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tv   Disappear  Deutsche Welle  December 14, 2022 10:15am-11:01am CET

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patients for any breaking with up next are documentary film asks how the personal data of internet users can be protected when cyber criminals, online giants and intelligence agencies, all want to get their hands on it. i'm terry martin for me and all of us here at the top meetings. thanks for watching. with our games on the melting ice a reporter tracks down the arctics major players and the if you see something that looked like dave responded, has to do with the military head starts december
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23rd on d w. who is next? so oh good. it is to let us all blows. you are with tech firm, sorry, social media company, the different platforms, youtube, etc. how us express yourself. be yourself. tell us your stories, poster images,
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give us your words. this is for you. i thought so much out. i think we will have the feeling that something is going on, but we close our eyes and simply carry on one level that we leave behind our digital tracks every day. when we surf the web chat or even just move around. even the most harmless data exposes as to numerous risks you have to think about their business model is collect as much information as possible so that they can then sell that information. who wants to find exactly you above? well, a memphis room. so how you protect yourself depends on the situation. so as to whether we're dealing with a jealous bows, an employer, or as in my case, because working with wikileaks and an essay and see i documented molena. so let's see. this is a great warning to the rest of the world. our civil liberties are eroding in front
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of our eyes. school children, regular citizens, journalists, dissonance. each of these groups has its own specific risks online, but there are solutions. so how can we learn to protect ourselves on a highly individual level? what i hear people say privacy is dead? i think less nonsense. i don't believe at all. i think that there are many, many ways that you can remain calm potential, even in this hyper connected world, whether lost their surveillance the actual musician, max thomas lives in berlin. he is an avid user of social media and the services provided by the internet giant. but for some time now, he's been concerned about the tracking of his personal data. this doesn't present in a huge risks to him in germany at the moment. he's worried about the growing threat to our freedoms post by the big 5 take companies.
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ah, to find out how he can protect himself. he's on his way to chaos. communication camp is gathering of hackers and computer enthusiasts from all over europe takes place every 4 years. it's go to create an open internet for a good deal. yes, i have some questions. one big thing that i'm really trying to conquer is i like, how could i get rid of good the way we try to, but it's, we will is also to compartmentalize, accept it. if you have to use one of these thought of a good goes, you cannot have our data, at least that you can show to them at all. yes, model portion of your life and not been tie. typically, i would recommend diversifying the tools you use. so rather than relying for
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example on google, for email, for maps, for search for translation, you can find different privacy conscious tools for each of these needs. i would highly recommend that you start with the apps where you don't rely on any one like your browser. if you've been using google chrome, you could use firefox, you could use chromium, you could use tore browser. there are so many different ones out there. and after you find a new browser and you try out a new browser, why don't you try a new search engine? you could change, for example, to dr. go some people try some other ones. they try circs, they try kuanz. there are so many privacy conscious search engines we had this talk in the afternoon about facebook because we tried to get away from it. but still no one does my site. hm. site, im,
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we don't know what is our is but the base. so we are, society have half time or in figuring out it was kind of arrive and empowerment her . we are losing bukosa of. do facebook embody my yes, my theories that they, we should be got all of our i got his man, we should make on what data and know exactly what are we are sharing a and a how they are treated. like most artists, max needs social media to advertise, he shows a situation, it's making him feel increasing the uneasy this morning. he's meeting them as a proclaim club culture. it's an alliance of people acting billions night line. all of him want to free themselves from this dependence. ah, got florida from darla, i thought there's been on to spying an expectation of dayton. so our idea is to
