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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 13, 2023 4:00pm-4:31pm CET

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by choosing smartness, solutions over stain set in our ways, ah, google ideas, the environmental series, it included 3000 on d, w, and online with, ah, ah, this is dw news coming to you live from berlin brushes defense minister. he says its forces have taken control of solid r. ukraine denies the claim and says its troops are still there. the ukrainian town could be strategically important for russia in the don bass region. also coming up as the war intensifies, russia looks to step up, conscription. we meet
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a former russian policeman whose fled to lafayette to avoid the draft, but the struggling to be recognized as a refugee plus new research finds oil giant exxon made highly accurate predictions about global warming back in the 1970s. and then spent decades dismissing the science to protect its business. and lisa marie presley the only child of rock'n'roll legend elvis dies at the age of $54.00. she was rushed to hospital after a reported cardiac arrest. ah hello, i'm terry martin. good to have you with us. russia's defense ministry says its forces have captured the town of solid are in eastern ukraine. ukraine has denied the claims the battle for the small mining town has intensified in recent days. if
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the claim is true, taking solid, dar would be russia's 1st big battlefield when after 6 months of defeats. ukraine has described the fighting for the town as a difficult phase of the war or corresponded interior of sonya father caused covering the story. i asked her if there is any confirmation that russia has taken solider. well, ukraine has officially denied this latest russian claim of being in charge on a diary crane says the fighting is still very much continuing there. and we have to remember that this is not the 1st time that russia has claimed to be in control there. all this week, we've seen quite a bit of confusion about who is really in charge. earlier this week we saw the head of the russian wagner, the mercenary group, the wagner group saying, whose titles are heavily involved in that the sultan solid are saying that, you know, he's in control. we saw ukraine denying that, claim the kremlin. then you know, walking back that assertion, so there been a lot of conflicting reports about who really is in charge there. what we do know
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for short about sali darnell, is that the intense fighting there has absolutely devastated both solid are and the surrounding areas. we've seen some satellite images recently off off apartment buildings house has been completely decimate decimated there. you know, shell craters really kind of scoring the landfill and the governor off that danielle, danielle region where sandy dodd is located. a said more than 80 percent of the town has been destroyed. this is a small town or small mining town. why is it so important? that still solid? i had a pre war population of just 10000 people and i think its importance lies in the fact that it is just 10 kilometers away from buck moved to where we've seen some of the bloodiest fighting in this war between russia and ukraine and forces and russia, of course, sees buck moves as absolutely key to it's, you know, broader bush, of occupying the entire on mass region. and it sees, you know, a solid r o capturing solider as
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a way of getting there some solid are could afford oak often its troops, a new beast, a new attack position for, for its troops. because that because started out as within it utterly would, would be within range of buckled sonya. thank you very much. our correspondence. sonya father cather in teeth for some analysis. i spoke a short while ago with frank lead, which he is a military analyst at the university of portsmouth. i asked him about solid, ours military significance. well, 1st of all, it means as your correspondent already said has already said terry, that there is something of a successful russian. but what we have to remember is, i think that this town is really only important because both sides have made it important over the last 6 months. so, so by that i mean that they addressed it so much in this relatively insignificant town that they find it difficult to withdraw or concede, defeat this backward as it is in
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a sense of legacy at the battles. you may remember around said aragon, ask and so forth, and there was a salient but anyway, nonetheless, both sides regarded as important. interesting by the way that the chief of staff zalinski is chief of staff compared this to van dunn. and that does does give it some military rationale, even if the ukrainians are beaten back, that they would say that they have chewed up so many russian soldiers there. and the russians have use of so much ammunition for so little game that it was worth fighting for. so for both sides, it's a chieftain importance in that way. ukraine is desperate to get its hand on heavier weapons or the, the west. it's partners in the west say they will give you crane whatever it needs to when they are insisted it has to when, why is the west not giving you crane battle tanks that it's asking for military. i think they will give them battle tanks. the key here,
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as i think your viewers will be aware as german permission, the tanks that ukraine has assessed and i think the west is assessed is most suitable for you. kind of leopard two's german made an hour by 19 most about entirely western countries. those times can't go to ukraine without gentlemen permission because of an export license restrictions. once the germans get permission, they will go, but it's also another political element here. for some reason, no country wants to be the 1st to jump with respect to this potent is given an indication. britton to have said, it's going to send it equally good challenge to tax. i suspect that once they blocked germany, it was created germany. what we're going to say next week, probably with the rub, stein, contact group, the ukraine contact group of countries who donate to ukraine. we're going to see an announcement possibly, i think a coordinated announcement of several countries to unite as it were to give a large number of battle tax. you can,
