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tv   Multitasking  Deutsche Welle  December 16, 2022 7:15pm-8:01pm CET

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a large number of fish couldn't be saved the elevator right. with views of the damp if now only amenity. that's it. you're up to date. more world news at the top of the hour and course around the clock on the website, d, w dot com. and of course on the t w act have a good power games on the melting ice. a reporter tracks down the arctics major players and the if you see something that looked like they responded, has to do with the military head starts december
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23rd on d, w. ah, ah, for many of us multitasking has become routine but does performing several tasks at the same time. really make sense? once again, this me, our brain is not good at tackling to different tasks simultaneously. it causes stress that can be measured the business. we know that stress can damage various areas of the brain sheeting. so what does multitasking actually do to us? look at tv, the magic power of multitasking is to create the subjective illusion that we are achieving a great deal to see the slides to talk. oh, it's a feeling nourished, 1st and foremost by the digital world. seductive yet demanding. it keeps us
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constantly on the go. neil to duty gallant defect, good of little popular because we're always in reception mode for everything. actual attention spawn is reduced, we need totally destroy today it is considered quite normal to be constantly accessible while performing some other task. but sometimes multitasking is also productive. well, it's about finding the right degree, instruct shuttle to it. but where is the limit power as our brain react when it has to perform different tasks simultaneously. and what about the body? are there also positive effects perhaps? and is it true that some people handle multitasking better than others? ah
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ah, we humans are quite capable of doing different things at the same time. but that depends on the tasks and the conditions. during the pandemic, many parents were forced to juggle child care and working from home by ah, but is this what we mean by multitasking? ah young, i'm more to tossing reverted to my guns and multitasking is not always used in one rigid sense to some it really does me do a 2 things at the same time. and others see multitasking as coordinating to different life roles like being a parent and having
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a job in the term. multi tasking actually comes from computing. it describes the ability of an operating system to perform several tasks simultaneously. the human brain is also a gigantic complex computing center, but it's no computer machines function solely along mathematical lines. they are characterized by their ability to process and store vast amounts of data very quickly. by comparison, our brain works in a selective way, constantly absorbing information, even when we're not aware of it. not really close. most processes, of course, take place subconsciously. that simply depends on how many processes are automated . yeah. it's then easier for them to take place parallel to others that are capacity for solving problems that involve new and in particular, more complex mental performances is very limited, yet are capacity to say because the constant filtering and selection of incoming
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information is carried out by the thalamus in the inter brain, the main switching center for the sensory organs, the thalamus, passes relevant information on to the cerebral cortex. everything we see here feel taste or smell is processed in the cerebral cortex, which is also responsible for what we think, learn and memorize. it is the interior singular cortex, or the a c c, which controls our conscious focus. ramsey's on tired of seo says she didn't ask us, for instance, when we have to perform 3 different tasks and manage to do so successfully elsco. this is only because we focus on task number one, while suppressing the challenge posed by tasks 2 and 3, not uniform, kaba ice on, don't look and i switched to task. number 2, i wonder, are we suppressed the challenge posed? i tasks one on 3 lines on the r, little bartold,
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and we need the strength for this on the craft shoot calls for great attention and above all, self discipline therapist is typically in many situations we overestimate our capacities and as a result, even put ourselves in danger driving is still a highly complex activity even for experienced motorists using your smartphone while at the wheel is illegal for good reason. tests carried out in germany and the united states have shown that the attention of a motorist using a mobile phone is reduced by 40 percent. that's like having a blood alcohol level of between 0.8 and 1 point one per mill. with our subject, an experienced motorist wants to find out for herself and has turned up for some driver safety training. she has to cover a certain distance over which she will face various challenges from time to time.
