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tv   REV  Deutsche Welle  December 25, 2022 7:30pm-8:01pm CET

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a, just a click away. the journey, the destination, right? find out they stuck in the entries with the full subscribe. now, you can then treat someone else to the hard work t. v highlights the selected for you. you every week in your a box. subscribe. now for the life without my boss, his unthinkable. why i'm
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with these cars have to be lived with your commander of the ship. why does the steamer hurst? i'm with the guns. you can leave normal life, but i love that we picked up the my back in the morning. we didn't get a 2nd. this is absolutely old to my car ever develop ever built and it will not happen again. ah, the amazon true, these vehicles are unmatched in beauty, dependability and luxury with
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here lender, ah, this is not just a car, it's a work of art. with introducing the my back s. w associates built in 1937 a 100 years ago. the my background started building calls that were and are the epitome of luxury, and a symbol of perfect jem and engineering. just all this setting. if off over 80 years old and running vital place to move, this kid begins very, my god, there's also a principal involved who had to work in preventing. i'm certainly precious cultural heritage from being forgotten the in 4 cases or even worse for being scrapped live off. ah,
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for like i wasn't reason that you could compare it to the 1954 world coming final the infancy seat west germany versus hungry and barren, switzerland bianco dog. the voc dork stadium has its own history in one of us, but it will always be remembered for that moment and soccer history in they're forced by or even german history. in general. it's of everlasting, significant santander. i've had the money mc mc named con. this is the italian, the owner of italy without pete says is, let's see for food. and that's how you have to imagine germany in the 1920s or thirties or even earlier. i was germany without my boss engines on it that there would simply be something missing. i'm for 15 people speak with the head mood hoffman. it's a special hobby and a passion. he's come to this museum of technology in southwest gemini, to meet up with a hello my boss in seas yesterday. i know
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we haven't been gonna, i've clocked up over 50000 kilometers and this one from, oh, i was laid at my we restored the lender, little asian. but we've continuously done little repairs for, but it's never stop hyundai, does this see? there's katina on the driver's seat again. nacley mince pie lie escapes me this evening. ah, pen wolfman is a member of the ultra exclusive my back club. there were just a 158 vehicles still in existence from the 1st generation built between 19211941. then as now they have price tags, similar to luxury villas, and the proud owners of the cars. a happy to share that pride and joy. my bonkers, the my boss club is like a family and we all know each other and i saw that's nice because nobody needs to show off or be
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a big shot. this is kind of where the same crowd or the atmosphere is really relax hydrant and had more guns. look that was fair as a half a century. now my back owners have been meeting up to embark on group trips during which they also share that thoughts and experiences on this extraordinary mark. what they also share is an absolute love of that priced cars. okay, so i think that's for better bog. they quit his law degree up and spend 3 years training to be a mechanic and you got me so he could properly understand his car, out of so for feed, but i'm homeless. and then he completed his studies and ended up as a professor of jurisprudence. would tan serviced his my buy and sell, deborah bakeney, if he'd take off his suit, foot on his overalls, crawled under the chassis on a creeper board and get to work at guantanamo. that is the my boss club. this is michael. the club is i've been to any one who i'm a my back from the pre 2nd world war era. but getting your hands on
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a car of this caliber is not easy. ah. door is blue. oh no. you have to quietly submit an application. lloyd from the people from the club, rec, and okay, if you get to my bottom time, then you'll get an insider challenge biking to to you can't get a my boss and an auction, my boss know to poke, i don't bother checking dealers or whatever. i'm in global, see my bottle change hands very discreetly broke his grade by that his cars still exert of fascination in oil and why only really becomes apparent when you're on the road out as at least in farm this is the top of the range my back the saline d s 8th, although sometimes him on the lie, i likes a chauffeur to do the driving, allowing him to lap up the luxury in the back seat. the standard features even include as the gulf casa, but what also makes writing a my back. a special experience, of course, is the 12 cylinder, $200.00 horsepower engine. that translates into speeds of
