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tv   In Good Shape  Deutsche Welle  December 13, 2022 9:30am-10:01am CET

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people overseas that yeah, we are here. we're patrolling area now, the cards are being re, shuffles, who has the best handed? russia is a quite active economic in the arctic. if you see something that looked like james bond, it has to do with military picking will starts december 23rd on d w with i think we would we be without bio diversity, probably extinct without biodiversity. the entire support system for all living things would completely collapse. that's why we must do all we can to protect hits
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. welcome to echo africa. i'm chris elapse. well, chris, your point is well taken. there is still a lot we can do to improve the situation. now that is something we'll be looking into on today's program. welcome and thank you for joining us. i am sunday twin of you and here is what else we have coming up. home. plastic trash is helping people get healthcare in nigeria. how hungry our forms are ensuring kelsey and how a water management program is stuck in the effects of drunk in london. we start the shore writer in uganda, which is home to an abundance of wildlife, from communions onto a bunches to cheaters. and of course, a famous mountain guerrillas by the wont being of many of these animal populations depends on the palace. if also people who have dedicated their lives,
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protecting them, like they going to wildlife authorities, head of law enforcement. margaret costume by miss how crucial motivation is for her and her team of rangers working for the going to what life authority this is a real moment of relaxation. they frequently put their lives on the line in order to protect the countries wide life. margaret cassandra is at the vanguard of the fight against butcher's in you can, does national parks had you're busy, highly dangerous one. sometimes we are confronted with people who are equally armed like us, like the porch us. we have. 1 i'm with watching. sometimes people come in and to, to get to the and was that they once. so we have also to be armed and, and,
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and ready to counter to counter what they come to do. you can this elephant population is no back up to over 5000 animals. thanks to the range, a stylish efforts and dedication. but a fight is not over. in 2019 the authority, their record amount of ivory, we gain attitudes of over 3 tons of tasks. a whole that cost the lives of over $350.00 elephants at the hands of poachers. on average, every year we persecute a boat for hundreds of thick involved in the french offensive, including wildlife, trafficking, poaching, illegal entry into the park, and others the ranges of to keep pressure and poachers by maintaining armed mucho's across the national parks. you can to has an ambitious goal to re introduce
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a herd of white trainers to the wired. 40 as of to purchase, wiped them out. the sea was sanctuary in censure. uganda is the proud home of the only wilds. so them white trainers in the country. the $33.00 animals, i get it by ranges around the clock. we have increased our force in numbers and we're still increasing. we have people who are trading right now near to her training. they will be passing out soon. they will come to reinforce the already existing render force to protect their resources. we have also improved on our wow. oh detection mechanisms. our discussions units has acquired equipment to detect. we left crime unintelligence, they cannot detect and to prevent it's also vital. she sees that the pushes are coat and convicted in 2019. the government drastically increase the penalties for
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poaching or trading protected animals. this particular law has given us breathing space, at least as they commit offenses. the criminals know what is coming for them. if we happen to get them, you're going to know has a special court dedicated to cases involving poachers and a legal trafficking of protected animals. and animal protects and punishments a severe until just recently an ivory trigger was given a life sentence. for me, that is, if he got give me because all of us as a chain contributed to that we have a court which was designated to handle wildlife related cases that have had a big achievement for me previously user to grapple competing with other cases in court other very important cases of mud freezes on whatever you can imagine
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a treason case competing with the way life case, which one would be given priority to be had margaret customer sees that she and her colleagues from the white my for 30, i know big leasing to and both the politicians and the courts know that their commitment to their crunch is wildlife has benefits for the entire country. recent years of cindy elephant population gradually recovering. at the same time, there's also been a slight increase in the number of endangered mountain gorillas migrate. costume is now looking forward to the endangered white trainer. so no sir, reappearing where it belongs. but kinda wired from one strong woman to the next from margaret because so bar elizabeth was born in pennsylvania. she is the executive secretary of the un convention on biological diversity and how to repeatedly pointed out the impact of biodiversity laws on economies,
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on societies, over 50 percent of the global economy, all depends on in talk, ecosystem will offer go down. we talked recently ah, made it in the wood, is that own? in the sense that the is the foundation of life is foundation because our life is dependent on biodiversity. we depend on by davis, therefore the food we eat there, water, we drink this up with pressure of cub on. but this foundation is under threat. says elizabeth rema. she's hoping for a paris moment for the protection of biodiversity, a reference to the global climate goals agreed in paris in 2015 by the end of the century, around a 1000000 species could be extinct. the loss of main events is reached.