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she has to read and write messages on her smartphone or make a call. just like in real life are motorist is well aware that she is in a special test situation and that her attention is being divided. nevertheless. some one losing concentration for just 2 seconds at 50 kilometers an hour drive is blindly for nearly 30 meter. ah oh. here too. it's a case of distraction through parallel digital communication in this college seminar, the lecturer is constantly competing with the entire online world. yet, studies carried out at 5 german universities, showed that the performance of students using smartphones during a lecture drops by about 30 percent. ah,
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oh um, what about you? how do you divide your attention? how many platforms can you handle simultaneously without having the feeling that it's just too much? nothing. but i've noticed that for instance, i can't discuss something with my mother while tie my shoe laces. i admit that i just can't do it, get the whole gum. so when you get the cycle of can i was in love, stop phenomena. i've got one device f as in and i usually have an eye and making note to whatever. i might also have instagram on my phone, but then when i get a message, i noticed that i'm no longer concentrating on the lecture and need to re focus on the house. so i'm not really good at multitasking where to test can finish the clock. mr. hood all of them to law from time to time, i listen to spotify, i don't have it on loud. just in the background, following the lecture is no problem. psychologist said, zurich university have been studying exactly what happens in the human brain when
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it is confronted simultaneously with learning material and music. after all, many people listen to music while they are working. they think it helps them concentrate better. some learning theories even support this idea. oh, in the zurich experiment, subjects learned sometimes with and sometimes without music. here for example, a student is learning english vocabulary, while listening to classical music for brain activity is being recorded. mathias koby, the ph. d student who is running the experiment keeps a close eye on the e g curves. together with the head of the study professor litzy anchor, the young scientist is monitoring how the woman's brain is coping with dual tasks. siblings, although he is actually a great lover of music, professor yankee would never listen to music while working. and he has his reasons
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for the bash, which was a latin and will cause your learning vocabulary. for example, was while listening to music, i should really be focusing solely on learning vocabulary and suppressing whatever music triggers in your brain. fighting it in a way that came from that costs strength and effort craft, or we can do it for very long as you are in the laboratory, professor yankee has shown visibly how a composition by the velocity trigger is virtual storm waves in the brain. this leaves little room for coping with additional tasks and other stimuli to skip kovasos ma'am, when there are certain exceptions. when you work in an open plan office under, surrounded by stimuli, alpha one who and on my to put on headphones and listen to predictable music lounge like lounge music or relatively simple music. which to a certain extent has a predictable structure. but that is the lesser evil compared to constantly
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changing on expected stimuli on the heights. it all depends on how strongly our attention is challenged. consumers can observations of pores, aquanda, often z as in zulu calculate fairly accurately. that's 11000000 bits of information impact on her census every 2nd time process. but we can only consciously process between 11 and 60 bits of it if be so just think about that for a moment. 11000000 bits versus between 11 and 60 verizon and bits vessels. so we have to consciously select this consciously processed in recent miss via valan looseness also there. but how do we do that in a soundproof chamber at the life nets research center for working environment, endorsement, professor edmond venture and his team are studying how our speech comprehension functions. this particular experiment focuses on the cocktail party affect. it
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involves the situation in which just like at a cocktail party, we are surrounded by lots of sensory stimuli. here. 3 people can be heard at once. so how does our brain sort this battle of voices? does this mission give you some call to a certain extent? it's light to filter, but one that is always based on mutual interference. in other words, on competition between the various types of information or the neurons which process certain types of information. i. in this experiment, the research team endorsement wanted determined the importance of additional visual information like mouth movements for speech comprehension. this research is becoming increasingly important, especially for our working lives. as is they, if they can be no doubt that through the new technologies and also through digitization in many areas,
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we have to process far more information than in the past many more jobs these days involve information processing, what splits? so a challenge exists today that can't be compared with what we had 20 or 30 years ago . and he's from dr. purse with emotional transmittal closure on job offers, often stressed the need for applicants to be capable of multi tasking. so does this mean that any one applying must be able to handle as many things as possible at once without being deterred by interruptions? yeah. okay. well, a good along a so it seems the ideal efficient employee is now considered someone who can communicate easily with colleagues, customers, and bosses who is always available and accessible and who can work on several digital devices at once while keeping track of all their tasks with the phenomenon of multitasking is