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a 160 kilometers per hour. nothing to sneeze at in the 1930. 2 new. so like this. if it's such a light ride with the 7 speed transmission while you can drive it at 2000 reps from dawn till dusk as long as you want so long that the wind bear in mind. this is a heavy car out of it weighs 5 tons. don't know when to put my box feature, the latest technology thought all his to my baby always been on the innovative side and are still astonishingly modern arden all back in 1930 decades before modern sports cars. the my back was fitted with the steering wheel shift paddle to change gears without the need for a clutch pedal. a cutting edge feature invented by been had my back and his son called the 2 engineers were determined to take the automobile to a new level. they produced 1800 vehicles that were not just pricier than anything else on the markets,
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but also see tyria. and some of them are still going strong. as well as leaving, i was my father's favorite card, but when he was 88th, and he gave it to me as a birthday present with his old and the car's part of the family. a life without my boss is unthinkable of as to sure. and i just enjoy going for a ride turn to fall from grandma. we've been on a lot lovely long trips in the my bottom in my, me and the whole family pool to foreign. a. right. and, and my band is like a trip back in time. thanks also to the wealth of amazing little accessories on board. mm hm. i know there's also a compartment for the record that's from my father who my father. the records would gradually slip out and get broken. but my father didn't mind. he just position the
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stylus a bit further from the edge of my robinson by the, with the sound of the car is also music to him on lie as he is. and the engine is always a sight to behold. an out of the my boss happening. they never made a car like that. my box zeppelin again, ish, saw it so ridiculously well designed oil coin for you. because engineer always fascinating for an engineer like myself, you can up and, and just look at this hatch the hot. it has the spring. so it snaps to and stays close, not dusty. see the hood alone, kind of more choppy to power courses for the hourly wage rates worth that high back then. and they just maximized the work input on the hob, 9 for this moxie mile murder gemacht. ah, i am the ligand there to sit. so legendary logo,
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this feels like in need shaking hands with queen elizabeth per cleaner. listen. the doors alone or a work of art in quincy, alice in alim, all the no. so the sheer craftsmanship makes it art her, which makes it expensive, and hence luxurious and but not luxury. just for the sake of waking. poa is when papa oh, i can look so sad. i've been losses from dis lucas for his country. i am a tough man, was even inspired to set up a my back museum, annoying mocked bavaria, together with his wife. it boasts some of the comic his most exquisite models, lovingly collected from all over the planet and here presented to the public. the museum also tells visitors about the history of my back. it all began in whitening and nash took guards in 18. 67. when vin hm. my band set out to invent the
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automobile together with a sudden got neap timeline. d d f. one dime la, out timeless idea was for his engines to motorized the entire world. i tell him, my boss was in charge of the technical implementation or decent big young father. that developments we had led to the french calling bill. hm. my box of, of the king of constructors excited for this. after dime, la di did 1900 when had my by initially quit automotive production. 9 years later, after our prototype of count fatty non concept belinda ash crashed, he offered to make new engines to the company. soon the gigantic aircraft were crossing europe and late at the atlantic, powered by my back. that separately ins. precision engines would lay the foundations for vill hello. my boss returned to camp production after the 1st world war. together with his son karl. in 1921, they unveiled that 1st production car at the berlin. moti show the w. 3
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lifts at the hot, my boss, the my boss with told to mcclain them know that my boss mo, tolben bow company that i've only provided the chassis as such shades. i because i dish dimmed. so customers could choose their own protege. i'd super lizzie gay. not really shout lou and since then so you see these vehicles are unmatched in beauty, it dependability and luxury use all my it's the buyers got absolutely. and exactly what they wanted. k, a level of customization. you can't imagine today, panama fostering anna hoffmann created the exhibitions design, but was also determined to include the stories behind the individual models on show she put together a series of meticulously researched profiles of the my back onus film for so we researched the heritage of your article every single car,
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who was the 1st owner, the ash pursuits are the stories of fascinating, including those of the people involved in some aspect. if the doubling been yes, ah, it's an exclusive convertible version of the my beth said helene. every winter, the only his to drive from venezuela to the swiss c results of gustavo, the poor, the, the pursuer, seattle, under your presented weight is not something you can just put in the corner and say, it's only a car on out. this is alice allison, this is all out of the one sheet of medicine and continues down the hood or how before for you. it tapers in is over him, but is always symmetrical and comes to a point behind the radiator cap and emblem. i'm kula from just incredible. this is the whole von sylva that's working on the door handle is pure art deco. when you take hold a bit of money and pushed down unfasten horn dog working. ah,
