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tv   Made in Germany  Deutsche Welle  January 25, 2023 1:30am-2:01am CET

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ah, what are sports all about with scoring? we say they were about giving up sports like every weekend on d w. ah ah ah. ah, no more gas from gas, from germany is filing for an energy divorce from russia,
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but on its own, the country doesn't have enough resources to satisfy its needs. instead, germany was find new energy relationships. now in the movie us desert could bring in augusta fresh air and these are the other topics on this week's edition of mate . who owns the arctic a cold war as heating up the north co. how to build a unicorn and anita start up scene is booming and how to master the job hunt tricks to overcome your fear of applications. namibia is serious about the environment. it was the very 1st country in africa to an environmental protection to its constitution. today, 44 percent of the country's land is under conservation, including the mid desert. in the mid comes from the nama language and means free space. now that free space will be home to one of the world's most significant renewable energy projects. wind turbines and solar panels are meant to shoot out
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from the sand and provide millions of households with clean energy, including those in germany. me a team from the german energy company and a target owner research tool at our national park in southern namibia. they're looking for the best locations to erect wind turbines. as part of the 10000000 euro energy project where we are right now. some of the world's best on shore wind, we know is, is really well cloth resource. 15 kilometers to the east. we have a solar sites which is some of the world's best seller. so within a very close proximity, we have very good renewables. namibia has designated an area a 100 kilometers long and 80 kilometers wide for the project. from 2025, some 600 wind turbines and 2 soda farms will deliver as much energy as 7 nuclear power plants. the water from the nearby ocean will be pumped here by pipeline.
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it will be used to produce hydrogen, which will be shipped to germany for its energy supply. hydrogen can be used to fuel buses and cars. power, chemical plants, smelt steel, or simply to heat homes and businesses. aside from nearby germany also has plans the mega projects and other countries, including in or socratic ones. altogether, it's investing in 10 different countries. have hundreds. we have trade ties with autocratic states, where there's no press freedom and we have to deal with that. at the same time, we will still have to solve the energy transition and climate crisis. in this context, you always have to be prepared to compromise and target the firm and managing the
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largest project. based in northeast germany, it's a pioneer in the wind power industry. more than a 1000 wind turbines, i'm wanted to check and talk was the 1st company to produce hydrogen using wind power at the pilot project in the ok mark region informs it's work in namibia and elsewhere. that's what we do and don't recall what the scope of what we're doing here in the ok. mark it size is very much comparable to what we're planning to create in the media applies from with some label gone in the fall. i thought this area in the ogre mark is also comparable to the area and maybe at were hydrogen is said to be produced. oh, the new may be in town. a lot of it is a reminder. if germany is colonial, past,
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german troops ran concentration camps here, as part of a genocide against the herero and nama peoples. despite the traumatic history, many residents still support the new project. so people are quite excited with this project that it's coming to units of because they see a lot of development coming into town. they see a lot of employment coming to town. they say low cost electricity and anything else . so um, i would say people doesn't have much critical views, but in the back of our heads also we think we hope that it's not up. you know, it's not a corruption thing. everyone will actually benefit from the project around a lot of it's thousands live in poverty. they have electricity and water, but it's expensive. the equivalent of for euro cents for 10 liters is often too
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much like for this resident to the machine. no love to discuss what it is and he shows the money you flow soon. you will lose little 0. he lives in this moment undercut. we want to supply both additional electricity and water from our project to the people of namibia and also the town of litter. it's currently house to bring water in from a very far distance. and we can overbuild our water purification and desalination facility to provide water to the town. both europe and africa could stand to gain immensely from projects like this. the world is looking to greener pastures. and with that, the golden age of gus is meant to come to an end. but in reality, governments around the world are still craving, fossil fuels, owning them means independence from other countries. and so the digging and
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drilling for every drop of oil and gas continues everywhere in the world. our next report takes us from the movie us desert to the north pole. there are rising temperatures are melting the ice, which has unearthing fossil fuels. now a new cold war is heating up in the arctic. ah, it's been untouched for millions of years. lying deep below the arctic ice. the future of our warming planet depends on what we decide to do with it. it could be extremely valuable and extremely dangerous. below the ice lie the fortune in unexploded oil and natural gas resources. and everyone wants the piece of the melting arctic china used your graphically or via arctic state. united states is an arctic nation. these restrictions from carol stop us from this process just from exploring the arctic. and it's not just about oil and gas. the melting ice also
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opens up shipping roots, fishing grounds and land. so who are these rivals? and who does the arctic really belong to? more than half of the arctic coastline is russian territory. 2000000 people in there about half the population of the entire arctic region. then there's the u. s . with alaska greenland, which is part of denmark, canada, iceland and norway. international law gives these countries the right to control natural resources and exclusive economics ends up to 200 nautical miles from their coast lines. the arctic region beyond those boundaries, including the north pole, is agreed to be a common heritage of all mankind. that means it should be held entrust for future generations, protected from exploitation by nations or corporations. but countries can apply for larger exclusive economic zones if they can prove that the shallow c off the
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coastline goes out farther than 200 kilometers. no way russia, canada and denmark have already done that. presumably for when the melting ice opens up all those economic opportunities in the arctic, it's shaping up to be oil and gas. money. just how much money can be seen in russia's largest protected wilderness. the great arctic nature reserve and the massive oil project, their vosta oil. rutter hopes to extract 6000000000 tons of crude and 2 trillion cubic meters of gas. here, it's plant new airports, marine terminals, and 800 kilometers of pipelines. that's assuming the arctic has melted enough to ship out the oil via the northern sea root rushes invasion of ukraine has, however, put a dent in these plans. the vasa project has lost investors and access to with an oil
