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tv   Global 3000  Deutsche Welle  December 21, 2022 10:30pm-11:01pm CET

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ah, well come to take, told me about paralyzed between your societies. computers that were you and government that go crazy for your data. we explain how these technologies work. how can they go soon for that's how they can also go terribly. watch it now. oh i welcome to a special edition of d. w. news line from berlin, optical for only can in a short time from now we're expecting a press conference with you as president joe biden and ukrainian president vladimir
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zalinski, who's making a surprise visit to washington as the last case. first known trip outside ukraine. since the russian invasion in february is due to address congress later, the u. s. is keeps most important ally in the war, having supplied tens of billions of dollars in military aid ad of his arrival, the by ministration announced another aid package for keith, including for the 1st time patriot air defense systems world to produce and will hear now 1st from baltimore, zalinski, and then you as president, joe, by close of all, i'm brilliant, all my appreciation. so why are the article you great i was calling raise from all what nation? strong nation, all the procedures to you go swarms present for your weeks for either because euro, many, convers, helped us at all healthy. now we go to warsaw door. we should be the button anyway, but that is your leadership. think you just want to continue stretching. you crazy
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ability to friends, so particular her defense. and that's why we're going to be providing you credit with paid traditional banner and training force together with our partners. we're also going to change post caution on the kremlin and will support your grade. she really just piece things with my with, with, with, with buying with the man of the year. and as we wait for their news conference to begin our washington bureau chief venus paul is with me. and so is our chief international editor, richard walker. welcome to both of you in. if i want to ask you 1st, what are your impression so far of what you've been seeing and hearing during the
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landscape, much anticipated, but early surprising 1st visit to the us? well, the man of the year vladimir lensky showed again what a fantastic communicator he is. you know, the way he thanked joe biden personally describing him as the leader, not only of his own country, but also of europe, thanking the american people from the ukrainian people and then giving a president biden a military, a cross for military and married. and really, you could see how touched president biden was by that. so he's really a perfect if this is possible, a perfect leader for a country in war with dependent on age from other countries, especially from united states. so this start was a good one for, for vladimir lensky as he really already touched again,
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the hearts of the americans. and this will be crucial during his with it because he has to convince those who becoming more, more critical about him and about all the billions of dollars which are given to ukraine. he knows how to move on the big stage doesn't. he was an actor in his previous life. after all, how symbolic is this trip, richard? yeah, i mean, it really is very, i mean we're almost to the day some 10 months into this would mean if we've been sitting here 10 months ago when, when that invasion began, the scale of it and the, this existential threat. the read his head against ukraine, the thought that you know, we would be sitting here now and lensky would be kind of welcomed in washington as a kind of war, time hero, which, which is the kind of reception that he's getting at least from, from a very significant chunk of kind of the d. c political firmament that really is quite something. and although he's kind of sort of toward the world already this
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year, in a virtual sense he's made address is to the us congress. many other parliament, the bonus tag here in germany to get his message across to, to really kind of beat the drum for support for ukraine. still, it is quite remarkable that he's, he's made it to washington today. and also for this trip to happen just a day after he went to the very front line of the car, front line of the fighting at the moment that the city of bar mood and even bringing back a metal for from that from one of the fighters there to give to joe biden. so, so yeah, i really deeply symbolic visit but also no politically important. one for him. and he wants to get commitments for continuing support from the americans without the military support from the americans. the ukrainians would face almost certain defeat in this war against russia, so he needs to keep investing in this relationship with the united states to keep ukraine with a fighting chance. today,
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the u. s. rolled out the red carpet for millennium years. zalinski household is going down in russia. well, i think it's been quite interesting to see recently the vladimir putin has not been communicating in his normal way quite with the russian public. for instance, it's usually an end of year press conference, which vladimir putin holds every year. this has not taken place. i think that shows a certain amount of, of a lack of confidence. i think, in the russian leadership about the current situation. obviously, russia is nowhere near where he wanted to be. at this stage. we look at the flip side of this of what we've just said about zalinski being in washington. the flip side of that is that, let me putin would have wanted this war to be long since finished. now that when he embarked upon it back in february, now what we see on the russian side is they've losses mobilization. they're trying to regroup, and potentially in the ukraine's warning about this. launch
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a fresh offensive in january, perhaps february, perhaps march next year. and it seems that all of the energy is going into that in the land is going to go before a joint session of congress in a few hours, especially looking at the continued support for the ukrainian defense effort. how important is that still very important justice richard pointed out, you know, the united states is at a crossroads to a certain extent. why is that? because the majority in congress is changing in the 1st week of january and the majority leader will be much more critical with the support of ukraine. so are many of the rather ride leaning new congress members. so he's not only addressing congress in a joint meeting, he also is planning to have many bilateral talks because this is really also something a kind of about an emotional approach. he has to convince people by explaining the