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this is sitting here. you do feel a bit like the lord above. i'm not even quite this. my shouts here. you look out ahead, but see and see the 12 and the double am with you and this imposing but beautiful hood thoughts them showing the cooler how. the irony is that the cause, the engineer by 2 men who never set out to produce luxury items, they were driven above all by the wish to build the best engine possible. really, my boss is yeah. so that bill hm. my boss was an orphan king. when my advice and i was, and when you're brought up in an orphanage, i'm thinking you're probably averse to things like caviar, champagne, and hedonism. hi, john, i'm ya. hey, don. this morris. it's like, as i've read carl, my box said one instead of messing around of domains design engines or what the org and site. so they pretty much had it in their blood. i can make sure that people
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are born to work, or you could call that will typically german, your but even so on to all by the dagwoods, like to destroy it through the i walked in 1941 comp production at my back came to an end after the 2nd world war, the factory increased half and built propulsion systems, primarily intended for trains and ships in 1960 the company was bought by dime le bens, but it would be a further for decades until the brand was re launched. and this is the man who effectively gave my buy a new lease of life for me might have teams to some notes in 1997 and me and my team from r and d were asked to imagine what the absolute pinnacle of automotive design could look like when that's why we gave it a lot of thought last revolting and faults and wanted to create a vehicle that just exuded or absolute car wash. drive your home. we wanted the
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interior to smell like a forest of everything, luxurious and justice, and like a dream on the hamilton. and we built our prototype and presented it in tokyo, in 1997. tokyo could site, it went down really well and with our bosses to contribute to circle. and that's how the my boss project came about. the fruits to say labor, the super long, my back. 62, as well as the slightly shorter 57 model run will sink from the netherlands, is the top my back customer in company history. his company has designed gigantic ferris wheels with clients all around the world. and he's the proud owner of no less than 65 moton my boss, real engineers. they know it's, this is opt. absolutely. oh, to made car ever developed, ever built and it will not happen again. it's my office,
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it's my home. it's everything i mean to sit in the back. that's the po, position in the car ah, being class with a you know him. if you have to do some work, if you drive with work table and if you want to have privacy, you can limit oh yeah, we can close the curtains and open it in the back. we are in the rear. when we have a special panoramic roof here, which as we can open for daylight live reclining seats, which so nice inside. so the negative thing on the, my biggest, when the journey comes to when it is a very special car, and we find out that the owners are even more special than the car. yeah. everybody
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has a different backgrounds with an instrumental history. and that's why we decided to, to found the, my bach free 12 owner circle. 4 people will have to my big 312 that there is a place they can get together. that there is a home. and that's why the my back house was created to be a home for the my big own us. and this is effectively the clubhouse for the v 12 that called in the swiss town of up and said the club itself brings together my back, b 12 a noise from the brand's global clam. how, regardless of which model year, and they meet regularly at exclusive events hosted around the world. it's a friendship with these people because they all so passionate it and you really share
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something together and south africa, australia, united states, brazil, because my big was everywhere. russia, i mean, for everybody, it was something special. japan, korea challenge a little bit more complicated because in the beginning it was not so easy to import the cars, the real my back actually call it to my with money for to are still in china. very rare. to think is a key mover and shaker in the own and network. he's currently discussing plans with south african my back driver. p to wales. good afternoon, better. yes, good afternoon. so we calling life on the, my big house in episode where you are a member of our, my big feet, 12 circle. no, it's amazing that you, that you guys host all these host, all these amazing events all over the world. you know, i can't get to all of them. i'm not quite retired, it may be then i can join. mold them. what are your plans with
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us? well, if, if possible, a run, it would be great. good. i love it. you know, the mil 1000000 italy i, i've done it 3 times. it is just it's, it's just the, you know, it's a really amazing race or my bags 57 as doing the 1st time. the mil emilia bullets, you know, it's an all round or the performance, you know, the suspension, everything gets just very smooth and it's less, it's sort of look, i think it's up to you these days. i've been growing that most mostly handbook. i well, engine example, but i think the body, but it's doug, i'm making call. yeah, i don't drive it every day, but i mean, it is, it's not lining up at the legendary mila media vintage con rally and my back sounds like a lot of fun. not least because of the 600 horse power generated by the 12 to sit into. and jim, you don't need to be the fastest car, but you want the power to be there when you needed driving as also funny special, we have a very powerful car. and he listened very well. any i mean you go full door,
