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tv   Made in Germany  Deutsche Welle  December 21, 2022 12:30pm-1:01pm CET

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body and soul houses that dang, ne biskin to construct or more than just buildings. he is the son of jewish holocaust survivors. how lucky that i was able to bill to just present berlin. architecture is a celebration of democracy and peace and architect of emotions. daniel starts december 25th on d w. ah ah ah, ah, i just love it. whenever i'm too lazy to take my bike to work or walk all the way
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to the subway station. i just take one of these rental e scooters. you can pick up everywhere in berlin nowadays. checkin via my phone. and off i go zipping through traffic. it's ideas like these that have made our lives more comfortable. technology, the engine of growth. that is our topic this week on made. i'm chris kolber walk. besides a look at electric mobility are sure will feature new robots for the kitchen and the field. the question whether genetic engineering can help save the environment and a straw around the metaphors. admittedly, there are emissions and people harmed and accidents. nevertheless, the automobile is a global success story, enabling reliable individual mobility regardless of distance, time tables or by the conditions remains a phenomenal concept. to this day, karl bends us pat, motor car, in 18. 86 rang in the era of the automobile. in 1913 henry ford introduced assembly
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line production, the model t became the 1st affordable car for the masses. and detroit, the global heart of the auto industry. until smaller, more fuel efficient models hit the market before spike and bug became the best selling car in the world. toyota introduced just in time production, which is now suffering under supply chain strengths. the whole industry is in the middle of a huge overhaul. with tesla had long mosque regarded as the pioneer of electric mobility and a whole sector seeming to take its lead from it, including one of the biggest production sites in india. as our colleague julia henry months, reports in east in india, china is known by many as the detroit of the subcontinent. young talent comes here in droves because this is where most of the countries cars are produced. it's here
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that most engineers are trained as well. engineers likes one a lot every day. the 25 year old is from a neighboring region and now lives in chennai. every morning she commutes to one of indiana's largest carmakers mckendra. there she works as a systems engineer on the cause hardware. it's a stroke of good fortune for her family law for local farmer. my hinder has taken me 5. so this, this meant a lot for my family. i'm very happy. like as a daughter, like a just a rule. only not, not only sons has to feed their bands and, or does the we also gain some more del family for this young engineer and many other workers just starting out in their careers. mckendra is a dream job. chin i is a favourable location for industry. logistically,
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it's better connected than other cities in the country g to its port. but that's not the only reason why so many automakers settled in the city. early on, the local government decided to attract entrepreneurs, including swan, a lattice employer, mckendra. of course, when you come to them, largely you get a lower manufacturing cost by waking compared to any other location in the world. and therefore that's an additional benefit that you get. and in order to boost the investments godwin give you land and at a cheaper rate of the electricity, then they cut input packs. ah, then, based on your investment, they also do subsidies on u. r. r g, as david's are selling goods or taxes. so therefore, you get multiple advantages. german manufacturers are also benefiting b,
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m. w builds 12 different models here, all for the local market. one particularly attractive aspect is the comparatively cheap and well trained workforce. and india's political stability, the society, the government, the administration knows how to deal with the industry and we have a lot of capable companies are settled down here close by to support us to supply us. and this is a unique situation where you can perform very well the frontier of the auto industry electron mobility. that's because indian cities are increasingly drown in smoke. but from 2035, india only wants to authorize new 0 emission vehicles and manufacturers a gearing up for that challenge. mckendra is already
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a pioneer in india in electric $2.00 and $3.00 wheelers. it already has its own electric cars, and more models are set to follow. why indra rio electric levy? really did they switch pizza? a policeman up near the cost of diesel is very, very high. ah, in the reason the of is and is it is causing war under group is vanita. and that's that i have not seen in my life time thought it is pushing are the electron mobility in the toilet. and busty under 3 will industry very, very fast. it is happening now elderly. the toilet and dusty is growing at a dead rapid base. i. i believe we're 40 percent 30 to 40 percent if we can expect to buy another $2.00 to $3.00. if volkswagen has just signed a preliminary agreement with mahan dresser, it's electric vehicle technology, this would make me hinder the world's largest buyer of the german companies tech.
