tv DW News Deutsche Welle December 28, 2022 9:00pm-9:31pm CET
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a, make up your own mind. w. made for mines. ah ah ah . you are watching dw news. why? from berlin? tensions are running high between serbia and kosovo. hostilities threatening to break out into open conflicts, the u. s. and you call for calm and immediate escalation. also coming up on the show concerned grows over the help of former pope benedict. the 16th vatican says
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he is very unwell and doctors are monitoring his condition around the clock. an exodus from the liberated ukrainian city of her son as it faces a blistering onslaught of russian fellow. some people are deciding not to risk becoming the wars next casualties. and the big clean up against our from north america is a blizzard of the century. the severe winter storm has claimed dozens of lives. ah hello, i'm clare richardson to our p b. s, viewers and everyone else watching around the world a very warm welcome to the show you when the united states have urged balkan neighbors, kosovo, and serbia to immediately de escalate tensions on their border. kosovo close its biggest crossing a day after protesters blocked on the serbian side, served in north and kosovo have also erected barricades. tensions have been running
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high since last month when serb representatives left state institutions in kosovo amid a dispute over license plates. usually bustling with trucks, the spot station and northeastern kosovo is deserted. it's the largest crossing point to serbia. for now, it's been shut down. in response to roadblocks, set up by kosovo serbs. the minority group makes up less than 10 percent of kosovo population. they accused the government there of discriminating against them, but the blockades are a nuisance for many possible residents who have to take long detours to enter or exit the country. the government and christina sees it won't put up with this. i propose him and lucille to see what he is, the establishment of barricades is illegal, unacceptable, and will not be tolerated. or we have given nato's cause of
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a forces the necessary time and space to act. but time is running out barricades that prevent free movement can not stand for it. nato's kosovo forces or origin come from both sides, but on monday, so be as president ordered his army to stand fully ready for combat. he also visited barracks on the border and accused kosovo and the west of stalking tensions some of them on the vizier looper. them all of you. you want conflict, cobra, you want serbs to be killed, horrible. you will be glad if so, i'll get killed or give you subscribe. ah, customer one, so be our fought a war more than 20 years ago. causal then declared its independence in 2008. something soviet does not recognize. tensions between the 2 countries are often high. the latest wave of protests was triggered by the arrest of performance. so police official in kosovo. he stands accused of assaulting castles, police. but
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a court and christina has released him into house arrest. many hope this will diffuse the situation and perhaps bring calm to the region, even if only for a short time. and in theory please to welcome edward p. joseph. he was deputy head of the wessy mission in kosovo. and he is credited with having averted a violent confrontation between serbia and kosovo in april. 2012. welcome, and thank you so much for taking the time to speak with us. how concerned are you by these developments that we've been seeing? well look at a volatile situation, but it's a recurring crisis. said sir, it's the same crisis is very similar to the crisis that we had when i was in kosovo a decade ago when we saw barricades that lasted for months. ah, this is the same, crisis hits the dispute between serbian costello, its cost was attempt to assert and establish administrative control throughout its
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territory, including the north where serbs have a dominant position and its bell grains refusal to recognize kosovo sovereignty and its territorial integrity. and it's manipulation of the population in the north, the coastal sir population who are the real victims here, the pawns caught in the middle place. where in these, in the same price as the serbia has now put its army on its highest alert. do you think that that is just saber rattling or could we actually see serbian troops crossing the border? well, ah, it's unlikely we would see serbian troops across the border. but that doesn't mean that this isn't a very serious and provocative act. and really, this crisis has 2 parts. it's, it's, the actions of the parties are particularly belgrade, which is escalated and it's the very weak response by the u. s. e. u. and in this
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case, also, nato, that actually encourages the serbian autocratic president alexander, voucher to, to take these steps. for example, of the u. s. o, d u today issued a statement where they suggested that putting up these barricades as a form of legitimate peaceful protest. a u. s. senior u. s. official said that serbia has the right to ask for its troops to enter into kosovo when every one knows that it's nato forces the cave for force that is solely responsible. ultimately for security in kosovo and out, we see that data also suggests that serbia has a right to take this provocative step of bringing forces close to the border. it may have that right, but these steps are highly provocative and they do not contribute to the restraint that the u. s. u and nato say they want to see please. so in your view, then what would it take to diffuse?