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i think that's the most likely outcome. but as i say, that luxury has to be played in germany and it has to be cleared at the highest possible level. but i think it's inevitable they do cause they will get those tanks and they are the best times for ukraine at the moment. there hasn't been much movement in ukraine in this war over the past couple weeks. how do you see things developing from here, right? from the russian perspective, it's very clear that they're looking to focus on that new hands and don't at screech, and the top bass where back moot is of course that's why they've invested so much resources in taking that by the ukrainians have spent so much of their resources in holding it, we see russian force has been moved east now to re enforce that, that offensive. and i think that's where we'll see the offensive take place. but i think to be fat, we won't be seeing any major offensive elsewhere. both sides are pretty exhausted. we're in operational pause now, and we won't see any major offensive, i think well into next month or even into into the spring break leverage in oxford
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. thank you very much. thank you, terry. as the fighting in ukraine continues, russia is preparing to mobilize more troops and conscript more young men to fight on the front lines. the move is likely to provoke a fresh wave of russians fleeing to avoid the call up. some russians are finding difficulty, getting recognized as refugees. ah, now he can breathe again. it's danny's love, but she love has finally been formally recognized as a refugee from russia in law. it was a long process. at the end of it, stanley's love is relieved to have cut the ties with a country that started a war of aggression. in the middle of europe. the business middle, i fled to the 1st best country, so i wouldn't have to go to jail or be sent to war. i don't want to fight against the ukrainians. i have many friends there. the 1st best country,
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as stanislaus said, was latvia, and you, you member state with a 300 kilometer common board, a with russia when they will start at more than 10 months ago, stun, his love decided to protest. the former policeman found himself in the midst of a peace rally in saint petersburg, where hundreds of protesters were arrested. by wednesday, 27 year old received a draft notice from the army. he decided to flee over night. without losing any time he drove to rushes. the boda with lot of air to jump over the fence at an unmounted torrent location illegally because he had no visa them yet. but m no orders for us to d kimball. veronica, it was terrible. i was panicking. my heart was pounding. i was running through the forest and wondering what if the guards shoot me? the fence was huge with barbed wire. and on the other side there were border guards as well with whose language i don't understand. i had no idea how they would react
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to anything or can you tell us been the affair austin lot there were accommodating at 1st they let him file for asylum. but a few months later his request was denied. stanislaus went to court and fall to the decision in the and he was allowed to stay a rare ruling fall latiere in contrast to germany. the baltic states generally denies russians fleeing military service at the right to spain. lima well, i sation in russia, which began in september of last year, had little influence on that policy due to security concerns for this russia, poster course with the just read it. if you are against the war against mobilization, if you think that what is being done now is unacceptable, then you must come out against the russian government. and i am not convinced by arguments that things are so oppressive there, that no one can take to the streets. tens of thousands of russians are leaving now, according to our figures. and the question must be asked,
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why should we accept them all? this is also a matter of our own security of her chima mom. he's the numerator that a little more prosser ms across mr. stanislaus. but she'll of doesn't think that taken to the streets in 2 days. russia can't change anything. he says that there is no rule of law in russia and also no reason to believe the regime was about to collapse either any time soon for him, protests are of the direct way to prison and may be after that to the front lines. all legitimate parts of resistance have been exhausted. people who protest end up behind bards, and from there they cannot achieve anything any more with zealous stanislaus says he would go back to russia one day when to put in his not in power any more. his parents live there, stanislaus, missus of them, he says, but he knows he will not see them any time. so let's check up on
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a couple of other stories making headlines to day. the german government has called on russia to provide urgent medical assistance to jailed kremlin critic, alexey divani, his family and supporters say there increasingly distressed about his health, and that he's being denied care. if only is serving a 9 year sentence at a penal colony, north of moscow, swedish climate activist, gretta tuned back, has appeared at protests here in germany against the demolition of a village being cleared to allow open cast coal mining. she criticized the police operation to remove people from loots a lot in the west of the country. germany has extended its use of coal in power generation due to the energy crisis. researchers say that one of the biggest, the world's biggest oil companies, made highly accurate predictions about global warming, while publicly dismissing any link between parcel fuels and climate change. the study in the journal science says exxon mobiles. scientists knew about the risks of
