tv Desert Living Deutsche Welle December 23, 2022 6:30am-7:01am CET
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oh, ready? no. welcome to take talk with him about hackers, paralyzing the tire societies. computers that out some are you and governments that go crazy for your data. we explain how these technologies work, how they can go in for, and that's how they can also go terribly. watch it now on youtube. ah, ah, was this police is as hot as hell, but a beautiful paradise? ah. this have like,
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i don't know how to say it just what i meant by different vibe here and everyone feeling well as a one day the whole world will benefit from what we're producing here by law millions of allow you. it says there was resistance to a bed to when woman entering the business wells with sally of a bo lome isn't what david ben green was a leader and he knew that the future of israel was towards the south. ah, the future of israel. this is what the modern city of tel aviv with its flashy
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skyscrapers startups and lifestyle has always stood for every day. hundreds of thousands of commuters crowd into this city that is nearly boasting up the scenes. real estate prices are exploding much like in german urban areas, but even foster tel aviv is in danger of being smothered by its own appeal. but there is a bit more room to breathe here in the desert. we are driving to what feels like the end of the earth to israel's arrival desert near the border with jordan. the nearest town is 100 kilometers away in the dry dusty desert. ya see, ben is in the process of building a kind of fountain of youth that could one day strengthen olympic athletes. he has developed something new with which he hopes to transform the town into a biotechnology hub. he was inspired by animals on his huge ranch where he keeps
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antelopes. nubian, i beg, says nancy brass, the secrets to his $25000000.00 business is found in his own personal. noah's ark. it appears as if stranded here. but it is in fact home to dozens of exotic animals as zoom in the desert quite the attraction for tourists and holiday goers staying at this wilderness ranch. that his greatest treasures of these tiny crustaceans, the common yabby. an australian crayfish then believes that within this organism lies the key to eternal youth. thought the limburger lobster. him, lobsters never grow old. did you know that in hollywood they can renew themselves over and over again. i actually bred these here to be decorative. then i noticed that these crayfish renew their shell and just 3 days,
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10 times faster than any other species of crustaceans much in 24 hours. they build a dental system similar to our solution, but most importantly we found that they produce a morphis, calcium carbonate or something the whole world has been looking for. as a result, i started a company together with beersheba university of lucia. if the common, the abbey can use this special calcium to quickly renew its body parts, can we humans benefit from it? to ben is convinced he has launched dozens of studies with an international team of researchers. and has all, he filed numerous patents. he has already succeeded in making the calcium of the crayfish usable for humans as well. the advantage of this so called amorphous calcium carbonate is that our bodies are far better at absorbing it than conventional crystalline calcium. but the real breakthrough came when researchers discovered that it has anti inflammatory properties. michelle hospital bone loss in
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osteoporosis, for example, is caused by a certification in the bone where model it paralyzed as the cells that build bone and strengthens the cells that destroy bone not feel like a base on the folky. no matter how much calcium is present, the person falls apart. but once you have this link between calcium and the anti inflammatory carbonate things turn around, the bones can be rebuilt, which is even someone who breaks their arm can benefit also with muscle growth or even sperm production of documents. logically i'm but the tiny crayfish do not produce enough calcium for humans. after a decade of research, thence team has now managed to copy and artificially manufacture the animals. amorphous calcium carbonate. $80000.00 pills per hour are already being produced here initially as a dietary supplement. it is also currently being reviewed by the us food and drug
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administration for approval as medicine then started out in the desert as a farmer, growing wheat and flowers, cultivating the desert. in the spirit of the visionary founder of the state of israel davi been gurian to day. he wants to make the baron landscape blue with innovation. but it's hard to find workers in this remote place. i mean, miguel, i mean babbling mccomb, her name, american fish who wants to come to this desert with his harsh living conditions here women, people with strong wills who are motivated by ideas to settle this land. that's who there is no dispute over land here. we can produce excellent agricultural products and our children have a wonderful place to grow up. all of them are heavily on the remote. luckily, molecular with the remote although his scientific partners and their laboratories are located elsewhere, yossi ben has remained loyal to the arrival they set 1st as