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he sanctioned you yourself, have been involved in previous negotiations between belgrade and christina. yes. ah ok, look, there's steps that the, the u. s. c, u and nato need to take an immediate sense. but then there's also the larger problem which is actually very straightforward. it's not a complicated problem, this isn't some intractable dispute that has no solution. it has a very clear solution. in the immediate term, the u. s. city when they speak to the part is they have to remember that both sides are listening. they cannot just send signals of a softness towards belgrade without knowing that those are also listened to in pristina, the capital of the republic of kosovo. so it's very important that they, that they send a signal equal sigel of intolerance for provocations. and for these kinds of steps and that both you, lex and nato, assert their presence in the north and make it clear that the real issue here, the,
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the, the real immediate issue is a question of rule of law. and, and that, that can be no tolerance for breaking a rule of law. and that message has to be sent consistently and equally to both sides. not just cal toweling to belgrade or because of the leverage it has. and that's ultimately the, the problem here, the real problem, the reason is, crises are continue with such regularity is because belgrade has no interest in resolving this dispute, serbia owns the leverage over this problem. and until that leverage is taken away, and we explain this by the way, in a report by my university, johns hopkins syce at wilson center a year ago, a from crisis to convergence. we explained that until serbia doesn't have this leverage the leverage that's given to it by the nato countries that do not recognize kosovo. these crises. busy continue,
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please. thank you very much for taking the time to speak with us. we can have it there. i am afraid that was edward p. s f, a former deputy head of the o. s. c e mission in casa. second. the vatican has confirmed that the health of former pope benedict, the 16th is deteriorating. hope frances has visited his predecessor and described him as very ill. benedict is receiving a round the clock medical attention. the 95 year old former pontiff has been almost entirely out of the public eye. in recent years. benedict was born in germany as joseph rats thing, and he stepped down as pontiff in 2013 due to a declining health and was succeeded by francis curricular cookie boy in abilene, i'd like to ask all of you for a special prayer up. i mean for a meritus polk benedict and who in silence is sustaining the church. i remind you that he's very sick in the ceo. let's ask the lord to comfort him and
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support him in his testimony of love to the church to the very end. so let's get more on this from our religious affairs correspondent, biting gag. martine, thank you so much for joining us. can you tell me what the latest is? the former pumps condition much seems to have changed or less few hours, or at least since we heard from bob francis, the condition has been deteriorating over the last couple of months. we have not seen him in public. i mean, this was already put out by his assistant guns fine a couple of months ago. so i mean, we do know that this is, i mean, becoming more serious, but nothing us sort of transpire in the last few hours. okay. can you tell us a little bit of the background between the relationship between pope francis and former help bennett ac, that must be a very interesting dynamic there in it since, i mean, it's interesting to see that the pope frances, after the, after the retreat from the from the open, they did not actually make folk did been in the disappear nor has full entity
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really completely severed from the senior. he has really remained in ameritas pope, in the sense that he has the merits of the pope. clearly, the possibly the moral and the religious authority, although not the official authority and answer in terms of the, the church institution. the fact is that the fact is, had been added, said to precedent for, you know, future bulbs to be able to actually step down before the end of their lives. and this actually really quite important because it made possible for instance, much of the conversation that we're hearing now around folk francis concerning his possible retirement. the farther point is that it really has emphasized the fact that the but the see has a very strong administrative element to it. it's not really just sort of a matter theological, you know, theological assets or religious religious aspirations. it has to do with sort of very mundane matters which of to do with the administration of the state, the ministration of church. and so what, so the idea is that i think he has shown,
