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tv   Business - News  Deutsche Welle  January 30, 2023 11:15am-12:01pm CET

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it's a deep impetus as dorm and went to it up after the break. the young englishman was even unlucky not to have back to finish, beaten to the bull as he was by a luckless edmond top. so bah! who obligingly turned it into his own next to new, the final score as dormant. preserve that perfect record 9 points from a possible 9. since the bowden is league a restart after the break business news with my colleague, chris colbert. stay with us. if you can for that, i'm sarah kelly in berlin. thanks for watching. take care. i i will interest the global economy our portfolio d w business beyond. here's a closer look at the project. our mission to analyze the fight for market dominance
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. get us to the head with d w. business beyond level on to get a model number last night with the way it is. sample is currently more people than ever on the move. mold white in such a better life. but a crisis of in pod went back a little somebody that's on the job. find out about bailey story. info my grand ah, less technology for beijing, top chip producers, the netherlands in japan have reportedly joined the u. s. and implementing some controls on their exports. so china will have expert analysis on the moves impact, also coming up more lithium for germany's automakers. the alter like metal is key
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to making batteries for electric vehicles during a trip to south america. chance all of shawls has been trying to secure, better access to the material. chris cobra, berlin, welcome to the program. less technology for china, less fewer chips for beijing, the netherlands and japan join hands with the united states and implementing some controls on their exports to china. the agreement reported by the associated press so far would see companies advance chip makers like dutch s m, l, and japanese nick on limit their exports. the agreement follows the u. s. s. decision in october last year to impose strict controls on the sale of semiconductors and the machines used to make them to china. right, let's get more of this from frazier. how are you trying to list and book author? welcome back to the problem frasier. should these plans come to fruition? they haven't been confirmed yet. how much of
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a damper would they be to china's tech ambitions? i'm well, it's only going to be a doctor. it's a male base. they built the machines that makes the chips and indeed make, has this almost the most advanced technology to make the smallest chips that's very important for all the big chip manufacturer. so china being restricted access to that will certainly slow things down. as you know, china has for many years or 1000000000 dollars into the chip sector, trying to catch up with japan in the way. and the reality is they have failed, largely answered. this is clearly going to do things slow things down. the question is, what done intended consequences off it biden is clearly so continued the trade war with china and i'm much more sophisticated way, but it's not clear what the angle actually will be here. i comes at least will be treasure it is japan in the netherlands that are reportedly teaming up with us here against china. do you see a bigger alliance for me?
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i'm, well, i think you have a lot of countries which are broadly, you know, under the title of the west, but obviously japan and south korea falls under that broad liberal democracy, western south mindset as well, even though they're not technically in europe or america, but yes, you have a lot of countries have been big trade partners with china. you're not pushing back . the see, china is certainly a competitor in some, it is certainly a threat. and the chinese language, or i just did towards japan recently has been very belligerent. so there certainly, i don't know if it's an aligns forming, but there are certainly many countries, liberal democracies are coming together and pushing back on china environments, changing the china engagement policy. and speaking of consequences on china has responded angrily saying, trade curves will disrupt supply chains. and the global economic recovery does vision has a point here the due to some extent, but of course they're going to get all angry, upset. but the trouble is china has very few cards to good cards to play here. so
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much of this manufacturing can ultimately move elsewhere, and china remains when it's high take to largely in assembler using foreign produce products. so it will be very concerned that it's going to be cut off from the listed finds products. china analyst treasure, how thank you for your thoughts. thank and now to some of the other global business stories making news around the world. stock of indian adonis group led by age of riches man, gallium, donnie continued to fall on monday and on a shares of slum to $65000000000.00 in the last 3 days after the u. s. based, short selling firm said it was betting against the group and accused of fraud and stock manipulation. china, so smart phone sales fell to a record low and 2022 falling 13 percent of the lowest level a decade. according to data from research companies,
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experts say co controls and supply chain issues are to blame. 286000000 devices worshipped last year. japanese car maker toyota retained its title as the world's top selling vehicle maker for the 3rd year. narrow the company and its subsidiaries combined. sold 10500000 vehicle. last year. germany is volkswagen again placed 2nd german economy shrink in the 4th quarter of last year. down 0.2 percent from the previous quarter. that is, according to the federal statistics office. over all europe's largest economy grew by 1.8 percent last year. despite elevated inflation and high energy price, securing better access to much sought after raw materials and improving trade relations as a whole. that's the mission that german chancellor all of shawls has been on during his trip to argentina and chile and brazil,
