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tv   Global 3000  Deutsche Welle  January 16, 2023 6:03am-6:31am CET

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compound t h c for short, which is one of the world's oldest known intoxicants in most countries, selling cannabis is a criminal offense. it's had a bad image for decades. kemp is a type of cannabis with low levels of th c, a valuable sustainable resource. it can be used to produce medicine, paper, building materials and textiles. we find out more about the comeback of this miracle plumes. hence has been one of the most widely grown crops in history and not because of its intoxicating effect. hemp was a source of food for animals and humans for thousands of years. hem cultivation began 12000 years ago in china. from there it spread across the globe. see, there is used the sturdy him. 5 is to make rope and sales. and wherever they traveled, they brought the seeds with them off to wood,
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hemp was the 2nd most common material found on ships. its blossoms were used medicinally, spiritually, or simply for pleasure. but reliance on hemp waned. new technologies made it easier to turn cotton into textiles than hemp. woods supplanted hemp and paper manufacturing. even hemp, sales and rope were replaced with petroleum products, but what really killed the plant was something else. there was a side goes well for banner, in substance abuse of recreational drugs. we've hammered it down into ours, humanities, head, douglas, and illegal, and massively bad plans. but scientists are slowly discovering that hemp is formal this to tell them previously known both traditional and new uses could help clean up a lot of industries. a big one is construction,
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which accounts for almost 40 percent of all c o 2 emissions worldwide. using hemp might change that hen whoa is already available as an insulating material. but more and more sustainable builders are using hem 5 is or hemp, crease in rolls and fuels such as in this 12 story building in south africa. and crete is basically a mixture of lime and hence fibers or shives. the lime petrified, the him so he doesn't decompose or break. the material is lightweight, strong and breathable. so it better regulates moisture and temperature. the advantages are less energy consumption, no mold, bold up, and a non toxic environment. hem creek is also fire resistance and can withstand major earthquakes thanks to its flexibility. it also protects against heat, moisture, and sound. once a structure built with it is demolished,
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the him creed can be recycled into fertilizer as it's completely organic walls made of hem creek not only produce less carbon dioxide than those of concrete. they're even c o 2 negative as hem crease stores more carbon dioxide than is needed to produce and transported and fiber insulation stores on a net base more than 50 kilograms of carbon dioxide per cubic meter of insulation. for your reference to production of gloss will, or raoul installation emits over 250 kilograms of carbon dioxide. but there is still a problem in most countries. introducing new building materials is a complex and lengthy process. mandatory tests and application procedures can take years. him create is only at the start of that process. in many countries. we need to give it a new chance, an stop putting all these regulations on him. we need to free this up entirely for
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the industry is to really move forward. because if you know 0.01 percent of th c are the little things that prevents somebody in the building in the street to get jives or chips and hurts for the building material. then this industry has no way of moving forward and can also help save the world's forests until the late 19th century, most paper was hemmed based early bibles and even drafts of the american declaration of independence were written on it. but most paper today is what fiber and that contributes to deforestation every year woodland, the size of portugal is cut down and 15 percent of it is used to make paper global demand is expected to at least double a catastrophe for the world forests. but as timber prices rise, some companies have switched to him. paper production textile industry is hello,
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been to holy grill, that genius league for her, for any fiber. and it's a big felicia, growing cotton requires lots of pesticides and water. a single hector of him, can you 2 and a half times more fiber than cotton? and a him plant can grow up to 5 meters in just 3 to 5 months. hemp is not only environmentally friendly than cotton. it. strong fibers also make textiles more durable. the benefits may be up is, but there's a catch ah, if you want to be successful, are implementing a m fiber into the textile industry. we have to modify to him fiber to existing textual machinery to go all the way around. not going to happen because in fest to do so are used to high sneeze and research is
