tv Kick off Special Deutsche Welle December 27, 2022 1:30pm-2:01pm CET
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i choose culture information, this is d, w, news warner w wave minds, a motor sports all about a scoring we say they're about giving up sports life every weekend on d w. m. o . pres, strict routines and rules are all part of life in a monastery. one scientist discovered that something in that lifestyle is actually good for men's health. also, in december, the christian world celebrates christmas. the bible tells of
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a bright light shining over the city where jesus was born. it's not really clear what astronomical phenomenon this could refer to, possibly the close encounter of 2 planets in the firmament. certainly, there is plenty of evidence of other heavenly events here on earth, in the form of tons of space dust. ah, hello and welcome to to morrow to day this science show on d. w. nowadays, it is thought unlikely that the bright light described in the bible over bethlehem was a comment, as they were generally regarded as a bad omen. and although comments or meteorites seldom really pose a danger to us, the remains of cosmic bodies do rain down on earth in the form of 9 tons of cosmic dust to you. what you might think is displayed das in the road might actually have
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hailed from out his face. these men produce an awful lot of dust with their sweeping. though it may look like ordinary spring cleaning, the 2 are actually conducting ground based space research. somewhere on this roof is material from outer space. if asenia, indian da city model trying to find micro meteorites in the sediments on this roof, or particular of their like cosmic dust, particles that fly around in the solar system before being captured by the earth's gravitation. or done fonda, it's the micro media rights can be found within this dust or system stop here. before the search for cosmic dust took place on expeditions to the north pole. to day citizens, scientists like life america and tilo hossa search for the tiny meteorites natalia's as the upstarts. what makes it so exciting is this direct connection between outer space and down here in the city with the inch that was on the phone.
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the wiki sonata, i really started searching for micro media rights on roofs in 2018. since then, i found and analyzed around 1000 of them and i've got around 400 that i'm still working on, fiona f. i n a bob i told the to get to work sifting through the dust. a thieves catch his everything that's bigger than a grain of sand. might cry. meteorites can measure up to 3 millimeters in size, that even the smallest ones are considered enormous in the world of particles. the next stage of the process involves using a strong magnet since the majority of the meteorites contain ion as all bustling. how's it as to what you see here is that a lot of what sticks is a mixture of organic an inorganic, small particles attic. there are certainly grains of sand that are caught up in it to get along with one or to micro media. right?
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so it hopefully least while you never know as nice to find my friend meteorite in the mounds of dust from the big city. there is such as must sift and clean their samples many times after that is when the search really gets going for the initiate is of the citizens science project at the berlin museum of natural history. a few kilometers away that an sca glaze harker supervise is the such for cosmic dust. normally he deals with much bigger space particles which are literally raised. reach, writes like the ones you see in the straw come from the asteroid belt. that's an area between mars and jupiter, where small celestial bodies can be found on the plan. if you call plot, they remained largely unchanged since their creation was on, on the creation of the solar systems that so. so when the majority of my crimea
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writes come from in the asteroid belt pieces of cosmic materials collide with each other, constantly creating huge dust clouds in the process. after losing their speed, these fragments spiral inwards towards the sun, putting them on a collision course for us. but some micro meteor writes, come from much farther away by me, call me to recognize a color. it's even possible some of the really small, like your meteorites come from, comments. we're all familiar with comments from seeing their streaming tails in the night sky. come up some ice, they come from way out in the solar system where it's very cold. they all that contain a lot of water and dusty, lamenting, be squash rehearsal. when these bodies come nearer to the sun, not water vaporizes on dust is released all. this just can then rain down to earth as a micro meteorite or a dust cool me to a tough touch top corner of the air. to reason. these cosmic particles contain
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information about the creation of our solar system. but the small time caps hills that difficult to find in big city dust, even under a microscope plant dark and not too angular. those are usually the characteristics of micro meteorites. there's a hit sincere that one's a very good candidate or it's darker than the surrounding particles and, and particular cm, it has a much surface and doesn't shine too much or it has a structured surface. at least one of these you can, i can't really tell because of the ridges we'd have to look at that under a scanning electron microscope. we should choose that one. it looks ideal phys hosta long. so then we want to dig that one out of the sample bit good set recognizable small black spot. their suspicion that it could be cosmic dust can only be verified with the help the scanning electron microscope.
