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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  December 12, 2022 11:02pm-11:31pm CET

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ah, the european parliament has suspended one, it's vice president and 3 others. they've been arrested suspected of taking cash bribes from the gulf. emory could tar, which is hosting the world cup. the european parliament vice president eva kylie raised eyebrows recently for her public praise of guitars labour reforms, not a word about reports of migrant workers being treated like slaves. how much did that good? p r cost kotor on friday. police in brussels rated the vice president's home. they found 600000 euros in cash. i'm per gulf in berlin. this is the day. ah, the news of betty worrisome. ready, ready will resemble?
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did you suppression of confidence of people into our institutions? obviously it's you critically damaging to the european union if we can find out if many of you can comment on the politicians, can people to safe things? yeah. oh, this is about the credibility of europe. so it has to take a consequences in various areas, thinking, flynn ah, or to our viewers watching on tv us in the united states, into all of you around the world. welcome that we begin the day with possibly the biggest bribery scandal to rock the european parliament in recent memory. and there is a direct connection to the world cup in guitar. allegations have surface that the gulf kingdom, which is hosting the world cup that it has been bribing members of the european parliament to buy friends and influence for people have been charged with money laundering corruption and participating in a criminal organization. now to tar is in the spot wide right now,
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as it prepares to host the final of footballs, world cup this coming weekend. the tournament was supposed to be. it's time to shine a chance to show that the kingdom is in a positive way, doing what one of hosting, one of the world's largest sporting events. instead, guitar has found itself under scrutiny for its stance on gay rights and for its treatment of migrant workers. that brings us to the lady you see behind me, eva kyla, she is a former t v news anchor turned european politician and now the suspended vice president of the european parliament. belgian investigators say that they found bags of cash in her home after her recent trip to could tar that you have stripped her of her powers. she's from greece. greek authorities have seized her assets and just weeks before all of this happens, kylie appeared before the european parliament and praised guitar as a force for progressive policies. i a low said that katara is
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a sounds either in labor rights or bodies in ga, far like reducing the minimum wage. despite the challenges that even european companies are denying to enforce these laws, they committed to a vision by choice and they opened to the world. still some here are calling to discriminate them. they bully them and they accuse everyone that talks to them or engages off corruption. they are in a donation of intelligence, high educated people, they helped us to reduce that, that tension with turkey. they how does with have got his dad to save activists. children, we men, they helped us, and they are peace negotiators. they are good neighbors and partners. good neighbors and partners with the european parliament president roberto matilda today promised to get to the truth no matter how ugly that might turn out to be for the european union. she was speaking to her fellow law makers today,
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and she said that democracy in the european union is under attack and promised to route out anyone and everyone who was involved. i think it would be no exaggeration to say that these have been among the longest days of my career make no mistake, the european parliament their colleagues is under attack european democracy is under attack. and our way of open free democratic societies are under attack. there will be no sweeping under the carpet. we will launch an internal investigation to look at all the facts related to the parliament and to look at how our systems can become yet more watertight. we will shake off this parliament and these towns and i need your help to do it. but i must also say that while we
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can always look to increase de terrence and transparency, there will always be some, for whom a bag of cash is always worth the risk. and what is essential is that these people understand that they will get caught. i want to go down or correspond barbara, these or she is in strossberg forest. can he be to you barbara? sir? barbara, this is a moving story and it looks like the police investigations are getting wider by the hour. what more do we know? did i indeed things keep on happening while robert met sort of a speaking here in strasburg. and the belgian police said did more searches at 10 offices within the european parliament in brussels, were searched at hotel rooms, apartments, and further offices. and what did they find more and more money in $1.00 of the hotel rooms connected to one of the suspects. a $150000.00,
