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tv   To the Point  Deutsche Welle  January 26, 2023 11:30pm-12:01am CET

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variance multiple copies, and a hit drawing. is there another symbolic meaning to this beautiful data that perhaps we just don't understand? the switch for answers store to february 10th on d, w. i you constantly plagued by headaches and back aches or your for notice i'm in a bad mood. exhaustive, but can't sleep. have you lost your libido? well, then you probably suffering from stress. we get stressed when we feel like we're not up to a task now and then it's no big deal, but permanent stress can make you ill. how can we keep stress that bay find out on, in good shape with
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everybody get stress sometimes, but we each deal with it differently. but what a survey we conducted here in berlin reveal when i have a stress, i just didn't have headaches in not up with, i'd just them come down and log down. i deal with serious like every day in stossel can traffic. it's stressful sometimes when people hung on this loads going on, it gets stressful at school to sheila, sheila zagging a meissner stress her, my mainly gets stress because i take on too much. i think i can do more than i actually can go on zillow about sophia, form, emma, and still ways to get rid of strains to get outside and exercise. maybe the best option is to do sport. i love walking mom. it's really stressful, but at the end of day, erica, nice. there's good,
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molded this month. see my keeps growing old. now never mind i have because i like my life. can you love your life despite the everyday stress of traffic work and family? can you relax despite the pressure to be available? 247 in the digital age. humans have always had to deal with stress, but seeing it is a health complaint is a modern phenomenon because stress kills or does it, as a stress is possess in and of itself, isn't a bad thing. that stress is part of life. but it's also about finding of balance. so when you have stressful phases, which are very important said, we can get ahead have energy and achieved things. you also need to have phases of rest and regeneration. wound up your when the skipped off these. and there is also a good stress law for most which you need to achieve top of the physical performance. for example, the us miller will not meet the lawyer. take the 100 meters sprinter who needs that
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positive stress that enter signal which says auto ignite. now i have to summon up all my energy and resources to be especially competitive is on the slide full face design. without that we wouldn't perform as well, and i q situation is any guileless. so stress isn't all bad. some even say stress keeps you slim, is that true? does stress cause weight loss with him slung, cleared and there are 2 things to consider when looking at stress related weight loss. during an actual stress reaction with, when people are feeling especially under pressure warning, most people don't have much appetite and eat less. that's under probably in bashed . but the other problem with stress is that it has an effect on our hormonal system . as a result, more cortisol, which is a stress hormone, is also release, and that leads our bodies to store even more calories. young hello union was on
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capa engler got be. and so every one response to stress differently of locked depends on how we react to stress. and deal with it, but does being male or female make a difference on aiden some brush, william, for example, are more likely to talk about their stress or they tend to feel down or get depressed during stressful phases. whereas men, for instance, are more likely to react aggressively yet that the symmetry for may not, for example. so men tend to find competitive situation, stressful, sick. very well, women are more likely to be stressed by unpleasing social interactions. the sin shall be not lenses if they feel they've been shut out of a team. for instance, women are more likely to experience a stress reaction yard. oh, good night. no damage to us. we have to involve. so we again. so what can you do when the house is a mash? you're up to your eyeballs in work that should have been done yesterday and your
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brain feels like it's going to explode. so i'll finish feel household, even if you have a lot of challenges, you can make sure you sleep and eat enough comb when you're communicating about stressful situations and generally being in contact with others is helpful. mobile, it's always good to get some exercise. in general, our stress levels go down when we're physically active. the shark does allow me when, when it comes to managing stress, the most important thing is to realize you are stressed. so it's about recognizing your own stress symptoms and knowing what stresses you. so if you start eating a lot or maybe becoming usually irritated or not sleeping, well, if you notice these warning signals, then you can do something to combat them right away. in physiological terms, even kissing causes stress because it raises the blood pressure pulse and triggers
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the release of hormones. but who'd forego a kiss just for that? even stress has its benefits. oh, everyday life gets off to a stressful start. it's crazy in the womb, but, but as an ordeal, fortunately, humans can cope with this kind of stress. but often the stress then continues. if a baby is often left alone, if it's rejected or neglected bytes, ah, or if there's constant quarrelling in the family, stressful experiences like these have consequences. they increased the risk of depression and other psychological problems. these experiences can haunt us all our lives and can actually affect the functions of the brain. if children have enough bad experiences during childhood, or if their parents don't take care of them properly, it can lead to childhood stress. scientists,