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and gas tech and services. it might well be delayed or scaled back, but others are stepping in. the arctic is also part of china's ever expanding belton road initiative via what's been done, the polar silk road. the belgian road strategy is building a vast network of railways, highways, and ports to allow china to transport goods and resources around the world. recently, some arctic players have slowed or stopped. oil and gas development. canada prohibits offshore oil drilling in marine protected areas and greenland band oil exploration and 2021. the u. s. has suspended oil and gas leases in alaska's arctic national wildlife refuge. but pressure is growing to drill here to secure energy supplies. and what about the people living in the arctic? their land is not only at the center of geopolitical tensions. it's also melting
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under their feet. it's been our real transition for us. the climatic changes, the warm water blob, their harmful algo blue army. they're all conspiring to, to impact is the basic production of the bearing see for the 500000 indigenous people of the arctic. it's a real threat. the income culture and traditions depend on an ecologically intact arctic habitat. toxic substances from oil and gas exploitation can collapse such fragile ecosystems. when absorbed by plankton implants, they can poison the food chain. for example, this little guy is the fattest of the arctic coupons, and fat is vital to survival in the cold. if those copy pots fail to breed, less fat is transported up through the food chain to fish and beds to seals. whales, polar bears,
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and humans. just tiny amounts of oil in the sea can crash copy pot egg hatching rates without copy pods. the food chain is seriously disrupted between 20132019 there was a 25 percent increase in marine traffic in the arctic. most ships use heavy fuel oil band in the antarctic, but somehow allowed in the arctic when this ridiculously dirty fuel spills impala waters. it's especially damaging when cold oil is more viscous and doesn't break up into small droplets which all the grating bacteria could consume. heavy fuel oil creat another problem not only in the arctic but over the entire world. it's black carbon which is produced by burning fossil fuels, especially heavy fuel oil and ships. black carbon particles are not only a direct health risk in places like the arctic. they blanket the white snow and ice
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and make them absorb the funds heat. instead of reflecting it. so the snow and ice melt faster. so what to do? there are many committed groups, local, national, and international, and jose who are promoting sustainable operation in the arctic. then there's the arctic counsel, the leading body for corporation and coordination among the arctic states and indigenous peoples. the arctic council promote sustainable development and environmental protection in the region by providing assessments and clear recommendations on action to be carried out by the arctic states. but they are only recommendations. it's up to each state which action is taken. russert war and ukraine has disrupted the councils work, but other arctic states and communities are working together without russia. one successful example of international cooperation was the central arctic ocean
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fishing moratorium. find in 2021 by the u. s. russia, china the you and several more countries. ready this multilateral agreement takes a legally binding precautionary approach to protect an area from commercial fishing . before such fishing has even begun. ready but there's no sign yet of a similar law to protect the arctic from oil and gas drilling. one way to address that should be some kind of global front where projects like that to be could be offset where it's like, hey, russia. how about not? i'm extracting ireland gas resources out of the ground, and there will be some kind of compensation fund that every country in the world will pay into, depending on, you know, some complicated formula. while countries hesitate to join forces, some major businesses are already moving away from oil and gas, a growing number of re insurers among them aviva al young and uniquely have
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committed to stop or restrict underwriting for new oil and gas projects. it takes an average of 16 years before new oil and gas fields reach maximum production. so putting money into arctic oil and gas projects is becoming more of a gamble for banks to as in the near future renewable energy may well be much more profitable. the world's economic outlook as clouding over lay officer, spreading through the american tech sector in india. more than 100000 industry workers were fired. last year. the tech boom is over for now, but not everywhere. indonesia, as economy is fucking the trend, it start up. thine is booming. since the pandemic the country gained 9 new unicorns, or start ups or the over $1000000000.00, the e commerce platform took a pedia is one of them. we met with leon, tennis alpha edison, the man behind the unicorn. oh,
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i mean it, we only have to see marketplace. now we have already done goods and we also have financial divisions. we also have logistics. the last one is unique and specifically, you know, my name is mountain of the sun. i am to 5 chairman and co founder of our region is that you want to create a clinical system where anyone can spar and business and discuss for me as a customer. i want to discuss anything both on the phone or me just william and me. what of us and we came from small sci fi? and when we were working in our car, we were amazed by what happened specifically in our audit, in general index opinion. because if we have skills, you can marry living,
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but it's really, it's not happening. if you are in a small sci fi and you want to show the for, for challenges is that family has a big miss. me personally, i don't know if i speak of setup or business. what of us? we are just going good. the 2nd telling this is primary early days. i think what many people believe that there will be acknowledge based company that will be born in indonesia, a young young and then the one i think felon. also a challenge, a lot of workers, a lot of frustrated with the work in the consulting company, banks and all state on companies who shoes the, the 1st order that we thought was
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a t shirt. a piece of saying that we are not afraid when we last football. so 92 months or 3 months before the categories are packed in marriott hotel. so i that time a lot of people, especially on the internet, hasn't been saying that we are not afraid. so we so stand to get there. we are not afraid. ah, i think in the mid just thought of ecosystem are amazing. saw a lot of are good for nurse, lot of good ideas, this thing, luciano that can support us. palmer courses from are getting better like, well, just speaks like a fe months like banks or even government or
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military police. i trifle. or at least 3 times a week later, i do start going in the morning. sort of helped me to stay healthy, helped me to stay fit and it helped me to those people in the face of the faith. i have 2 tips or suggestions for my fellow entrepreneurs. first, building a solis and that really, really solve a problem is finding poor friends. i think 2nd collaboration. so for me we cannot do things along. and also my experience in the web radio is better that we are
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building bridges. we unlock building walls apart from the tech sector. many other industries are short of workers at the moment. in germany for example, there is a lack of nurses, kindergarten teachers, and social workers. so it's a prime time for job seekers. but sending off an application is no easy feat. everything hinders on a well written cover letter. christina becka shows us how that's done in germany. me, hey, you. is that your job application? show me your cover letter. dear sir, or madam? seriously. how about your resume? where is your photo?
