tv In Good Shape Deutsche Welle January 9, 2023 3:30am-4:00am CET
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lend us contrasts of ambitions of inequality. 75 years ago, mahatma gandhi peacefully led the country to independence with what has remained of his vision. where does the world so called the largest democracy stand and where is india headed? this is the moment to unleash on violet bars. gandhi's legacy starts january 28th on d, w. i . e thing is so much fun. but we all know that eating too much is not good for us. and many people dream of shedding a few pounds. but do dias work? it's also important not to eat too little food to eat the wrong foods,
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which can lead, for example, to developmental problems in children, as well as bad t that and move, coming up with humans are getting faster and faster around 2000000000 adults wold by overweight or obese the food industry knows that many of us want to lose weight. and so there are now a wealth of products that claim to help us do. so. by being low sugar, for example. but can they really help us drop the pounds? people buying lights and sugar free products thinking they're doing something good for themselves. these foods contain artificial sweeteners like sucrose, saccharine,
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or aspartame. they taste as sweet as sugar but have fall fewer calories. i am not sure i use them because i want to lose weight in mind. if you use sugar, you need to burn more calories removable as, as google. but what do we eat? that's healthy. one model maybe just gives you a good feeling. spoke a few misha events from german obesity support group. adipose eaters hilfa relied on products with sweetness. for a long time. he weighed over a 150 kilos and urgently needed to lose weight. to cut calories c completely dispensed with table sugar, but he didn't lose weight despite all his efforts. lindsay more no light or dr. isn't if you only light products mark, which are supposed to have far less sugar and fat for nothing actually happens, then you start to doubt your. so that's why that month do that for 3 or 4 weeks without seeing any results. and if you get totally frustrated,
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as is approvals to you, it's a tale nutritionist mathias leader often has. he has a clear opinion on sugar substitutes. they don't aide healthy weight loss because our appetite for sweets remains. dystrophy again, weakness react was the same receptors in the body in the garden as sugar dosa and continue to trigger cravings for sweet. her lungs are replacing sugar with sweetener. only solves a small part of the problem. lined tired is po being reduced. obesity is actually caused quite too many carbohydrates overall and not enough vegetables all can to solve that problem with sweeteners didn't problem lose each mitchum stuff garnished . one explanation for this could be that sweetness caused blood sugar levels to rise. israeli was such as have found evidence of this. they had to volunteers consume 12 sa, shay's worth of the sweetness sucker in daily for a week. in addition to their normal meals. both women had
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a sensor in their upper arm, which measured blood sugar the result of the small study, one of the subjects, blood sugar levels rose sharply within a week and that tallies with nutritionist, mathias needles findings. not according to the latest studies, as we have to assume little weakness to promote diabetes as it depends on the direction of intake and also the amount we have other diseases worse weakness. grubhub lee play a role juice of her vash. army, an honest been a recent british study, provides a possible explanation as to why sweetness could promote the development of diseases in cell culture experiments. the research is found that sweetness can change the properties of certain bacteria in the, in testing. the experiments indicate that after ingesting sweetness, intestinal bacteria are able to penetrate the protective layer of the intestinal
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wall. this could trigger inflammation affected it for new, so it's an effect we didn't know but before my and if those results are confirmed it's of course worrying because ultimately we need to focus more on the intestines and intestinal bacteria when it comes to testing new foods or re evaluating old food ingredients, but importantly, it's an initial suspicion, or these are preliminary findings. however, it is nonsense. in the lab tests, the british research is also found that frequent consumption of sweetness led to decreased bacterial diversity in the in testing, samo hoover observed something similar in his with, such by might like for some people taking sweeteners can cause the test. the more micro biome, to change for the worse, which in turn affects the whole body. all spoken of the so the balance in the intestine and on the mucous membrane,
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but also on the way we digest foods like sugar limbs, mitten, also by pill, took off name for michelle vets. sweetness caused gastro, intestinal issues, austin stuffed on vicar. last. when i left out the sweetener that the diarrhea went away, i can tell the kind of i no longer had stomach pains, then i realized ok, it's not for me not mix nutritionists advise avoiding artificial sweeteners, if possible, and cutting down on sugar to the same felix to reduce your sugar consumption bit by bit, just the copper really not sugar knowing or maybe just half as much, half dilute fruit through the 1st venue. smaller amounts, giving cut out sugar where everyone can respond was good. that's what mckay advanced it and lost over 40 kilos. his sense of taste has changed to now natural sweetness is enough for him. oh, dieting is something many of us have had