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julia tracking in her team of now succeeded in showing an animal trials how their stress can damage the function of certain cells in the brain. these at felon, seen these cells are a very interesting group of the sales in the brain owned. and even though the children experience it stress very early on in life, then it leaves a mark on the brain she put in in get here. the research is detected the scars in the brain long after the stressful event. the human brain consists not only of nerve cells, but also of glacial cells which have long been overlooked in stress research. recently, the scientists have studied them in more detail. stress raises the brain's core to cost room levels. but researches of also found out that it disturbs communication between certain global cells and nerve cells in the brain. the information is processed differently, some is even last. the scientists tested this by giving mice to little nesting
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material. the mothers were then unable to build a perfect nest for their offspring. that irritated the mothers who then cared for their young less reliably. when tested once fully grown, some of the mice offspring showed impairments in the hippocampus. the region mainly in charge of learning and memory, these air molecules, this molecular fingerprint remains for many months after this stress. and these mice go on to develop a memory deficit weekly. i knew good next nice defeats it. however, not all mice were equally affected by the cell changes. some reacted more than others to the stress, the extent to which these findings can also be transferred to humans. still has to be further investigated. hm. and dashed, we looked at the stress hormone systems, learning and memory function mechanisms that are similar in both might and humenzki
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best. that's why we think it's basically transferable that we can use this animal model not synchron. the research is hope, these new insights will allow them to develop new therapeutic approaches for stress related diseases such as depression. many children experienced stress at school due to pressure to get good grades or bullying. at home, parents should ensure that their children can wind down and relax, but they're often stress themselves for adults long days being constantly available over work and competition at work are frequently causes of stress. but even when we're not working with juggling appointments and responsibilities, money worries is the number one reason for stress and most people, not worrying, is easier said than done. but there are tricks that can help us cope better with hulu. we all failed to pay attention at times.
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so how can we learn to be more mindful? daniella cleveland didn't know. she only knew that something had to change. she was being consumed by stress and just couldn't go on that way. i talked to mac, i just noticed that i had no way to get out of it on my own. if you look on middle, how does abs infidels to come? but now she knows how she can lead stress. just pass her by and switch it off. it will her auntie stress remedy mindfulness. how does it work in a stressful situation? daniela beaten shuts her eyes and concentrates on her breathing for 3 minutes like a short meditation. it's a mind from this exercise. mind from this is training for the brain and daniella dionte learned how to do it here at martina asked once practice from mind
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from this therapy some guy does know mindfulness. the other is a behavior in which we very consciously decide with our awareness and attention to stay in the herald. now from time to time for momentum, moment, m heel, and yet sublime stress sets off the alarm system. deep in the brain, colby, amid de la, it prepared our ancestors to fight or flee. this fight or flight response sets our heart racing, our blood pressure rising and triggers. the release of the stress hormone cortisol with harmful effects on our health stress can lead to depression and weight gain. it can affect the immune system and raise blood pressure. lou scientists brideau so so that constant stress can even affect the brain
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and caught is doing speech when the level of cortisol, which is released during stress that rises in the body of the hippocampus sufferers that can actually cause neurons to die, wound up stab. mm lung, but mindfulness helps to guard against that to practice staying in the moment and not getting distracted. all you need is a reason. is it about washed and imagined that you are seeing this object for the 1st time in your life? that's actually been mm mindfulness is a counterpoint to multitasking. after all, doing many things at once is stressful. and it's not any faster either me at that his this day i will now know from research that multi tasking does not improve performance and then, but a fact makes it worse. and my nicholas really means doing one thing completely and consciously gun. so my home on the voice to my home or mindfulness is
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choosing to focus on the present and practicing it brings proven health benefits after just 2 months of training. there's a positive effect on depression and anxiety and on the immune system. the max planck institute for human cognitive and brain sciences proved it by using hair analysis as stress hormones accumulate in the hair. mindfulness lowered stress levels by 25 percent long term. when people practice that daily, vivid lightness, dana matina, we like to compare it to brushing your teeth. something you do 2 or 3 times a day. i mean, you don't ask yourself, do i really want to do that now, when for us, the daily mindfulness exercises are like teeth brushing for the brains in a person to ask her if you happen to reply. because after i sent to myself, ok, basically it's like learning a new sport. i'm at 1st you have to do your exercises every doubt of got me my model. now mindfulness as part of done ye the baron's
