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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 2, 2023 8:00pm-8:31pm CET

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ah ah ah ah, those dw news lie from berlin, dozens of russian soldiers killed in one of the deadliest known strikes of the war in ukraine. a kremlin confirms the attack on military accommodation in russian occupied eastern ukraine. keith says it's forces launched, the missile strikes. also coming up the world health organization hopes to declare
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an end to the cobra. 19 pandemic this year. despite the sharp rise of infections in china. and brazil says goodbye to football legend play strikers body is lying in his home town stadium. thousands of fans are paying their respect before his funeral. ah, i'm nichol further. it's good to have you with us. fresh us defense ministry has confirmed that 63 of its soldiers have been killed and one of the deadliest known single day incidents of the war and ukraine. ukrainian missiles struck in a russian occupied area of the eastern done. it's green on new year's eve. this footage shows the aftermath of the strike on a building being used as a commendation for russian troops. cranes, defense forces say they launched the strike. in
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a rare admission the kremlin confirmed the debts. russian media have sharply criticized the senior officers involved. it'll be a correspond and roman gone to ranko joins us now from keith. roman one more. can you tell us about the attacks in mckee, co? oh, there are still not so many details. the ukrainian central command mentioned that are in it's a daily bulletin in the evening saying that some 10 russian vehicles, military vehicles were destroyed or damaged but are saying that the casualties number of casualties it is still unknown before the ukrainian and forces said that up to 400, a russian soldiers have been killed and the russians are saying only 63. so there is a huge gap between those figures and m, what is striking is they very harsh criticism of the new russian. a pro are pro pro government are bloggers and pro government commentators in social media. and this
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reminds of the situation in september when the ukrainians. i started a counter offensive in the region of hockey, which was absolutely unexpected for the russians and could regain territory. so on the level of criticism, i'm of the russian military officials who decided on political or who decided to let those soldiers be accumulated in one place and then be killed. and it is, it is very striking and some here and keith also expect now probably a russian retaliation because there were similar incidents in the past. and as the situation is, is still very dynamic here. and keith. yeah. as you talked about, that's that discrepancy between the numbers that are being given by the russian defense ministry and the ukranian force as it is, whatever that number be. the biggest loss of life in a single event that the kremlin is admitted to how is this being received by the
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ukrainian absolutely. so it reminds erm. erm or it could be, or it is comparable in some, in some opinions or to, to a thinking, a big russian ship like that. a mosque ra flagship. on the other hand, the ukranian officials, her m, appear to be and playing. it may be to prevent a further escalation. i'm because it is, it is, it looks like a really big thing and probably much more dad than the russian officials are, are telling the public and am, on the other hand, are the ukrainian social networks. of course, are rejoicing they are, they are happy because on that night, a russia assert was, was continuing to strike ukraine interpreter including the capital key of and the night and the night after that as well. so russia is putting more pressure on ukraine and so, so there was joy on the ukrainian side to show that russians are also suffering.
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and the grain is just not just taking those russian strikes and doing nothing. because as i've said in the couple of days before that the russia was putting more and more pressure on the ukranian civilian instead of infrastructure. yeah. and among several other parts of the country, keith has again come under intense russian attack was the situation now at the moment as we speak, it is relatively calm during the day. it was a warm day about 10 degrees and plus centigrade. and there was a mixture, you know, of a, a resilience, a kind of a war situation as usual. so people work seemed, at least partially relaxed on the streets. armed is walking by expecting they are to dr. christmas in a few days. but on the other hand, am during the evening and as the night began, now there is growing tension. there is an expectation of
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a further russian attack by drones, a rainy drones. and the key of are, is obviously the most valuable target. so there is this grove intention of what could happen at night, and in the coming days, w correspond and roman con to rank and q. many, thanks, and stay safe for months now, russia has focused on by what's in the eastern don bass region. the city has seen some of the most intense finding of entire war, these images from the ukrainian national guard that we're going to show you in a 2nd. i hope he go show the results of the russian onslaught. once of the fighting is old fashioned trench warfare, the frontline often barely moves at all. shelling is causing heavy losses on both sides as soldiers are pinned down in no locations, medics do everything they can to save lice. w max sunday joined an evacuation team on the eastern front,
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shooting deaf at high speed when taking the injured from ukrainian front lines on every sick and careless glare has always could tell me when you put your foot down, andrey, i'm flying around back here near me they call her call. it means little wonder. she isn't told, but few can match her combat medic experience. she's working on a soldier who's vehicle was involved in an explosion because like, was this a ricochet? no, we hit the mine. the driver threw me to the left and i saw everything he was thrown over the top. i how dave plugs in under helmerson, i hit my head and i got hit in the chest. oh oh . the soldier will most likely fully recover. his driver is dead.