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and he has defined the possibilities for the boat being somebody that it's still capable of actually doing the work of administration, which a man at the end of his life in a state of great weakness cannot set up in addition to setting this precedent of being the 1st pope to resign in 600 years. as you've explained. what else can you tell us about his papacy? what do you think people will think of when they look at former pope and an act? you know, i think that sadly, and but justly to a great degree, a po bennett exposure massey, will be remembered for its relation with the sex abuse scandals. i mean, the sex abuse scandals really both define tarnished and i think that to some degree brought that policy to an end is true that there is no direct relation. it was not a direct consequence, but it really sort of that, that the picture that was spent of that purpose at the end. it was that it was really a vatican. more lesson out of control that sort of there were too many actors and
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that he could really simply not keep them in line. so i think that that something that he supposed to return at the same time, he did work very strong and very hardly. and for a very long and sustained period of time to actually increase relations with the muslim world to sort of reach out to the jewish community. so i mean that the issue of, you know, good relations, good relations among people was very important for, for benedict. i do believe that it still is for him very important this a reason why his proximity to broke frances is very significant. thank you so much for that. that is, did of his religious affairs correspondent, as he got kelly wanted so much we could bring up to speed. now, with some other world news headlines, iranian chassis players sada, had m, has taken part in an international tournament in kazakhstan without wearing a her job. the move contravenes her country strict dress code for women was enforcing mandatory head covering a come a flashpoint straight anti regime protest and iran and italy has imposed mandatory
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cove in 1900 tests for travelers arriving from china. it joins a growing number of countries worried about a surgeon and factions after beijing. a corona virus restrictions, including for tourism abroad, must show well when ukrainian troops pushed russian occupiers out of her. so on this november there were scenes of fell abrasion, but in recent weeks the southern ukrainian city has become the target of intensifying russian attacks. your brains military says russia fired $33.00 rockets, a civilian targets in the 24 hours going into wednesday. many civilians are fleeing as russian forces pound populated areas with mortars and artillery. yes own as a city slowly, being reduced to rubble. key says moscow is deploying more tanks and armored vehicles to the area. and further stepping up it's arrow bombardment of the city. people here, if all ready seen more that their fair share of this brutal war that in recent days
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and nights, things have become even worse. yeah, i do. it's do you. this woman says she lost her son and an overnight grade for those children in room. and i must have felt that something would go wrong in the morning because i urged him to wake up and leave the house. but he didn't. that was a lives a ruined race. both rushes relent. this shelling is destroying hassan's critical infrastructure and taking a massive toll on civilian life. a motor attack on christmas eve killed 11 people and injured dozens more among the dead. a social worker, a butcher, and a woman selling mobile sim cards every day civilians at the cities central market. some who have held out here. now say they can't take it any longer. they getting
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out while they still can. this is really done, doug. we stayed this whole time and thought it would pass, but when the home nix dwells and my father time were hit, it was too scary. just last month there was celebrates, received, and as soon as keith retook the regional centre. now it appears moscow is trying to retake it either that or simply raise it to the ground or put in war on ukraine has also sent hundreds of thousands of people fleeing russia itself. when russia announced a partial mobilization in september, german politicians promised protection to those who refused to fight in ukraine. but it turns out that actually getting asylum in germany is not that easy for russian draft vader's. our correspondent met with a few men who are trying danny's to prune, decided to flee russia immediately after president vladimir putin announced a partial mobilization in the future. we was, i don't want to fight because no one is attacking russia, not
