tv DW News Deutsche Welle January 27, 2023 9:00am-9:31am CET
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ah ah ah, this is d w. news coming to you live from berlin, israeli retaliates for rocket flyer from gaza airstrikes hit milton targets, amid rising tensions following an israeli rate on the occupied west bank. that left 9 death. also coming up on the front line in the warren new crate. as bitter fighting continues in the countries east. we visited the city that feels the battle
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is coming ever closer. and germany prepares to commemorate the victims of the nazi era. this year's remembrance ceremony focuses on those persecuted for their sexual orientation and identity plus olympic controversy. as the events committee says, russian athletes should be allowed to compete in next year's games. that's called outrage in ukraine. we meet one athlete, he tells us you can't separate sports from war. ah. hello, i'm terry martin. good to have you with us. israel's military says it has carried out air strikes on militant targets. in garza, the strikes come hours after rockets were launched from the palestinian territory. israel says 3 out of 5 pockets were intercepted by the iron dome air defense system
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. no casualties have been reported on either side. escalation comes after these really military conducted a deadly raid in the west bank city of janine, the palestinian authority says 9 people were killed in the operation, which israel says was intended to thwart an imminent attack. palestinians blocked the streets of janine to bury their dead. they say one of the victims was a 60 year old woman. this video released by israel shows troops moving in on a house in the jenin refugee camp in a rare daytime raid. israel said the house was being used by suspected militants planning an attack against israelis. this is what was left of the home after the military said at detonated explosives being used by the suspects. the 3 hour rate is being described as the deadliest israeli operation in the west
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bank. into decades. the janine refugee camp is considered a stronghold for the militant palestinian organisation islamic jihad islamic jihad is designated as a terrorist organization by the you. one of the groups leaders about defiance after the raid or resistance will carry on, we will not back down from confronting the occupier. we will not be intimidated. only the raid quickly triggered palestinian protests and clashes with israeli police. israel's by right national security minister praised the mission and reiterated that troops had the government's full backing. it was invalid. i want to congratulate the anti terrorism forces. the shin bet yes. who carried out a successful operation last night that we support a soldiers in the war against terrorists against the militancy neg, then we have lean. israel has put its forces on heightened alert during more attacks. palestinian anger has been on the rise since israel's new governing
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coalition. the most bar right ever took power last month. u. s. secretary of state entity, blink and is due to visit both israel and the palestinian territories next week. and a bid to help deescalate tensions. short while ago i spoke with sammy sokol, a freelance journalist in jerusalem. i asked him if there is any sign that tensions are easing now, after the latest flare up in bottles for more would join now by sammy suckle freelance journalist in jerusalem. sammy, is there any sign that tensions are easing now after this flare up in violence between israel and the palestinian territories? yes. well giving you the best sign is maybe the fact that we've seen that the schools around the gaza strip inside israel are open as usual. now we know that if the military is saying that there will be some more rocket attacks
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coming in from the gaza strip off they usually do is that they announce that the whole front command announced that all schools will be shut down within a certain range from the gaza strip, not the fact that the kids is or any kids are going back to school in the area surrounding the gaza strip. would kind of give you kind of an indication that we're not expected to see more rockets flying in from the gaza strip. so what we're seeing now is that israel a received a or a rockets that were not from garza but there were no casualties. then it is run striped back into the gaza strip during the night. but again there were no casualties. on the other side, there was damage to infrastructure belonging to some of the militant organizations . and now we're seeing a kind of a lull. and of course you have to see where it's going to head towards. now the palestinian authority has said that it's halted cooperation with israeli authorities security cooperation. what consequences could that have
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d. this is a very important component of between israel and the palestinian authority is a little authority to a large extent relies on this kind of security coordination in the combat against some of the militants in the west bank. but again, we've seen the state and in the past, and we don't know how long this will last and day. i would assume that with the arrival of the secretary of state, anthony blinking in next week in the region meeting both with israeli officials and palestinian fissions. this is also something that could be affixed and we've seen it also happen in the past. these kinds of announcements, but no doubt we're in a very tense situation between israel and the palestinian authority,