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back to our engineers, fun allotted radio specialized in electric mobility at university to pursue her career. she's moved away from her tight knit family, but she still chaps to them every evening. it's a winning situation for many people in can i, workers earn well, while the city gets a new generation of ambitious employee. now as we just saw, the more modern production is the less it seems that involves humans, people bolting together cars is increasingly a thing of the past. ellen musk, the head of tesla wants to fully automate factories. humans are only to play the role of the customer and he has no house with some more visions on car manufacturing of the future. robots could soon do the factory. machines will build other machines in the factories of the future, says tesla founder, iran mosque. no humans required. intelligent robots
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will make other robots and communicate in machine language. they'll help one another and divvy up tasks like bees in a hive. moving around independently, they'll react flexibly to new requirements and interact with components on which new instructions are stored. all processes will be stored and monitored in the cloud. humans will only come to the plant as customers to pick up their finished car. the idea of the factory as one huge machine may fascinate human musk, but what will become of the people who worked in the auto industry? will they all be unemployed? a world without work, the end of national economies, not necessarily technological disruptions, always create new jobs. and skilled workers are hard to find anyway.
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that's because in most industrialized nations, the population pyramid is upside down. massive automation, liberates people from heavy physical labor ended significantly increases productivity, which has barely been growing in industrialized nations. more efficient production means lower prices. if everyone can afford an electric car, electro mobility will also make progress and with it, climate protection. so has iran mosque achieved his dream? not quite so far, he hasn't been able to completely replace humans with robots. his new factory and brandon book will still employed 12000 humans. there are even bolger visions, adams and molecules that organize themselves independently, to build cellphones, cars, and even airplanes. without consuming resources or producing more waste.
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you won't need factory walls robots or he lammas. for now, though robots are hard at work around the world, south korea uses the most industrial robots around $900.00 per $10000.00 workers. japan follows with 400, not far behind is germany. the united states and france use considerably fewer, but robots are not only needed in manufacturing, but also in traditional agriculture. where to the stay labor remains arduous and tiring. ah, will robots take over? robots are being given more and more functions. but are they is able, as humans and ready to adapt to human needs. i
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think that really depends on the application. i mean, there are few swear robots. ah, better than humans. i mean, most obviously a don't get tired. they can go up 247. so this is a huge advantage of robots and they're all in so applications fair robots and just perform better bench. for example, those typical industrial pick and place applications robots are way fast them way more accurate than human flu? in the food industry robots play many roles from harvesting agricultural products to preparing full blown meals. ah, this autonomous mobile robot moved through an arm and orchard using a camera to identify and target pest infested almonds. it then shoots them with an air powered pellet gun. ah,
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the rover was invented to improve the traditional process of harvesting almonds, which commonly and bombs, whacking the trees with long sticks or violently shaking a tree to remove that from what appeared where it can still be a huge improvement where robots and be a huge help to human, especially like it's kind of work seems to be quite exhausting. robots contribute to more easy than human. stevenson is robot looks like a bunch of bananas. it's designed to hold objects and to adapt to their shapes and sizes using sensors and air pressure. ah, it could be worn as a glove to supplement finger movement minimizing the amount of muscle activity needed. this could benefit people with injuries with limited mobility or with other trauma to their fingers.
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ah, i think there are some applications where they are really helpful, but used only on the road. not necessarily, but really just the grid for it to put the robot. yeah, vacations is a little bit limited because my tops are determined how exactly it is not grass. my object, i with creative education and combinations. different. who do have you ever imagined having a meal at home, fully prepared by robots. this is now within the realm of possibility with a fully robotic kitchen in your own home. it can cook from scratch using
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more than 5000 different recipes. and you can even customize your own. ah, the robotic kitchen is already on the market and it's even capable of watching the dishes. now, if that's not worth every penny, i see that some people i think it's it's, it's not really necessary to have something like this. but my opinion, i'm a big fan of robots, but i also think it's probably too expensive to be re available for the daily kitchen and, ah, ah robots are those things so such humans working together with humans?