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which is visiting today. germany is auto industry needs to secure more lithium, which is a key metal and batteries for electric vehicles, argentina and surely hold the world's largest lithium deposits. together with cheerless president grabbing bush. mister shells signed a commodities partnership yesterday. but mining the material which many of us key in transitioning to green economy doesn't come without challenges. as our report from argentina shows. ah, for generations earnestina has processed the lamb of will and this knowledge she has passed on to her daughter maria. her handiwork delights tourists. but these women are varied for the future. now to look out, we have no water in the mountains. i have to walk all the way up to find some. rain has always been rare. here in the far north, west of argentina,
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climate change is making. it was when the ground water level drops, the ecosystem is in great danger. indigenous people from all across the region have come to protest. they want to hear from environmental activists and lawyers to understand their rights. lithium, the raw material that argentina wants to continue mining is in great demand in germany where the electric, our market is booming. nobody will sell after it can't be that every us american has a tesla or every european can replace their b, m, w. this exhausted the planet and there's not enough lithium for this any way around . nature cannot be sacrificed for the energy transition of the global north at o. that is, you know, the regions, salt lake contain lithium. it takes millions of gallons of fresh water and salt water to extract lithium. and while mining companies consider this water extraction to be harmless, studies show that this could ultimately lower ground water levels. germany is
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looking for partners in the climate and energy crisis, but argentina isn't an equal partner because of its ongoing financial crisis. some fear the cash strapped country will sell out for foreign cash. oh i know in the us goes big industry will come if argentina generously opens the gates, there is no strategic question here. no awareness, this is very, very angry with movable. together, they want to set an example. maria as to a balloon, should float in the sky with her message. the protect the water. it says the whole world will see that we are many working together with sun, the balloon rise to the sky. the message is about more than environmental protection. it's about social justice, they all want a word to be safer and ecologically secure,
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but they also want to preserve the existing environment from exploitation. a short while ago i spoke to lifelong her mom, economists that the keel institute for the world economy, specializing in international trade and emerging markets. and i asked him how important this lithium mining deal is that germany and chili signed over the weekend? well, over a long term, it will be terribly important because let in america, especially chile, and also over that in american countries, have a large disposal of, of lithium and also other green metals in total. of course trade relations between the free countries are very meager. they used to be much better, but latin america, of course, has fallen behind as a trading partner for europe and also for germany. and that means of course, with new fields have been explored. and of course, visa your new bill energies. and especially with the green metals. now let's take
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a look at the partnership with the south american on countries. a german government official say, in contrast to china, for example, germany is offering a sustainable relationship on an equal footing to these resource rich countries. how much are these countries interested in a relationship like that? well, so far you has been the largest trading partner and also investment partners for the free countries. so you is a very important market both as a source in market for technology and of course also as an export market. on the other hand, of course, china is a main competitor to use its own interest in getting access to resources. basically also the same resources germany and me was looking for. but of course it equal footing that's difficult. we know from experience of bricks, bank and which brazil and china part that of course,
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china is the dominant partner. and there has been much of course lost in attractiveness after the problem of highly indebtedness of many developing countries against china. and of course, this gives you a chance to strengthen its position as a main trading and investment partner. as the final stop on his tour, the german chancellor is visiting brazil where he's to meet president lunar the silver head of this meeting. mister schultz has called for a fresh impetus to talks between the you and the mattress or south america trade block leaders in the region of blamed european protectionism for holding up the deal. do you see any chance of a breakthrough? well, this is a very, very, has a long history. of course, the agreement has been negotiated for tickets and you'll see ation stopped in 2019. so i think this is high time to revitalize
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this agreement. of course, it would be the 1st agreement which you would conclude with another regional integration scheme. this makes this scheme of this agreement very, very important. on the other hand, of course, a lot of barriers, especially with respect to the sustainability issue, to the deforestation of the rain forest. now, after both the novel, of course with situation has improved with ruler. but on the other hand, brazil is very much divided country politically, and the question is whether arguments and of course also commitments which have been labeled in the agreement of course will be implemented. implementation and enforcement is a major problem in brazil, of lung hammer, of the kill institute for the world economy. thank you for your thoughts. oh, my pleasure. and here's