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8 unprecedented level in the history of humankind. 75 percent of the land globally is degraded. 6, their 6 percent of their marine environment is degraded. 8 to 5 percent of white lands, the grad or disappear. 50 percent of koreans have disappeared. and all these degradation pollution here, not even mentioning the plastic how we chalk the ocean with plastics is all as the result of human action. the effects of climate change can now be seen in floods, drought forest fires, and heat waves, disasters them. rema says, are the main driver of biodiversity loss for many years. they will head focus on climate change, and focused on climate change completely independent from the loss of my it
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a visit. but now, or in the recent years, the world has realized that you cannot deal with climate change without looking at loss of my diversity. around 50 percent of global g d p is dependent on nature. so if we don't protect bio diversity, we're putting our own livelihoods and lives at risk under reports that were indicated that. c 75 percent of all imaging infectious disease, as in humans, as though not dig in nature, though not dick, in the sense that they are closely connected or young with the health of the ecosystem. 97 percent of the loss of biodiversity is caused by human beings. our actions and you've covered, maintain, has not taught us a lesson because we're also species. if we are not quite careful, we will evolve, perished with their covet ramos,
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that she's frustrated to see how ecosystems have been destroyed during years of an action and slow decision making. and we need to act now, not if it's tomorrow, the tipping points will have reached. we are in a late sightings now in today. oh. and my constant speaking hello, you're watching dw news alive from berlin. we want to take you straight to paris, where an international donor conference is under way to organize aid for ukraine getting the country through the winter months. and mid rush has ongoing attacks on its infrastructure. and those attacks have left millions of ukrainians without power in sub 0 temperatures. the opening statements are already under way. let's see if we can listen n n n a from this computer to hold a big beyond europe. domitian and international organizations covering wide range
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of field force listed was the training of the of the international committee. solidarity support would be great. the more baldwin said money for you, i had been resisting with correction to termination. the registration guest usually started on the 24th of residency victim, mom and dad. got, i'm womanly. let us remember that this aggression had already started in 2014. so the fetus you had without assuming a good that diety, but in fact, another good is between line years that ukrainians have been again, oh, of the going that of you know, 6 o war lease, you america over and covered. so i want to pay tribute to the ukranian armed forces to repel the russian offensive against the field. and that of managed to take back thanks to their career. no, hadn't he gets an obligation so much to treat each of the old woman? i want to pay tribute to the green people as a whole rule. despite the horror of the crimes committed by the russian occupies ah, not easy to come as sir in cities such as maria pulled booth. char, your opinion,
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is human so many other other hong kong dollars of the business cars and will bear the scars, what a long time to come of this cruelty. do you bring in people as i was saying, continues to fight with admirable determination for the country and all the freedom and the recapture of curse in the middle of november demonstrate any. did you live fertility of the sham referendum that russia had organized and in an attempt to annex for regions of ukraine, and that the international community condemned by an overwhelming majority of the united nations general assembly of his ukraine, regained the upper hand on the ground, russia was military weaknesses. the militaries of people who might have been exposed has opted for a cynical strategy of destroying them at civil in infrastructure in order to bring ukraine to its knees. with each of your countries victories on the ground, russia national holden, cowardly. in response to new bombings of the electricity, gas, and gas and water infrastructure necessary for the population survival during winter
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. with the clear objectives in response to military defeats. similar to spread out amongst the 1000000000 attempting to break up the rear because they cannot hold the price on these strikes, which open to lead to target civilians, populations and infrastructures. these strikes, rift to morgan disappeared, and russia openly admits that are only aimed at undermining the resistance of the ukrainian people constitute war crimes, which they undoubtedly violate the most fundamental principles of humanitarian law that these acts are intolerable, and must not go unpunished through claire. i want to be clear, not certain here in this context, then you can see that it is for you crim, victim of this aggression to decide that the conditions for the just and last appeal and in this respectability me are the 10 point. these plans that you have outlined next, it is an excellent places and really we must be together, meet the only media, but in the me check to see if just the emergencies to support the resilience
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of the ukrainian people. it is to allow ukraine to get through the longest winter that we wish to organize together. there's a conference call in solidarity with ukrainian people and whose results we wish to be socially concrete. first of all, to choose the above all deny there is to mobilize our partners of your credit countries and committed in your monitoring support and international donors in order to provide concrete assistance to preserve the functioning of critical infrastructure that i mentioned. now the people who live in the winter energy, water, food, health, transportation, so things don't get more good. and i hope that our collective commitments will be commensurate. these also with the challenge and will help you in meeting the most urgent needs of this winter. we will bring exceptional aid, as well as we have already disbursed $251500000.00 euro since the beginning of the