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a working on the problem. and there are initial chemical and mechanical processes to make the environmentally friendly him. 5 is more like caution, so that they can be integrated into existing production. but there are no industry wide standards yet. him in textile production is in the early stages. hemp has to contend with road blocks in many industries. there are no standards yet due to decades of neglect and research and development. regulations are still confusing and they vary from country to country. marty one is status as a controlled substance discourage as investors. but despite the challenges, interest and industrial hemp is growing. in 2021 demand reached a market value of $4000000000.00. that figure is expected to rise to as much as 17000000000 donna's by 2030 cardiovascular diseases are among the most common illnesses worldwide. they're
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responsible for the deaths of just under $18000000.00 men and women each year. that's nearly a 3rd of all debts. and estimates suggest that by 2030 as many as 23000000 people will die each year from cardiovascular causes. the risk of developing heartened blood vessel related disease is traditionally rises with age, but ever more young people are now becoming affected, causes include stress, an unhealthy diet, not enough exercise and smoking, at least 3 quarters of cardiovascular deaths worldwide occur in low and middle income countries that's due to poor, a health care and late detection in the east african country of rwanda. this hope of change. mm. when they call them the silent killers, and they are killing a big number of worldwide in london. 6 out of 10 deaths enclosed by
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a that diabetes. so hypertension, piece era goober, has declared war on lifestyle diseases. the 25 year old dietician keeps an eye on where people in her generation are going wrong when it comes to health. not just brenda, it's the whole of africa, they're more at development. and also they said in theory, lifestyle growth, they're more a web college of people seem like for the whole day. and then now we have more fast food. these risk factors promote certain kinds of cancer, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes, a rapidly growing problem in sub saharan africa what's especially worrying is that more and more young people are dying of these diseases. according to the world health organization. people who feel like this and,
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and they usually get to know when is to it. for example, for lifestyle diseases. we don't have regular checkups. you meet, put 2 years old in the never done a chick up in their whole life. peace era, gua her co founder, steven oqueeno and a small team and rwanda's capital kigali have developed an app to raise awareness. they hope to motivate young adults in particular, to change their ways and lead a healthier lifestyle. in the life than app you can get trained to be healthy and also get through on that. 3rd, we create challenges. the more you engage in those challenges, you collect points, and these points can be redeemed through our platinum. the app rewards users, diet, exercise, and relaxation efforts with points and prizes. this helps users learn healthier
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routines in a playful way. international diet and fitness trackers already exist, but they haven't had much success in rwanda. the lifestyle app is not only in english and french, but also in the local language. can your wanda, the solutions needs to be moon bit. we know that problem. we know the bread and with live to with it and make people will likely understand what they bring. so it's really easy to achieve behavior change if it's coming from someone from their community. that's why the start up works with local partners. we're app users can redeem points, they've earned piece irregular wants to find out if her nutrition courses would be a good reward for her partner. kui, she's smart. so we're trying to see something that will there try more people to use these kinds of services. so he needs to be appealing to their user, it needs to be a fun, our body needs. what do we call energy?
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so most of time, you can get your energy in that 3 sources. the 1st row of systems call it god will hydrate. food sources, for example, would be like you bread, you see bread. it's difficult to find this type of brightness in linda. and the main reason is that you don't have many businesses in that preventive sector. the ones we have are more an on decorative and management for people who are in with that. but that's changing the rwandan government hopes to reduce mortality from non communicable diseases. 25 percent by 2025. and it plans to use unconventional methods to achieve that goal by making the streets of kigali car free on to sundays every month. it's urging residence to use the quiet streets for exercise. piece irregular hopes that her recently launched app will soon be used by lots of people in rwanda. she herself already has her eyes set on the next reward.