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daily life, while driving, for instance, instead of letting her thoughts wander, she focuses on the moment. and when she takes a walk, she doesn't make phone calls or worry about problems. she just walks slowly and consciously. is that i'm, i'm from a diverse, i didn't see the sense in it. but in time i realized that feeling the rolling of your foot leads to not thinking about other things even better. so you really can switch off better and be at one with yourself in the here and now dance in the side . yeah. the only me it's. yeah. living in the moment that something anyone can do any time, anywhere by 2050, more than 2 thirds of the global population will be living in cities, according to the united nations. the advantages of cities, culture and entertainment, more doctors and better hospitals,
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job and education opportunities. these are the pugs bath is also downside. every one is always in a hurry. cities are overcrowded, noisy and polluted. and even at night it never gets properly dog. millions of city residents suffer from loneliness. they're more likely to have depression and other mental health problems than rural folks. the reasons onto fully clear, it's possible that people with an increased risk of mental illness are more likely to move to the city. oh that healthy people decide more often to live in the countryside, but at least in part, the city of south seems to promote mental disorders. let and studies show that nature can mitigate the negative effect of the city. trees can have a positive effect, a park as even better. it's a space where people can relax and socialize and exercise more factors that help to
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fight stress. even better. a trip to the forest. now in less than 20 minutes, focusing only on the moment. looking, listening, feeling the gentle breeze on their skin. oh, in the name of science, they're being observed by kevin rosario and rachel. oh. the 2 researches are investigating the effect of nature on body and mind. daquan stamps with their name and view. we're looking at how symptoms and anxiety and stress are reduced. and also how attention can they in hansen does even were also paying attention to the link that stress, for example, can hop on common problems such as cardiovascular disease and what kinds of a conklin to something the researchers bring small groups to the woods here on the edge of the city, the test subjects are all wearing heart rate monitor simply there. perfect. it basically measures his high rate and how it changes over time. and then with that
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we can relate to the amount of stress that he's feeling because the, what he's hungry then the more relaxed and therefore less stress yes. and then we can compare how this changes in the forest. and when he saw the forest, the 2 researchers already have some preliminary data on the mindfulness train. in this test subject, her heart rate's slow down while in the forest assign that she probably felt more relaxed. they're also measuring the level of cortisol in the subject. saliva, the whole mind is associated with stress. so the lower the level, the more relaxed they're likely to be. initial results are already in the red and green bars indicate cortisol levels before and after, relaxing outdoors. and in all 3 subjects, their levels dropped, so they all felt more relaxed afterwards. and it hardly mattered what kind of a forest they were bathing in. the research has tested levels after sitting in
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a lush species rich forest, and one with few animal species. and one with few trees and even in the city with no nature at all. and surprisingly enough that cortisol levels drop that to in your comments i was on. so you could say, well, they spend 20 minutes sitting, relaxing, taking a time out. and that worked at europe, but we're still surprised to see that there's no difference in this respect between the forest and the city gives us an in rhode island, nevada, most of the day. but they were significant differences in subjective feelings. the subjects all filled out a questionnaire, asking things like how did they perceive feelings of worry anger or anxiety in the city and in the forest imbibed underwriter after the forest intervention? as the subjects recorded view of symptoms of anxiety more positive emotion of view and negative emotions and better concentration, subjectively speaking. so big to you. the study has another year to go. but early
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results already show that mindfulness enhances mental health and wellbeing is the nearest forest too far away? are you just too busy to take time out? never mind. here are our top 5 mini anti stress tips for when you're on the go. not applied moon water. a warm bath is super relaxing, but not always an option. even just wash in your hands with warm water helps the parasympathetic nervous system relaxes immediately. number full digital detox constant availability is exhausting. so even if it's hard to turn off or put away your phone when you're feeling stressed to the number 3, a relaxing smack, plenty of vitamin b,
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minerals and long chain carbohydrates make us more resistant distress. we recommend oatmeal, nuts and bananas, or even dark chocolate. tooth number 2, smiling. a good mood makes us smile, but it also works the other way around. if you smile for 60 seconds, the happiness hormones bubble up and the stress hormone cortisol is reduced. rank one, humming, humming a favorite tune relaxes you and makes you feel calmer. inside the vibration of the vocal cords, acts like a soothing massage. in addition, the happy hormone oxytocin is released. common stress triggers include fear, fear of animals, exams or doctors can be pathological coping with specific stress. requires a specific strategies such as hypnosis or i could hook has