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his lunch at this, and this is for a little while until so we have some other things to take care of it. do you have children? why does it always leave the 2? 0 and then the set in must be 3 more. he might be in an ambulance on the way to hospital, but his mind is still on the front collision with them. every one thought that we would break, but a fact we stand and will continue to stand all these rates. it only angus is more makes every one stronger. it spin a grim day wouldn't lose a diskin then today, a very difficult day. let's use gap. the enemy was the russian aggressor will not come down and put a wall in unless he sees the advantages on the al site and fights harder and harder isa. my. however, i am desperate because today which unfortunately we had 20. but last 3 was that the
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lady isn't the i said they have the more oh, finding the strength to face what is coming out of the bar? what area? oh, for some of the hospitallers voluntary combat, medics. faith is part of the answer. co ha converted to islam while working with muslim volunteers in the field after hostilities began in 2014, she says she only fears god, but the job takes its toll. does she have i challenge what i have seen includes dates and see if it lemme opened heads and stomachs is i put a barrier in front of me so to speak. and wasn't there. he is wounded of what i work with him virtually. and if i give up love and how will that help in the me? almost. so i hold on the future them yet that i have 2 nephews at home when i'm exhausted here. bailey, on my feet, and then i have
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a rotation. i got home and seeing these nephews and other children fixes everything that can be fixed. do they do us? the new one is a good, a white social, but she has to return to the frocks even though it's been quiet for a few days. she knew rain and low cloud have created poor conditions for artillery and drones. but in the distance cal and fired. the weather has changed, and the next evacuation call may just be moments away. and 10 months into the war, ukraine is hoping more high tech weapons will help turn the tide in its favor. this here and western allies have been holding back some of the sophisticated equipment that keeps as it urgently needs. as the war drags on the ukrainians weapons stalks are running down, give has repeatedly called for the west to help. apart from the energy aid,
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of course, you can still use more weapons and ammunition because the best way to protect civilians from russian terror is to defeat russia. can germany send more military hardware from the start, ola schultz? his answer has been consistent. as the soda on the moon devote, we try to lie weapons, so the helpful and can be used. and we have done that in the past, and we will continue to do that. and the successes of the ukrainian army show, but we have supplies infected weapons, anti tank weapons is anti aircraft weapons and a lot of munitions he wanted to. i'll discuss that. so good. so far, gemini has delivered around 2000000000 euros worth of military equipment. that's only a 10th of the amount committed by the united states, but it is the largest you contribution among the arm sent by berlin, iris t long range air defense systems whose value is increase given russians, concentration on air strikes. germany has also st key battlefield weapons like mars
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t rocket launchers and pensa help. it's a 2000 self propelled how it says in both cases, a lack of spare thoughts is cause delays when those systems needed repair. but they have been effective and more have been promised. what ukraine really wants, though, is state of the art heavy tanks like the left to these they say would help when the ground for the german government has so far, refused, pointing out that other nato countries have also not provided the most modern tanks . instead, berlin has delivered leopards to nato allies like these supplied to check forces in december of an exchange deal under which the check sent. soviet designed t 72 tanks to ukraine evidence. according to the chancellor, the germany is doing its bit good minds on that. on some, together with her friends and partners that we have resolutely supported ukraine's
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yet with money humanitarian aid, and also with a weapon season that we will continue the support for as long as it is needed. the us has now agreed to send ukraine patriot air defense systems. some of its most advanced weapons, the german government has offered its patriots to nato member poland, but so far says it cannot spare any for deployment in ukraine. meanwhile, keith continues to ask the west for more of those powerful weapons, much of what it has seems unlikely to make the decisive difference in this war. a former po, validate as lying and state at the vatican, tens of thousands of mourners are expected to pay their final respects of war. benedict burial later this week and will be the 1st people funeral and nearly 2 decades for 3 days. mourners will have the chance to say good bye to port benedict, italian prime minister,
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georgia maloney among the 1st to do so. the somber mood inside saint peter's basilica disrupted only by the need to document as crowd sneaked around the vatican. waiting to enter the faithful. coming out. try to sum up the experience there and amber lame would soon it's a beautiful emotion to see the body or even a little transformed by suffering. bah. but even, and this is the pope give us an example of faith when i'm returning this. it's an indescribable emotion. i was in front of the pope's body. i didn't realize that he was right there. yeah, that it was really him. i think i'm in there. on sunday. poke francis praised benedict during his new year's day prayer. tune jamante. sammy won't let us all joined together with one hot and one soul in
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thanking god for the gift of this faithful servant of the gospel and of the church . and here benedict made history him 2013 when he resigned. siting ill health. the 1st point of to do so since the middle ages. he led the church at the height of the clerical child abuse scandal, offering an apology to victims during a visit to australia in 2008. indeed, i am deeply sorry. was pain and suffering. the victims have endured in his bavarian birthplace a message to from beyond the grave. a local priest read from benedict spiritual testimony, released posthumously with this unwavering message state. if him stand firm in your faith lot do not be confused.