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year. and we will be adding 48500000 euros these days. and so the product is identified when the payment of the conference with 7000000 people went to emergency and the rest distributed in a different sector. this based on sexual violence, children, food aid, mental health, and over and above. this will be adding additional contribution except look on this is point $5000000.00 euros in the field of electricity and energy for the acquisition of a big part of the initiative. coordinated by the european commission that the president of the commissioners would be talking about $63.00 new high by electrical generators, and several transformers, in addition to the 100 generators already in november. but also additional financing for war. so they help which will take the total effort over and above what has already been done. 225000000 euros of emergency 8. this is support is essential. i'd like to thank all that all the countries with the contributions announced a look of this conference. and secondly,
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a realize that the coordination of emergency aid needed to be affected and improved in order to respond in a very operational way to the needs of your grade. and we were evoking this yesterday with the prime minister, norway, and the prime minister of luxembourg as well. we need things to arrive concretely in the field and that this is something that we learned from conflict. and other than the announcement was announcement of amounts. we need to close one corporation with point of contact in all the countries on order for the to arrive in real time on the student, the field, and with close dialogue with european commission. my thank very much for this. on the last few weeks, we can announce that we are setting up a green force mechanism for coordinating international aid that you qualified to meet on sunday of paris mechanism will be taking support of the european union civil protection mechanism, which is already in a role today. and will be extended to volunteer states wishing to take part in this
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report. a non european states present here today amongst us have designated point of contact with a view to joining this mechanism. i particularly welcome to these countries which demonstrate that you don't need to be a western country to be convinced of the need to support ukraine over the long term . so we can use this mechanism focused on emergency aid in addition to the coordination of energy for initiated by the united states within the framework of the g 7 and mechanism for reconstruction that we have clarified under the german championship of the g 7 a conference today. this initiative that i'm here to accompany a series of international major international events that have marked the recent months. i'm thinking of the look on a conference that you hold to mister president of the confederation de ignacio and which enables you to present this reconstruction plan and which lead the fundamental principles of the reconstruction of ukrainians. and i'm thinking of,
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but the berlin conference organized at the end of october by germany and the european commission. did ursula. and alina gave rise to fruitful discussions, which were next, what's on the coordination of the long term reconstruction of ukraine. you and we will meet next year in london to continue this long term commitment alongside ukraine young's because we will also be at ukraine side when it finally completely gets fight for freedom trans on these intends to we as all of now play is full part in the reconstruction of ukraine and this afternoon, i will be opening with you, mr. prime minister. a has all it could all make for i'm in the presence of 500 french companies, which would allow us to mobilize these companies for emergency aid, but also to encourage longer term investments in ukraine. finally, over and beyond the dates and companies allow me to salute and welcome to mobilization of the entire factors id in the service of you agreed. on the 8th december, we brought together around the minister calona non state actors are local authorities
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in particular like over and beyond the welcoming ukrainian refugees. 1800 local authorities contributed up to 9500000 euros than 8 fund for ukraine. and we have encouraged them to make further contributions in favor of emergency, with the highest representatives of the national assembly, the senate and local authorities with the french and you are with us to day in this room. and i would like to thank them for that. it is the french team, a, b, c, which is mobilized. and i know that several countries in missouri present in the room are functioning in the same way and over and beyond, to these commitments are bringing good support every day in a very concrete way. and i'd like to pay them for it. so this is what i wanted to say in the opening of this conference that they will not emir. i want to say here that you have in paris, heads of state governments, alongside your spouse and your prime minister, and several of your ministers, your fully, you mobilize them,
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they have the will to fight and to act in solidarity with ukraine. you end up to the last day lead to a local bank in them for this support. so because you know the fighter freedom, your sovereignty, but it is also a fight for international order. and a for us to ability of all of us. devil admit it is an honor now for me to give you the floor and thank you very much for being with us. once again. i was thank you very much. thank you. long bye. have down then mr. unless you read the delay and present the home, your issue of pain and your scholars ammonia in a few minutes to mirror a muscle. you my mom. yeah. and even though
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i'm a believer, a desire to overcome energy terror campaign. i remember when i was just saying we organize this a bunch of them or is there were him ready? we already had a, had a few strikes and there was already had a terror waited with iran when you throw on was trying to trigger humanitarian catastrophe in our country. russia needed to terrorize ukraine and jo, order the democratic world, in response to that upgrade. and we wanted everything to progress. we counter a credential black else with energy towers,
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we have, hadn't made here slide all energy with structures until all over the power station. so hydro electric power are slow on these asia. another have been, imagine what these are do in your country. one of the russia strikes law or rank made no, our power plants come to a grinding hands. so everything he was a speedy restoration of the power station destroyed by restless facts. why once i saw him in a billiard, more euro to will. so after every single strike, we try and get all the technical capabilities and the power pass up and running every single day or energy specialist need to reconnect. and ukraine was sense and reorganize the supply because when i renewed my on the right now for the time being