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who is very angry with these, they killing say, yesterday in geneva. indeed, detentions, running very high. there's a lot of anger. what's the situation than in the west bank right now? so me yeah. what i can tell you i was, i was in jeanine yesterday and this situation over there was very tense of people that are very angry. and they expect that there would be sort of darky with the g need after the killing of people in geneva. they expect the palestinian authority, they expect the factions they expect from us. they strictly, as la mcgee, had to retaliate. and we know that the policy know sergeant has announced the 3 day morning period and we know that there is our cause to go and put from is you are i you soldiers and will be seen yesterday. we've seen protests, we've seen one palestinian killed yesterday in these protests and were yet to see
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what will happen today, which is friday. sammy, thank you very much, journalists semi circle there in jerusalem now to ukraine, and there's been no let up in the fighting around the bitterly contested city of buff moot in eastern ukraine. after recent russian advances in the area, many locals fear that their cities could soon fall into russian hands. we have this report from the city of costa t neetha custody nitika in the dumbass region has come and or lot of russian fire recently. it's close to back moot where intense fighting is taking place during filming. there was a rocket strike nearby. let us on that was we are under constant bombardment because the getting closer, closer than in the summer, has several of alexi ross loved heads up. the city's military administration and visits all the effected sites to rockets hit this apartment loc. 4 people were injured, 2 of them children, the city authorities,
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are trying to patch up the damage boarding up windows repairing cables. alexey says there can be strike several times a day. still on, on the let us will, will ship it at the moment. there are more than 5000 children here. and more and more people are returning miss. although the government called on every one to evacuate, increasing numbers are coming back. all of them are alive. ludo pulled out. many had fled, but couldn't find a new home. that's why they prefer to return to the war. although it's getting more and more risky. people are reluctant to be outside for longer than necessary. mila is helping to clear up. she's a street cleaner, and she's very upset. this is her city and her home. miss him back up. they live at the upset. it's increasing. this more firing is because of bad mood. it was quieted before, but now they're a big strikes before the entire city was quieter. you know, i live on the outskirts and i can hear exactly what is coming this way. you're not
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crying as it will. it watching, it's lisinopril north is a lot, as we are driving into the center of cost it and nika. the news comes at the ukranian military is pulling out a solid r. it is now in russian hands. the front line cities are being bitterly contested. the russians also want to capture back mood. come what may, both sides have lost a lot of troops in this battle. we hear a missile strike every few seconds. the market is still open, but eula has barely sold anything such as novel that a whole look of business isn't good because there's no in walking through the city ga gov women to live with stuff. what if you look at what has happened in other cities, rather it's very frightening law process than you which you had to like. we don't want this destruction will of so not as rushing him last of a bullet. the fighting and back moot is palpable. it's only 15 kilometers away as the crow flies, the people here know that coffee danica could be next. oh,
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it's cross straight over to our corresponded in kia mathias pulling up what he as it sounds like, fighting is intensifying around bach mood. what more can you tell us? yes, is trying to exploit the fact that the has a lot more, a weapons, a lot more ammunition and a lot more man power, which they do not a spare. i would say. so what happens is that they start or by intensive shelling, especially around the city of buffalo, and then what ukrainian soldiers are saying is that they try to attack in small attacking groups and they just continue trying even if many of them die on in these attempts because the ukrainians are well fortified there, they will try again, trying to exhaust the ukrainian defenses. so it's a very intensive way of fighting or it has it. many
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soldiers dying this way of fighting and a lot of shelling and shelling is what we've just seen in the report. is what effects of course, the civilians living in these places. we have seen pictures from, from russian walker responses driving through solid either to town or the settlement next to barton wood that the russians have recently taking this. bailey house standing still in this place that has been fort intensively about for several months. we saw in that report just now, but here's that people are returning to places still under fire. why? so what, what we've observed since summer is that people have been returning to the dunbar region. the dumbass region have been evacuated by the authorities. people were told to leave, they were offered by bosses, et cetera, to leave some people have opted to stay. others have left and many are returning.
