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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 25, 2023 10:00pm-10:16pm CET

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ah ah ah ah ah, this is dw news live from berlin tonight from both sides of the atlantic babbled tanks headed fork. ukraine was president biden announcers at the u. s. will deliver
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31 of its abrams tanks to the battlefield. as key prepares for a potential sense of this spring, and that announcement just hours after german chancellor o schoultz confirming that berlin will send its leopard 2 tanks to ukraine as well . and that it will allow european allies to do the same. plus at least 2 people have died. several others are wounded in a knife attack on a train in northern germany. police say the attacker is in custody. ah, i'm bring. gov is good to have you with us on this wednesday and we begin in washington d. c. u. s. president joe biden has announced that the us will send at $31.00 of its m one abrams battle takes to ukraine. the decision marx, a coordinated move with germany and other european allies, to equip ukraine with modern tanks ahead of a potential offensive this spring,
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abide and also promised logistical support and training for ukrainian soldiers in operating the tanks. here is the u. s. president, speaking just a few hours ago to day, i'm announcing that united states will be sending you 31 abrams tanks to ukraine. the equivalent of one ukrainian battalion secretary austin has recommended to step because on hand ukraine's capacity and finished her turn achieve strategic objectives. i'm grateful her chancellor schultz for providing german leopard to tax and will lead an effort to organize a european contribution to tank battalions for ukraine. i want to thank the chancellor for his leadership and steadfast commitment to our collective efforts to support ukraine. germany has really stepped up. yeah. crazed there for germany and the german chancellor. he debbie's in his polish, he's covering this force in washington. earlier i asked her how much of
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a role german cancer oh schultz played in biden's decision, his changing course basically to send tanks to ukraine. present biden. got to ask this question right after he addressed the nation and announced that the earth will be sending these 31 tangs. he got asked if the germany forced him to change his mind and he said, brand, know we were working in this together. this is a co ordinated effort, and that kind of was the main message b. besides the pure fact that they will send a tangs to ukraine, it was like that germany the united states. the western alliance stands firm and is not scrambling is not weakening. what probably of vladimir putin was kind of hoping for in what we heard today. it is certainly not what we've been hearing in, in the past few weeks. you know, until basically, a few days ago,
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the president of the united states had been saying that american abrams tanks are not suitable for the battlefield in ukraine to day gore's. it was, it was a different tune. how do we explain this 180 now that's a really, really interesting questions which is highly debated. it was not only the president himself who said they are not the best weapons to be sent or the best tanks to be sent over to ukraine. they're too heavy, they are too complicated to maneuver and after all then you need jet fuel and not diesel fuel, which is difficult to provide on a battlefield. also a general to trainers, brent, you remember we interviewed him and he said the exact same thing. so what is the kind of news behind or the story behind it changed mind? obviously, again, they wanted to show that they are on the side with the united states, is that with germany, and that the united states kind of is willing to fulfill the request from german
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chancellor would love to also send battle tanks. but of what also might make a difference is the feared offensive of vladimir putin in ukraine and the understanding of the military that ukraine really, really needs these tangs to defend itself. so i think it's probably a complex answer. why the president biden and his government changed their minds? you spoke with the least from washington is thank you very much. before the president made his announcement, berlin gave the go ahead for german made leopard to change to be delivered to ukraine. it's also a privy request from other european countries to transfer their tanks to keep germany plants to initially sent 14 tanks and to provide training ammunition and maintenance. ukraine has been asking allies for these weapons for months now, as its troops tried to push back, russian forces the words that keith and its allies had been waiting for
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them to ok. we will also provide ukraine with let the 2 main letter, thanks. many had criticized shoals for dragging his feet on this matter, but he defended the timing on which will also look this. and i want to say explicitly, it was right. and it's right that we did not allow ourselves to be forced into action. but instead in this issue to focus on close cooperation and continue it, your thoughts at berlin will deliver a company of 14 lepper, 2 tanks to ukraine. it will also give the green light to other allies that want to supply, keep with tanks all is finished on the ink, and this is not just about any weapon. this is about one of the best battle tanks in the world. concert is all that is an important potential game changer. this war, at least in the current face weeks. i'm understanding it thinking father,
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for the details on the road ahead will now be discussed with other allies who want to cynthia tanks. so how much did the decision to supply tanks to ukraine depend on the german chancellor? i put their question to our political correspondence. i'm young. well bred, allah shalt. so came to the parliament a really to make this announcement, but he presented it as part of this. so the coalition, this alliance of european countries who are now going to, we have a step up there, direct military support for ukraine. international cooperation was really what it's about in particular with the united states and, you know, working together in lock step, making sure that vladimir putin can't tell the world that there is somehow a division of the year in both western countries at when it comes to what what response to give the russian invasion in ukraine? so i think all our shows will have had
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a number of different factors in his mind as he presented this decision, certainly much of the international criticism that he's faced. some of it unfair because of course there are real historical sensitivities for germany in getting involved in this. but on the other hand, for much of the time over the past few weeks, it really looked as if nothing much was going on. and the communication was very poor. i think it's also worth saying the public opinion here in germany has back begun to nudge in favor of sending tanks to ukraine, although the general public still pretty divided on that. so i think he's been looking at a lot of factors, but what he's really been doing is working behind the scenes. he says, to get the sort of coalition of the willing together. and now tanks, you haven't made leopard tanks in particular, will be able to be sent. i'm going to pick up on public opinion here. for a moment is i been when it comes to sending tanks to ukraine. public opinion.