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not only found in an office environment, but also in the production sector. the change in the world of work has also changed research into the working environment. in the past, such research tended to focus on physical demands. today. the emphasis is mainly on mental pressures. to what extent does our head play along when, for instance, it has to process information while completing a physical task. in this boating experiment, subjects have to negotiate obstacles without losing their balance on the swaying deck, a mental, but also motoring challenge. the ultra modern gait laboratory allows for tests and extreme situations without the risk. as about boats from the focus in the boating experiment is mainly on physical coordination,
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on stability, and also a move i am planning to reagan. the next experiment also calls for maximum concentration. this time the subject has to cross a suspension bridge. what is simulated here in a virtual environment, provides important information for structuring our world of work because we don't just think of a roofer or in a different context of people working in logistics who have to process various forms of information but who have to do so while moving in certain industrial contexts, there is increasing use of dotted glasses. information is presented directly in the glasses, so it is only presents fantasized and that is the situation we know too little about in order to save a certain, not only that safety is guaranteed during walking, but also that all information can be processed correctly with inside the modern workplace, the interface between people and technology is becoming increasingly important. a
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fairly new area of research, known as cognitive narrow ergo, nomics focuses mainly on studying the new mental demands at the workplace. ah, how do we cope with the many challenges? what is the advantage of working on several things at once? does it really make us faster and more effective? or conversely, is multitasking counter productive? ha. oh, doctors and especially nursing staff, often deal with multiple demands and work interruptions, constantly switching between carrying directly for patients. administrative tasks and organizing a hospital ward is stressful. scientists have been taking a closer look at the everyday routine in hospitals
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and amongst other things we have carried out. studies evolving care is on an early shift who, depending on whatever task they are performing are interrupted between 60 and a $120.00 times. if preparing medication, for example, this could result in disastrous mistakes being made. feelin cold working in an emergency center like the trauma hospital, berlin requires not only a practiced routine but also a high degree of flexibility. according to dr. johan allude, big outsiders often have no idea what this entails of seat mankato dish, baffled at seriously. injured cases are rarely seen in waiting when they come in through a different entrance, not taken straight to a shock room. they require a large number of staff in a lot of time, and naturally they take priority of everything else. but people in the waiting room find it hard to understand why they are having to wait so long. with apparently nothing happening. they often think that instead of walking doctors the nurses are sitting around drinking coffee. when fact they are perhaps in the shock room saving
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someone's life. urgency is determined on the basis of an initial medical assessment . the tree edge system lays down clear criteria. colors illustrate the time windows involved. red means the patient needs immediate treatment. orange means that doctors have 10 minutes to spare. green and blue represent the less serious cases. but not all procedures are predictable. that's where flexibility comes in. keep fly in assistance with puzzles. tim triology is an excellent system, but in my opinion, teamwork and cooperation are at least as important. so if a nurse has been working in the emergency center for 15 years comes to me and says you, hannah, i'm worried about a patient. you need to take a look. i go and check even if the patient has been trashed, green and i would actually have an hour's time to spare, infecting a storm that cited as a rule. seriously injured patients are announced 10 minutes in advance,
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so the hospital team is already waiting. despite the time pressure here, there is no hectic activity. the calm and focused hand over of the patient is an important point in the process is 2nd to 3rd degree burns covering 15 percent of the body sustained this morning and caused through using a fire accelerant. i don't mean to for a minute we don't look at the patient to talk to him or her. we just listen to what happened busty. it's a totally structured procedure. talked or to clay. sorry. how did it happen? this is specially important. toma saturated caught in a lot of sort of forces were involved. what kind of an accident? patton, no, talking about on what has been done already. and he then is the patient transferred and treatment commenced. she bottle on where multitasking is concerned, optimum work flows and clear communication are of major importance.
