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tv   Business - News  Deutsche Welle  December 21, 2022 10:15pm-10:30pm CET

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we news business is up next with my calling, daniel winter, make sure to stay in for that. and remember there is always much more news on our website that is d w dot com. you can of course, find us on social media, twitter or instagram, or handle is at data. we news article further. thank you so much for being with us . ah sh her, i'm skin that. i think that's hard and in the end is a me, you are not locked up to you anymore. we will send you back. are you familiar with this? with the smudges were lions of the what's your story. ready ready he wasn't, i was women, especially a victims of violence, seen a lot of them take part and send us your story. we are trying always to understand
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this new culture. so you are not a visitor, not the guests. you want to become a citizen. in phil migrants, your platform for reliable information ah, russia opens a new gas field as part of its peasant china. meanwhile, fresh export data shows a slight uptick in german business with russia. why? we'll get the expert for you. and with holiday shopping well underway, we stopped to think about what happens to all the unwanted gifts at that time. again dw business welcome. we begin with russia. president vladimir putin has inaugurated a new natural gas field in east in siberia that will allow russia to increase
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exports to china. the kremlin hopes to augment gas sales, as it's european trading partners divest themselves. russian energy. moscow wants to boost guess sales to china. gas income is critical to the kremlin, to bankroll putin's war against ukraine. but until now, russia has had very little infrastructure to pump gas eastwood's. now putin has announced the development of what he said would become the largest gas field in easton, siberia, plus the infrastructure to export the gas daily. that the implementation of projects such as the co victor field, the power of siberia to the far eastern route will make it possible to increase gas supplies to the east to 48000000000 cubic meters 520-2588 1000000000 by 2030 used to us, but that's still not even close to what the west was buying from russia before the watch at particular is put in claims. the new gas field in the east coast region
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has recoverable reserves of 1.8 trillion cubic meters. that would make it around the 15th biggest in the world. the head of gas prom alexa miller says that the co victor field is ready for operation and would soon begin pumping gas eastwood's. russia is desperate to get the project on line as quickly as possible to replenish dwindling walk offers. but the project that timeline to build the infrastructure, shows that regardless of the outcome of the war, the kremlin expects russia will be cut off from western markets for a long time to come and stay with russia fresh day to result, showing german exports to the country have increased slightly to 1200000000 euros and value in november. it's down over half on the same time last year, but still higher than when sanctions began in march. i spoke to alexander goodman, professor of russian politics at the for university of berlin. he points out that there's still plenty of trade not subject to sanctions. good example of
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pharmaceuticals. pharmaceutical experts are also down, but only by about 10 percent as opposed to the pre war state. it was one of the biggest export articles of germany to the russian federation. okay. and done, you know, the, so we've seen that term. this is the amount as i round harvey since at the start of the, of the war, the invasion of russia and ukraine. um, is this to be expected? would you expect this to continue to go down to, to stabilize? where is this gonna go? that's difficult to answer because it massively depends upon what we're going to happen in ukraine. how the war is going to develop. and also how the general state of the world economy of the german economy is going to develop. so on the one hand, a german companies did have long term interests in russia. but on the other hand, the russian economy is now also experiencing what looks like a prologue to it long term stagnation. and this could massively reduce the interest
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to deal with russia regardless of the political situation. so it's difficult to tell. okay, i want to switch to energy now. so the you agree, the gas price cap earlier this week will this significantly hom rusher in any way? what do you think? i don't think so. i mean, we have to be realistic, or most measures which you introduce is when the energy market are going to reduce rushes capacity to export. that you the already reducing it. now, by the actually, what's relevant for russia is the budget effects and budget effects given still persistent opportunity of russia to export gas and oil to other countries outside the europe or european union outside the united states, which are not part of the sanctions m. so as long as russia has this capacity, it still has budget revenue at ease. so i don't expect their harm to russia to be big enough to really change though war developments while across that fits into what's happened today with their rush president, opening
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a new gas field with their goal of supplying china. how significant erased specifically for russia, to what extent can it possibly replace the european market for russian energy? i mean, i don't expect china to replace european markets for russian energy. this is definitely not going to happen. and i also expect the price as russia is going to receive for its gas in china to be lower. and also the technology needed to, for example, sustained the exports to china. it also depends on european delivery. so things are not going to be easy for russia. but on the other hand, the really relevant question for put into government now is not where they're going to replace europe. whether they're going to get enough money to maintain the government apparatus, the war machine, and the control over the country at this most likely it's going to happen. okay, so what could be a strategically important, even if europe isn't this place that alexander lindman. thank you very much for that. thank you. now to some of the other global business stories making news,