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so i dread within to renew and a growth around $700.00 life than crime. so i can get like a 20 percent discount for math, that not the disease which has claimed millions of lives in the last 3 years. is of course, coven. 19 the pandemic hit brazil, particularly hard with hundreds of thousands of deaths. brazil was the 2nd worst affected country after the u. s. and as well as health issues, many people token economic knox town, something many a still struggling with for more than a year. cutting of us does hardly dare to go out on the street. she was too worried about contracting coven, 19 again. all of her bones still ache. she suffers from dizziness and has fallen over several times. even before the pandemic, her life in the villa alliance of
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a villa in rio de janeiro was not easy. but after she contract, had coven 19 her situation worsened? she could no longer pay for her rented apartment. and now it's in her sewing studio . she used to teach nearly a dozen women how to so she also sold her wares at markets. but the virus robbed her of all her strength, was really won't bore because a lot of people have dined from coven here. go for go back. so i isolated myself. i was afraid to go out on the street. i've never felt so sick a difficult. i just recall so i have trouble concentrating ill. well i used to take part in online meetings and also gave online classes, which now i don't have the stamina or to fail. i'm just overcome by terrible fatigue. ok, sampling. i will go fossil like a neighbor's help her, but she has to survive without financial support from the state in both of their
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mother, acupuncture treatments on her ears help her to cope with the stress of are very sharp. i've been you know, they're jaeger. so how are your anxiety levels may not if i'm doing better, i'm not waking up all the time at night any more over to mom, the god about his races are going up on the mere. 2 kill during the pandemic bought or help the poor e o, but the state left us defense were ourselves. irish from a b r in simply says there is no water sanitation will say, were you supposed to wash your hands when they are? it's going to be hard for rio de janeiro to recover. and for us here, people at the end of the world so to speak, it's going to be even harder if i had a feasible model. you'll think of i similar to my brazil is one of the countries hardest hit by the pandemic. nearly 700000 people have died from coven 19 here, so far. former presidential year, both scenario downplayed the dangers of the corona virus was late to order vaccines . and mocked victims with breathing difficulties. there was
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a lack of oxygen and ventilated, and the health care system was on the verge of collapse in rio de janeiro at least a state of the art cove at hospital was quickly built with 200 intensive care beds . deborah muscular phone, if they're here, the general situation was terrible for them because not all patients could be treated hewlett. if there were long lines of patients in the emergency room data to view even. and unfortunately, we had a president being who did not respect the suffering of families. they are well for female, he worked against the quarantine regulations, social distance, england and masked wearing rules yamil door. there was a disrespect for science and research. the theat filled up his you, the crisis and brazil did not have to be on the scale of of the of many darya. somebody could have been avoided any of his seal without. the infectious disease specialist hopes the incoming brazilian government will make better use of the
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scientific knowledge gained during the pandemic. especially in the event of another episode of a peer my head you. you need a network of hospitals and institutions that are prepared on average, and can respond quickly. you're welcome, have more. they're happy to me. if there were moment did during the pandemic, romeo when the number of infections dropped, feel it bell. so we had fewer covey patients. and instead of we had other patient i was able to put up world of the way, then we reduce it out. the numbers is powerful eyes, it would be with the next wave. it was if we made more beds available for covey, patient april and hired were more staff with alive, though. that is how you build resilience heavily. and that's very important when, when institutions, if i need to be resilient, the 8th resilience is also the most important thing for cutting up. asked us on the outskirts of rio, just like the women in his subbing group. she would like nothing more than to sell
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her own creations at markets again, and to teach the croft and courses you will the lessons continue bomb. so i also miss them as saying that before she can continue, she 1st has to get better. she has been waiting for an appointment with an orthopedist and specialist treatment for her pain in the public health care system for months. oh, she does not want to rely on prayer alone. she expects the state to play its part down like this. a sarwich i transferred to health care dignified treatment our goal so that everyone can recover fully and get back to work, to rep or their ferrara. my district was i'm, there's nothing more important right now than to restore our self confidence and our dignity. good more than those from directv for them to know that we are still
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here and can be productive again. but all those v octo i'm off there, we can have dignified work like we had before. our office people living in poverty like cutting of asked us, have gotten through the pandemic by helping one another. unlike many of her neighbors, she hopes the new government taking office in january will handle the pandemic and its consequences more responsibly. abuse, rate and murder. mexico can be a dangerous place for many women and girls. in 2021 more than 3700 women were reported to have been killed there. and that slightly a very conservative figure. for many the solution is resistance and self defense. this is where catherine's ice care is heaviest. in the ring, throwing her opponent to the ground, she is the only german female wrestler competing in mexico's national sport.
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lucelle e. b. o. u dot quarters is on the us mexican border. a stop over for thousands of migrants hoping to make a future in the us. it's notorious for drugs and violence. catherine cisco has made it her home. it's late morning time to get ready for the title bout in literally break. with the help of make up and a costume. caterine sy hska transforms into miss cath. oh, mystics. this is the most important bit my new outfit. pretty good. all on the 1st i have this old tides and here's my all important license to kill ha. her partner as a star of the wrestling sea, she met him while travelling, having left her native bon to explore the wider world. wrestling is a shared passion. c dot quad ace is one of the most dangerous cities in the world.