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a farmer now as of biotech, entrepreneur her future 2 lies in the desert in the negative. 19 year old. are you sure average other is that between and is the 1st entrepreneur in her family klan, which has lived in the neck of desert for generations. but before she shows us her business idea, she takes us to a typical between village cash m a collection of sheds and corrugated iron hots, often without electricity, water or rooms. the dwellings of the former nomads were built without building permits, which means demolition notices could come from the authorities at any time. the bedouins, all the poorest in the country, says jabber neglected and without prospects. she wants to change that. she volunteers in the poorer settlements after all, her parents also originally came from one of these on official villages for ahead
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of the me of your family business. there is another way if the state would really develop the negative deserts than it could start here with the young people. but i think ver, eddie, learn the rules. mussa folly has 9 children. they live in poor conditions. as is the case with many bedouins, his children are his only wealth. we are not allowed to interview them all the women that is forbidden in their very traditional way of life. that too is a hurdle along the way to a more modern future. lemme assume of deli bought it. i don't know why people are unemployed here relative to because their education is miserable. all of our children don't go to school. only law. mine will be other citizens are complained that they steal things from the yeah. you know, our, our young people supposed to live with hungry animal you alive. right. one of our children are pushed on to the margins, wanna see if the state cared. they would educate our people and make them normal
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citizens, warrior modern thought, maybe lateral you ah, without the bedouin in the negative, israel's future in the desert cannot succeed. and the government knows this to, for years, there have been attempts to integrate the marginalized population. and now for the 1st time, an era party in the governing coalition is representing the interests of the bedouin and hope is growing. that progress is slow. stories like jabbers are still exceptions. she grew up in raw hot, the largest between town in israel, at raw hot innovation hub. the computer science student meets with her mental. it's about her business plan. jabber has developed an app that allows cashless payments at gas stations all over israel. her supporters are thrilled, but not every one in the traditional they do in community celebrated when
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a young woman tried to enter the world of startups. and it a minute to de leon tay, i've always liked to go against the grain, though my own way. hello, there was resistance. at 1st. people found it strange that a bedouin woman wanted to enter the business world a to day me as they are more acceptable that they um, completed. we agreed to meet again in a few months and we are curious to see how her business idea will develop. 20 kilometers away from i shes home is the capital of the neck f desert. bear shaver. if you believe what you hear about bear shaver than it's not worth the trip, but we're going to go any way. at the gates of the city, we meet eric narrow of the jewish national fund. he wants to revive the vision of this state of israel's founders to make the remote regions in the south and north of israel, so attractive that half
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a 1000000 people settle there within the next 25 years to de congest the metropolitan regions around tel aviv. and jerusalem david ben green was a lever and he knew that the future of israel was towards the south, right? because it was a very large amount of space that was uncontested and never developed. but in order to make it attractive for people to buy the home, you have to create a quality of life. you have to create economic opportunities, you have to create a social services. you have to create an ecosystem that although which is the largest city in the desert. there shaver has been marginalized periphery for decades. a working class city for immigrants, particularly from north africa. most israeli stop here at best, only to refuel on their way to the red sea for vacation. but today change is visible in many neighborhoods. one example is this newly created races in the desert, where there was once a junkyard donation helped to create a lake with
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a pock sports facilities and playgrounds, as well as a nancy theater, bringing more quality of life to bass shave. the park itself is, is just the catalyst. it's just the egypt for change. the development of the housing is creating thousands of jobs for blue collar workers from all over that come from the barrel and villages in the villages in the working together in order to create opportunities, real estate developers of that architects. a 3 bedroom apartment in the desert city of bath shaver currently costs the same as a one bedroom apartment and 10 of these poly group. hi lou. a 30 year old web designer is benefiting from this as well. the new lake is her favorite spot in the city. it's where she refueled when the daily grind has depleted her energy reserves.