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i think there will be much more human rule. what kind of ration actually to the smartphones, for example, every person would be able to use robots for them. so actually be able to program them is now possible with very easy programming concepts. but i think they cannot and will not replace humans at humans. at least definitely not in the near future. and also, i'm not sure even in the long term, we are much more creative. you can think out of the box if there are any unforeseen problems. i think until robots are able to solve such situations a long time ago now made from flesh and blood is this high performing individual. a growing world population needs a growing amount of food. that is why we selectively breed dairy cows for more milk,
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pigs with extra ribs, and genetically engineer salmon to make them grow faster. could these technologies make neat milk and dairy more sustainable? and just because we can do it, should we knowledge, they're mostly hands there, the pride and joy of their breeders with squeezing as much as we can out of our animals. the world is getting ever hungry. f a meat and milk. but by pushing animals to their limits, we're doing the same to our planet. but if we can turn our animals into food production machines, couldn't we also breed them to be more environmentally friendly shape the, tim, it's less methane, salmon, but need less food. this is hardly an ecological ne, swear to nice it feel generics. i can't come up with a solution. scientists are working on designing more sustainable animals spice, selective breeding,
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or even by artificially changing their genetic code. revolutionary ways to make food production more sustainable or a dangerous manipulation of nature. for more than 10000 years, we humans of optimized corn and rice harvests and engineered zucchini to be non toxic, sheep, stronger, and wolves, more obedient. we've been doing this very successfully. this is professor john, do pray. he's an expert on the ethical aspects of animal breeding, rob, i mean, you know, if you, if you compare the growth rate to the sizes of animals. yes, over the last 2 decades, i mean, this bleed enormous increases in productivity. the hunger for more and cheaper meet him milk has led to chickens that seemed fully grown at 20 days. double muscled cattle and pigs borne with ho extra ribs. there's not much more room probably in m increasing yields in 1961,
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a single cow in the u. s. produced 9 liters of milk per day to days. cows produce an average of 28 liters. that means that 3 breeding the carbon footprint of one glass of milk is a 3rd of what it was many decades ago. cow still burp, and fought greenhouse gases, but they also produce much more milk. however, a far higher milk consumption worldwide negates these savings in emissions and as a brutal flipside to such food production to animals that live in horrific conditions or grow far faster or heavier than their bodies can cope with. and one factor is driving this to ever greater extremes meets the best me be best could of me you can do. right, right. me consumption is booming around the world. while the global population has roughly tripled in the past 60 years. meat production has increased fivefold with richer countries devouring most of it. livestock farming requires enormous
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quantities of water and agricultural land for animal feed and contributes more than 14 percent of all man made greenhouse gas emissions. and regardless as to how productive our livestock is, the way we produce al food is disastrous for the planet. that's why some research as the trying to improve livestock sustainability, either by selective breeding, or by artificially changing the animal's genes. the atlantic salmon bread by aqua valley is a safe, secure, and sustainable alternative for any one looking for fresh salmon that is good for them and good for the planet. the company aqua bounty from us is that their genetically modified fish is more sustainable than traditionally produce salmon. they introduced to genes from other wild fish to create what they call aqua advantage salmon. the super salmon are supposed to grow twice as fast as usual, salmon, and require up to 25 percent less feed, the more efficiently we can produce fish, the better for the planet. right?