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a look at our top story at this hour. the netherlands and japan are reportedly joining the u. s. and implementing export curves and semiconductors to china under the agreement reported by the associated press, advanced chip makers like dutch m l. n. japanese nick on will limit their exports to move follows the u. s. decision in october last year to impose strict controls on the sale of chips and the machines to make them to china. that's i show, thanks for watching with plastic waste or good on hard cash. according to the trash coin act, it's both the app connects nigerian waste managers with recycling plants to make money out of garbage. you can use it to buy,
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to pay for the tricity if i needed to buy in kind of data all the time as well as basic medical care eco, africa on d, w. mm hm. what secrets lie behind these walls? discover new adventures in 360 degrees. and explore fascinating world heritage sites. d w world heritage 360. get the app now. ah, with climate change is not some blick future scenario. the effects of global warming are very much with us here and now from melting glasses to extreme drugs. for example,
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here on, if africa, we highlight projects on initiatives that are trying to help a planet a one. welcome lease weeks edition. i am sandra 3, no video from com. paula uganda. hi, there's sandra. as you said, there are projects that really give both encouragement and hope. our top story this week is about one here in nigeria called thrush coin. i have chris labs and yes, what else is coming up in egypt architect assisting the goals? go in the netherlands. a community is developing its own self sufficient bully and we introduce you to impressive co heroes who are bringing down the he
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always thought through the familiar problems we had drawn in him. plastic waste that's bad for the planet. and in turn, bought for us, the eco entrepreneur featured in off the rest. the report decided to do something about it. now based in germany, you hope the rate africa of plastic waste with a mo bile up the the streets of nigeria and city of port talk. what are littered with cash. you just have to pick it up, said griff levels. every day she walked through her district, looking for plastic bottles, and there are plenty of them to find ref lego recently became a member of trash. queen the initiative makes it easy for her to extend what she collects for currency. had to clean the viral, medically the viral this initiative is encouraging to clean the environmental lane
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. a bus also involved the pick up the trash and get money to help their families stick our head. yeah. 5 minutes. such coin is a digital marketplace. it connects plastic trash collectors with recycling companies that buy up what they collect the up was developed by no dim, elliot will go in germany. we are, he has been living for 5 years. germany's plastic recycling system impressed him so much. he created an up that could support recycling efforts. in nigeria we don't have electricity to house doors or revise vending machines for the coalition process. instead of going to do his machines instead of looking for to his machine since we, our system cannot accommodate to his machine. so i have no human beings act as collectors. i to people i would to sign up on the platform and collect boxes. the key piece of the equipment is a smartphone. a voucher for the value of plastic was delivered is put on the
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collector's trash queen account. and this voucher, you just need to scan it, which are more by up. when you scan it, you get paid credited into the mobile app and you can exchange easily for your bank account, or you can use it to buy it to pay for electricity. you can use it to buy internet data or caught time. you can use it to pay for cable tv subscriptions, as well as gets health insurance premiums to assess busy medical. a facility may basic medical care. one killer of plastic trash is, was up to $120.00 nearer the equivalent of $25.00 euros scent. 5 kilos are enough to pay an average electricity bill for grace legos. this money makes a big difference. so this off of my, my path income from the plastic were cycle. it helps me to support my family. my
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husband doesn't own enough money to support the family with this initiative. i can afford to buy my son the best house. why? yes, money. because i just wonder why the peak. but it is not only the plastic collectors will benefit from the initiative. trash going provide seed money for parties interested in opening a plastic collection site. they are given 10000 narrow, around 25 euros, and are then also registered and a trash queens nym. destiny had she nature started as a collector to day. she uses a place as a hub. i tell them basically was because of the environment for the intent, keeping the environment clean. just let me before i was just for the money booth. when i found out about it, i had 2 stock of you may run a clue since starting out trash when i set up 9 to collection hobbs across nigeria and a round up to 18 tons of plastic was of been collected and properly disposed through the service the business of running the hobbs is going well for women like organic
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to got it lower. their trash going platform provides an alternative source of income. i call trash coin, to pick up a large quantity that he can see behind, neatly packaged. and i make my passive income with ease, no stress, just at my doorstep. and on my finger tips, trash going walks with several recycling companies. the plastic is picked up from the official hub and taken to the recyclers. here it's cleaned and shredded and turned into new products like synthetic roof tiles after enormous success trash quinn has ambitions to gradually expand throughout nigeria to the netherlands. now on the new tel taken shape near amsterdam here it's the residence who called the shorts. when it comes to planning and development, that is very true crease and it is great to be able to report on another community
