route. but what about that extended b m w contract. the company says, currently no production contract exists due to the geopolitical situation. we have ceased production at the manufacture and halted vehicle exports for the russian market. then there's lot out the legendary russian car maker from tall yet he on the boat, the river is still the country's most popular car. brad, but in 2012 it had to submit to a joint venture with red. no nissan to guarantee the supply of parts lads, it was thrown into doubt when majority owner reno. nissan quit in march 2022. but production lines have been running again since june 2022. in order to boost lot of sales and russia. the government issued a loan program, buyers of cheaper ladas,
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like the granta, with the basic specifications, receive a discount of up to 20 percent. the goal to get up to 500000 cars, rolling off the assembly line as early as 2023. basic specifications include airbags, radio and air conditioning with abs, and e s p to follow in the next 2 years. even an electric lot as being considered. however, analysts have cast doubt on the plans both the prestige project, latter x ray, and currently the most modern lot, vesta are made up of at least 60 percent imported parts for the time being full, production is on hold. he left, the mother in law does case, it's fake production or something is being assembled there but not to completion, but also because there is nothing to finish the products or a law. the vesta was a very good base for you, potentially decent vehicle. i give good but how they handle the sales networking was a disaster. our food, i mean the like rules. nuclear not us are the most popular russian cars in germany
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. 2 of the 28000 russia made cars registered 26000. our lot us top of the heap, the robust for by foreign lab, any vote. as of november 2022 lattice were still on sale in germany with many waiting to be driven home from dealers for carts. it's a similar picture across the u. russian ladder dealer, victoria ankle, who specializes in spare parts for lot us is not worried. we are more of the value for the, you know, we've been doing this for 23 years of school to. meanwhile, we have established good business relationships with various suppliers from different countries. this means that we not only get the parts from russia the course, but from other countries to because many items are not just produced in russia. norfolk, in addition, we have one of the largest spare parts warehouses in your robot. danco was still
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expecting a last delivery of lot as ordered before rushes war on ukraine. but it's still unclear how an independent russian auto industry can catch up with a world market. mm hm. nobody's been any molding on really outdated or nothing with them with
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ah job with and i've been doing that that's probably why did i not to starkey a down? i would look it up with the money and as you know, it's always the will do away with it. all of these are with the with a b, r i g b, a dog. there's not that i know your best that most boys were you have a pharmacy,
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barbara blue, a full the would you not? a said the wouldn't let me out. i mean, you mean something about when you got to work with a double that ali young a please? yeah, from now i think with you on my way are now to study. want to leave. i would please on an identical me
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with a jago who up at em. 15 tall. she saw me to our system. a total care move closer when he's done it out with today, i think they do my own with this thing with allied airports, a teacher doing agreement with just eat nothing, you feel it will need to, permian, to seek it to work yet. no, i don't. i was you and i work with one of them
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with with a people that doesn't necessarily been i bought. did you guys with that? there was a document. did you? did you still go today? i mean, well, on your mobile, we show it so that quality should be just about, but that's what it is. a,
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[000:00:00;00] a regular, don't play me most deeply about here, so many more happy journeys and see you next time on red. ah,
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with a sun is ukraine credential in addition to the for warning again,
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is bob with to look into that each. yeah, that was a little silent terror. 15 minutes on d. w. a. stories that people the world over d w r. facebook and twitter. up to date and in touch. follow us. hey guys, madeline sharma, welcome to my podcast, love matter. by and by celebrities influences and experts to talk about all playing loved effect from day to day. nothing less because all these things and more and then you know, season off the pot come, make sure to tune and wherever you get your past and join the conversation because
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you know it love matter in the world cup in guitar. i feel in 1410 version in 40 because we are here for you with the report and background information about the book called figures on everything you need about the 2022 will cover on d w power games on the melting ice reporter tracks. down the arctics, major players with you see route begins a dangerous game. people overseas that yeah, we are here. we're patrolling the area now, the cards are being re, shuffles, who has the best handed? russia is
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a quite active economic in the arctic. if you see something that looked like james bond, it has to do with the military. it starts december 23rd on d, w ah, [000:00:00;00] ah, this is d, w. news live from good. it suspended from duty. the european parliament removes the vice presidential powers of greek law maker eva kylie after she's arrested and


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