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situation. and i think he started doing that in the oval office by talking about this visit at the, at the front line by talking about this military leader and the cross. he gave a president biden. so he really has to convince some of the critics to ensure the continuing a support of the united states as we just heard the country, which is some crucial for, for ukraine to continue fighting. the war against russia are actually, and i should say, we just saw that thing that you were talking about were as lengthy handed by that metal. and he was handed in back at one of those bilateral meetings that you were talking about will be between the lensky and g o. p leader, kevin carthy. he is the one who said that there should be no more blank checks for
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ukraine. that sounds like it will be a very uncomfortable conversation, doesn't it? in yes, it will be very uncomfortable. and it will be also difficult because we are also slowly kind of going into the next presidential elections. there are 2 years away, but the republicans are getting ready. you know, other republicans possible con candidates after former president donald trump has announced that he is running running again. other potential candidates are getting ready and they are already testing the waters when it comes to the support of ukraine. for example, the florida florida governor. he's very critical. he made some remarks that maybe one should dial back a little bit regarding the support of ukraine and spending all these billions of dollars and asking the question if it wouldn't be better to invest them in the own
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country. so the big fear here really is that this support is being more and more politicized over the next months, and maybe years to come. come. so this is the big, big task for vladimir lensky today in these bilateral talks. but also in addressing congress, you know, to convince people that this is not only a fire for his own country, but this is a fight for democracy and it will be hard to win without the continuing support of the united states. yeah, and one of the point he was making was that this was not only a ukrainian cause, that this was also in the interest of the united states to keep supporting ukraine if you're just joining us now. here on the w news, we are looking at pictures of the white house where all of them are zalinski, the president of ukraine and u. s. president joe biden are due to hold press conference briefly while we wait
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for them to show up though i want to ask you, richard and joe biden expressed his support for a just peace. cannot be interpret and as a promise of support until russia is defeated. yeah, what i did, i think it, we can't be sure exactly how to interpret that and i will, it will be interesting to see if one of the assemble, journalists that can really ask questions of bite and about what he sees as a potential. and this will, because i think this is a really interesting part of what to lensky mission is here. you know, to shore up the support in terms of, you know, keeping those weapons flowing. but also to, to try to make sure that he feels the u. s. is on side in terms of like, what is a way, way in which this war can be ended just and you see periodically and there's another phase of this at the moment of voices in europe,
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but also partly in the united states saying ok, maybe it's time to think about, you know, diplomacy with russia, trying to find in negotiated, enter the war sci fi and then the negotiated then the ukraine is a very worry about that because they say, well, what's that going to do is going to kind of freeze the conflict in its current situation potentially with, you know, everybody saying, all right, well then wherever the border is now, wherever the, the front is now kind of settle things down on that level. and then give a year or 2 for the russians to re arm and then uh, mount another invasion and from the ukrainian point of view, the war that we've seen this year is simply a rekindling of a frozen conflict from back in 2014, when the russians annexed crimea, and began eating into eastern ukraine. so the ukrainians really want support to keep fighting. they don't want to be dragged in the negotiating table now. and the ukranian say that they want all of ukraine's internationally recognized sovereign
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territory back. that includes all of these ukraine, all of the bits that have been met, nibbled away at this year by the russians, plus crimea, which was an back in 2014. and this is where, you know, you start to see some potential divisions opening up at the west where they're wary of saying, okay, you know, trying to take back with crimea from, from the russians that could really erb, like bring, put in to or, or draw pretty into using even more kind of desperate measure of potentially even to the point of nuclear weapons. so i think it would be really interesting to watch . what does biden's say about this? about what his kind of imagined vision for a just piece is. what is he, as you mean by that? now out, we're about 2 minutes away from the press conference starting. i'm being told innocent. do you expect any major announcements to come out of this meeting? of other major though, i think the biggest take really will be the end. we talked about that earlier like
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this a symbol like really that these told to leaders are standing together. president biden will repeat his support for a vladimir zalinski. vladimir zalinski will thank the american people again, and probably also will talk a little bit about his own country and the need to present bite and said that earlier in the oval office, vladimir putin is also using winter as a weapon. it's getting really cold in your crate, and so much of the infrastructure infrastructure is destroyed. so i think that's what they are. the 2 leaders will focus on and then they definitely be. we'll also be talking about the air defense system, the pedro misses and how important they are. and we shall see if some journalists who are in the room will address the question, what is a, just a, just ending of this, a just piece of this conflict. so definitely it's going to be interesting to follow