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a senior cleaning. the pads i had a military service card yesterday i served in the russian army in 2011 and 2012 senate playing the bill. yet on this military card is proof that i would be drafted again. this time wasn't of his old sir. no. why not? dennis crossed the border in the georgia on a bicycle and then flew to germany. he requested asylum in the berlin airport. he has been to 3 different migrant center since then. most recently here in vincent of south of berlin, we are not allowed to fill on the premises, but ironically it is right outside the former soviet forces german headquarters. now abandoned. there are more than a dozen men like dennis here, asked why they came to germany. they all have this same answer. to so little false . the media reported the chancellor shaw said germany would grant a silence to russians to be support european values and don't want to be drafted cornish plugin is also a german interior ministry spokesperson confirmed to
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w that russians who refused military service can apply for asylum here. each case, however, will be considered individually. but most of these men enter germany, either through other you countries, or with visas issued by those countries. according to what's known as the dublin regulations. asylum seekers mustn't make their claim in the 1st you country. they set foot in or that issues them a visa, not wherever they end up. dennis has already been refused asylum. exactly on those grounds. now he's being sent to sweden, but not all you will be in countries are willing to grant asylum. ford to dropped a waitress from russia, and these men are afraid that they will eventually be sent back to russia, where either the army or prison awaits them. and clean up operations are underway in parts of the united states and canada. in the aftermath
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of what's being called the blizzard of the century, the winter storm has claimed over 50 lives across the wes buffalo in upstate new york bore the brunt of the blizzard snow. plows have been working to clear the drifts and emergency workers and volunteers have been going door to door to check on residents were left without power. severe weather events are becoming increasingly common. floods, fires and extreme temperatures reeked havoc around the world in 2020 to $1.00 of the warmest years on record. this is no rowdy ski holiday. it's a research station near the south pole and minus 11.8 degrees celsius was 40 degrees hotter than usual on march 18th. it's probably the largest temperature anomaly ever recorded. incredibly, at the same time at the north pole. some places were 30 degrees warmer than usual mountain glaciers such as this one in the himalayas that feeds the mighty river ganges continue to shrink as india was hit by heat waves that came earlier and were
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longer and or hotter than usual. pakistan also swelter hd. a few weeks later, both countries were hit by massive monsoon rains. one 3rd of pakistan was flooded, creating a huge humanitarian emergency. the floods destroyed farmland killed more than 1700 people and displaced more than 33000000. in my child died in the damp, cold nights. we don't have anything to eat. my husband is unemployed and poor. my 2 children have died in the camps. you think gentlemen? west africa also suffered an unusually heavy rainy season with months of flooding in nigeria. displacing up to 2000000 people in east africa, the rains failed again, worsening the most severe drought in recent history. the un says 36000000 people are affected in somalia and parts of ethiopia and kenya with more than 5000000
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children malnourished. their sick claim, most of the time they go to bed on an empty stomach about me. i just feel terrible. in madagascar, the seasonal rains also failed. i. after 4 years of drought, the south of the island is facing a food crisis. in some places, residents of had to dig into the dry river bed to find water. 2022 also saw china suffer its longest and harshest heat wave on record. with the yangtze and other rivers reduced to mere trickles and many lakes turned into dust bowls. for more on the current situation in the united states, i'd like to bring in matthew caput she, a meteorologist and atmospheric scientists. based out of washington, d. c. matthew, the blizzard of the century has this storm in north america earned that title?