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hope benedict will be lead to rest on thursday in a funeral service that's expected to draw thousands an historic occasion that will mark the end of an extraordinary era which saw to pope's living in the vatican. mirrors look at some other stories making headlines around the world to day. thousands gathered in the west bank town of ginning for the funerals of 2 palestinians killed in a gun battle with israeli forces. a fire fighter opted when israeli security forces arrived to demolish the homes. of palestinian gunmen, or behind the shooting of an israeli army commander. in september, the 2 helicopters have collided mid air in australia as ghost called gold coast region. at least 4 people were killed and several others are in critical condition. authorities are investigating france has
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started screening arrivals from china for coven 19. it's the 3rd a new country after italy and spain. to introduce mandatory tests. officials say the measures will help identify new variance. the world health organization is hoping to declare an end to the coven 19 pandemic. this here, but officials warn, there still is a danger of deadly new variance emerging. let's look at where we stand. after 3 years of the pandemic since the 1st outbreak in china, nearly 6700000 people have died. the corona bars claims more than 1500 lies every day. but numbers are much lower compared to last year. the w h o recommends vaccination and says access to effective vaccines is still an equal globally. restrictions have been eased and many parts of the world as people
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learn to live with the virus. for those new president is appointing his new cabinet a day after being sworn and for his 3rd term in office. who is ignacio lula. da silva, narrowly defeated the out going far right. leaders your ball so narrow and last october election run off lula is promising to uphold the law and to rebuild the economy. a new year and a new leader for brazil. as louis ignacio louis de silva returned to the presidency for a 3rd term. in his 1st speech to congress, he pledged to combat deforestation in the amazon and restored trust in the countries ecological credentials. some of his full 5 if dilemma we are responsible for most of the amazon and for vast biomes large aquifers. or to posits oil and clean energy sources. also,
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we will address these issues with sovereignty and responsibility. we will share these achievements with humanity in a communal way and never with subordination. the form a union leader received the presidential sash from representatives of brazilian minority groups. an act normally conducted by the outgoing leader. but j, a boston i wrote, refused to perform his last shooting or full of visibly emotional lula hood that made his inaugural address to the nation. speaking to the gathered crowds, he pledged to govern for all brazilians. math jeremy did is you, i want to address those who have voted for other candidates who did that. i will be the president for 215000000 brazilian men and women and not just for those who
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voted for me. vogue over. i will govern for every one looking to our bright common future week, and not through the rear view mirror and past divisions and intolerance. ain't goliad, osha, following the formalities. lula met foreign leaders and dignitaries, including argentine president, alberto fernandez. king philippe of spain and the german president, frank vall, to shy maya it was a day of ceremonial, pomp and celebration. but now lou, the face is a bulging in tray. of rebuilding environmental credibility, tackling soaring gang violence and reuniting a deeply divided nation. but to day brazil is also bidding farewell to one of its most famous sons. fed by legend pele died,
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aged 8 issue of cancer. fans have been filing into the stadium in his home town of santos, the public have a day to pay their respect for private burial service. brazil observed 3 days of national warning, falling pallet's death last week. and we can now speak to him vickery, a journalist, and read as an error has been following the events. tim, tell us more about the wake and how people are paying their respects to play the national hero. at the moment he is coughing, lies in the center circle of the football pitch, the grice for so many years. you might say it's his field of dreams. and the pro fair is if you build a white, they will come even in the intense summer heat that we have to day some 30 degrees . people are waiting to 2 and a half hours in the queue outside the stadium to go in and pay their respects. the moody's somber rather than one of tragedy. pallet's death was not unexpected. it's
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very different, i think from the death of the formula. one driver after center in 1994 at the height of his powers. that was tragedy. this is somber, changed with pride and celebration, and a life. some one born just 52 years after the abolition of slavery and brazil, who leave the same as the undisputed king of the global gang who sent us for while cla played a huge role in police life. how did he shape the club and vice versa? or census is a relatively small city by brazilian standards. it's less than half a 1000000. it's an hour down the road from the metropolis of south palo by chance, when police joined the club in 1956, they already had a very good side. with polite, they became even better. and for a while there the late fifty's and through much of the 60s they were probably the best club side in the world. now for that to be possible for