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launch a large scale campaign, inviting representatives of berlin's club and culture. seem to all choose an alternative platform to publicize their events that are cheaper to, that's the you, the event dorothy carried out some research in advance professors. there's a project currently under development called mobile. it's on involving the programming of a facebook events alternative with other than 4 elements. and so i mostly out and about in berlin with artists and musicians. and i'm sure that a city like berlin, with its unrivalled cultural offerings, is a very good place to get things going on and then export the concept to other city or site. the tech for gen in understanding with privacy protection is an issue that concerns everyone. the 1st and foremost, the primary music social platforms like instagram,
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snapshot antiques help young people teaches it to louie messing your french secondary school. in casablanca had the idea of showing students the flip side of their favorite apps, more room for you and me, or the cover your thought in today, we're going to be focusing on social networks. i mean, have any of you ever read through a providers conditions of use as shown bell this was last year? why liquid can choose as her husband to be honest, i've never read them. they've got these super complex words, unless they're long. if everyone agrees with them, and so to id eval bucket and alaska to new. so here an english lawyer rewrote instagram's privacy policy so that young people age 9 and above can understand it. linda know a lot of juncture, that even though you remain responsible for the information you post on instagram, we got, we can store use and share it with companies affiliated with instagram. we do not
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accept any responsibility for what these other companies do with your information approved. they don't, in addition to the data, you've posted yourselves and you're also generating what's known as meta data clinic. the time of the post, i do often you like this or dots, content and so on. so all this data is being sold to companies, all which are done able to sell it on to other companies. certainly on our dogs i'll talk is dia or the for now we're going to take a look at the next except, but can you read it out? please? also watch it. officially, you own any original pictures and videos you post, but we are allowed to use them and we can let others use them as well anywhere around the world. other people might pay us to use them and we will not pay you for that to be messy. c. c, lamore. well, it's really shocking. it's like we provided the wood, we made the fire, but there's no head room. you thought i should because i exactly. exactly,
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and in fact, we've even provided you with the fireplace that you can use instagram for free, but the data belongs to them and they use it. why? it's always the way it is said to rock. i'm so i let if it is it over it because i'm parked on pano, but the students private life is very important to us. after all, if we don't protect them who elsewhere solo, which is essentially there are 3 risks regarding the use of their data and expect us only diversely. it can be used by the big tech companies or by companies. they work with sig, on thursday risk that hackers who manage to access and gain control of your account will use your data or ports or local salas exit. and of course data exchanged between students can be used for cyber harassment or other purposes. poor hesitancy balance simone. cyber harassment is a phenomenon affecting many young people on social networking platforms. as
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a preventative measure, teachy show their students how they can protect their accounts more effectively. a lot less they also because they don't last time we try down to little exercise to find weaknesses in a friend's account. both feel no call to do what would come i hear report on how that went. so one of the would papa, there's not a love affair. logistic philosophy, he just, i carried out the experiment with reach as instagram account, it's private, but her 1st names that i h a loss under profile picture, showing her face off with it. if there aren't any posts there apart from her own stories, but you can see when and why she's been traveling and why alex mm. that go. so what do you think about her account home school more so it's okay. yeah. but it could be, but it could be better like oh good that mine is no better. oh, if you have the time to sit down and look through each of the privacy setting
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options, there are some really great jan's in here. so you can decide who sees your posts, for example, by default, it might be set to public and you may want to change that and reduce it just to the people that you've accepted to your page. so you can control what users are seeing your information here it says, do you want search engines outside of a link to your profile? yes or no, and by default it's set as yes. so this is a really great place to secure the options that are important to you. lee and berlin max is learning about mobile is all the alternative to facebook events soon to go live together with other artists. and the developers of mobile is on an online meeting is taking place today to discuss the functions of the new platform. mm.