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scientists that cobblins university are studying how that takes place in a totally different environment. large commercial enterprises. as between business management, it is always said that there is too much multitasking and we definitely see that in companies to basically the problem has been recognized, but it is hard to remedy. oh, the big question is how to maintain an overall view of the diverse existing and incoming tasks. it's done with designs, you least one on that as i do here. incoming and completed tasks are represented in totally analogous fashion with stickers. what at 1st glance seems somewhat out of date, in our digital world, is in fact totally appropriate. the abstract dog, the all comes to loans and she complexities in di digital. the more abstract tasks saw, the more complex in the more digital they are, the more important it is for us to break things down and depict them. suzanne if 10
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machines are half finished in a factory, so being physical entities, they are much easier for someone to see than 10 customer inquiries which have all been embarked on to some degree. but without clients having seen any results. in omega, if you know model factory here at copeland university, we made the processes in a fictional truck plant visible and really comprehensible it starts with purchase with procurement shopping. so here at the back we have the suppliers. then we have the receiving area, then warehousing on this is the intro logistics sector with various production stations. and finally dispatch been so the aim here to is to identify uncontrolled negative multitasking and to find ways of doing things better. moss, mom to fin b minus better monica. and that is necessary in many areas in a major study involving participants from both trade and industry. professor
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commerce and the vista and consultancy found that 20 percent of capacity is wasted and 25 percent of turnover is lost through permanent multitasking in project management. ah. this vicious, most important discovery was that the situation really is as bad as is always claimed to find. there is the lack of clear structures, clear objectives to choir retardation is not very clearly defined. so we have to assume that there really is too much multitasking in many areas of companies and organizations that above all, there is no structure, no system for addressing this problem to fuel multitasking between fine in the state. kind of shook 2 kinds of steam beam under socket. one of the participants in the study was swiss company interests, and houser, one of the world's leading providers of process and laboratory technology. the company develops highly specialized measuring devices. and recently,
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with the push for automation, digitization and sustainability demands on the company have risen enormously. robert will decide over time. we have found that although our staff are working more and more and being exposed to increasing stress, the final analysis less is being achieved. the reason we wanted to make use of the latest scientific findings in order to improve the situation home. this is true. it's wonderful prism ah, the study involved online surveys and extensive interviews with workers and management in order to examine the work process from various angles. the major question, at what point in the process do multiple stresses occur as i'll problem a lot for pre filled and indeed the main problem was that the people doing the work . in this case, the development teams simply had to handle too many tasks from a y range of areas soon to system. and that every task had top priorities. plato,
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marvel, who's this situation? results in overload in a team. so i know you've all lost inventive. consequently, separate work areas were created within the open plan office. now the software developers can work with fewer disturbances and coordinate better with one another . the company restructured workloads and got rid of the 14 day phases known as sprints. now, management clients and staff together determine realistic targets, individual workloads, and prioritize tasks. the result is a transparent and connected workplace. with the open to homeless sugar and efficiency is concerned. i'd say that we have improved by a factor of 3 to 4. it was few proposal coordination within the team and being able to work undisturbed is distressing for everyone. in general, being completely immersed in a hobby or task has
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a positive effect on our sense of success and our feeling of happiness. this is called the flow experience. interruptions and disturbances, multi tasking in other words has exactly the opposite effect. ah, at lou back university professor korean a piper is studying the impact of multitasking on flow at the workplace. data for ambia. as part of the diary study over a week, we randomly interrupted employees twice a day and asked them about their experiences over the last half an hour. we asked them how much multitasking they'd had to show in the last half an hour, and also how much flow they had experienced. our study shows that multitasking has a negative impact on flow experience on the mouse convicted. embarking on too much, leaving too much on finished having a see conscience and always being digitally accessible leads to permanent stress.