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a dentist appoint today. that's something the 30 year old finds really stressful. so today he wants to be hypnotized. it makes him feel safer. he tried hypnosis for the 1st time, 4 years ago. back then he had all 4 of his wisdom teeth extracted at once. he recently had some treatment for gum disease. this time without hypnosis, he found it really unpleasant and painful slot that that was the last time i'm doing that. it really hurt. so i've asked if we can use hypnosis for today's appointment. and william come at the clinic. i could hope is being treated by dr. thomas worth a dentist who specializes in treating patients using hypnosis. the one i'm it's unanswered knows of them we used dental hypnosis as a way of helping our patient that would move his car. it's very useful for reducing anxiety and lowering pain,
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and they can even switch off the pain stimulus entirely. and let us to helen thomas was, asks his patient to picture a safe, relaxing location in his mind's eye, the ideas that having entered a translate state, i co will experience the safe place as realistically as possible from either the dentist asked him for 3 key words that should flow into the hypnosis. mia c, water island near las? those are nice words. and what if i could hope feels uncomfortable and once to interrupt the treatment, all the has to do is raise his hand. now thomas was initiates the hypnosis and i could hope retreats, mentally to his safe place from co, kinsey. inside your mind go some a very safe, pleasant and calm. the show may be somewhere in the sun week by the sea and maybe to an island on mia fletcher of an enzyme. what happens in the brain during hypnosis hasn't been fully researched. but brain activity is lower under hypnosis
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than in the waking state blocking out the outside world. however, hypnosis is not a purely passive process. in critical situations, the brains limbic system can reduce feelings of stress. it does this by blocking certain signals which come from the body via neural pathways. hypnosis takes advantage of this. by focusing on calmness and relaxation. it ensures that disturbing signals never arrive the stress stimulus is no longer consciously perceived. now the actual dental treatment can begin. thanks to the hypnosis i go hope doesn't feel any stress. and so there's no need for a local anesthetic. he's still in the state of deep relaxation. when the treatment is complete, thomas both helps him find his way back to reality. ogden by the and continue to breathe in and out in a relaxed manner to that. so now you're back to the hair and metals
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as the samsung and the muscles v, it's very pleasant. it's like being in sleep mode out of it's like switching your cell phone to flight mode or london, your wind down, you're not as aware of what's going on around you. it's amazing niga. the benefits of hypnosis are also scientifically proven. it makes treatment stress free for many patients. venice. i wouldn't have anything major done without it in ideally, i'd always have hypnosis on it. but you have to be realistic if this plan hypnosis isn't only useful at the dentist. it can also potentially help with depression and burnout, and so prevent stress based illnesses the best medicine against stress as sport. so everyone to join in with al galia.
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hi and welcome. it's warm enough to get outside. i love to train in the nature. take your met and we train our inner thighs. let's go. lay on the met. one leg straight on the met and the other one on the front. bring your 4 arm to the ground and then pull your feet off. the floor with this exercise is lovely for inner thighs in our daily life. we rarely use our inner thighs because of that, we train them today. if you bring your feet high year, it's
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a little bit more exhausting. after 30 seconds, we change to side and redo it is 3 times a fun practicing. see you next week on in good shape. bye bye. ah, with
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who? a, a conflict zone with her rash banner, the bellows has supported russia since the start of the war in ukraine. what is the support to be sent to escalate into something more active from us to be our ciocca? you've political advisor to bela lucian, opposition, meta trip, la massey, kind of sky up. she claims to be the national leader of bella luce, but home. the gentleman is her claim. with d. w. a past week of matches,
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as the 1st half of the buddhist leaders even draws to a close. cologne holds its ground against by en well shelter and had to berlin suffer heavy losses. mooney on berlin, on the other hand, continues to thor, kick off on the w. what are sports all about in winning fighting scoring. we say they're about never giving up the most exciting sport stories about people passion and their dr. sports life every weekend on d. w for many of them what i am in atlanta, seattle sky,
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i am running for president of the republic of beller, of all the key with she is a life of the upcoming petitioning, i think the to ship. and then in a moment where she tries to stand up for her husband's pedestrian changes and she herself becomes a politician, john dunder, searches for the truth. again. this time, the exiled and turkish journalist meets sweat on nancy, huddled sky, exiled leader of the opposition and bella roofs huge. of course i'm tired and tied to physically untied morally. is too much on my shoulders, but i have to hold. they swayed because i'm responsible for the future of our country for the people far behind the boss. sh. gardens of truth starts february 18th on d. w. ah,
12:00 am
ah, ah . business governor news life from berlin. russia launches a new way. will strive, targeting cities across ukraine. keith says at least 11 people have died. the strike thumb a day after germany and the u. s. pledge defend thanks to you. praying also on the program. tough questions for germany is due defense minister as he meets with children for the 1st time and a bitter cold with titans of trip on afghanistan. balaban officials say a 160 people are.


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