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that he's opting to lead innovative and sustainable lifestyles aren't at the same time as boasting local food production. well, we visited ports to mold, to find out more thought i spilled the air at this building side around 30 kilometers from amsterdam. the crew is hard at work. we're now the wind sweeps across the meadow. there will soon be a school for 60 children. every screw, every fixture is being put in by the parents themselves. one of them is flora, small and big, whose 2 children will attend the school. we started only 3 weeks ago and i, we all read is that far, houses, streets, parks, playgrounds, the residents are building and developing the 43 square kilometer area themselves on their roster wall isn't organically growing city and
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a unique experiment in the netherlands. the idea is to give people more freedom to create their own living space architect clos hoffman started the project over 10 years ago with not only freedom is also a responsibility. and usually in this kind of normal urban development, the responsibility is mostly a developer site or municipality side can organize top down. and you know, most of all this is completely put upside down. the plan is to have an unplanned city more. it's more one of the few rules is that hoster walled has to be green than a little less than a 3rd of the land can be developed. and every resident is expected to use half of their land for urban farming. to encourage biodiversity, we wanted to kind of introduce a strategy to develop housing in the green environment that would kind of preserve the qualities of the green environment while still allowing people to live inside
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of it. over a 1000 residential units have already sprung up in the countryside east of amsterdam for florence mullin, bake, and his family receiving the subsidy for the parcel of land was a dream come true. since the house was finished, they've spent a lot of time organizing community life building the school and working in the vegetable garden once a week, flora small and be, goes into the fields and marks the plots with harvest ready vegetables. we are a c as a and a community to product aka agriculture. and that means that, um, you know, we are producing festivals for about 50 households. if the harvest is plentiful, every one gets more and they also share the risk of a bad crop. once a week, community members can pick vegetables in the garden with a message on their phone tells them how many and which one's neighbor alex hames care comes by regularly. this is just an comparable in terms of quality alike. it
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doesn't have any pesticides on it. they put a lot of love and attention and effort in it. i know them very well personally. so it makes this a big difference in experience, but also the quality of the food for me, poor community exchange original ideas. but there are also challenges in creating poster world. now, you could say as a social experiment and that people are not always use that to have to work together like usually it's government lay down like you can do this, you can do that. is this gonna be like this and like that, and hear people as a do it themselves. and sometimes it just takes a bit of a learning curve. the settlement is attracting attention, not least from property developers. some have built terrorist houses on the plots in the middle of auster walled, selling them at high prices, while ignoring the tradition of building your own home with an urban garden. the introduction of more regulations from the city has also stirred resentment among
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residents. and yet, demand to be part of the experiment is huge. today there are 10 times the number of applications, then there are plots available. that doesn't surprise the parents on the school committee. in addition to a beautiful place to live, they found a real community. that's a beauty of osa world that. busy a lot of i am equally mind as people and oh yeah. at the spirit to build things and, and, and i yeah, builds also the community and it's a really strong and powerful community. so that is also yeah, there's one of the things i really like and laugh about. oh, so in 2 weeks lessons for the little ones are due to get underway until then there's a lot to do. but cooperation is 2nd nature to the people of auster. walt, now let's head back to africa and we go to egypt. a country situated on the nile
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with each deserts long coastline ant megacity cairo. it is extremely vulnerable to the effects of climate change. now leaders wanting crease of public investment in climate friendly measures by 50 percent by 2025. now these does not only apply to major initiatives, but also the small skilled grass route once. now a tiny non profit, also the capital is among those seeking to been change to ordinary community life. how vba is helping out and so is augmented you children from the egyptian village of east bettis. huck are excited about their small new playground that's being built with recycled materials. it's to be really colorful neighbors and other villagers are making sure that the project was initiated by an egyptian n g o called bina. the organization promote sustainable project and particularly
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focuses on children and young people at a fulton, colorado children in rural areas, often lack playground model. along with each project, we're creating open spaces for them. and we make these spaces with recycled materials, such as old woods and car tires in south chase. this playground is linked to a new school building where children with learning difficulties or those who have stopped going to school can receive extra help to get them back into school. the village of east b as hock is about a 2 hour journey southwest from cairo. the area has one of the highest rates of, of literacy in the country. the nearest school is a 2 kilometer walk away on a road with lots of traffic. i've worked with built the classroom for young children. it's much closer so they won't have to walk on the busy road. i've always,