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but what is the actual root of the problem? as a specialist in digital sociology, professor dominique bl year studies the social effects of new technologies. he analyzes the impact digital factors have on human relations and the world of work really, they do. so let me pull you are all already daily. the concept of the poly vaillant employee is directly linked to a management model which is now wide spread the store and must at all times be available and accessible for all tasks and able to handle everything simultaneously . i can react to everything in a microsecond. so to speak, you know, that's the sort of level we're talking about in the world of finance, for example me. but if we force people to work in this way, at least directly to the burnout situations, which are common place and companies today. but at some point, people no longer managed to react to everything in an equal way. it will, some people even see this as
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a challenge. they think that they can handle it if it that they got everything under control these just, but in reality they're exhausting themselves. and at some point they collapse seabreeze. amazon int frank wrister also wanted to do too much at once for too long. she relational i was so glad to get help. i actually thought help because i had said to myself, he just can't go on like the advisors will get it switched me right off. often the only way out of the multitasking trap is a strict break. victor come tonight who's don't forget and i, mr. richard came to me in a state of serious exhaustion over a long period of time, a massive stressful workload had led to a depressive exhaustion manisha. in his case, this manifested itself 1st and foremost in what called agitated depression. it was really pumped up us restless, tense, got caught, couldn't get to sleep,
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but his concentration was permanent, and he brooded a lot, took it, in other words. so all his entire mental apparatus was churned up, but at the same time, seriously exhausted, could compare to hitting the brake on the accelerator. simultaneously, let us consider fortune. v. garzon grims at light sight, ah, patient suffering from accumulated stress recover in specialized clinics for psychosomatic and mental disorders. they re develop a normal feeling for time and their own personal needs. here at the good site in house clinic near mark to berg, patients are helped with practices taken from traditional chinese medicine, or some cuts, mindfulness exercises, or an antidote, so to speak, to multitasking to task. with mindfulness, you focus on being intensely aware of what you're sensing and feeling in the moment of ton yet sigma mentally. linda,
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i blanked out everything british where i am, what time it is, what day kind of note strain his thoughts. i'm told me within myself, i'm totally focused on myself, which was held the effects of meditation on a brain, stressed by multitasking, can be measured in the neural radiology department at the fresh. there is our hospital in munich, psychologist doctor britta holt. so examined subjects with an m r i scanner is in dust the so again, we see how the brain can be damaged 3 stream, the high stress levels over a long period of time. in other words, when a large amount of cortisol is released to the way the cortisol has a negative impact on urines in the hippocampus, for example, we also see that stress can reduce the density of the grey matter. on the other hand, we also see that the density of the grey matter can increase again through mindfulness meditation or did this to the columns of sandstone we did. so name can but that is
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not the only area of the brain that interests scientists in this context. as gaps i am again. yeah. am i understood yet he could psych touch thus men a study carried out several years ago and showed that people who do a lot of media multitasking have a lower density of grey matter in the interior singular cortex. the a, c, c, m, you'll, this area of the brain is highly interesting phones because it is important for mindfulness, regulatory processes i'm asking. so if we want to stay focused on something the bottom distracted by other stimuli enough that the a c, c helps us concentrate on what we want to do at that moment, stored in various studies into mindfulness meditation. show that both the function and the structure of the cerebral region can be strengthened through meditations. they cannot swans fasten things and leave my building regenerative phases into the
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patient's life actually means changing his lifestyle for affecting a lifestyle change is not easy. hard, even after an average 8 week stay at the clinic, the patient is still the same person, of course. in fact, it takes a long time, one to 2 years for things to become firmly established to be as follow, sway on. having to do many things at once makes some people ill, while others seem to do it with ease. so can some people co better with multitasking than others? now young people look at their smartphone or tablet up to 150 times a day. but through this constant switching from the online to the offline world, in reality, they are only partially present in their own life and quickly become bored. experts talk of a fragmented presence, both at work and also in leisure. it's a problem many are not even aware of i