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100000 specialists of last russian, yet supporting the minister, the digital development in moscow. the start of the war in february and the mobilize ation. in september, each triggered waves of departures. the majority fled to neighboring countries, including georgia, armenia, and catholics down to avoid the draft. germany's 1st import terminal for dick provide natural gas has started receiving fuel fire pipelines from the ship hook, esperanza, the facility at phil helms, half on germany's north sea coast, started its test phase a day earlier than planned. the floating terminal will receive l. n. g imports converting the liquid back into gas for german pipelines. and now it's time to check in with the word on wall street guns court is there for us as always, in consumer confidence. is the word today lifting the markets, what can you tell us? yeah, i mean, the consumer confidence to reach the highest level in 8 months and what is making
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people happy as lower gas prices. so if you compare it to earlier, the summer americans pay on the national average about $2.00 less per gallon of fuel than they paid in a june. and then on top of it, we also see it's still pretty strong. a labor market, the lowest unemployment rate still almost at a 50 year low. so all of that combined actually led to this jump in a consumer confidence in the past month. ok, but the big question on everyone's lips, as of course, has to be, is this enough to give us some optimism to the american economy going into the new year? daniel, at least, is a glimmer of hope looking ahead to but clearly, i mean all the effect that we're going to see from higher interest rate here in the united states, probably an increase in unemployment,
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probably less investment from corporation. that is going to put a certain direct on the economy next year if it will lead to recession. we don't know yet, but there was also another hopeful sky. and we got some earnings reports from a nike. and they came in better than expected. partly also because all those issues with the supply chain, so that a lot of cooperation and had to deal with not just in the united states, going a bit more or a bit smoother. so the stock from nike, by the way alone, is up by about 30 percent on all of that together. also push the stock market higher in the wednesday session. so it won't won't be smooth sailing in 2023. but there is a little bit of help when it comes to supply chain and also that consumers so far. i've still rather uppy. well, that's exactly what we want just before christmas. a bit of she has some good news . thanks for bringing that to us again. it's quarter on christmas. time is almost
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upon us here in europe and the u. s. as well tis the season for shopping, of course, but also returns a logistical nightmare in and of themselves. refunds and exchanges are nothing new for retailers, but online shopping has made the whole process a lot more complicated. what is wrong with this washing machine or these mattresses, or any of these large furniture items? well, that's objective. all these items were returned by customers and sent to this huge storage facility in the german city of lune. by just one online retailer, it turns out online shoppers have all sorts of reasons for returning purchases. i'm one of order, i'm 0, one customer wanted to order a freezer but accidentally ordered 4, so 3 of them were sent back. that's one example of product wars or large tv screen . some customers ordered them without realizing how big they really are. and then
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they find out they don't have enough room for the gun forester, every return, no matter how big or heavy has to be unwrapped and checked, was there any damage? are there any dense or scratches, or most returned goods can be re sold online furniture store, home 24 has opened showrooms, where customers can sit down and get a feel for the product before buying it. since a machine is found, i find it difficult when you're at home in your living room and, and you just looking at furniture on a computer screen. it's hard to imagine what the pieces really like. sometimes you just like to see it before you buy it and i think and i'm shown at home 247 percent of all purchases are returned. that's pretty good. says the company for fashion retail as it can be up to a half of all items, a major problem and not just for cost about he now it is not in his out there.
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there's also environmental side to the equation, but very important each return as a carbon footprint. we have to pick up everything and wrap and pack it up up. i have to move goods one from bother and log. i'm having this return facility in luna has received less furniture since the company started sending fabric samples before customers ordered online. the firm is also working with manufacturers and advising on changes to packaging to prevent damage while the holiday season will keep them busy. they are hoping for fewer returns next year and it's almost time for us to go. but 1st, a quick check in on our top business story for you, president vladimir putin has opened a new natural gas field in easton, siberia. the aim of allowing russia to increase its gast exports to china. as comes as german overall exports to russia ticked up slightly to in november to 1200000000
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euros. and that's it. you're up to date with d w. business. of course, you can find more on our website at d, w dot com slash business from me on the business team here. thanks for watching. ah, europe, plastic waste, recycling and disposing of it is a global business worth 1000000000, riddled with money laundering and corruption who profits from it who suffers from it. and where does all the plastic waist actually end up globally 3000 next on d w. i more precise than you. i'm stronger
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data. we explain how these technologies work, how they can only go it was in for, and that's how they can also go terribly. watch it now on youtube. mm. ah. mm. welcome to a special edition of d w. news line from berlin ab nicole for a like and in a short time from now we're expecting a press conference with you as president joe biden and ukrainian.


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