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so why are we still on facebook as artists? every one monopoly on facebook events. and it's used but every clap in berlin. and since we like a network of clubs, we thought that's a spread the school of facebook, extra those because we see a large potential and not chris wading individual users to make the change to add to social media platforms. but actually to set an example. yeah, we had 15 years of getting used to host everything to delegate everything, the data storage, the server maintenance to facebook. but if you want to mobile is an instance, then you have to host it somewhere and you have to pay for the server hosting. but this is what freedom really costs this other hidden costs that facebook and so on
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would hide from us and compensate with seeking our privacy. ah, the best knowing federated platform is social network mastered on millions of former twitter uses and switch to this free service since its foundation in 2016 ah federation means that there is not a single authority that is in control of the whole network. it means that there's multiple authorities. if you're familiar with email email, it's another federated network. you have servers like hotmail, outlook. yahoo, g mail, you sign up somewhere and you get an email address that starts with your username and ends with the server you're on. and that system allows you to email anyone on any email server just by using that address. so the variation is
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a method by which these authorities are spread out as opposed to, for example, twitter or facebook, where they have i'm going to say one server and millions of users on master on because it's decentralized. you have a large number of small servers, each is owned and operated by different individual organization and you get the ability to follow or interact with anyone who's on any other servers. next has an appointment at mench maya, a burly noise institution for a long while. the club resisted joining facebook, but under pressure to reach more people eventually relented. mench maya would be an ideal candidate for the mobile adventure. why do you think that it could be possible to get people away from facebook or at least
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try that in the underground of berlin's music scene? i've seen that a lot of people use different tools, should i perhaps explain a little bit some of the concepts. so the federal verse is a open protocol for communication across services. so mobile is on is an event management service, which is part of the set of ers and within the fed of ours. you also have other services, a very popular one, mastodon, which is a twitter alternative pier tube, which is a youtube alternative pixel side, i believe, is the name of the instagram, alternative, fun quail to music streaming alternative. and because they're all based on the same protocol, they can all communicate with each other. so i can be using, mastered on and you can be making events for mench meyer on mobile is on. and i can
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get your events and my master on the stream. even though i'm not using mobile as long as we could think about some goodies that you get in, if you join it, i mean, because we are still interested in not putting too much power to facebook that's already too powerful. so yeah, maybe they would, there could be some extra form of content for the event. you know, home these and we don't the tools of the study. in other words, the different software has within this launch federation, all of which use the same protocol between them. so kind of new internet is created with many building blocks that have varying functions. this is how you social universe is created in the hello mr mer to my name is way k i m a researcher from hong kong. i have been following your work about digital security. i was hoping to meet you to talk about the situation we're facing with china.
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like thousands of other people in hong kong way k didn't think her online activities carried much risk. but umbrella movement protests against china changed all that. chinese agencies can now monitor the communications or hong kong citizens . hello. so tell me more. how is the situation in on come on. it's getting worse and worse. you know, the police are getting more and more violent. the conversation has broken down completely and we are very worried and you have some kind of a plan. i think the 1st step for me would be to learn how to secure myself. and then i will be able to reach out to other people. i'm actually
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thinking about a campaign for the general public, and i wonder if you would have any contacts of people that i can speak to because of my experience living in china, i'm quite familiar of how the chinese government actually infiltrates in the general public and how they, you know, pinpoint on certain individuals. i worry about that one day. it will also happen to hong kong, for people to continue with their work, to fight for a rule of law. and for a freedom of speech, they must learn how to protect themselves. mm. hello, hello. hello,
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this is way k. so what sort of occupation are you involved with? i work as a researcher, but then after the uprising i became involved in digital security training. so i'm doing a lot of campaigning and contacting people who are actually high risk. and so now you're back to, to learn a little bit more about threat models. yeah, thread modeling is something quite new to me. ok, and it will help determine your risk. there are 5 questions that you can ask yourself. first question. what is it that you want to keep them private? this is getting through the process of thinking who is that i need to protect from? what is that i need to say skip and what is the kind of the worst case scenario. and you sort of realizing, well, ok, my adversary is this, what is what i think these adverse are it's capable of?