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to leave. here it is not as cramped as in the area around television where they can only build upwards. in contrast, there are no limits in the open desert shaver we can develop architecturally and creatively in all directions. good modernization just needs to be a little faster. the to color. yeah. so my she represents the new face of the once dusty city. after her studies, she didn't pack her bags like so many other young qualified people group i low is determined to stay and help shape the beginning of israel's future in the negative desert. come along, a lot of my dream is to create a business start up center for designers. i want to offer a helping hand with will of no matter if someone is a beginner or a professional,
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they're holding a place where people can develop themselves and their ideas a place that is always there for them that help them a little in order to keep her as an employee, her boss is paying for advanced training. if things go well as she hopes, she may soon be promoted to our director. she now travels to tel aviv twice a week. at the train station, there is a symbol of the future of bell shaver, a bridge that appears to connect everything. on one side is ben gory on university . on the other is the new high tech park, with a notable international tech see next to residential areas. and everything is accessible by train but bridges alone are not enough. they only help if they bring together employers and employees who can actually work
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together. the lord of center was created to act as an intermediary, megan turner is an employment agent and helps to mediate between business training institutions and job seekers. well, you that we are gone mad. happens in the tech world. things are changing by the minute even. and so it's our job because we have built this relationship with the technical colleges to go in and to tell them listen, i think it's a really good idea for you to update your syllabus. this is what we're hearing from the field, the people who are wanting to hire these young adults are saying we can't hire them without the set of skills. so we're helping everyone get on the same page. who pi lou and turner, our desert dwellers through and through narrow, on the other hand, seized the great potential of the desert and helps others to realize their dreams there. but as long as he can still afford it, he prefers to live in a city like tel aviv on traffic free days, bare shave. i can be reached in about an hour from tel aviv twice as far
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away is the a rover desert along the border with jordan. they're near the antelope range and calcium production lies. the village of took him an artist commune in the middle of a breathtaking landscape. here already say give, has realized his dream, a life in the desert. the lawyer left the big city noise of tel aviv behind, struck out and bought a house here the kind he couldn't afford in the country's metropolitan regions. promises the effect of commer. this is the most wonderful place in the world, but it's hot as hell. but a beautiful paradise. i wouldn't want to live anywhere else. zuwaka. ah, his lifestyle is nothing unusual in to kim. those who come here want to express themselves. do something different. until recently said f was the mayor. some rent
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out vacation rooms. many freelancer's and artists have settled here. mm. corporate people are becoming more and more interested corner since corona machine, people have learned that they can work from home or even in the desert. every one who comes here has a certain squirrel. this is not a conventional place when the hushing this place can bring outside of you that you didn't know you had. because you have to reinvent yourself here. and i say to people, only a year after i 1st moved here, john, did i really feel i was alive high before that? i'd only glimpse life. no, but the space that the voskus of the desert creates in the soul also has its price . the seclusion of the rover also brings hardships with it. it's a 100 altogether, baton him as a to harness owner locked on a bill server. if you have to go to the hospital, you have to travel far to elaborate publish ever. and when things get complicated,
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when we depend on the cities for technicians, remote turnips, dishwasher, or air conditioning, for example, wants to return a call of imposter mr. live. look him looks like a postcard to an alternative life in the desert. but for the masses of people who are to be settled in israel's southernmost region, it will no doubt remain to exotic. ah, large settlement projects are being planned around the neg, if capitol of bathsheba. this time we arrive at night and find another surprise. the allegedly boring desert city has quite a lively night life, especially here in the university district. and in the old town. ah, and there is something to celebrate. when we meet web designer goopy lou again, she proudly tells us about her promotion.
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i mean, this is the reason why i am going to say, i'm going to have these words hard to read. my name is sadie a day, but i'm bringing a what i studied with the transformation of the city appears to be taking place through developments like who pi lowe's. she is the pioneer. others must follow if israel's vision of the future in the desert is to come true. suddenly the waitress joins their conversation as well. the 20 year old as eve jury works in this ball to finance her tourism degree . she says she came to the fall south from her hometown in the north. the only thing that we don't have here is the beach. but i accept of that perfect geared that prices are better than the vibe here. a good. i love the city, be
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a real with all the thing about getting it as anyone. they're all going to feel the same answer because they'll never have like, i don't, i was they just, what i did went by the people from the next table also wants to have their say, our camera seems to attract a lot of attention here for her. oh you're here. 6 0, that's your with tom emotions, tommy, re all geology students. like so many they are originally from other cities and are only studying and bear shaver because the cost of living is cheaper. but where do they see their future? i don't know how it will be when we're really, roger, so it's a place like it's you, pelham. the house. but it has another bright combo server to the phone.