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and she pushes through the disease peaks. your typical study indicate high amounts of magnesium, silicon and iron. those 3 elements make up the majority of these particles. sometimes. in addition to the typical make up, the surface of the particle also gives away the outer space or region. these olive like crystals are all say, found on earth, but on our planet, they never show such fine structures. was the hint district as the reason for that is the short history of the flight of the micro meteor and the earth atmosphere itself slows down and starts to glow down. what we're talking about. temperatures of around 2000 degrees celsius is up to the entirety of the material is melted to a drop of glass is what cools off in a process that takes just a few seconds. she really is equal. the simply not enough time for the formation of
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a large crystal just posted, but nevertheless, there is enough time for the atoms to take on crystal like structures, plain and marshal in a crystal. the initiative of these scientists and others worldwide has helped to assert shall cosmic dust particles take flight like they're larger compatriots. micro meteor writes may help us to better understand the origin of the solar system and of planet earth. ah, religion seek to explain the world and how it came into being doctrine and rules for how he should live our lives are derived from that. nuns and monks tend to adhere to such rules, particularly closely one reset, who was interested in finding out what impact living such well, structed lives had on their time here on out and came up with some surprising
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findings. halligan, coach. abby is a cistercian monastery in austria, not far from the capital vienna o. founded nearly 900 years ago. the abbey is currently home to 50 monks. o life here is still ordered, according to centuries old traditions. and that's precisely why population scientist mark louis has been interested for years in people living in monasteries. he studied both how they live and how they die. a tour of the abbey cemetery shows very few of the monks here died young and that has sparked marked louise interest. he wants to know why men generally don't live as long as women. not in america,
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i guns and monks of very useful in studying i've questioned us because they have way more similarities than men and women in the general population. in terms of non biological factors. august the lifestyle living conditions, daily routines, working conditions or diet. again, because i've found on so here we have the opportunity to study the rolled up purely biological factors might play in the differences in life expectancy between women and men. follow maintenance and misdirect on the swivel to color. but for that, mark, louis needs data. he wants to know if men at the abbey have a shorter life expectancy than the women like in the population at large, the abbey's archives reveal the answers. they contained thousands of books and documents, some of them dating back centuries. mark louis is especially interested in this so called, profess books. they record all the nuns and monks personal data. from the day they enter a monastery till the day they die. the entries state right back to the 19th century
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as it is seated over. and the goal was to use this data to calculate the life expectancy of monks and nuns separation, and then to see how they differ in comparison and how they differ from the life expectancy of women. and men in the population as a whole from the leaves are law. in other words, we're looking at the life expectancy of both sexes. and the difference between them about hunger fall under the umbrella says this evaluation of the data from more than $16000.00 monks and nuns yielded surprising results when compared to the statistics for the population as a hole. in the 1990s, for example, men in the general population died nearly 7 years younger on average than women mark lewis calculations for the nuns show there is little difference between their life expectancy and that of other women shown here by the red lines. the surprise was that the monks shown here in blue live nearly 5 years longer than men in the wider population. the site thought the difference in life expectancy between men
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and women can't be down to biological fighters. for the most part, i'll data shows that there's a difference of no more than one year when you look at just biological factors. so in the 1990s, the 6 years on average that women live longer than men for must have been down to non biological factors. it always affect one bit in givers and st. ah, even the monks don't live forever. but life at the monastery does appear to protect them from premature death. brother nicholas has lived at the monastery for 5 years . what does he think of the results? oh, yes, ever. i'm very surprised though, my love i normally we monks are keen to get to heaven as fast as possible and not live a long time here on earth. never. but the lord god still has a saying it and uses as, as tools for the benefit of others direct. so again, the via for under even flight or sign so anyhow. so i'll just divine intervention.