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it most definitely has it, again, is something called a bomb cycle. in this raleigh low pressure system over the great lakes intensified so quickly. it's acting very cold there on the back side, downtown minus 40 degrees. after that, look into canada. those cold was in the back side of lew, down the long edge of lakes hearing in ontario, picking up which from the relatively warm waters and dumping that in for a very heavy snow in buffalo and watertown new york. now one of the other issues, the strong winds just upwards of 110 to 120 kilometers per hour, couple that with a very heavy snow and we got 37 hours reader blizzard conditions and 12 consecutive hours of 0 visibility is not quarter mile not meters, like 5 years or less, and so the report was out of arm. fortunately, that number was now a lot of these regions are no stranger to cold weather, but more than 50 people have died so far. what does this tell us about our preparedness for such extreme weather events? i think one of the important things that oftentimes people kind of base their
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future actions on what they've known before. in other words, if i say, hey buffalo, a huge snowstorm is having the impacts or x, y, and z, you'll have to now, when i talk about the past, and it will say, i've been here now before i've lived here 4050 years. i'll just do what i did last time because i was ran last time. it's something called survivors bias. we can never converse with someone one personally passed away during a severe weather event. and so everyone we talked to has sort of lived through it and has stated through it, and so we're not really always aware of standpoint of the repercussions do. not even a medial asa, mira if i is not of a commercial device. and unfortunately, people didn't listen to knowing about this phenomenon of survivors by us. what you think needs to be done to help people prepare for more extreme weather to come in the years a had i think the national weather service buffalo denounced any job using very direct phrases, very direct messaging. do those just how dangerous this would be. i think the unfortunate reality is that no matter how good forecast yet,
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if people don't listen, this is not really going to help them all that much. i think there was a disconnect you, which went to planning and public officials and what the national weather service was putting out. we would start, but the travel dan with elite 2 hours after it was the conditions, do a lot of stuff we had more time in the did. i think we also need to release mandate that businesses if they're able to a certain time and voice a stick around the home when you're shipped and you track roadways. thank you. is always a pleasure speaking to meteorologist and atmospheric scientists, matthew pushy. now during the holiday season, you might be finding it hard to get off the sofa and exercise. i have good excuses for you. now you as researchers may have found that it's not all down to sheer willpower in a study on mice published in the science journal nature, they discovered that got bacteria appear to play a key role in motivating animals. and hopefully humans to get
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a move on. good bacteria play a fundamental role in human health, but research is at the university of pennsylvania, investigating exercise didn't set out to give the mike her by him yet another starring row. they studied mice to try and understand what biology can tell us about the motivation to work out. according to the world health organization, more than one in for adults worldwide, don't get enough physical activity to stay healthy. the us scientists wanted to find out if mice could show them why. what we did in the studies. we took a very large cordele for genetically diverse mice. and we prefer the exercise capacity. the research has looked at what impact them. i says genes metabolism, blood chemistry and gut for had on their willingness to exercise. they did that by altering the rodents, got my cup, i ins. some were given no got bacteria of
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a tool. others were given the floor of top performing mice, others of lazy mice. the animals could run as much as they liked on wheels and i cages. what was clear from our experiments is that if we later michael by him overlap missouri, we use a term for him also doesn't have to start with exercise capacity is reduced by about 50 percent. i'm so this is a really, really strong overall contribution that contributes to basically half of the animals axis has performance. after running on the wheel, the mass is got my cape. i am caused, don't mean to search and it's grey matter. plus the neurotransmitter that drives the brains reward system. the discovery of this connection between the gus in the brain and how it influences exercise is new and could prove groundbreaking. the sciences i catching, but would hold true for humans. in fact, the, the circuits in the brain that control motivated behavior are actually like streaming concern between mice and humans and, and many other mammalian species. so we hypothesize it if this is
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a very ancient and evolutionarily conserved mechanism that drives the motivation practice. isaac might be present in humans as well as study and humans is already underway to see if got bacteria could make osx the size just like the mice. and finally, the 1st boats have crossed the finish line and the annual australian yacht race between sydney and hobart res came down to a sprint between 2104 boats in the final stretch. the andy comanche came in 1st, having completed the race in just under a day and 12 hours. for 4th time, the yacht has won that race a team's update at this hour. i'm clare richardson in berlin from the whole team working behind the scenes. thanks for watching with
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a look at high flying technologies in our review over everything that matters. map made in germany. o d, w, knew best bash a 1000000000 dollar business growth taishan for the men and pollution for every one. the chinese fashion giant shaking eclipses anything like it before ever faster and ever cheaper, but it will cost the world so much more than money. in 3000. in 60 men on d, w, ah. in regards to understand that globalization works, but he does not reach more than 30 percent of the world population. very simple.
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that facility that's very convenient for the chinese. after all, the port will be for very excuse with the mediterranean as become a kind of great sarcophagus. if anything he was proud of, it was to be a steal worker, like his grandparents and his parents. this is his business, the company of all life. well, the winners and losers. globalization, where do we stand? starts january 5th on d, w. o, o. m. ah, the world doesn't lack for complex problems. think of the 1000000 variables involved in tackling.
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