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can you don't even hear the engine it's it's it's from 3000 units of the 57 and 62 models left the factory before miss sadie's suddenly ceased my back production in 2014 bus. 2 years later, the conjoined decided that the illustrious brand name, at least, would not be discontinued. and since then, the top of the line, additions of the mercedes s class have phone the name my by a development. the task however, left died in the wool, my back fans with mixed feelings. the people oh the real my back. it's very they will not ease you by the she this as my because there is no need for because the car is still so good. i'm was you know who, sorry, sorry via we're another not job from that. this is back is welding
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a car with the height of individuality is simply no longer possible is his name on the police and paris deco when errand around comics that your techline schmidt is eager to see whether the my back name still stands for perfect engineering. think sun, that 12 horse power 900 newton meter. and now we want to see if this is really the best call of the boat. ah, and now i would try to accelerate rate to, to the maximum speed. let's see what it is with so let's try an emergency break now. with.
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well water, right? so now i stole this last driving. i need to relax. and good guys, perfect for this is unless sasha can hear us. yes, the receipts feature a massage function. i luxury also appreciated by the world beating motor sports crow when she has the rare opportunity to be a back seat driver. let's go. ah, i think this is not my through i yeah. i with the only little bit slow guts a little bit different code for grace privacy takes 10 seconds dog, but no, it's comfortable. it's not the normal position to sit in the back of a car. what it's very comfortable. ah,
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but at the end of the day there's only one place where the racing ice really feels comfortable behind the wheel of the my bath. that was a lot of fun to drive this off off. so many special so many say expect in this car. unbelievable. and you can see the scars via the mazda piece of engineering for a century of my back ends of jem and engineering x. it's absolutely the best car ever built in the world, even when the design of the technology is already almost 20 years ago. it was still not beated by any other car brand or make absolute perfection from the engineering down to the design. ah,
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you can't say if a says in, it's just so it was angelo. if it and it just keeps on running. what a monster he. that's why my boss is the best car on the planet with my buy a car that represents a very special brand of luxury. ah, matthew, cuz i like luxury type used to play time is the ultimate luxury on which you feel an extra bad more on a my bach life time and my boss is never time wasted. i'm a model. it's not just the driving experience or the engineering or don't facilitates their picnic. you can leave normal life behind you. the allows you. so when i'm in this old car, i can use the time to get my thoughts in order new law and let my mind blow freely
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. i'd know to fall with my bath is a way of knife, a 100 years old, but with an immortal legacy. ah who with
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our games on the melting ice reporter tracks down the arctics. major players with we were told that there is russian warships and i'll let you guys i don't have any guns pro fish out
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arctic blue with d. w with our sports all with winning a fighting scoring news. we say they were about never giving up the most exciting sport stories about people, passions and their dr. sports life every weekend on d. w a is increasing every year, many im gonna working on lunch. so anyway, fairly holiday destination drowning in plastic white line and take
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a look at the causal every year. europe exports are 1000000 tons of plastic with there. another way. after all, the environment isn't to recyclable. make up your own mind. d. w, made for mines. well, we've got to understand that globalization works, but he does not reach more than 30 percent of the world population. very simple. that facility that's very convenient for the chinese. after all, the port will be full, very excused, but i am the mediterranean as potomac, kind of great sarcophagus. if anything he was proud of it was to be a steal worker, like his grand parents and his parents. this is his business did come here for life
8:00 pm
. well, the winners and losers. globalization, where do we stand? starts january 5th on d, w. ah, ah, this is d, w. news live from berlin, a christmas break with tradition, as the war rages on many ukrainians mart christmas earlier than usual to distance themselves from moscow's orthodox doctrine. our correspondent visits a community infusion near keith, putting on their own traditions, also coming up.


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