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a go as we ask people in berlin about their experiences donna, to this cloud. of course i've tried diet. what women hasn't, i haven't nor do i know anyone who has, i just tried to eat healthy food on them. i tried shorter dias and it doesn't work for me. for fever exercise, you lots of you to lots of movement. that's how you burn calories on colored and get back. we followed a vegan diet for a while. we've done everything work. if you want to lose weight, you need to eat less. but that's easier said than done. the internet and magazines are full of all sorts of miracle diets that help you sion pounds. but how many actually work this pyramid shows what the lungs in a healthy daily diet. the basis is non sugary drinks, then come plant based foods,
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fruit, vegetables, and grains. we need to eat lots of these dairy products, me and fish regularly, but in moderation, oils and fats should be consumed more sparingly and sugar and snacks is an occasional treat. a crash diet involves drastically reducing what you eat for a short period, either by eating very little or only eating the same food repeatedly. they work. unfortunately, we don't have good data or we don't have any data at all in those crushed i it's because people's started i at monday got tired of it then they you know, go back to the original day or the study died really owing it very strictly lindy's start her getting eating, slowly, migrate back to the original. even the main characteristic of these diets is that they deliver impressive short and weight loss results. but the wait for this last comes mainly from the water stores and from the lean mass of our body and not from
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adipose tissue. and these weight is regained immediately after cessation of these diet and even more because these diets lower are based on metabolic weight due to muscle breakdown. so i would say that crash diet can really use more to wait in the short term, but definitely they do not improve the overall health outcomes. the conclusion crash diets don't work in the long term. low corp or low fat diet are more effective long term strategies. a low current plan involves cutting down on bread, pasta, and so on. meanwhile, low fat diets involve leaving out the vents. although these low fat diets are modesty effective for short and weight loss, the long term compliance to these diets is often difficult to accomplish and the
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individual responds to these diet is also very different from person to person. one study shows that when compared to usual diet, low fat diets are indeed more effective and weight reduction with a slight to modest effect. but there is one drawback. we humans lots. i thought it because it is a lot of energy, lot ice cream, lot, lots of other high fat foods and so sticking to it, it's difficult. low fat, other been fits most people's struggle to stick to a low fat diets because you have to keep counting calories. what am low called a low carb diet, on the other hand means avoiding carbohydrates. those strengthen all that means you eat a lot less or daughter and fewer calories promoted me, nicole and you call them and you also eat more protein, which makes you more full ones. if you put it in as 5, that means you don't tend to feel so hungry 1st one, which makes it easier to stick to the diets, which so a low carb diet works where
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a lot of people do it on a little copy. conclusion, low fat diets are hard to stick to long cutting out carbs is easier ah, these days a lot of people swear by intermittent fasting. this involves not eating at all for say, 16 hours a day, but eating normally the rest of the time. so you can just cut out breakfast for dinner. alternatively, you can eat normally 5 days a week and restrict calories or fast 2 days a week. for some people, you be able to maintain that window that can limit d at my match, they each. so it might be helpful, we met with these types of diets can produce indeed a mild, moderate weight loss. ah, 3 to 8 percent. we've been 3 months. but i'm glad to emphasize that these weight
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loss is exactly the same. and similar to that, that sheathed by traditional dieting approaches, which is the daily caloric restriction again, oh, come on, long off. generally speaking it's healthy to build in phases of fasting or of restricting food intake. it's also good for cell regeneration because processes get initiated, which function like a clear out action for the body form. so repair mechanism was get fired up, toxins that got rid of and so on about and charged little soviet. so bardon, studies show that intermittent fasting diets are promising, but long term safety and efficacy data are lacking. so intermittent, fast and can work. but is there a way of losing weight and keeping it off without having to go hungry? little english. we'll see it at the end of the day. each of us has to develop our own individual strategy. i'm