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plus in his suitcase in an office. another cool, one, 100000. so we're obviously heading towards a 1000000 in cash sloshing around in connection a to this whole a bribery and corruption scandal. and so the police hasn't said whether they are finished. this might yet evolve and, and sort of carry on 2 more people apart from the 4 that have been put into us detention. our suspects at this point in time. but we don't know whether this is all the circuit might yet be widening. yeah. and either the, the allegations here or that could tarry officials paid members of the european parliament basically for good p r. at a time when katara could use some good a p, r. is there any way that the european parliament jan prevent this type of bribery from happening moving forward they really do have to, i mean, they need stronger oversight. there has been a gap in anti corruption measures within european parliament so far. what is
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regulated is the lobbying may be even sort of bribery by corporations, my businesses who have interest in late legislation that is, that is being made here in the european parliament. so derek to the chiefs are relatively strictly regulated. but 3rd countries that's a wide open door, there is simply nothing they could so far do whatever they wanted. so there are people here in parliament who say we have to look at other countries apart from katara. we know that as a by john and this was the last years, has been very busy on many fronts, politically, trying to bribe people to gain a better reputation at the same holds true, of course, for russia and maybe some others. so this story isn't over, the parliament will really be busy with looking at the details here from months coming. and the big problem is, it's not only the frustration and disappointment of parliamentarians have nothing to do with this. but the big point is,
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the soft power of the your people in parliament rests was the moral high ground. they can occupy in say we of fighting for european values. if they lose that, they really lose a big part of who they are and what they can do in europe. yeah, that's a very good point to make it abuse. barbara visally to night in strossberg over. thank you. well barbara, later to dave spoke with the e. you lawmaker, hun annoying mind from the green party about these allegations surrounding the parliament's suspended vice president. if a kindly miss omen. you have experienced the work of a far kylie who is now really, he's a, she's in detention. she has really destroyed her political life. she's also destroyed credibility of the european parliament. what was like, how did you notice that things went right there while ever 1st of all was a very nice and friendly colleague. but from the beginning of the legislature, she took very pro katara positions and him some aspects. she wasn't really
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balancing it. it also happened, for example, when we travel to saudi arabia about 2 years ago in every meeting, she was raising the issue for katara princess that was hold in kind of custody insults inside saudi arabia. so i was a bit wondering what is behind that, but frankly said the degree of allegation start down the taper right now. i could not imagine this to happen, and it doesn't seem to be over yet. i mean, the belgium authorities have searched further offices to day, if few $100000.00 euros more have been found in a hotel room in suitcases, just sloshing around a. do you fear that there could be a wider circuits involved here? well, i clearly feel as if i am in the middle of some crime scene. my wife's chair of my own delegation as just step back. the chair of the human rights committee just stepped back, a lot of assistance from the parliament, but as well as from, from
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a members of parliament, have their offices sealed. so it really seems as if that is a bigger thing. it really looks like a sort of math you're seeing. i mean, it is, is quite horrifying in, in a sense em. but do you think that this is really the socialist party, that is mostly of the s and g group that's mostly implicated here? or do you think it, it could have wider implications by, by, you know, it was the best and most special moment of my life. and i became a member of this european parliament being allowed to serve the european citizens. and i know so many of my colleagues, i would say 99 point, i don't know how many percent feel the same. we are working, hired to. we are not touching money and we are really fighting for the interest and the needs of the european people. this are very few people if they are in the end only from the social democratic group, or if we also realised that other people from other political groups will be implicated, has to be seen. okay, the way forward,
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what needs to be done now i'm in parliament can stop and sort of dad do a lot of hand wringing say or horrible. this is, it is horrible. but than where to, where do we go from now? well, 1st of all, it is clear that we need to investigate properly. hat what happened? we need to cooperate fully with a bounce in all sorties. but we also have to check internally what happened, for example, we have to look at files that way in the past inning with katara and see who influenced it. and maybe we have to reopen it for sure. katara is of now is not going to get a visa waiver. and this for my perspective needs a falling quietly committee. we also need to look at the parliament sword stuff. we have for example, with regards to travels, having external responses for travels and see which suppose we close. but down the line whatever kaya did was against you pin parliament roads and against barrett generals already as of now. ah, will european union is slipping new sanctions on iran over human rights abuses?