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germany is basically, it's $5050.00 is divided. many fear that sending the takes could escalate this war . they're afraid that this could become a war between russia and nato. why is that a concern here? and not such a big concern in poland for example. yeah, i mean, i think the, the short answer that is that germany is a cautious country. german politicians are cautious and germany is the country that had to make the decision here. poland may see things differently. i think it's long a feared russian aggression against its national territory. more directly. i think germany has seen this a question much more in the context of its dark history. and of course, the kremlin is try to make quite a lot out of the idea. you know that are german tanks operating in easton, ukraine, where many of the worst nazi crimes of the 2nd world war took place as an uneasy
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idea for germans generally that to get their heads round and that you know the russians talking about germany and german tanks on the eastern front and so on. there's been some propaganda efforts made there. i think that's among the reasons why germany is just taken a bit longer than some other countries to get to this position of sending its tanks or political correspondence. i mean young here in berlin tonight with the latest time is always thank you. well, ukraine had been waiting for this decision for about 10 months, so there must have been a 5 relief and keith, i put that to our corresponded in ukraine's capital mathias berlin. that's exactly what there is. um, we've seen a lot of for people who are posting on social media for example. all kinds of means i've seen the national poet, her us, if jenco in the kind of a coat and a hat made from a li, apart leopard skin. and i, there were a either the mimi, a zalinski in a, in a, in body armor,
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which has a leopard pattern, et cetera, et cetera. people have been off to harshly criticizing germany fil weeks been kind of conciliatory. ah, zelinski has thanked shoals personally for this decision. the are somewhat notorious for my ambassador to germany manic yesterday already when the news broke . without being confirmed, it took a photo drinking german beer and saying he's enjoying german, his favorite gem and via today. so there's a lot, so for expressions of gratitude for this final decision and a lot of hope that this might really change the fate and on the ground in the battlefield. and it was did of his when he is billing there, obviously with no german beer. let's take a look now with the other stories that are making headlines around the world. a court in moscow has approved a government applications. you shut down russia's oldest human rights watchdog.
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moscow healthy group is the latest organization to be targeted for being critical of the kremlin. it was created back in 1976 to monitor soviet authorities commitment to respect human rights and fundamental freedoms. the european court of human rights says that it will hear the dutch case against russia over the downing of flight image. 17 back in 201-4300 people on board. the militia airlines flight were killed when it was shot down by a missile. that was fired by forces under moscow's command in eastern great felicia, germany say 2 people had been killed. several others injured in a nice attack on a passenger train in the north of the country. it happened as the train was traveling between the cities of kill and hamburg, police arrested the alleged attacker in the town of rock state. the motives behind the incident remains unclear. this is what the regions interior minister had to say
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about the actions of passengers who were on that tray peskin on varden and politeness. when we should mention that the passengers intervened very deeply, i only val have prevented the attacker doing even more hum into it from this. and we don't exactly know at the moment and i thought i've got enough live of it. but it's definitely the case that many or at least some of the people on the train, the passengers will ready pre whether she allow them to have you. earlier we spoke with journalist jenny vit. she joined us from homburg in northern germany. what we know for sure is that this afternoon, a man attacking people on a train on a traveling pastor at passenger and commuter train, between keel and hamburg. a talked people in a, in a starting attack. and the 2 people have died. and 8 people have been injured, 3 of them seriously. among these c with the injured people is the attacker we've
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been told he's been taken to hospital. there was may him on the train. i witnesses say that the man began to run a mock that people were running through the train and panic that there were bloodstains on with the train. and apparently the, the fight that the, the attacker was stopped by people on the train and overwhelmed and that this disturbance, this altercation then continued onto the platform once the train stopped and brooks did. so a really, really shocking incident. and of course, the station itself was cordoned off as a major police operation underway still to this point, and train services were interrupted. of course, this all this afternoon, but to a series incident and i'm very, very shocking. the police are using very scant detailed as the saying nothing at all about the, the in that with the possible motive, apart from the fact that they're investigating in all directions. so that could be a psychological motive, or that could be an extremist motive, but that's simply not known under to take time to investigate this. and all we know is that the man is said to be in his twenties to thirty's. and that's not,
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there's nothing, there's no further detail on, on him personally. and there are sources saying to the, to the d, p, a press agency that he hasn't been known to the police in the past for any kind of extremist behavior. but again, that needs to be reported and, and investigated by the police. and we have to see what, what emerges there though the seems to have been no incident leading up to this attack the seems looking very, very sudden. and it's taken people by surprise. it's a very, very shocking incident indeed. watching the w news of next is d w. business news with rob watts. i will see you tomorrow with i, she's got an easy.


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