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okay, we have a lot of work to do with you don't get a 2nd chance when it comes to 1st impression. your cover letter is the 1st thing ever krueger 6. so take the time you need to formulated correctly. why exactly, are you the right person for the job? why do you want to work for that company? i mean, what sets you apart from the competition? careful. i don't use any platitudes. ah, and don't just copy and paste. every cover letter has to be tailored to each potential employer and don't address people in general
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or inanimate swain. if there is no name in the job description, you have to do your research and find the name of the person in charge. that shows that you're interested. if you're not sure, you can use the name of the person in charge of human resources. make sure you're right that you and look forward to a job interview. and don't forget to sign it. try to fit the cover letter onto one page. ah, this is the part where you can really brag about all your extra special job experience. your fantastic education and other skills, like foreign languages and software. no. your resume should be ordered on to chronologically. it should start with the most recent and go back in time to
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your education. try to avoid empty gaps, aneurism, or at least be ready to explain them. i. what were you doing in spain for 6 months? oh, ah, no, it wasn't a vacation. you did a language course to remember? yes, at the very top you put your personal information and don't forget to include a professional photo. no, not a selfie from spain. it's not a hard and fast rule, but recruiters like to see one anyway. and it's one more way to our, to the competition. no matter how great you are,
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the resume shouldn't be more than 2 pages. no. a potential employer wants to see someone perfect for the job description, the that person apart from the cover letter and resume. you can also provide references your grades and other proof of your qualifications. stay consistent. use the same font settings at the same heading for the entire job publication. remember, check everything one last time before you send. just one spelling mistake. it could ruin all your efforts and cost you the job with someone else check it for you to for eyes are better than to oh, so you didn't need to use that paper. most people can apply for jobs online,
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even in germany. that makes it easier to send out more than just one job. i keep going and don't give up. even if you get pummeled with rejections. if you haven't gotten an answer within 4 weeks, contact the company and remind them you are still there. you can do that via email or on the phone. good luck with and that wraps up this edition of me, t w's, business magazine. remember, you can find all of our reports, a, d, w dot com slash mate. you can also check out more business stories on the d, w. news, youtube channel. we have a whole range of content for you there until next time for me and the team. it's good by and take care. ah, ah ah
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ah ah ah ah ah ah ah, ah ah
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ah ah ah ah ah ah, ah ah, the 2 faces of rose corpse in industrialized countries. it's a beauty accessory. costing up to 40 euros. in madagascar, it is the only source of income for a kilo, of course,
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a minor gets $0.10. the dirty business of beauty. in 15 minutes on d, w. green washing nick enhancing the sustain benefit after kitchen. big companies are making big promises to save the environment and getting them in every way they claim to be fighting plastic waste. but what's really happening don't big promises. all too often turn out to be big lies a fact. check global 3090 minutes on d. w. o. nico is in germany to learn jermel lewis, pinnacle. why not learn with him?
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t w's e learning course. eco's fake. sometimes a seed is all you need to allow big ideas to grow. we're bringing environmental conservation to life with learning pass like global ideas. we will show you how climate change and environmental conservation is taking shape around the world and how we can all make a difference. knowledge grows through sharing, download it now for free. ah, ah, india, a land of contrast of ambitions of inequality. 75 years ago, mahatma gandhi peacefully led the country to independence with what has remained of his vision. where does the world so called the largest democracy stand and
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where is india headed in? this is the moment to unleash on violet bars. gandhi's legacy starts january 28th on d, w. ah, ah, this is, these are the news live from burden. germany. reports begins the green lights to send battle tags to ukraine. and the united states is also planning to do the same . also coming up with no money for the oscars are out, will look at which phil.


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