tv Good Coffee Deutsche Welle December 18, 2022 9:30pm-10:01pm CET
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but i'm tom sailing a has won the nobel prize in physics, fascination in 60 minutes, the w making raring to read. if there is any erotic offence between them, you'd have to find it between the lines d w literature, 100 german street. ah, ah. 6 it's germany's favorite drink, and after a crude oil, it's the world's most traded commodity. coffee makes many traders and roaster is rich, but growers stay poor. many are forced to give up their plantations. can tamaqua
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coffee drinkers tend to pay a lot, but the growers get very little lativia for producing. it harms the environment. unconventional cultivation isn't the only problem. the fastest way to get organic is to cut down a virgin forest and, and play coffee. and it will just go crazy and then just by huge piles of organic waste remain. so this is a super for that right now is going to waste the beans off and travel halfway across the world. could this plant be grown more locally in germany? these is papers field will be coffee, so this plant has a future it's time to take a hard look at how we consume and produce coffee. is there another way? ah,
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ah. you look at 1700 meters in the honduran highlands. the beat vinitez is reaping the fruits of his labour kilometers carbuncle. look around them being we only picked the bright red cherries from the pin for his own. awkward thumb. we leave the rest to ripen further down the little funny. give him a lot of country. ah, here in the hills of santa alaina, the young coffee grow or brave the sun, drought and market power. his adobe house without electricity has become a nucleus of change. his siblings, parents and grandfather also live here to save the farm. they've had to learn the new methods davida benitez introduced after studying agriculture. when i, when laura said that the, i don't know, maybe if he, in honduras,
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most farms had been lost. the latter was care so much, but riley, some communities have left their old bonds behind and cut on forest to plant more coffee. and yes, of course, that's not right. last time we give the many abandoned plantations and fresh, clear cuts are evidence of the destruction or conventional sun ground. coffee is one leading cause of deforestation. every cup of coffee that's consumed destroys about 5 square centimeters. brain forest, coffee grown in full sun brings the highest yield, which is why nearly half of the acreage and central america has been converted for this type of cultivation. another 25 percent is being converted. daddy vinitez does things differently. melissa is audible. the mrs. guam,
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a tree was out of these to provide shade and enriched the soil with organic materials on mateo van. he grows his plants in the shade of the forest canopy and cafe northeast that the coffee is less stressed by the sun. but my load, i see only on the plan ripens a bit slower yet, but the quality is higher than i see on both minimal also shaded coffee plans don't need heavy irrigation full sun cultivation, however, requires enormous amounts of water as does the industrial processing of the beams producing just one cup of coffee require is about 140 leaders of water. a kilogram of coffee requires 21000 leaders that could just about phyllis swimming pool. after cocoa coffee is among the food stamps with the highest water consumption deputy
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benitez doesn't waste a drop. allow kimmy mcgee about to leave and look out. i watched the coffee in a barrel bottling that will i will then i mix some of the water into the compost. the rest i used to water the farm, bella. my ear contains lots of nutrients from the cherry pulp. hello, lee. yea, daniel trent, when the bead vinitez switched to where gannon growing, his father was skeptical, but not any more. ever. so lucille, this is the answer from faith, but of the vietnam, iran's esther. he lived this way for thousands of years yet that com. okay, how could the big corporation say we can't survive without conventional agriculture? committee or not? no, i'm a b. i. so dyllis i'll, as dante thought of the design is we used to use a lot of fertilizers, fungicides, insecticides, everything. the transnational corporations gave us come out of dealing solar when we 1st switched organic farming production dropped. 50 or 60 percent boa garfield
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st. when berlin had stabilize and is now on the upswing. hollywood under your own, went on the per implant every year. little by little, our coffee harvest increases m l like before, where we'd have a good yield one year and a bad one the next years he and daniel had a pocketbook chill that he vinitez wants to achieve. even more. he striving to convince other coffee farmers in the region of this method. oh, here to in south western germany. pioneering work is happening. i if he has he vis here it looks pretty desolate. a bunch of thistles in hair are edge. they made a. this is amber, it's due to the weather, our village, but we don't spray so we have to put up with the weeds. liam kern among the undergrowth grows their most valuable crop.