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iran has executed a 2nd person connected to anti government protests, human rights groups, a warning that protesters are now being sentenced to death in iran after sham trials. the news came early in the morning magic reserve, lombard had been executed after a show trial magic where rights group say he didn't even receive legal council. this low resolution security footage was considered enough evidence to convict him . the court claims chose the 23 year old attacking to members of a pro government militia. the young man shown here in a private video was charged at the end of november. he was hanged less than a month later. act of his say that run of ards family had not been informed but he wrote an offer last week. another young man, most sane shikari became the 1st person to be executed for taking part in the nationwide protests. as a result,
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thousands of iranians took to the street and cities across the country to once again demand an end to the islamic leadership. foreign ministers meeting in brussels sharply criticized the executions. germany's top diplomat on elena burbock said, europe is on the side of the innocent and iran, they haven't written violence make these new sanctions. we took aim at those who are responsible for these executions and for def, violence against innocent people on what that is. first and foremost, that evolution that he got gotten, but it's also those who tried to intimate date of our punish people and the bit manipulated videos. i'm so she's done. auda my dad to push tough. at least 9 other people have been sentenced to death. human rights organizations say that could be executed at any time on join l by daniela, separate, and iranian german activist o'neill, it's good to have you with us tonight. let's talk about what we are seeing in terms
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of justice here. the activists now take the case of moggi drugs to run of ards trial. why are we saying that his trial was a sham? because dare was not a real process and he wasn't allowed to defend himself. he hasn't had any lawyer of his own choice. this roman republic is giving a list of the lawyers they approved of and they are lawyers who in some cases even make the case worse for people. so, and was just and just for publicity, just for scaring the protesters. i'm united as are and i didn't all the other processor haven't had any chance from the beginning. you say this is to scare the protesters. we've heard from germany's foreign minister describing this latest
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execution as a blatant attempt at intimidation of iranians or what are you hearing from protesters in iran? are they now more scared than they were just a few days ago? a floors. people are scared, but their courage and their low to survive is bigger than the fear. that's what we're hearing day. they chant, if a translator really, they can like i'm for everyone, they are killing 1000 people that stand up behind them. and that's actually what we're seeing after him was him. shikari was executed a few days ago at the spot where he was on a street. he was, he was, he was like having a garbage, been putting it on the street and blocking the street. and for dad he was executed and then people went to the exact same spot and made a protest there and started a fire there to protest. so people are not letting themselves and be frightened by the regime. there are taking the courage and on every, every funeral is getting
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a protest as we see. so no, i don't think that the regime is achieving what they want to frighten the protesters. they are just encouraging them to, to protest more. and these protests, they are now in their 13th week. they do have the attention of the entire world more and more. but these restrictions on the media and on the internet, they make it difficult for us to get an accurate picture of what is happening. it's hard for us to verify information. how are you getting your information through a lot of n g o student, great work like her ana isn't human rights and g o, which is amazing. the a ha amazing. you on the, on what's happening in the prison also the 1st one to no use end of the page. 101500 tests here. it's a, it's a page who was also very informed in germany range and journalist for me are
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a very good source because they verify old information in general that iranian exam media is doing a great work right now. but also like the personal context, which i don't have directly always through a 3rd person because of because it's dangerous for people to, to have direct contact with me and also for other activists. it's hard to have their content for with their friends and family in iran because it's really dangerous for the people. so there are ways to get informed, but yes, the censorship of the internet is a really big problem because that's why we see so less pictures and videos from iran because the internet a censored and people who cannot send their videos to us yet. and we know that if anyone inside the ron trying to get the story out, we know what can happen to them. used to be spoke about this being dangerous. what about it to you? i've talked to other iranians outside of the country in other stories, and they've always mentioned the fact of maybe the personal safety being put in
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jeopardy when they dare to speak about descent. do you feel unsafe? sometimes? sometimes. yes, if people write me strange messages and, and actually telling me that they know where i live, it actually feels kind of weird. but i don't, i don't let myself be frightened for them because that's what they want. they want me to hold my mouth to be silent, but i don't let them silence me because it's important what we do because we are here in, in the democracy and democratic country. we have democratic rights and i don't lead my rights these reduced by the regime people at but yes. like for me and active for many years now. i can't go back to iran. i can, this is my family in iran. that's why many people it rang and people were afraid to condensation in the past years, but i see many, many ringing people in the desk for us saying that which iran are we going to
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in a few years. if you don't go on the streets now, if you don't help, don't revulsion in iran, tu, tu, tu yan, to end this time of the regime. so that's why a lot of people are putting their fear behind saying that, no matter what we are going to the streets here as well. of course, we are not slaughtered by air regime forces like in iran, we are police, you're actually protecting us. but that's, that's also we have problems with spies from the regime people threatening us and so on. we certainly do appreciate you having the courage to talk with us and to get as much of the story out to the public as possible than yellow shabury joining us tonight, daniela, thank you. thank you. ah . the way of water connects all before your birth.