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roughly 12000000, if you fall in all the channels, you can pull out the answer. yes. are disconnected for power supply. unfortunately, this is a very typical situation in every single clay. we expect new russian and stripes, which shaw and increase the number of disconnection. and we'll put it in our teens. that's why it ventured their eyes are necessary in ukraine as honored vehicles or cooper. this is the only way of protecting the ordinary people and the children are publicly stone. has given the existing condition, is it the russians trying to just reach back out to you? harold harmon was now a generation system is being built. now when you create on it is being built as well as fast as possible in all the different regions or 1000. so is, and you can talk to her own functioning around or with power generators,
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hospital substantial work with power generations households, power generation, as we now have housing for job engine, internet connection, telecommunication, all over the country with an o for a 5000 for access service basis, we know birds are these are locations where people can come and warm our preacher, large child apply. and so, so i connect to the internet and i'm very thankful to move to the country so far. you are the to partnering with you train to manage the level of energy in the country, is the key element is to maintain the main power grid in ukraine, amongst with guarantee it's operationally stable, adoration, in spite of all you have the russian attempts tell me you create the darkest place of your wow, well that is new, i is foreman, this event is important. that's why here and we now we need to agree on specific
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actions which will allow ukrainian to survive and to advance into the future. and just to make sure that only the democratic forces as well, you can assist ukraine as far as possible to fight 19 democratic the forces, namely russia to prevent many disasters and protect all citizens. yes, we need different types of a quit or power generators transformer director for a high voltage grades gas turbine. so no toy propellers. well, ways to get pistons in the home of representatives of our country at the conference can give me the details and all of the technical specifications, all of the equipment we need in addition to our energy power system in until until the end of the winter heat exceeds an emergency of support from the existing system and we need is from europe. we need to be able to import power, fraudulently,
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european countries into ukraine to make this possible. need to find a solution or network connect with network managers which allow the energy to his voicemail and to be in horton was one of the technical specifications. once again, lucas t l i, our energy specialist, this will call my roughly 800000000 or you're wrong. of course is very high amounts. are brought the price or the cost of it is lesser than the cost of the potential blackout. so i hope that these decisions will be made accordingly. he's a man, ah, a conference with you. no more. no, no router to mess. aha admissions, a european energy agency that will be sent out all of the
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nuclear power plants in europe. i mean, we're, we're asking mission to be sent out to wherever is needed in ukraine because unique upon this. so our depends this debility of origins. i think all by the european union will be a factor guaranteeing security and control additional orders or not. because of this reaction i use opera in by a terrorist attacks will be required to use more gas or to ease yourselves this winter the next week or so, need to buy a 2000000000 cubic meters of gas this winter. and this will be your element to ensure our stability. that's why we need your leaders in the face. find a, you know, sign and other practical result of the conference could be an agreement. my own funding is a project there to manual and mentioned already. and this would be
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a project, so to buy, when you lead lamps or ukraine, this might not seem very affordable, but 50000000 as is lead ma'am. so will allow us to raise roughly want to go on power. i mean, the average she deaf is just as far as our her grid is 2.5 hidden. what are the timing? we would also mean the special anachronism for coordination efforts have been the, as the highest mechanism would allow us to desire to switch to a service, to one of the challenges that had the ha coil, hawaii, the terror can lives by russia. so far we do not hire and i, he air defenses of him as a lauder, as required to ha count russian. miss. i was this, we will man issue create a decision making system which will, how hard days was to drive rush hour audio impact. it's tara recipe challenge sheet
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. when a new crossville hyperion changes all winter, this all profane, you saw, wave, the migration to the population towards your conscious change? no, i see no air strike or no, and then a tag, it's power station as well. how allow russia to carry out it's objection, thing russia will have to think about how to put an end to the agreement was started on. i think this is in our hands now, and i thank you. once again, i thank you mr. president of organizing this avenger. all right, and i really hope all of the actual concrete decisions with sonny norman. if you pray
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many people blueshield. thank you very much. dia lo demille, thank you very much for these words and the clarity of the message is conveyed and the need. i will now give the floor to the prime minister of ukraine did. and as you have the full blown you was the coordinator on there. but as of them, pamela micron shall know. now when you present. good morning, go from the line to mister president, sir, macro into the team. dear in yes, york. he's miss it or cylinder land in albany, him dear premier, mister president of ukraine, community chavonee prime ministers, vice prime minister, the heads of parliament, history, presidents of parliament was fishing equally. he drew excellency's ministers. finally, frontier colleagues, representatives of international organizations. ladies and gentlemen, welcome can.


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