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mark lewis thinks otherwise. in the next step, he analyzed the causes of death at monasteries and compared them with the general population. here to the results were surprising for each cause of death, the monks have a lower mortality rate than other men. the difference is especially high when it comes to cardiovascular disease and cancer, mis kibbler, truly obviously there are among us who smoke and drink alcohol hardens, but according to our data and not to the same extent as in the general population of our muslim finding and, and above all, you don't have that really excessive cigarette and alcohol consumption. i wouldn't to get up and consume. and of course that's reflected in the overall mortality rate and causes of death such as cardiovascular disease and cancer. but there are also other fighters, other i think stress could play a big role. if a water does stress on the course of childish paint the of for lightly to start on the 1st, maybe it's because we just have variety in our daily routine and target apply. we're quite structured. the average doctor here, we start with pres,
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breaks in between how it will work will have other tasks in order in mouth under up item. and so we're taking care of mind, body and soul alternately, as it were, him out of vixen, so our lives are not so one sided, la canines. i described that by the monks are also part of a close community. from the moment they enter a monastery until their death, but what is the key to aging healthily? what do the monks do differently that causes them to live longer than the general population? unlike the nuns, to answer that question, mark lewis needs information from the individuals living at monasteries today. for 10 years now, he's been conducting repeated health surveys among a group of around 1000 nuns and monks. his aim is to identify the factors that are responsible for the amongst longer good health. this is donna mir. attend my think
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if we can glean more information, we'll have a more complete picture with very valuable knowledge. good. showing people how they can live longer along and how they can stay healthy for as long as possible and finding and loop slung acres, one solid mark lou, he is due to complete his surveys soon. then he will begin analyzing that new data together with his team. oh, the garden has always played a very important role in monastery life, monks and nuns, cultivated medicinal and other useful plants. then the garden on this old plan of the abbey of saint gull in switzerland shows that an entire bed was dedicated to growing different types of cabbage. and lots of different christa for his call to vase derive from wild cabbage. and each one is very distinctive.
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kabbage is a true chameleon by the look of these vegetables. it's hard to imagine that their close relatives that they do all have one common ancestor wild cabbage, old brasix, alysia, a humble plant species from the crucifix branch of which there are several varieties existing still to day. all of our cabbages occult a vase of it. to create new species, certain parts of the original wild kabbage were altered. kale has largely leaves. with brussel sprouts, the buds of the lateral shoots grow to a certain size. cold robbie forms a large stem axis with cauliflower, the blossom is enormous. with a head of cabbage. the main shoot is shortened and the leaves are laid into a rounded form. cale was probably one of the 1st crucifix cultivars.
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even the ancient greeks knew wild cabbages closest relative back in the 4th century b. c. legend has it. that cabbage was formed from the sweat of zeus. scientists believe that the ancestors of our modern crew, sephora vegetables were cultivated in antiquity. back then, however, the head of cabbage had yet to be invented. people in the middle ages continued to cultivate the kinds of cabbage we know to day, such as coal, robbie. in the 8th century, a primitive form of co robbie was described in one of charlemagne. agricultural policies on the cultivation of heads of cabbage only got going in the middle ages. hildegard von bingen. a nun mentioned both red and white cabbage in her writings in the 12th century. to day white cabbage is the most widely grown, crucified in germany. some even referred to germans as crowds from their word for
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kabbage. not exactly a flattering nickname. still white cabbage is rich in vitamin e and b to carotene. in the 19th century, brussels sprouts were planted for the 1st time near brussels. they contain more victim and see than every other crucifix vegetable twice as much as a lemon. even kale, however, reigned supreme as the king of the cabbage is a super food. it contains more of almost every kind of nutrient than all the others . but all types of cabbage have one thing in common. they're all very healthy and the flavors of christopher as vegetables are as varied as their appearance, whether savory, somewhat sweet, or bitter. the common denominator is the classic kabbage taste and the smell that's triggered by the mustard oils they contain. and of course, and said the preparations, the more nutrients they provides. christopher's vegetables
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have inspired many diets, the healthy and low in calories. in the past, people used to swear by the cabbage soup, diet, eating it for a week, can help you lose weight temporarily, at least more because it stops you eating more color if it food than anything else . but there have been some fall weird at dias. a dream of being skinny in the past, it led to some unusual forms of treatment. in the 18th century, soap was prescribed for weight loss at 1st to be drunk as soap water. later it was sold as something with which to wash away fat. the tape worm die, it was fashionable around the year. 1900. the fat killer worm was to eat the food in dyer's bellies before they could digest it. an idea more dangerous than helpful . less dramatic,