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i wonder that unless you when you hear that rattling inside the hod. yeah. then it's dry enough to thrash. is a scorpion, some brazen, ellis, in flits, cline, have developed the regional alternative to coffee there. finally, having a break through many years in the making for among have shown 6 and my lead are making live in coffee for 26 years now, not guns. another me, but the generation back then said no thanks. we can afford real coffee. now's on the so today's generation says, no, we want to ensure a healthy climate size coffee produced to a conventional cultivation travels thousands of kilometers to reach germany. growing lou pins in germany saves a lot of seo to missions in transport. and it improves the local soil. d. lupina lubin has a very long tap roots and therefore can draw from now sauces than usual. they stretched down about 5 meters,
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me to where there is water. even in these dry summit, this is over done often, isn't hawkins on it's really a plan for the future. especially in terms of climate welcome floods. if i'm, if this wasn't such an issue back when the klein's 1st, we discovered this dynamic flowering lagoon blazing, denied her face, figuring out a bottle of 19 sixty's lupin, was the protein crop in northern germany. or is the billing authority bought in my why the car to get the event with a cheap saw imports? it was forgotten. something's wrong with it. rob ish or shoulder bixler thornton. i'm how i was able to help bring it back down. and i'm happy that i could have mr about office, but if that was torn cotton ah, that lines were also keen to experiment. the 1st tried roasting them in
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a pan wrists on vicinity. pop smells a bit like a popcorn. most personally bonded to edc. the original idea was to megan, type of tofu, additional. so i mean for there what i would like to enthusiastic because i thought it might go bad fairly quickly. does this flight of election registered and who would buy it? none of carved for ice. yes, he is a guy totally wasn't so in like it is today. why do we then experimented with roasting coffee from it? because even then, every one drink coffee to celebrate. the good harvest declines are serving homemade cake made with lupin flour. along with their kathy free coffee alternative, latino, they're also planning to launch a new loop and product by the end of the year.
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with it's a big day in santa elaine, out, the coffee harvest is being brought to the roster. low bow unloads coffee from the ve benitez and other small holders. lowell powell is from the u. s. and his wife myra oriano. powell is from this area together, they founded the contract community the initiative sells this regional organic coffee in the united states. they then use the profits to support environmental and social projects and honduras for traders. not enough farmers are not getting ahead. so is it, is it better than nothing? yeah, but is it enough? no, because he doesn't have any disposable income for me, was coffees about is the people behind in if we need to treat people with respect
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and so sometimes giving people respect, explain more for, for their normal power. was a prosecutor at u. s. immigration for 12 years, he knows the fates awaiting those who have to give up their coffee plantations and emigrate. i left my job. i just didn't like prosecuting people. right, wasn't, you know, you rather be around people helping them here. i still feel like i'm a lawyer, but the other kind of lawyer, there's a problem. my job is to fix it. with a contract initiative, the couple promotes more humane and sustainable production. they also support further education programs and fair wages. we don't have to be increasing our earnings by 10 percent, 20 percent every year. why not earn 5 percent and then leave 15 percent with
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people that actually make it happen. so i think is greedy that is taking us to destruction because they were not taking care of the environment. we're not, they can go. especially people i don't think is is some thing impossible. i think we need to support people like the, the normal powell collect the harvests from the initiative. small farmers, what he sees during his trips to other plantations worries him tall mando, a key to him. i think that's to everyone who used to have traditional farms with good coffee varieties and lots of shade trees, e con. but then many started switching to conventional cultivation to ramp up production of the year. convention. it's the wrong way, strokes young malcolm. you know what ails belong with each benitez. the initiative wants to show the farmers that there is a better way. it may not turn a quick profit,
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but it's sustainable. with laurie ventura took over the family farm. she's had to rebuild it. it could be a month ahead. i mean, if possible, my husband used to do everything now for 4 years. it's been just me use her husband abandoned the plantation because of a nasty breast found us looking more. let us empathy. i'm low, low rust fungus hits. sometimes the fruit doesn't ripen and we can't harvest that boy 5th one year if the good harvest i know, and the next year there is nothing daniel? yeah. miramar for the full in full sun cultivation and climate change week in the plants, paving the way for the destructive fungus to spread rapidly across central america
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. since 2012, its been destroying the livelihoods of thousands of coffee farmers, including that of glory as husband who emigrated with her 6 children to the us for work. many thousands of farmers from central america attempt to that same trick every year. if they make it into the us, they usually take on unskilled labor and send their hard earned money back home to their families. of santa alaina's, 14000 residence, 2000 left their homes for the us last year. david benitez wants to show those who remain how to build resilient farms. with big focus, balboa formed on coffee, drawn and shade, is less susceptible to rust monger, a step by step, the farmer should make the transition to shaded cultivation. come on,
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professor as is young. together they draw up a plan that will help gloria ventura increase her yield. hey, sandra, are anabolic loyal complaint trees all along the banks of the creek law and that our motto, malaria. this will increase the humidity in the area in micro organisms and warms will do their work. and if at all, gloria ventura is among the a, these small holders who have joined to the petrov community, they benefit from its sale system with my idea of body tanica i, most coffee growers need to take out loans and what their own goes to paying them off and the other in their most, but it's different with gotcha in the hotels, but it, but i'm, unless we harvest enjoy the beans and so directly on the day after, yeah, i mean the effect and we make more profit as i yield the name of my benefit the