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and after your death, captain pete lambert, mitchell. let me be perfectly well. you are not my 1st choice. you are here at the request of admiral presents good. hey, k r smith. he seems to think you have something left to offer the navy. that is, i can't imagine. have you been wrong? have you been rowing for you? i will go so far out. ah, just stopping friends with a fellow, he's done. but he's always been done. time is the thing is the essential piece of interpretation. you cannot start without me. my son in law. however, unlike sometimes my 2nd which means time or
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hey barbara, there you are. i have been looking forward to seeing you all day. wow, this is my dream. oh wow. oh oh, a pallet pretty good. um janine i'd like you to meet my daughter. hi. i'm taylor. i didn't teach is the 2nd grade and the kids absolutely love her. okay. yeah, i had to laugh that see, there, there was, but there was, are some of the nominations for the 2023 golden globes, and the talk about them. i'm joined now by entertainment journalist j. j. matthew said, los angeles kj good to see the years almost over to glad we get to talk at least once more before the end of the year. what did you make of these picks? were it, were they the right ones in europe in you know, i was just talking to a couple of the other, a hollywood foreign press association, members that also voted offer these nominees. and you know,
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it's interesting. we were saying, you know, there were so much a great material out there, but it seems that a lot of the voters went for more popular films like avatar top gun elvis, things like that. we're, we're films and in terms of being nominated so more popular films, which is interesting because, you know, so often hollywood get hit over the head for always saying that they're doing too many art house films. not enough films that people middle america around the world actually pay money. ah, to go see in the theater. so maybe, you know, you got to write this how, where the me did you get it right. or are you, are you just acknowledging a fact? and i've been reading about this recently that these high bra attempts at high brow films, these films are not, they just aren't generating a big audiences like they once were able to do. what do you say to them? that's true, but i would say this though, you know,
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sometimes these smaller are counts. films do get a little bump after winning a bigger. there are people around the world and especially middle americans are never heard of that. maybe i'll give it a chance, a slight bump, but obviously it's not that the big than elvis, you know, with, with tom hangs, or on the top gun with tom cruise. you can't beat that. those are international alias stars that are known all around the world. and, and had no need for introduction for their feelings. and what about the, the snobs in this year? i mean, were there any that surprised you or that she would have said, you know, the probably should have been nominate? i don't think you'll be surprised, but i'll tell you this. emancipation just came out on apple tv plus that stars. ah, will smith we are know what will smith had a tough year after the the oscars this year. he gives a pron not a phenomenal performance in his film. ah, his bill, nor heat were at all nominated this year for the golden globes. and i was surprised
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to see the film till till about the true story of an african american boy, a 14 year old boy who was linton and basically i tortured and murdered in the 1950s in mississippi. here's a true story. the entire cast gives a phenomenal performance and we didn't see any, any awards any nominate nations for that as well. so oh mister price. and of course tom cruise didn't get nominated for top. not even though top gun is there as a best picture nominees for on for so those are a couple of snaps. yeah. but those are a couple of good tips there for people who want to see a good movie. i always say listen to what k, j says, and you'll be happy. and we know there's been intense spotlight on the golden globes after a series of i would say, rather, damming of stories in the early time. so he will watch the hollywood foreign process asian been doing to, to change. and would you say it will be enough?
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it's you a lot has changed. i join the organization in september 2021. here we are at the end of 2022. so a lot has happened. the show has not been on here since january 2021. so when it returns in january 2023, which is another month away, it will be returning after a 2 year hiatus because nbc decided not to air the telecast. obviously all this came about after there was a boycott and a lot of issues. they didn't have enough diversity. they didn't have it. and they had a couple of scandals. so they have brought a lot of people on made a lot of changes. and i think you'll see the difference in that. i mean, i think it remains to be seen whether hollywood will embrace, you know, our, our organization, hollywood form, even though we made of changes, but we'll just have to see what we will definitely be watching kj. matthews in los angeles is always k j. good talk with you. thank you. ah,
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the days almost dawned the conversation continues on wine and we will see you tomorrow. ah, with the counties it's really the best material to house the world. but of course, we need to make it better and we can do it with new methods, some building projects in india through what's possible
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that would mean saving 400000000 tons of c o 2 year tomorrow to do next on d w. feeling with the help i doctors who have reached their limits with conventional medicine use artificial intelligence to open up completely new perspectives. thanks to visionary technology that's faster and more precise than human being. close up in 60 minutes on d. w. with the melting a reporter tracks down,
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the arctics. major players with you see route begins a dangerous game. people overseas that yeah, we are here. we're patrolling the area now, the cards are being re, shuffles, who has the best tattered bratia is quite active. economic in the arctic. if you see something that looked like james bond, it has to do with military pay starts december 23rd on d. w. scientists suggesting that feet wet all in the name of making hydro pallet back to for the environment. more on that coming up we'll also be looking at methods to reduce the home for the impacts of the universal building material concrete. but 1st law you.


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