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a city of such modest size, it really is a remarkable achievement. and that's why today's occasion is global. it's national, but it's also local pele means something to the world. he means something to brazil and he means a great deal indeed to the city of santos. his performance. * on the pets turned him into an icon at home and around the world that impact went well beyond football . and i think he does. yes sir, because we are seeing the story of what a north american sociologist called the living register of societies, potentially. what a message this sends out that someone who's a former shoe showing boy can shine more brightly than anyone else in the field as competitive as football. so that sends out a message so that the far flung corners of the world of what is possible with the little bit of luck, a lot of talents and
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a lot of dedication. so what happens next there and sent us regarding pele, not tomorrow. 1 when the funeral is set to take place and, and beyond that day, how will he be honored in the future? what will happen now is that the white will go on until tomorrow morning, local time. then they'll be a procession through the streets of saints. also past the house where his mother still lives at the age of 100. then they'll be a private sir at the ceremony for the family. in his last resting place, which is a vertical cemetery, it stands very tall. he will be on the 9th floor. he hand picks it himself. 9 is a tribute to his father who has a football, a war, the number 9. it overlooks that field of dreams there in santos. that's not the end of a story. fee for president johnny and francine on is incense hosted eye and he suggested that every country in the world should be obliged to name $1.00 of its stadiums after pele. to ensure that this legacy is not forgotten or internalised him. the
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great, thank you so much. my pleasure. thank you. after and jam packed 2020 till this morning world has yet another exciting year to look forward to. and the women's football camp in july and to break out stars and tennis in busy calendar, ones and pounds is plenty of highlights. 2023 is a big year for sport. football fever hits australia and new zealand as the women's football world cup headstone under all eyes will be on the united states as they attempt to be the 1st team to win 3 tournaments in a row. in the men's game rail madrid, no a thing or 2 about winning consecutive trophies. they've taken home 5 of the last night champions league titles. but they faced tough competition from the lakes of manchester city and by munich to defend their title this season. in formula one, it's probably too early to speak of read bill dominance. but dutchman max pushed up
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and is on a mission to make it 3 titles in a row. lewis hamilton is under pressure to make a title challenge. after a poor 2022 season spanish sensation colors alcaraz took the tennis world by storm. when he won the us open in september. it was a breakthrough year for the 19 year old who defeated some of the games best and roughly on the dull and world number one. novak joker, which if he keeps it up, alcaraz could be the new young superstar, the tennis world has been waiting for. and here's a quick reminder of the top story we're following for you today. the kremlin has confirmed that 63 of its soldiers were killed and one of the deadliest attacks of the war in ukraine. ukrainian missiles struck a building, and a russian occupied area of the don at region was being used to house troops. don't
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forget, you can always get a w news on the go. just download our app from google play or from the app store that will give you access to all the latest news from around the world. as well as push notifications for any breaking news. i will be back with more headlines at the top of the next hour, but stay with us up. next is global. 3000 color rates are dying due to pollution and climate change. and this edition examines whether the bible ecosystems can be safe with ah, with
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ah, in a globalized world, where everything is connected, all it takes is a story. to set things in motion. local hero show out there, ideas can change the world. global
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3000. the next on d w o. in a mixture of the artist confrontation, this is wrote a veteran of verbal combat. i mean, you're gonna really, i try the undisputed champion of tough political talk. you're trying to frighten people. no, i so fight everybody honest either. except you enter the complex zone and join tim sebastian as he holds the powerful to account. this is a big failure, whichever way you like to spin conflict zone. oh, good news. on d. w, we've got to understand that globalization works, but he does not reach more than 30 percent of the world population. very simple.
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that facility that's very convenient for the chinese. after all, the port will be for very, excuse me, but i am the mediterranean as become a kind of great sarcophagus. if anything he was proud of it was to be a steal worker, like his grand parents and his parents. this is his business to come here for life . well, the winners and losers. globalization, where do we stand? starts january 5th on d, w with ah, welcome to global 3000 pollutants, free fishing electric boats on lake victoria.


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