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is it capable of doing of wire tapping into that communications or not? is it capable of getting data out of providers that i use or not? is it capable of hacking or not? the adversary's that i'm facing are actually state actors. so they do have the financial means and technical power. i think my risk would be exposing my contacts. that's my deepest worry. the worst scenario for me would be, i get caught, i would be subject to interrogation. and in the worst scenario, torture, these things are all too common. in mainland china,
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internet surveillance has become a big problem for journalists to whenever informers contact them, they run the risk of leaving online tracks that could result in their identification and persecution. to prevent is julian assange found in wiki leaks in 2006. on the secure platform, whistleblowers can she has sensitive documents and remain anonymous in its most high profile case wiki leaks revealed information on abuses by the us army in iraq and afghanistan. if my be the one who i got window open, sorry, very prison burn, but i got married coming here. cooper, him julie massage, became the u. s. government enemy number one. in the event of his extradition to
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the united states. he faces a prison sentence of up to a $175.00. he is the 1st contact program. this is one of the big issues that we face in journalism. if we just think about a scenario which is that you were so poor, you've got some important information that you want to disclose to me. you use your, let's see your gmail address, which has your name and your, your g mail that you've used for years, or a normal open line phone call. that's created a permanent record between you and me. which will presume you might offer a range of security levels and receive contacting me. doesn't present any reason. you can send me a message on twitter, facebook, or by email telling someone who might face problems. if it came out that they contacted me, you can get in touch by a signal, but even what i did, but you're not going can someone with
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a very high threat model. so someone who works or works for an intelligence agency and who wants to entrust me with a document, they can use secure draw software meant or anonymous, secure contact with an investigative journalist, i met new consecutive underneath security the menus. i guess you me the fight every day. she says i'm a reporter for the speedo at the time home and the guardian together with the new york times. and the guardian of we all sat in this bunker at the guardian working on the 1st african war alone, the 1st hit, how much, alas, i can make them as an email, as it know office suite. that's actually pretty astonishing how much we put in her emails at the time. so it might be the whole time we'd be getting this constant
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annoying cleaning from wiki leaks to encrypt everything of my other fish, listed on the telling us to be careful. when via i learned that we all just like galactose, we called it paranoid and crazy, the power to eat a crazy as though. ah, so today i'm left wondering if yet what did i do differently than julian assange times julian, sr. stammers, if the aim to prosecute for the last next on the list that we do differently as vice hum via i can make. and if you were so poor, 1st of all, what you need to be careful with and be very mindful of as how you try to record the information that you're seeing. because if you just plug in a flash drive or us be, or whatever as,
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and try to copy or whatever that immediately is a red flag because the company's probably got assess them that monitors who's removing information from it says it was most of the big companies that call and said or threat technology. why would usually suggest is that is that the person as he can get by a cheap new laptop, a little notebook or something like that. go to cafe, the public and why fi network? and download the tar bros, or connect to this secure job page. and then you can make contact with us through that by sending a message. and from there we could probably take next steps to try and figure out, you know, what is what, how we can get further information from you without compromising your security and safety
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to pay for the launch of the mobiles on platform. max is invited from artists and friends to a crypto party. it's an informal event where anyone who's interested can find out more about the trinity to the big 5 and acquire some basic knowledge about internet security, the ah, [000:00:00;00] with a name calling in nice to find out a bit more about what internet privacy is. your internet browser are you familiar
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with? the vpn is a v p n, a virtual private network. no, many people use the piano for privacy reasons by connecting to a vpn, and then going to go to that from the vpn. and one of the benefits of that is that your ip address then looks like it's coming from the piano or not from your home network. and that protects and sometimes your identity to say have you heard of tore before? yeah. and do you know how it differs from a vpn? much really? no, no. okay. so tore isn't an acronym. it stands for the onion router. in some sense, it's similar to a vpn, and that your connection to the actual internet looks like it's coming from somewhere else. more than that, but with tour it doesn't connect to one, a node called or no. rather connects to 3 names and then it goes into
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the internet. on the next table, the focus is on d, googling android, my power phones. there are alternatives for most applications. for example, instead of google maps, you can use open street mac or quanta maps. that way, no information about your location is transmitted to google with. to say you have an android and say i have a good talent in my old neck. anyway, that's right. if you really want to avoid the transmission of data to google, more complex depth recline, for example, completely replacing the android operation system, such as lineage, an open source software. in general, crypto party recommend screen open source. never had this time before me say it