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in this seminar, the lecturer is discussing the phenomenon with students who offer their own personal experiences will be well aware through your parents and grandparents of through the generation younger than you thought that attention spans chain. church, but something new has to happen. foster loves just when we start to get restless. when we need a fresh stimulus up, i can actually be measured, develop annoy, i'd come massage muffin. sometimes i find it impossible to control. occasionally i might find texting friends more interesting, or i might find a video on youtube, easier to follow than the netflix series. i'm watching article sometimes i noticed that i'm doing 2 things at once. i don't really know if this is something i can influence, whistles and hum. scientists talk of a worrying trend, an increasingly impulse driven state, a kind of addiction. this is attributable to the nerve cells in our for brain in
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the nucleus accompanist. it is here that the bodies own reward or pleasure center is located. it is stimulated by the messenger substance, dopamine, and also plays a decisive role in addiction. when this neurotransmitter, dogs on to the corresponding receptors, it gives us positive feelings. sensations we want to experienced time and again, situated in this area of the brain is the driving force for all our behavior. if this reward system is constantly triggered by new stuff, a kind of addiction can arise. push notifications, likes and constant distractions. this is the stuff which plays a central role in our multi tasking everyday life. that's because our pleasure center is greedy for newer, a newer stimuli. and thus for the release of dope amine, the happiness hormone ah louise,
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only the 1st during the show is little shoe lee. even mimicry from boise informed the design of the interfaces and social networks favors the kinds of multitasking. there are a number of minor stimuli and signals with a very low cognitive intensity. these extremely minor signals are followed by ultrafast reactions. so no matter what we are doing at any moment in the background, in the peripheral attention sphere, we're still managed to pick up what is happening and instagram on youtube and so on . and we react lucky. ready? see? but what have we reacted to as you look, we see a headline, a hash tag and say, oh, so that's what this is about to be. and we just press a button, it on them. that doesn't take a lot of cognitive energy to push out. so we get the feeling that we are handling a host of things and following diverse strings of information because we no longer take the time to focus on the content mask of when the, when the police don't the where social networks are designed,
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intensifies the illusion. we get from multitasking even more georgia, but in reality, our attention level has been lowered to simple alarm stimuli. this rolled up from that is what we react to. what a shame dahlia. digital natives. the generation which has grown up with social networks and with a horde of information and communication possibilities on offer, handle various devices with ease and also seem to be better conditioned for multitasking. but appearances can be deceptive, rather than off there perfectly with the novice, a shelf, not courtside aspect and to whom to differently. forget briefly like to mention one aspect from a new or science perspective, super lifelong swallow for you mustn't forget that the brain matures. sewland hill and it does so in a totally typical process estella, she flung about one very specific area. the frontal cortex life takes a relatively long time to reach an agile states dizzy hunter to knock out so round puberty. the cerebral structure is not yet capable of unfolding the appropriate
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inhibitory processes to cope with rising emotional stimuli. london. human mention precisely. that is the problem not only in puberty, but also with adolescence in angle when they are born into a world which bombards them with many impulse challenges. they don't even have the hardware to be out on the basis to counteract these challenges with the appropriate inhibitors. hamilton and gainesville, as part of a priority program, some 20 german universities are studying various aspects of multitasking. their spokesman is cognitive psychologist, professor, even call on a personal level, he is interested in the train ability of the human brain. ah, we have the least idea. we asked him to take a look at a performance by harry con, a vaudeville artist at the 1920s, who amazed his audience, says, with his extraordinary feats, as a mental marvel i give away at the same time. in my next demonstration,
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i'll show you how the brain works as an entertainer and author con, advocated mental training programs for every one upside. now in backward will spell every word that word will try and talk to you at the same time. youngest vice recommendation a as in v man, this example shows quite clearly that with an enormous amount of practice, even difficult task can be combined to really well nicer. but we can also see that cons demonstration isn't totally smooth. if we look closely at the merger, coordination of his writer movements, in my opinion, it shows that these difficult tasks are combined in such a way that they don't actually overlapped the tiny poses. and the slightly longer poses, between the words make the whole performance at had less than fluent thought. and so does the switch back on to a physical ah, as i mean,