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this pat press conference and also later today vladimir zalinski is address to congress because he, i'm sure we'll repeat some of the things he's saying here. but probably he was a little bit more of a personal approach to convince by the end of the day, the lawmakers to stick with him and his fellow ukraine is i'm going to have to interrupt you there because we're just seeing volunteers zalinski. and i'd and taking stage presence zaleski, a monitor to welcome you back to the white house. we spent an awful lot of time in the telephone, as well as on video with as good as even 1st year. and we've been in close, infrequent communication throughout this conflict from the very beginning, particularly is particularly meaningful to talk with another person. look each other in the eye. because leadership through this terrible crisis has inspired
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ukrainian people as you have done, mister president and the american people in the entire world. this is the washington, your 1st trip outside ukraine since february comes, as president putin has escalated his attacks, brutal attacks targeting critical infrastructure to make life as hard as possible for not only unison ukrainian, but children and young children and everything from orphanages to schools. it just outrages what he's doing and we've, as we've heard into that as a new year, it's important for the american people and for the world to hear directly from you, mister president, about ukraine's fight. and the need to continue to stand together through 2023. this is also falls on the 300 day mark of russia's brutal invasion of ukraine. $300.00 days is prudent launch. none provoked unjustified all out assault on the
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free people of ukraine. $300.00 days of ukrainian people showing russia and the world, their steel backbone, their love of country, and their unbreakable determination. and i emphasize unbreakable determination to choose their own pat, to ukrainian people. i say to them all you have demonstrated, you have shown your strong stand against the aggression in the face of the imperial appetites of autocrats who wrongfully believe you might, you might, they, they might be able to make, might right. and they're not able to do it thus far. they've not, they've to the alone. you know, and you have, but you have still, you have had significant, significant help. we've never stand alone. you will never stand alone. when you cranes freedom was threatened. the american people, by generations, americans before us,
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did not hesitate the support from all across this country. americans of every walk of life, democrats and republicans alike, had the resources and the route to rebound, and resounding united way to do provide unequivocal and vending support to ukraine . because we understand in our bones that ukraine's fight is part of something much bigger. the american people know that if we stand by in the face of such a blatant attacks on liberty and democracy and the core principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity, the world would surely face worse consequences. as i said, when prone role is tanks in the ukraine, in february, american, american people are prepared to have us stand up to bullies. stand up for freedom. that's who we are as americans. that's exactly what we've done. even before the invasion began and prudent threatened ukraine by building up his forces,
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we help make sure you crane would be prepared to defend itself even before they crossed into ukraine. we provide a steady stream of defensive weapons, including air defense systems and artillery ammunition. and so much more, we've not done it alone from the very beginning, the united states rallied allies and partners from around the world to stand strong with ukraine pose unprecedented. and i emphasize unprecedented sanctions and export controls on russia, making it harder for the kremlin to wages broom war. more than 50 nations committed nearly 2000 tanks and other armored vehicles. more than $800.00 artillery systems. more than 2000000 rounds of artillery ammunition and more than more than 50 advanced mobile rock and launching systems. and i share banana and air defense systems all strengthen ukraine. together we provided billions of dollars in
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direct budgetary support. to make sure the granting government can keep providing basic fundamental services, the reigning people, like health care education and emergency personnel. that's includes another $2000000000.00. that indirect, by the support from the american people at the world bank distributed. earlier this week, we provide a mandatory assistance held the millions of ukrainians who have been forced to flee their homes because of prudence and you main brutal war communities across europe about with their hearts and their homes, help ukrainian need. the united states has been proud to welcome more than 221000 ukrainians seeking refuge since march of 2022, including as part of united for ukraine as part of our united fuel crane program. and today, usa,
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i de his committee more than $374000000.00 in urgently monitoring assistance for ukraine as well. provide food and cash assistance more than 1500000 ukrainian people as well as access to health care safe drinking water and help stay warm in the winter. through more than for more than 2500000 ukrainians. the united states and our allies and partners around the world have delivered a broad range of assistance at historic speed. and it's been critical to bolster and ukraine success thus far. ukraine has won the battle of ki, has won the battle of care. son has won the battle of car key. ukraine has defied russia expectations at every single turn. and president lunch gain, zelinski, you have made it clear that he is open to pursuing. well,
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let me put this where he's not open that you're open pursuing piece. you're open to pursuing a just piece. we also know the prudent has no intention, no intention of stopping this cruel war. and the united states is committed to ensuring that the brave ukrainian people can continue, continue to defend their country against russian aggression is as long as it takes no one to thank the members of congress and their for their broad bipartisan support to ukraine. and i look forward to signing the omnibus omnibus bill soon, which includes 45000000000 dollars, 45000000000 dollars additional funding for ukraine. i'll also sign in law. the national defense authorization act, which includes authors authorities for to make it easier for the department of defense to procure critical munitions and defense materials for crane and other key materials to strengthen our national security. today i'm going out to the next