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belongs to all of us. so it's the source code is available for other people to take, to use, to modify, to share with other people. it's maximally transparent. in french, i described free software using the 3 words, a fatality because that's exactly what free software is about. lead the date means each user is free in using the program a galle day because every user has the same rights and fatality day because we encourage users to cooperate with other users. one fairly common kind of malicious functionality is despite on the user new must suppose that any non free program you run is sending data about you and your
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activities to some company and perhaps to a government who's i work with marginalized communities. you know, in america, you're gonna find young people in the inner city who are told by tech, firms, or social media companies, the different platforms. express yourself, be yourself, tell us your stories, post your images, give us your words. this is for you, you know, youtube, etc. right, and you know, if you go to facebook dot com, you see the platform. if you go to facebook dot com slash records, you see the law enforcement front door and law enforcement of contract companies that aggregate all the data and can like spin it and analyze it and slice it any way that they want. and we have these gang conspiracy charges in the united states, and in that the police, they just need circumstantial evidence to tie you to criminal activity. and most of it is through a network effect. so, you know,
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if i post something on social media and you like that thing, if i have your number in my phone, that's enough for you to be your doors. gonna get kicked in in the morning. they're going to pull you out of bed and you're going to get arrested. ah, ah, the education sector has experienced fundamental digital change in recent years. louie messing your french international school in casablanca, has been on board since 2017. the teachers had to choose between the variety solutions, including those offered by the big fine old while considering the issue, student data collection. well, not this day. so we'll see you soon. 5 of 6 solutions from a larger range of hate and open source providers, which enabled us to determine the pros and cons of each check for the so on down
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doors in terms of respect for privacy and data collection, we found open source software to be more appropriate zebo, google glass or google classroom, we soon realized we had to use google messaging and cloud storage service to run our course or a service will go. in the end, the teachers opted for moodle as the platform. and big blue button is the software . an alternative to do the choice wasn't immediately welcomed by everyone. as open source software is generally seen as less user friendly than moodle is a bit daunting. it fastened because it's not very sexy, not very intuitive, and it feels a bit clunky when you start using it. but for us, as teachers, it's
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a hyper create of tool. it's infinitely adaptable. when would you have an awesome extradition? proceedings against julian assange took place in london in late 2020 the 5 weeks of hearings at the bill marsh category, a prison were presided over by judge vanessa aright, sir? no filming was permitted. the us request the expedition of our so ours that the unlawful publication of classified documents related to the afghan and iraq was allegedly endangering the life of informants. working for the west of prosecuting. a journalist for the publication of classified documents is a 1st in the western world. all those in the profession are watching the case with great concern and fear that it could set a precedent. mm. wiki leaks put to place
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a rigorous process to remove the names of sources from all documents before publication associating with local media partners in different countries. wikileaks pioneered several journalistic field publishing source documents online, initiating large journalists, partnerships, and creating a secure platform for whistleblowers. that was replicated by all major newspapers they currently go off as fast as best condition seeing. and i guess my question i didn't think come out is where he leeks work. and on the 1st you sign a confidentiality agreement, setting out adherence to embargoes and security protocols and communication through secure channels. then you granted access to the document also securely. not ideally, you use taylor so this tails if there were movable operating system, you can put it on a us be stick or an sd card enough and you restart your computer on tales. and from that point,
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all communications go through. all the computer is not linked to my identity, which gives me additional anonymity and the new the new must shipley me. okay. when the threat model is, is extreme as it can be. we usually try and work in a well we would call an air gap environment which is to have computers that have never and well never connect to the internet. and we will only open certain encrypted communications on those arrow got machines and new york and intercepts office the bell a secure compartment in facility where it's almost like chan, alcatraz, you know, it's like there's male through the walls and it's blocks all signals coming in the and you, chinese, or an actor in 2020 takes direct. i'm a chinese critics and hong kong in response to this thresh way k runs,