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now. these are mostly people who found out that it was very difficult to make a living somewhere else where they would have to pay for rent, where they would have to find a job. there are many refugees now in other places of ukraine. the old looking for jobs, and they might just have a house or an apartment in one of these towns that are frequently under attack and they find out it's easier to make a living death because they would not have to pay the rent. so this is something that has clearly to do with a come economic situation that forces them back actually into these war zones. mathias, thank you very much. our correspondent mathias bellinger in chief to catch up on a few other stories making headlines to day turkey's foreign minister. his accused sweden of being complicit in what he called a hate and racist crime. he was referring to an anti islam protest in stockholm on
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the weekend so that he also said holding talks with sweden or finland about their bids to join. nato was quote, meaning sunday, the nordic countries require turkeys approval to join the alliance. us authority is of charge 5 police officers with murder over the death of a black man retiree nichols died in memphis hospital earlier this month after being beaten during a traffic stop. the officers have been charged with 2nd degree murder. they were all removed from duty at last week. in haiti's capital port, a prince, more than a 100 police officers in civilian clothes of blocks, streets and protests against the killing of their holdings. the caribbean nation has been gripped by violence and little chaos with 18 police officers killed by armed gangs in the last month to day is international holocaust remembrance day commemorating the liberation of the nazi concentration and extermination camp at auschwitz. on this day,
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in 1945 soviet forces entered the auschwitz camp in nazi occupied. poland. it was the largest in a vast network of nazi run death camps and prison sites. some 6000000 jews were murdered in the holocaust. the nazis also systematically killed other groups including rama homosexuals and the disabled. joining me now in the studio is d. w. political correspondent, thomas sparrow. thomas, this is international holocaust remembrance day. the german parliament is holding ceremony. it's the ceremony of remembrance of the victims of national socialism. this has a special focus today's ceremony. tell us more about that. you mentioned the official name of that ceremony here in germany. in fact, they stay. terry has been observed here in germany since 1996 on a yearly basis with different focus and the specific focus busier according to the
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german bonus that the german parliament is to focus on those who are persecuted by the nazis as a result of their sexual orientation or their gender identity. so a very important date altogether with a specific focus today in the german parliament, the bonus will for years, of course, sexual minorities have been fighting for recognition. d. w. met with an activist from the queer community who is working for that cause it's the day lutes van dyke has been fighting for in 2018. the historian and teacher petitioned the bonus dog for the 1st time. his goal to get the highest political levels to recognize the persecution of queer people. the reasons why we never gave up to have hold. this recognition on the highest government liver will happen is not only because it
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has a big meaning, a strong meaning. important meaning. um for our minorities, but it means also that germany as a country has reached the level of humanity of democracy where different voices are heard in 2022 parliament finally decided to commemorate l g b t q victims of the nazi regime. male homosexuality was banned long before hitler came to power in 1933. but the nazis ramped up persecution. gay men were imprisoned and sent of concentration camps, where they had to where the pink triangle, around 10000 gay men were murdered. recent research on other queer people also shows systematic persecution and legislation outlawing homosexuality and germany was only fully dropped in 1994. if i look back in my own life, when i was 14 and the paragraph still existed,
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and i grew up in as a society where i was a criminal boy. if i were to have been honest in berlin van dyke meets for a discussion on why remembrance for sexual minorities has been such a struggle. both audience and panelists agree, research for many types of victims, remain scant. for van dyke, the battle is only getting started. i thought to find the chief man and true pure encouragement to go on and to look in those to those countries with 2 dangers. are life threatening to reuse, sexual minority van dyke will continue to fight argue and build coalitions because the struggle for remembrance and against persecution goes on. and as i mentioned, the remembered ceremonies being held in the german parliament to day thomas. tell us exactly what's going to happen there. that remembrance ceremony. terry will be
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opened by babbitt bus, was the president of the german parliament, one of the most important politicians here in germany. and there will be several speeches including the speech by a holocaust survivor, also including a speech by a person who has been described as a representative of the queer community here in germany. it's important to stress that this is a ceremony which will not only be attended by m p, 's, but also by members of other constitutional bodies here in germany, and as well by young people who are taking part in what has been described as a youth encounter. and this is part of germany's idea of having a dialogue between generations, a particularly important element of japanese culture of remembrance. thomas, thank you very much. our political correspondent, thomas barrow. and i had mentioned that we will have special coverage of that ceremony of remembrance for the victims of national socialism coming up in just under 45 minutes from now at 9 am
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u t. c. now to taiwan and taiwan is president site in when has officially announced the appointment of the islands, new prime minister, the job was given to chin, shin gin, who served as tie, wants vice president between 20162020 trans appointment comes as part of the cabinet reshuffle due to losses of the ruling. democratic progressive party and last year's local elections. the rest of the new cabinet is expected to be announced next week and dw corresponded charge on yay. who's in taipei told us what this new appointment would mean for time. all right, and just as you said that i was person tywon has appointed former vice president change in this new premier to day. and you know, this is a very key step for the ruling party to change. i mean,
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this capillary shuffle is very important because last november, the ruling democratic progressive party lee. so code d p p which is a sing is an independent leaning party sapir. it's biggest average feet in loco pose. and taiwan is going to have it presidential election in early 2024. when the v p. p. well, we men empower, can be a, you know, decisive factor in china. next move to words, tie one. so learn new premier. and he needs to safely dp piece, sliding support within a year to make sure it will not lose again to the opposition coming down party, the k m team, which is traditionally seen as a port china one. okay, well, what do these changes mean for tie? one's relations with china or any change is expected there.