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fossil fuels starting in the 1970s, but chose not to disclose them. researchers have called their findings of the companies internal documents, a smoking gun. exxon denies the accusations over more, let's bring in climate scientists. stuff on of arms door here, he works at the post i'm. it's 2 per climate impact research that published the study about exxon mobil. together with harvard university stuff. i'm good to see you. tell us a little more about what the study and what the study says and what exactly exxon knew about global warming and didn't reveal well, we examine for some internal papers as well as technical journal publications by exxon scientists. since the 1970s, which are the internal papers have come to lives in 2015 through journalistic
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investigations. and we analyzed the computer simulations of future warming in response as a result of fossil fuels burning, that the excellent scientists presented the ad. and we compared these climate projections to observations and the projections were that there would be a warming by 0.2 degrees celsius per decade, which is pretty well exactly what happened. and of course, they predicted that before there was any clear observational evidence that there was even long. so you mentioned that the papers came to light in journalistic work. exactly. how did your you and your colleagues though, uncover these details? one of these papers i in the public domain and my colleagues from have
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a science historians and they have in the past, published about verbal content on these papers and compared to what exxon executives have told, the public which is in sharp contrast to what was in the internal publications and what we did in the new study is indeed the quantitative comparison of a whole range of different climate projections by exxon and we. we computed skill scores to show how good they are and it turned out they are often actually better than what independent university scientists have done or nasa scientists. jim hanson, who presented these nasa projections to the senate in the u. s. in 1988. interesting . despite knowing about climate change, early on x, on for decades, apparently funded climate change deniers. how much damage do you think that did?
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well, i can, i'm pretty sure that it did a lot of damage in delaying climate policy. not exxon alone. of course, it was a fossil fuel industry in general that invested hundreds of millions of dollars in basically this information campaigns to the public sowing doubt about climate change. and we have seen some of these means that exxon's put into the public. they are appearing in german election campaigns, for example, even recently. and i think it did a lot to give the impression to the public that climate science is debated when we have had a consensus on human cause climate change in the scientific community for decades. now, these are pretty powerful allegations are, could this study have consequences for exxon? will the company be held accountable? well, there is a number of court cases against exxon going on in the united states. now,
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there are cases against other companies also in other places like europe. and i think that this will become increasingly common and important. the question of who is responsible for the delays that are costing us so dearly. and it will, i think, increasingly, be fought out in courts in the coming decades stuff and thank you very much. that was stuff on rom, store climate scientist at the institute for climate impact research now to peru and a teenager shot during anti government protests. there died on thursday, bringing the death toll from a month of violent unrest of $49.00 since december supporters of ousted present, edward castillo had marched and barricaded streets in the south american country, demanding new elections, and the removal of current liter dina wallow, arctic. they carried more coffins and effigies of their unwonted
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leaders in jail cells. notions of noisy protesters hit the streets of the capital lima to demand the resignation of their president. my son is the most of indignation, pain, and suffering. it's having a psychological impact on those of us who are following what's happening in the provinces, especially our brothers and sisters there who are being killed. it's a total massacre. my 2nd book back into school, the ancient capital of the inca empire. the caskets were real. locals bed a public farewell to a killed protester. elsewhere in the city, clash is broke out. yet again, police fire tear gas. protestors responded with stones and slingshot fire. by night, the violins escalated. the turmoil was triggered by the arrest of former president
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pedro castillo last month, feeling a page after he tried to seize emergency powers to evade impeachment, over sleeves allegations. the insuring crisis has rocked the country. mark kosky, spain was protesting at the airport when he was killed. was these young ladies, but had only shot him? i don't know who gave the orders only go now we want those responsible for his death to pay for us unless by him but so much like ma costs. most of the victims, hail from working class heart lungs loyal to castillo communities united in recent weeks in protest or in grief. and sometimes both give us just a part justice department has appointed a special council to investigate joe biden, after his legal team found more classified documents at the u. s. president. home
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in delaware. the discoveries are politically embarrassing for biden, given his criticism of former president donald trump's alleged mishandling of classified documents. if, if we're the latest classified documents performed in the garage of you as president of biden's home in bloomington by law might and should have handed them over to the us national archives. after he left the vice presidency in 2017 might in thieves. it was an innocent mistake morning. people know i take classified documents classified material seriously. i also said we're cooperating fully incomplete with the justice department's review. that republicans accused the u. s . president of spa chrissy bite and sharpie criticized former president donald trump for allegedly holding on to classified documents after sensitive files but