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a god. there's no guide book that works for everyone. no advice, no diet, no way of behaving that works for soul and guarantees permanent weight loss sick, a wall of set realistic goals for weight loss and weight loss of 5 to 10 percent of your initial boulder weighed within the 1st 6 months is a realistic approach i would say touch you, why don't we doesn't, we're definitely just try something different. many countries have died as recommendations in see what it is in coop here, or my diet. only your own diet with that, that recommendations and see which ones can be changed. ah conclusion slimming down takes time and what works best varies from person to person. unfortunately, there is no silver bullet from weight loss. a feeling full doesn't necessarily mean that we've taken in the energy we need. and
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if our diet is very unbalanced or one sided, we often don't get enough fishermen's and minerals. this home of malnutrition, also known as hidden hunger, is found all over the world. and there are many different reasons for it. what are the effects and what can we do about it? what is the institute for climate impact research in potsdam germany have to do with you tricia a lot? because global warming is also affecting the plant world and thus will say the basis of all diet. amanda event heads the climate change in health working group at the institute. she studies, maternal and child nutrition. her main focus is malnutrition mounted tricia as a big public health problem that's affecting the globe. one out of every 3 people suffer from some form of malnutrition. so this can be under nutrition,
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which could mean that protein or energy deficiency. it could mean that my goodness deficiencies, so the over 2000000000 people in the world have some sort of vitamin and mineral deficiency. such deficiencies make you sick, an estimated quoted to half a 1000000 children worldwide become blind every year due to victim in a deficiency. 500000000 women and 250000000 children suffer from anemia because they don't get enough iron, vitamin b 12 or so late for children, especially, anemia can have a serious effect on health. michelle carving cal advises the german n g o vet home that his and research is the effects of chronic hunger in children. the cornish, on your shirt, chronic malnutrition stance grows. and your latest puberty, that's the most noticeable effect. so here malnutrition affects your entire body and severely malnourished children are critically ill punk it. severe malnutrition
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damages heart muscle and deliver and effects immune system. and unfortunately can't even when they're receiving treatment. many severely malnourished children die of heart failure and estimated 3000000000 people worldwide counter food. a healthy varied diet home gardens can help. many countries have launched initiatives to promote home gardens and provide training to local communities. families grow nutrient rich fruit and vegetables in these gardens year round and they eat when they so amanda vent has been studying a homestead garden project in rural bangladesh. for years. we can say now that we have seen a positive and significant effect on agricultural production in the home garden and more diverse fruits and vegetable as being ground, as well as increases and dietary diversity, which is a measure of diversity in the diet. a women and children,
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especially if for in some cases, for example and bangladesh, sometimes it's difficult for women to get to the market. so if they're cooking for their family, having access to these new trends, foods in their own home is also a benefit. research is, are also taking a closer look at the plumps native to each region which native species of gretchen whitman's and minerals and can be grown locally. one example is the bow bob tree. it's leaves and fruit a rich in vitamin c that could help combat malnutrition, along with home gardens, which had the subject of ongoing research. this is all a drop in the ocean was montague, india. but when we see how local and regional cell help organizations benefit from any support they receive, but some turn with their need, you know, that's hardening and encouraging with all you gotta morton
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might eat nuts or lettuce. but despite never cleaning their teeth late, don't get cavities. pets like dogs and cats do though. why is this in the wild? there's neither chocolate, soft drinks, nor sweet. but in a domestic setting, there often are. nutrition is the key to healthy teeth for us, people to if you're aiming for healthy teeth, make sure they're free of plaque and bacteria. that's the way to go right. as combination of the man, it's not the amount of plaque, but instead the composition of bacterias within the plaque in had these as tom gallagher. the results were, we know that our ancestors had huge black build ups and didn't brush their teeth yet. they still had healthy teeth. despite that 98 percent of jeremy experience dental cavities, 90 percent ginger vitus or inflamed gums, and 50 percent of middle aged adult experienced periodontitis. so what's going
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wrong for nutrition? johan villa from the university clinic fryeburg wants to get to the root of the weight. what we need influences the health of our gums especially periodontitis. so he initiated a study with that as its focus as of him, but stop him. also. we already have data from university, as in maryland, zurich, and people who didn't brush their teeth for 4 weeks, but consumed a diet similar to in the stone age, had more plaque awesome, but much less inflammation video. so that's what we aim to study more closely. the test group ain't a diet similar to those in the stone age, complex carbohydrates from fruit and vegetables. healthy fats from nuts in seeds, fish and a little meat. the control group ain't a typical western diet packed with sugar processed wheat flour, soft drinks sausages of meat. after 4 weeks,