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we're lucky. you can find almost nothing mostly military areas. so there may be for us as a journalist, instead maybe we can play minor or something. they are hoping for a jobs miracle. the reality though is green, even though there shaver is growing little is happening around it. the next morning we find out why, from one of the desert regions, most knowledgeable experts at ben gory on university in bear shaver, the odin ro, face studies urban development in the neg, f. desert. even finding a job in the neg of his still difficult, he explains. the desert is still not sufficiently connected. he is the classical, basically because it's true, you can get from here to the center in one hour. but from here to all the settlements around it, it's much more,
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more difficult. so the interconnectivity within the metropolitan area has to be improved significantly. and not only by buses, you have to have the real world railroad working much, much better. other forms of infrastructure such as water and electricity are easier to tackle. he says, not far from basheba. one of the world's largest concentrated solar power plants cleans like a gigantic lighthouse. of crucial importance for the development of the desert are of course it's traditional inhabitants. more and more bedouins are studying at the university that me because is drawing, it's already about quarter a 1000000 and they will probably double in the next 2 generations because of a young population. most of it is under 20 years old and, and they're probably going to be a major part of the population and they and because they're growing the large part of the economy. when we meet iesha abu jabber again in the between capital over
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a heart, she is full of confidence and investor has given her $50000.00 in start of money. today, she wants to show us how her app for cashless refueling will work. the ap directs drivers to the nearest gas station and processes. the payment in israel. customers usually pay directly at the prompt with a credit card and have to enter all kinds of details such as their personal id number. the whole process is particularly difficult for many bedouin women says jabber very cleverly, raziski lawyer tamika. but if you do it here on the app, you don't need all that. the gas station connects to your phone. you just have to quickly validate it and you're ready to start pumping. you don't have to do a lot of pushing buttons or even go inside to pay live occasionally. no. you pay
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quickly with the app on your phone and off you go to look after that. since jabbers app is not yet up and running, we still paid by credit card this time. but we suddenly realized that our receipt was missing approval. im is it didn't take her for bella. kabbalah is on vacation, you will get her cabella. so you didn't need their paper. now you convinced me that she is already in negotiations with the major petrol station networks. she plans to launch her up at the end of the year. her dream of establishing herself as a high tech entrepreneur is almost to reality. as a bedroom, she is a member of a minority. as a high tech entrepreneur, jabber represents a key force in israel's new vision of the desert. the eyes of many are on the
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south of the country. the growth is, is going to be, is going to come here in the next 2025 years. the, the problem is, or that we will be able to create quality development, which will keep the people here and, and her, and attract people to come here. and actually make our lives better. biotech, farmer. ya see, ben is convinced of this. his success story continues. israeli athletes took his desert calcium at the olympics in japan. he says proudly. and it is currently even being tested in clinics for the treatment of corona related illnesses. his next plan is for an american billionaire to test the calcium in space during his trip to the moon. in order to reduce astronauts inevitable muscle atrophy in weightlessness . like the world. so when you have the plant, after you have the live, after you have the fruit. this is the story when the people in the fruit and good
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new season of the pot come make sure it's a tune and wherever you get your pot, cough and join the conversation because you know it love matters. ah, ah, ah everyone, every man knows of the children's food, the food can be lossy. before movies, news can we had a lot of programs. they drop out to the school because they were eating nothing when it came from home. that could have easily been us. any one of us, oh ah
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ah ah ah ah, this is dw news life from berlin. a massive winter storm threatens the holiday plans of millions of americans. airlines cancel thousands of flights, leaving passengers scrambling. the storm is full cost to bring bone chilling temperatures and snow too much of north america, elise and both in.
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