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but totally ineffective at keeping the fat away in the 19th sixty's massage machines were claimed to redistribute body fat or even make it disappear back then excess 1000000000 hip that was known as corpulent. and then came the dawn of weight loss bills and powders, end of scandals, thanks to sometimes serious side effects only the ingredient or the stat better known as zenick out is still on the market today. it may influence fat metabolism, but it has not led to a major breakthrough. the best way to stay fit and healthy is not his star feel body of food, but to eat a balanced diet with no or very fears processed phase straight from farm to full. if possible, yet much fun does anything but healthy and intensive agriculture. in particular,
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it takes a heavy toll on the soil. so how will we be able to feed the wolf growing population in the future? one idea is by growing edible cells in bio reactive agriculture and animal farming are anything but natural. according to oliver sting, a professor of sustainable development at the bull. hm. university of applied sciences, he thinks agriculture is an attack on nature, because it replaces the existing ecosystem with crop plant, which needs fertilizers and water and leaves the land baron after multiple harvests . kitchen for she to know. there are different forms of agriculture, but the way it's mostly practiced worldwide. large monoculture field using pesticides and synthetic fertilizer is a big problem that this is ankle de intruding on. i'm, as i would say that the biggest environmental damage worldwide is the result of this form of agriculture which after authority and the consequences of this form of
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agriculture are species last soil, erosion and climate change. if you look at what's happening since the year, 2000, the harvests of many crops have gone down and these losses will definitely increase in the future with when we feel the further effects of climate change, we should actually produced 10 percent more to be on the safe side once, if we were to change our ways, spying, for example, ceasing meet production around one 3rd of the world's agricultural land is used for grazing and growing animal feed. however, even if we all became vegetarian, crop yields would still have to increase the when man touch lucia on noir not attain me. if you're really trying to provide 10000000000 people with enough food, then it only makes sense to do it differently than we have in the past. all the receipts are torn according to only vesting as the solution is a new kind of agriculture, vertical farming plants that don't grow in
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a field or even more radical cellular agriculture. edible cells that grow in a buyer reactor, not a plant. the bio technician, math mood, missouri at the technical university of munich is surrounded by by o reactors. he believes they could be a vital tool in changing the world. food that grows in tanks instead of as part of a plant or animal. the bio reactive provides bacteria fundy, or even live cells with the warmth and nutrients they need to grow. this basically happens in one of 3 ways. either organisms or cells reproduce and the cells can be harvested or used for further processes. or the organisms produce a substance that can be harvested or one substance is transformed into another in the bio reactor for that to happen. the reactor needs enzymes,
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special molecules that accelerate chemical reactions. similar to the ones, milt needs to become cheese. mac mood mass raised by a reactor is using yeast cells to produce a cooking oil. he says he can produce loads of it. yes, this is the perfect cooking oil. it has no negative effect on the environment with them. my mood, missouri is the co founder of a company called global sustainable transformation. he and his team provide the know how for others across the globe who want to use such methods of production that we scaled up to a 1000 leaders. everything works fine. we have the same productivity. the next step is hopefully scaling it up to $100000.00 leaders by next year. the heart of the technology is east south. they can be fed any thing including organic waste. they
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form a lot of oil very quickly. but the process requires a few steps and a total of 3 bio reactive wheat store is introduced to the 1st by reactor. enzymes turn it into a substance that yeast cells love to feed on. own the information i that these enzymes turned the residue into little bits of sugar and kind of took synthesis. took up, missouri then feeds the sugar to yeast cells in the 2nd, react after the cells multiply and produce oil. after 3 days, they consist almost entirely of oil. to harvest this, it has to be extracted from the south. next, special enzymes in the 3rd reactor dissolved the cell walls and the oil flips to the top. the result is oil of the same quality as palm oil. quick. can it compete in price to you?
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because they are, it's a bit more expensive than normal palm oil, but it might be able to compete with palm oil prices in the next 3 to 4 years. or i've compared to palm oil cultivation. my mood ma xrays by a react his produce hardly any c o 2 and required just 180th of the land space. ah, and that's all for this week. thanks for watching and see you next time on tomorrow to day. the sign show on t w with my me to stay curious bye. ah ah, ah, ah, ah ah,
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but life in the arctic is hard and freezing cold. welcome to spits bergen close up in 90 minutes on d. w. ah . what people have to say matters to us. m. that's why we listened to their stories reporter every weekend on d. w. we've got to understand that globalization works, but he does not reach more than 30 percent of the world population. very simple, that facility that's very convenient for the chinese. after all, the port will be for very exclusive use, but i am the mediterranean as potomac, kind of great sarcophagus. if anything he was proud of it was to be a steal worker,
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like his grand parents and his parents. this is his business. the company of all that life. well, the winners and losers. globalization, where do we stand? starts january 5th on d, w. mm hm. mm. ah, every woman, every man knows that the children's food, the food can do nothing. before mary's news can we had a load of programs. they drop out of school because they were eating nothing when it came from home. that could have easily been us. any one of us ah
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