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workshops and internet security for activists. well, thank you for coming here. and today we're going to talk a little bit about security. but before i get into it, i want to talk about the new security law who has heard about the security law in hong kong. in practice. as soon as the government does not like you for any reason, they can send you into china, be tried under the co chinese courts, and basically that's the end of you. so it's actually really important to encrypt your communications and encrypt your mails. sure, it is about your con rates too. if you're busted a friend's help, austin. and from what i heard from that say other activists in my circle, they don't even know what encryption is a scary. so if i'm communicating to the internet from this computer, i could send it unencrypted and then any one on the way, my wife, i am
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a local router, the i isd be whatever it is on the internet that went through all those. they could potentially read it, but if i have it encrypted with the g p, then we can't be read easily. so we used to piece to numbers one that is simply messing up my message to you. and when you receive that, we'll have your facebook t, the other number to decrypt, like an open or a key that opens. and this is where we have to learn how to do it. in civil society. surely there is a lack of resources. there is a lack of expertise opposite to a very high capacity of the very 3 to breach into the, into the chronic devices and intercept communications. and then you need to start thinking away from the strict digital security aspect and start thinking more about
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the operational security. when you think about operational security, your think more about your changing your own behavior in order to mitigate the damage. so for example, i'll use a certain type of device for certain types of communications that are at higher risk of getting more intercepted. then i'll separate that from my personal life. these considerations often help much more than say, buying hardware which are regarded as more secured me when the internet 1st emerged, the hope was that it will become a new free space to everyone. today, it's largely controlled by big companies and government agencies. if we're going to safeguard our privacy, we need to learn how to protect ourselves from. the problem is that no major political force has managed to articulate the vision for what the digital world
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might look like. wait, not run by this, either on the imaginative firms who can only think of selling advertising the madness as at the level of public organize the entire system. what we cannot conceive of infrastructures that might have a different political economy and that the non data might be owned by citizen together and not by the firms that all for a central structures. right? and that's those kind of questions that are thing i'm missing from the debate. now all eyes are on brussels. when it comes to restoring, ordering the wild west of data theft, the institution showing the greatest willingness has been the european union. then when daddy cove to bunder at overpeer, sure, even it says i'm meant him if we join forces on a european level along with member states, we can actually set a new global standard. no, the general data protection regulation has set an international milestone on this issue. of tracking and tracing cookies like dying, but at the end of the day,
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i also believe that if there is no other option that will have to break up the big corporation slack. but before we get to that point, there are of course, other solution is in fact if we both to competition by supporting new companies and establishing a data friendly business model, would it off to bon mm mm . other services are possible and some of them can be fun that and offered and build different levels, different, respectful privacy, was a different political economy of data that is happening in local kind of enclave. the problem is that there has to be a larger dozen forms and uni, that is forces you need money, you need billions going into this. and the formulas to florida to this you need to have a very different set of policy priorities of the national of european levels. ah,
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ah, it, it's the big day, the max and his partners. after 2 years of preparation, their independent platform mobilized. berlin is going online now connected to thousands of other platforms. it the new building block for free internet. think about where our freedom comes from. the only reason we have any freedom is because of people in the past who have been willing to make some practical sacrifices for their freedom. we don't need thousands or millions of people to be heroes and take grave risks. we just need thousands, maybe millions of people to suffer a little inconvenience. but it all depends on saying no. if you occasionally say no,
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i won't do that because it would mean giving up some of my freedom. you'll be advancing the campaign to win back our freedom in the digital domain threat i ah, healing with the help of a eye doctors who have reached their limits with conventional medicine use
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artificial intelligence to open up completely new perspectives. thanks to visionary technology that's faster and more precise than human being. close up in 30 minutes on d. w. more aside, ukraine's technology sector continues to boom with growth of 23 percent last year alone. ah, natalia's at omaha and her company herbal heart of the success story. how is this even possible under conditions like these made enger with d w. the only way i can be on the top is to create my own empire, discover stories with just
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a click away. the journey, the destination right. find out they stuck him in trees, a never seen before. subscribe. now i came in tree. ah ah ah, this is dw news life from berlin to russia, strikes the ukrainian capital heath authority, se iranian made drones damage and area in the city center. i'm to many government offices. it's the latest and the power outage of strikes across the country. also


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