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coffee market fluctuate greatly. in the last 4 years, the farmers burned on average, less than one euro per pound. fair trade brings and roughly one euro $0.30. through the cut russia initiative, they earn almost double that but better pay is not the only perch levied benitez and the contractual initiative have even more ideas to benefit coffee growers. i with the changes also afoot in nicaragua, carol whitmeyer has traveled from the u. s. for this pile of waste, this is the cascade on the left over that we hope one day this pile will completely disappear. so this is a super food that right now is going to waste. and if we can turn ensure nutritious
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food, that's the gold carol whitmire has come to nicaragua for the coffee, cherry start up. this is our 1st visit to the facility where this, suppose it waste is being turned into a high quality product. all of that, kathy. we're still a startup, we're still small. and one of our biggest challenges has been educating both consumers and companies who can buy this as a wholesale ingredient. we're creating a whole new market where there you can smell the coffee with the coffee supplied by the farmers is pitted here by machine, then it sorted washed and dried. ah, the industry is focused on the coffee bean. but the cherry encasing it,
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makes up 40 percent of the frauds weight. $322000000.00 tons per year of pulp are discarded worldwide. it's a major environmental problem. the heaps of rotting fruit, release methane, acidify the soil and contaminate the water. the facility manager shows carol whitmeyer, how the team processes the coffee cherries are useful a leaky process. the coffee flour team a or a transport the cherries to the trying area. a lot africa that they're the catch the fruit skins before they're fallen to the bucket under discarded with one of the saves the skin for, for the processing just got an idea of this is carol with myers company in the us, produces flour and flakes from the dried fruit, it's got the dried fruit dose and all of the sensory,
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the aurora that we look for in coffee, cherry farmers have not been paid for that before. now we will pay them for that. so it is new income 80 workers have been hired for the business here. flour and flakes are already on the market in north america. recently, coffee cherries, or also approved in germany. all of this is available to be sent to europe. this is all available now, but it's not only in the major export countries that coffee cherries are being reconsidered as an ingredient. let's go get to go see the 1st cherry begging carol whitmeyer wants to learn about the work and see the fresh fruit up close for the 1st time. i finally get a taste it's got this wonderful sweetness too. it
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does take amazing various types of coffee, gro, on this organic plantation and nicaragua, until now, local residents didn't consider the yellow and red cherries suitable for consumption time for some experimentation in the canteen, where 3 meals are prepared daily for the farms employees. so how many tortillas do you serve a day? walk almost 1500 or t as for b, all people for the workers? yeah. they're testing out how dried coffee cherries taste in traditional tortillas . the new ingredient could offer some extra nutritional value. in addition to caffeine, the coffee cherry contains a lot of anti oxidants minerals and protein,
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and it's more than 50 per cent fiber. ah, the pharmacy manager is excited about the new product. this is a really good idea for him. vitamin 2 addresses so much farmers full time, they drove on the river stool yet and many is free. they point, i mean if but how does it taste? here comes the moment of truth, gong my offer days. i feel like a fruits like 5th 340. i like both, you know, in the us. some restaurants and bakeries have already begun incorporating coffee cherry, flour into their menus a lot. i'm with chess, jason wilson shows off which dishes utilize the ingredient and his upscale restaurant
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. he's been working with a startup from the outset, and is constantly developing new recipes. we did the okay, we did some madeline's, we made some chocolate cakes that i worked with this. i feel like tirelessly to figure out the water replacement ratios are different recipes. because this is fruit powder essentially m it's a very high fiber fruit, as wells with jason wilson wants to sell this crunchy granola with coffee cherry flour in supermarkets with dab eat. benitez has many ideas on how to revolutionize coffee, growing in his home country, all while inspiring other growers on the contract cooperatives farm. he's devoting himself to his latest project, a teaching garden i from when we're growing than 100 plants species here.
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well, we're telling people that you just grown a small space and grow a diversity, and this is the same thing that davina is doing in their muffler. tracy movie asian levy simone agriculture. if thermal def in the, in the latin mia kalia, we're sharing our knowledge with the community on how to grow, need of seeds danced and avoid using pesticides that harm the environment in the local. not samantha hill, not that on that. so these are things that farmers can apply at their own houses. so our hope is when people come here, you're like, oh, i can do that. debbie vinitez combines the knowledge of his indigenous ancestors with the insides of modern agriculture. he knows how vital it is to use every part of the coffee plant and waste nothing to kill you out of my own benefit. if we take
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our coffee to a mill, the fruit skins are discarded. battles, but when we put the coffee ourselves, we can turn the fruit skins in a fertilizer and a little less, immobile catch by young farmer from the neighbourhood is curious to hacking and now we add micro organisms. naval the la every 30 days, sometimes 2 or 3 times know the pin deal, go to look at it. this is a great fertilizer which we use for vegetables. coffee, but for all crops. but it got better. but i thought of the deals alongside coffee, he's planting fruits, vegetables, herbs, beans, and corn on his families to hector's more mixed cultivation strengthens the plans and provides his family with something extra. mm hm. i'm a lot of the best rebellion is to produce what you consume, so you don't have to depend on the trans national companies with against the odds.
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davita vinitez has managed to drive as a small farmer in honduras. ah ah, he's also introducing new methods to others and sharing his knowledge. ah, ah, the young coffee farmer is determined to stay in his home then. ah, ah, he may want, but i am hoping i found you. in the way, if i women, for example, to the u. s. i would on dollars of course, mandela that same yellow thing, but the money had sent back here will go straight to buying food. and now that makes no sense in all the little same, little gama, close to noon. instead we produce what we consume and eat what we produce. that's
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