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this is not about an sustainability that this is not about producing better animals. this is about producing a genetically engineered product to the profit of the company. this is donna pulse from the n g o friends of the earth, who advocates against this practice. and we can't seem to do that. there's a lot of things that is, that is confidential. this is felicia. we asked the company for a statement and access to their scientific data, but hadn't received an answer. by the time we made this video, the us food and drug administration approved the fish unsafe to eat in 2015. but the decision saw heavy backlash from civil society and environmental groups. they took the company to court. there's evidence highlighting the rest of the, of genetically engineered salmon bleed with wild salmon. that within
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a couple generations, i'll examine and not only are ecosystems at risk, the potential benefits of artificial genetic engineering can come at a price undesirable mutations and side effects. in 2020 a u. s. court ruled that the f d a had failed to sufficiently investigate the environmental consequences of approving genetically engineered salmon. despite this one, wholesale has recently begun to sell the fish to restaurants in the us and canada. but what about less invasive, selective breeding? that's been animals with the desired features across bread, with each other to boost or to say those certain traits, their genes are not directly modified. or this shape has won an award, or rather its creators were honored for their contribution to mitigating climate change. and where else could the sheep have been bred than in new zealand, where she pout number humans, 6 to one greatest sustainability in its meat and will industries is key for the countries own net 0 targets. we basically discovered that we can,
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we can breathe full unless we think this is dr. suzanne ro, for years she has looked at how she could burp out, fewer climate damaging gases. we can change the, the bugs that are in the stomach that break down the feet. and we can change the amount of methane that emitted every generation of sheep bread here emits slightly less methane than the previous one, an effect that accumulates over time. so our, our lowest, the missing sheep, and the highest, the missing she around 25 to 30 percent different dr. row says that apart from burping and floating less methane, the sheep are as healthy, unproductive as their high emitting companions. and even meet the criteria for organic farming to selectively breed the low methane shape. the scientists 1st had to find the nest, gassy ones. so they put the sheep into a special high tech chamber and let them get windy. the sheep here are only used
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for research purposes, then not sold. the institute is traveling the country, measuring the methane levels of sheep regardless of breed. this means farms can select the more sustainable animals themselves. the so called font chamber could potentially also be used for other graces to. currently the only genetically engineered animals approved for consumption are found in the us and canada. the view is still far from making such a step, but environmentalists and consumer rights advocates fear that could one day change . meanwhile, the u. k. government has already proposed legislation allowing for the commercial development of gene edited lifestyle. it seems to me likely that at least this, these could be on some of our plates and in the next few years, ah, let say within the next 5 years, genetic intervention raises questions about potential risks to the environment as well as undesirable side effects. selective breeding could be a safer and more viable alternative,
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but with demand more effort and time. what's also clear is that the problems that come with milken meat production won't be solved by simply altering our animals. we see our world is often a complicated one. so why don't we step out of it for a 2nd? because we are able to create a reality that is much more pleasant digitally. of course. maximilian from mouth on how that goes. what is the met a verse skiing in your living room? jumping from colorful world as super mario or floating weightless lee in space. it sounds crazy, but it will all be normal soon. in a digital universe of unlimited possibilities. it's the next big thing at facebook, microsoft invidia and the like. but how's it's supposed to work? met averse a virtual space where anyone can walk around as an avatar play games and meet other avatars and internet. you can enter and find yourself in
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a colorful 3 d world online stores, video games, crypto currencies, anything available on the net will also be available here. oh, you don't scroll through the amazon site, you walk through a virtual amazon department store, and by what you like, this merging of world should be fun and useful. you've been great your business partner with a handshake though you're miles away. you could celebrate a birthday with your family who live on another continent or give your favorite uncle a big virtual hug. but there are also dangers lurking in this 3 d world, as we know from the internet. misinformation hate speech and fraud, just to name a few metaphors can do all that and much more. but is it both a blessing and a curse? well, to me, it sounds like there's huge potential there. and i'm sure that will show you much more on the walk in internet in our upcoming shows for now. thanks for watching.
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with ah, with
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rising sea levels growing, is it gone us coast with more and more communities are getting swept away. scientists of desperate be searching for solutions.
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is it too late? eco africa. in 30 minutes on d, w. o. sometimes a seed is all you need to allow the big ideas to grow. we're bringing environmental conservation to life with learning packs like global ideas. we will show you how climate change and environmental conservation is taking shape around the world and how we can all make a difference. knowledge grows through sharing. download it now for free. will you become a criminal? mm franklin mayo already knows that come
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with hackers, paralyzing the tire societies. computers that are some are you and governments that go crazy for your data. we explain how these technologies work, how they can work, we'll send for and that's how they can also go terribly. watch it now on youtube. power games on the melting ice reporter tracks down the arctics. major players with you see routes begins a dangerous game. people overseas that yeah, we are here. we're patrolling area and the cords are being re, shuffles, and who has the best handed? russia is quite ag economic in the arctic. if you see something that looked like
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james bond, it has to do with starts december 23rd on d w. ah ah, this is dw news coming to you live from berlin, a lot of b as a landscape to pay a surprise visit to the united states. it's the 1st time the ukranian president has left his country since russia invaded in february. also coming up anger and hopelessness in afghanistan as the taliban are women from attending.


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