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right, less cavalier rashaw post comes a made to taiwan squaring tension with china. you know, so far we see no reaction for in china. it's really hard to say at this moment if it's going to change anything with china, but it's worth noting that compared to his predecessor, it's susan tongue, new premier, transgender, and is a more soft spoken person with a low key political profile. so has been critical of china last, og is a spacing launched large, large scale military exercises around ty, one soon was condemned. china is an evil neighbour, but it seems difficult for many in tie one to imagine 10 to say some of the words. but still we can see anti ones efforts to content china. these new teen left said deputy foreign minister timing yet he has been tapped to become a new hat of lead national security beer rail and timing. and he has previously
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served in an, an advisor at the ministry of national defense and the mainland affairs council. and the government will like to rely on his expertise to assist in interpretation and precise decision making for the situation with china and in the region dw corresponded charge on the entire pay. thank you very much. now russian and bill are russian athletes look said to compete at next year's paris olympics. the i o. c said no athletes should be prevented from taking part because of their nationality, but some ukrainian athletes say it quote, endorses rushes invasion of ukraine. the w spoke to one of the ukrainian athletes. yes, laverna who chick is back to doing what she does best. she's one of the world's top high jumpers, a bronze medal listed to tokyo olympics in 2021. and she'll be hoping for even
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better in paris next year. but now who jake is adamant? she doesn't want russian and better roost in athletes there with her. they died for me. really. i don't. they don't exist in my life, like before, from 21st february because all changed for all ukrainian people for all the award for all ukraine and we continue fighting for our lives. the international olympic committee sees things differently. last year it recommended russian and belushi and athletes be excluded from international competition. now though, it wants to welcome them back, saying no athlete should be prevented from competing just because of their passport . in december i oh see president thomas bark said athletes shouldn't suffer as a result of the war. russians and baller oceans would need to compete under a neutral flag. but some athlete groups insist that still is not the right view to
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take saying the i r c, a strengthening rushes, propaganda machine, empowering the putin regime and undermining peace. that's the message echoed by my, who chic if you. so my be in the start wednesday l. a big stadium and russian sportsman support their president and of course, ukrainian as listened, ukrainian sportsman will do ever sing it for simple sets are below us and russian athletes and sportsmen didn't come to international because to russia, steri state or who chic. describe. 2022 as the most difficult year of her life beyond ambitions of more sporting success. her hopes for this year. a more basic my goal for this? yeah. is some not crying really. and of course a big dream. oh and been doing all ukrainians people is dead,
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finish of the raw and our union. now, egypt has unveiled dozens of its latest archaeological discoveries, including a tomb that had been sealed for over 4000 years. they were found during a year long excavation in an ancient acropolis, jer south of the capital cairo. in a 15 metre, deep shaft, the archaeologists discovered a large limestone sarcophagus that had remained sealed just as the ancient egyptians left it 4300 years ago. a mummy entirely covered in gold leaf was found inside. there were 2. yeah, i didn't know. and finally, an asteroid about the size of a mini bus has safely passed by earth and has sailed back into space. asteroid 2023 . b. u was spotted last week by an amateur star gazer in crimea. scientists tracking the asteroid say it came closest to the southern tip of south america on
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friday. it's near is point was just 3600 kilometers away from earth's surface str reminder of the top story we're following for you this our israel's military says of his carried out air strikes on militant targets in gaza. hours after rockets were launched from the palestinian territory. the escalation comes after that deadly israeli military rate. in the west bank city of ginni. watching d w. news from berlin. i'm terry martin. thanks bing, with with
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