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the results were in the quantities. we could actually see that even though the plaque amount remained, the inflammation of the experiment group decreased by almost 50 percent. at 1st we couldn't believe it. so i regretted it during the 2nd study and we're actually able to repeat the results. that is, although plaque stayed the same information again, decreased by 50 percent. and the effect was because the subjects gave of sugar white flowers, suites and juices which are strong inflammation drivers and instead focused on more complex carbohydrates with lots of fibrous. and now if you cut out these them and eat more, anti inflammatory substances. inflammation in the mouth also goes down, not density. his offices is named dancing dawkins, clumped in sooner. moment alessandro chair army had such severed periodontitis that his teeth often bled, and some of them were wobbling loose. it's not looking good does hurt to detroit that there's even a possibility or that it's very likely to go i lose at least 6 day teeth off. that
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was already enough to motivate me to say it's really high chandler, something's tune. alessandra jeremy follows dr. wilbur's advice and drastically alters his diet. the result of the change to his lifestyle speaks for itself. i gotten some ties on his gum, said pockets with depths of 11 to 12 millimeters, but in some cases they're almost gone. i was awarded and we applied both the classic oral hygiene cleaning protocol is mister sir ami did in simultaneously change the diet that his long term condition is already stabilized shows di it's important role and i wouldn't wanna deal with poly phenol, rich fruits and vegetables are effective in reducing inflammation. color intensive varieties contained especially high levels of antioxidants. substances. these vegetables don't just contain poly feels. they're also rich in nitrate. to what extent regular consumption of nitrate rich vegetables influences ginger vitus is being researched by dr. ivana, yoko schneider of the vince berg dental clinic. assembly juice drank with the
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defined nitrate content was produced for a study. the test group drank the nitrate rich salad juice. the control group were given a nitrate free placebo. after 2 weeks gum inflammation in the test group was 50 percent lower than the placebo group. das m as in alpha non then the nitrate ingested with food shows up in the person's mouth a little later. and in this saliva all physiologically, this makes a lot of sense humvee back because on the back of the tongue we have bacteria that can turn this nitrate into nitrite that our body can metabolize high. and this nitrite has i anti bacterial properties in the mouth. and decomposes there, but also if we swallow it in our stomach acid, to become nitrogen. monoxide. and this then helps our body reduce inflammation, psion. but aren't groups that contain nitrate considered to be carcinogenic?
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conversation with mom on her. haydn's vision be tight. i basically you have to distinguish between nitrate containing vegetables and nitrate cured meat products i was found because when meat good secured with nitrate, when consumed in large quantities of substance known as nitrous amine come form one . this is thought to cause cancers of the digestive system for florida, but with nitrate rich vegetables. it's a bit different embassy. are they contain not only nitrate, but also antioxidants. pluses, vitamins c, poly fennel's. we have all kinds of substances in there. and for example, just the vitamin c alone prevents nitro domains from being formed in the 1st place . ian and poll eels also took part in the salad juice experiment. since then, has dental health has improved markedly, his bleeding gums and wobbly teeth are a thing of the past. and he's going to continue a diet full of nitrogen rich vegetables for lauding and sponsor drain. now you'd
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sell at 2 or 3 times a week or most is reading resume on i do it for my gums and my teeth. my and it does help josh. no ill still adhere strictly to an oral hygiene regime, but he knows that a healthy diet and rich and vegetables is just as important when it comes to keeping his gums healthy. now a new excess as to promote alia, another way to shed some pounds thus definitely healthy. hi and welcome. today we do, caesar kicks. this is a lower ad exercise. you need a med and lead scope lay on the meds. and here it's really important that you lower back is on the med,
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take your hands as controlled, and then you raise our legs. first, they're banded. one leg is going to the floor, patch the floor, and then go back. are the leg. if that's too easy. you can extend the legs with and do them with straight legs. it's really important that your lower back is always on the met. this exercise. you can do the leg by leg tail. 20 reps so meaning 1234 and so on. then do a little break and we do for this
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