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discovered at trump's home in florida last year. here's an individual that's been in office for more than 40 years. here's an individual that sat on 60 minutes, that was so concerned about president trump's documents locked in behind and now we find it just as a vice president, keeping it for years out the open in different locations. biden's, dean, faith, this case is different. the u. s. president, while india to hand over the documents to the national archives, the moment they were discovered. on the other hand, jumped to late responding to requests from the national archives for months. the justice department fees to await any conflict of interest, especially council will investigate the case. lisa marie presley, the only child of rock and roll legend elvis presley has died. at the age of 54, the singer songwriter who inherited her father's estate reportedly suffered cardiac
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arrest. lisa marie presley pictured at the golden globe awards just this week. the 54 year old, apparently in good health. thank you. only days before she was at graceland, the home she inherited from her father elvis presley, crowd said, gathered to mark what would have been his 88th birthday you and keep saying, you're the only people that can bring me out of my house. not kit. lisa marie presley was born in february 1968, exactly 9 months after her parents, elvis, and priscilla married, they later divorced and when their daughter was just 9 years old, elvis died. it was a traumatic start for the only child. presley was
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married 4 times including to sing and michael jackson. but that ended 2 years later, her marriage to act and nicholas cage lasted only a few months. she had 4 children in total, one of her sons, benjamin, died by suicide in 2020 ah price. lee for which her own singer songwriter career, which she could never escape her father's iconic status. i feel that he would have been proud, but i think that he also would have understood sort of the path that i had to lead to find myself here. like the 1st 2 albums needed needed their place just because i needed to know. and then i had my own audience. i needed to find my own, my own kind of voice and try on different things for myself. um, i think he would have understood the path. i got to tell you, lisa marie presley was very close to her mother priscilla. in
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a statement following her daughter's death, priscilla described her as the most passionate, strong, and loving woman i have ever known. for more i'm joined now by d. w culture is david levitz. david, lisa marie presley was a musician, a personality celebrity in her own right, but she was best known her whole life for being the daughter of elvis presley. how did that impact your life? that's very well, i mean, i think we got it. i sense there of how hard it was for her to ford her own path. and certainly she had a very complicated and challenging life, a large part of which was due to living in the shadow of her father. and imagine what it might be like to be the daughter of the king of rock and roll. to only be mentioned to be famous throughout the world, but only mentioned in the same breath as the name of your deceased father who she didn't even have the benefit of knowing past the age of 9. so his legacy obviously
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followed her throughout her life. there was even some speculation that the main reason michael jackson wanted to marry her was because of who her father was. and at the same time though, she did say that she very much loved her father. earlier this week she was at the golden globes supporting baz women's movie, has bio pic, elvis, about her father in which she, she plays a part well, she doesn't play a part, but her story is, is part of it. and, and she really supported that film and so that it was an accurate representation of this loving relationship and of her father. lisa marie presley was just 54. what do we know about how she died? well, it appears that she had a cardiac arrest at the home of her ex husband, according to t v, the celebrity gossip website, he tried to perform c p r on her. we do know that she was rushed to a hospital near l. a and that she died a few hours later, the cause of death hasn't been confirmed there. there were reports that she had
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trouble breathing. we do know is that the last years of her life were very difficult. she wrote about battling a pain killer and opioid addict, but very much, you're echoed of course, the substance abuse problems of her father, elvis. she also wrote an essay just recently about the death by suicide of her son, benjamin, saying that it was something that she never could possibly get over. and also expressing that was very hard for her family that more people didn't come forward to support them during their, their time of grief. so very much of a challenge life, especially in the last few years. the presley family right now are asking for privacy and they're not confirming a cause of death. there is a quite a shock for many talk is through some of the tribute david, right? well, lots of tributes coming out here are some of those on twitter, tom hanks is one of the big celebrities saying that he and his wife rita wilson, are heartbroken pink. the singer says,
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this one hurts my heart and she goes on to say that reason marie was funny and whip smart john travolta scientists. likewise, maurice mom says, you know, so see her again. latoya jackson, lisa marie's ex sister in law says she'll forever be in our hearts. those are just a few of the many attributes though. coming in for lisa marie presley. david, thank you very much. david levitz from d. w culture. you're watching the w news eco india is next. i'm terry market played with with
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