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to libra is traditionally a male dominated sport, ca, twin sized cassie's, her involvement in it as a feminist act. the half is in this crazy city, which is notorious with him aside. i hope that by doing this i can help women gain self confidence and inspire them to do to live as a germans. she wasn't taken seriously at 1st, but now young people want to selfie with her. literally bray is popular, providing distraction from the stress of daily life. the wrestlers are treated like stars who tell you was of more than anything else. it's lou to liberty that has made me feel mexican because it's part of a popular culture with every child. he knows the masks, every child knows the move senior. this can can be moved. ah, and every one knows her as miss cath, she represent strength and power. her 1st opponent is waiting for her. miss
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catherine when he basses our friends outside the ring. but you wouldn't know that inside the masks and costumes are intended to intimidate opponents. cutting tie, sca has fought in many towns here, but she loves the smaller rina's best of all. what was the 2nd to day? i have to say nothing makes me happier than when i'm fighting in a ring. and i seen fizzy asked dick families and people having fun, little swearing at the top of their lungs, also known to both of us. give legend has it said she would that waters was where such show fights originated. since catherine size could can't support herself from wrestling alone, she also worked as a freelance journalist about the city she lives in. c. u dot juarez can tell us a lot about how the world works. there are factories making cheap products for the u. s. market. and migrants hoping for a better life there in her reporting,
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she focuses on their struggles. and dyson is live in santa ana. you can live in a bubble and not see the bigger picture actually. so how is my life and my consumption connected with what happens elsewhere? as i'm here, you can see a bosh factory and then this notorious wool. and it's all here right in front of your nose. stylus is ludovic. what else to fucking down? she and her friends are fighting to change their shitty step by step. together, they bought an old property, renovated it, and set it up as a cultural center. it's now a meeting point for social groups, environmental activists, and artists in the cellar, cycling enthusiasts to assemble bikes from donated parts. they give the finish fights to migrants so that they can get around like you can, i think on what you see one for. ok. there are very few cultural places here in juarez. so this makes a big difference. the city has a hard edge, but there's beauty to especially for the people who manage to live full lives,
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despite the criminality. yeah. as buses probably cause it's important to me that there are places like this where you can be together without much money and without having to think about any money. it's just about the well being of every line in every mr. little lucia libra is still the most important part of her life. she enjoys even the most strenuous training sessions. today she's training with when he versus wrestling has changed her life to offering her a way to cope with family problems. she can leave her aggression in the ring. she too wants to inspire others and prove that anything is possible. oh okay, i'm sure there's a lot of violence against women happening at the moment. in the ring, we shall girls and women that they can defend themselves. push yourselves, there's a way out when i send you that we've reached the tidal round
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but suddenly miss cathy is thrown out of the ring. another contestant has one. i would have loved to have taken the championship title home with me, but it's often like this split, 2nd proves decisive. anything can happen, but what she's learned from lucia libra a n. c without waters get up and keep going. failure is part of the process and the attorney was yeah, anytime it is a huge form of cultural expression on so it's also an opportunity, a prospect for young women and young men of modest means who think to themselves was i could become a lu chesta on that on weekends i could also put on makeup, become a star, stand in the ring, and then packed up and go home positive. ah. and
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that's all from us at global 3000 this time, right to us at global 3000 at d, w dot com or on facebook d, w global ideas. see you next time ah, [000:00:00;00] with a here's the term that everyone has heard by now. m r n a. but what exactly is it?
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the messenger for genetic information became famous. thanks to the coven. i t maxine. how does this technology work? what other diseases could m r n a be used to fight against tomorrow to do next on d, w. o 2, o 3 or not to own. what about a sharing economy instead? a change in thinking is changing the economy to create something new. the economics magazine read in germany on d w. ah, will you become
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a criminal am creek i mail already know that with about hackers, paralyzing the tire societies, computers that out some are you and governments that go crazy for your data. we explain how these technologies work, how they can go in for, and that's how they can also go terribly. watch it now new to the joys of spring. a highly visible in the animal kingdoms writes and rituals of courtship, displays of prowess and plantation. moving in pursuit of the ultimate plaza,


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