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tranche of our security assistance ukraine. $1850000000.00 package of security assistance and includes both direct transfers of equipment to you know, ukraine needs as well as contracts to supply ammunition. ukraine will need, in the months of head for its artillery its tanks and its rocket launchers. critically, in addition to these new capabilities, like precision area munitions, the package will include a patriot missile battery, which will and one which will train ukrainian forces operate as part of the ongoing effort tell, bolster ukraine's air defense. it could take some time to complete the necessary training, but the patriot battery will be another critical asset for ukraine as it defend itself against russian aggression. altogether, today's new security assistance with the managerial funding amounts to $2200000000.00 and do some support for the ukrainian people. we should be clear
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about what russia is doing. it is a purposely attacking ukraine critical infrastructure, destroying the system to provide heat and light ukrainian people during the coldest, darkest part of the year. russia is using winter as a weapon, freezing people starving people, cutting them off from one another. is the latest example, the outrages atrocities the russian forces are committing against innocent ukrainian civilians, children and their families. and the united states is working together or the allies in partners provide critical equipment, help ukraine make emergency repairs to their power transmission systems and strengthen the stability of ukraine's grid. in the face of russia is targeted attacks ross work into whole russia accountable, including efforts in congress that will make it easier to seek justice for russia's
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war crimes in ukraine. let me closer this. tonight is the 4th night night of hanukkah. a time when jewish people around the world presence lensky and many families among them on the timeless miracle, the small band of warriors, fighting for their values in their freedom, against a much larger fall, and how they endured and how they overcame. how the flame of faith, with only enough oil for one day, burned brightly for 8 days. the story of survival and resilience. that reminds us that the coldest days of the year, that light will always prevail over darkness, and hope drives away despair. and that the human spirit is unconquerable, as long as there are good people willing to do what is right. this year has brought so much needless suffering. and last ukrainian people. what i want you to know
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presidents lisky. i want you to know that all the people who crane to know as well, the american people who are with you every step of the way. and we will stay with you. we will stay with you for as long as it takes what you're doing, what you've achieved. it matters not just the grade book to the entire world. together, i have no doubt will keep the flame of liberty burning bright. and the light will remain in prevail over the darkness. thank you for being here, mister president. we're going to stand with you. thank you. some of my numbers then. dear mister president, please put on equipment. once again. mister president, president biden audience journalists, ladies and gentlemen, every i came here to the united states to forwarded my own. thank gods. the
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word of thanks to the people of america, people who do so much for ukraine. i am thankful for all of this. this visit to the united states became really a historic one for our relations with the united states and the american leadership . in the last 30 days of this war, we have started a new face of our inter relations with the united states. so we became a real, a partners and allies with the content. and i felt today during all of my meetings, and during our talks, once again, i would like to thank mister president, president biden, for his candid support. and what is very important down the standing of ukraine and for the support of the international coalition to strengthen international law. i am grateful to president biden for his original efforts.
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his steps that are united, the partners and a global south when all countries of the world has no take, some of them will position or are focusing on cooperation and mutual understanding . this is very low, useful for all of the country as for ukraine, for the united state. i want to thank the congress for bi partisan bicameral support. and i am looking forward to good meetings with the members of the congress and their support. this is live is that i am here to day to meet with a congress. the main issue during my days tops is to strengthen ukraine next year. our movement forward to i would fight for our freedom and
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independence. i have good news and returning home president biden. announced a new package of defense support up about $2000000000.00 us dollars and the strongest element of the package is they pay to it says battery system, not something that will strengthen our air defense civil significantly. this is a very important step, is to create a secure here space for ukraine, and that's the only way we would be able to deprive that terrorist country. and they are terror attack to tech, to strike our energy sector, our people, and our infrastructure. we had a very good day negotiation and talks about our strategic steps, which we'll discuss it with president biden, and what we expect next year and for what we are preparing. this is very important fall ukrainians, and i am hopeful and once again. thank you mr. president. for 45000000000,
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because this is a big assistance that i hope that the congress will approve this financial assistance for our crime country. this is almost 45000000000. thank you very much for the support. every dollar of this investment for the united states is going to be a strengthening of global security. and i know that the american leadership will be a strong and will play important role in global scope. and the united states will help us to defend our values, values, and independence. and regardless of changes in the congress, i'm good believes that we will be bipartisan and by part, bicameral support. and i know that everybody works for this. and of course during all of my meeting days, i know we discussed issues of.


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