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usually dory can on people really are more proficient. a dealing with several attention flows simultaneously. so this certainly is an evolution in terms of cognitive capacity, but even young people to day have to learn ways of spreading their attention in a sequential way. some things always have to be suppressed. so what brought what they cannot do is handled to tasks simultaneously with the same degree of attention dominion in general, it's thought that women are better at multi tasking than men. an international study carried out in the united states, the netherlands and germany showed that half of those interviewed men and women believed that the 2 sexes have different multitasking capabilities and 80 percent were aware of the opinion that women are better at multitasking. psychologist, doctor, patricia hearst from akin university has tested this assumption in
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a laboratory experiment. oh, so how realistic is this widespread idea? and what's the basis for it? ah, because on long as people believe that women are better at multitasking than men suck because in everyday life they are confronted with more multitasking situations suit and how such miles they have to do the housework, for example, and often have to hold down a job as well, for patricia hirsch's study, male and female subjects had to perform simple reaction tasks on a screen. for example, they had to determine whether a letter was a vowel or continent, and whether a number was odd or even greater attention was called for when the exercises were presented in a mixed form. in other words, when they had to be solved under multitasking conditions,
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the time needed was noted along with the number of errors they made when they had to focus on several things at once. he a gift and so on. the results of our study show that where multitasking performance is concerned, there is no difference between men and women. so there is no convincing empirical evidence that women are more capable of multitasking than men. yet, even though other studies have produced similar findings, the old cliche persists, perhaps because it's more convenient that way. and what about the older section of society? in europe, the proportion of over 50 year olds in the working population continues to grow. there is clear evidence that our cognitive capabilities diminish as we approach old age. so it could be assumed that the elderly have problems with multitasking
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reminisce of victims. if we take a closer look at the world of work and can pay younger with all the employees, the stereotype just isn't true. indeed, people who have built up a level of competence in that field over many years, actually achieve more in their jobs. so younger employees have to compensate through their perhaps greater mental speed, while they're old colleague's. no short cod in this kind of composition. listen, wanted to run up crude, so can them revisit number 12. i now know that even older brains change as a result of learning under would like to see 5060 and even 70 euros, spending one hour a day, working in a calm on concentrated way. and this would also give a huge innovation push. because in my opinion, there is still a vast capacity reservoir, an elderly people that is going on used only yet in aging societies, there is a distinct need for this capacity. that is also why we must structure our world of
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work to protect ourselves from excessive stress and premature where out. we already have laws and working hours now with france leading the way attempts are being made throughout europe to define a, to be non accessible. trade unions and germany are also involved in similar negotiations and in industry. the 1st positive examples can be seen of google says if there are a certain number of large companies, like h p, for example, which have limited to time. so low in emails can be answered because it is not own or the social networks that can generate a lot of pressure sheets. so can emails. consequently, there is a period in the morning and another in the late afternoon when emails can be answered to smola and people don't expect their own e mails to be answer to that on the bar code is literally much research focuses on how much stress the brain can take how we can protect ourselves from the increasing flood of information and how we can better cope with our digital everyday lives.
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but there is no single answer. a few suggestions for escaping the multitasking spiral. taking off completed tasks, one by one, taking breaks, exercising and resolutely stopping work at the end of the day. oh, to africa. ah, rising sea levels, person growing threat to gone us coast non more and more communities are getting swept away. scientists are desperately searching for
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solution. is it too late? eco africa. in 30 minutes on d w. oh. sometimes a seed is all you need to allow the big ideas to grow. we're bringing environmental conservation to life with learning packs like global ideas. we will show you how climate change and environmental conservation is taking shape around the world and how we can all make a difference. knowledge grows through sharing, download it now for free with the how does this
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