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yeah. now the village has the only school of its kind in all them. egypt that's made with recycled materials. it was built from compacted earth and 9000 plastic bottles filled with sand holes. plastic waste is a huge problem in egypt. the country produces $5400000.00 metric tons of plastic each year and is the biggest plastic polluter in the arab world. the construction industry is responsible for around one quarter of egypt, carbon emissions, because it relies heavily on concrete world wide concrete production generates nearly $3000000000.00 tons of c o 2 per year. of course one school building made of earth and plastic bottles filled with sand. won't solve that problem, but it can show what's possible. flatow a little with here, there's a trend towards reducing plastic usage and finding solutions or non polluting ways
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to recycle it. so we thought, why shouldn't we start with a new idea and a prototype law, the protocol alpha lima. meanwhile, the playground is slowly taking shape. there are very few jobs here, so the villagers are happy to have work. chava anal shore normally gets by, by doing casual labor. here he gets paid 15 euros a day. his son adam is also helping unknown to them. and i wanted to work here for the sake of the children of gather new ideas to which i can apply elsewhere. oh, the building work has taken 6 months. many of the villagers were involved and filmed the progress, the school and playground cost around $10000.00 euros to build. the project was funded by unesco as a model of how good ideas can help reduce waste. in the evening, the playground is finally ready. the work is over now it's time to relax and enjoy
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the results. did you know when the fast climate assessment report came out of a thought? see is a goal. the global warming grade was between 0.3 and 0.6 degrees celsius. today, the rate is $1.00 degrees, and the let us report things that we humans, almost suddenly to blame for the climate crisis. and the rise in extreme with a round the wild. to learn more, we asked the director of the institute for climate in pottery such johan, rock storm on how bad things really are. the situation is really worrying. this is the warmest temperature. notice we're left the last i said, and within the next 10 years we may reach 1.5 degrees celsius and scientifically. we today show clearly that the physical limit go beyond that. we risk triggering
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many tipping points. the grid, an ice sheet, the weather, the guy she that represents 10 me to sea level rise, but also abrupt following permafrost, which will amplify warming even more. research shows that we're coming closer to limits of adaptation. meaning that we come to a point where people cannot adopt anymore, and the only choice then is to move, we get climate refugees. so we're in a very delicate situation. we need that a taishan for sure. but we have to accelerate the mitigation not to come too far at a point where we can no longer have adaptation where farming systems collapse, where a fresh water systems don't work anymore. just
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the arc didn't talk to get together, hold 6 of the big tipping point systems. we're talking permafrost. we're talking boil forest, we're talking to create an ice sheet. we're talking to arctic winter ice, we're talking the west antarctic ice sheet and we're talking to baron sea ice. and if these are pushed too far, they will irreversibly start moving in a direction that will amplify warming. and they are interconnected with the ocean circulation of heat. they even impact on the monsoon systems. so what happens in the arctic will impact on rainfall over the amazon rain forest the good news, the part of good news is that we today have so many solutions technologies, practices, systems, everything from electric, mobility to wind, power and solar will take that actually compete without subsidies with fossil fuel
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systems. so from a business leader or an economic perspective, it makes sense to invest in sustainability, not only to reduce risks of unmanageable damage, but also because it just makes economic sense. my conclusion is that we can still land at 1.5, but it will certainly unfortunately mean a period of overshoot before we can finally stabilize at 1.5 the challenges that we just need to bend the global curve of emissions. can we do that? well, the answer is yes, if we just decide to do it before signing of to day would like to present 3 equal heroes. they all leave on different continents bought, share a common goal to raise awareness about the dangers of extreme heat and find ways to beat it known as chief heat officers. they are among
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a group of people working on behalf of the united nations who team up with municipal authorities to the vice plans to keep us cool. oh, good. and she was basically affect our bodies and the echo systems around us that are the most dangerous extreme weather phenomena. and they send us to the hospital or the killer. this is europe's 1st sheet officer for a task is to find ways to protect citizens from the dangerous effects of extreme heat. as the climate warms and the frequency of heat waves dramatically increases, cds are pointing people like her to limit the dangerous. we talk to 3 of them to find out how we can best deal with this new normal. what's coming our way and what can we do to protect ourselves? i started thinking of what i have to do in 3 pillars. the 1st pillar it has to do
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with raising awareness. many of us i'm aware of just how dangerous heat can be, because heat as a silent killer. we don't see the effects of extreme heat as visibly as the physical destruction brought a hurricane flag and other natural disasters. that extreme heat now kills up to half a 1000000 people worldwide each year. that's more than all other natural disasters that aren't due to the temperature. and a problem is getting worse, especially in cities which are heating up at why is the global average rate because they trap heat. what a non urban areas by 2100 cities across the world could warm as much as $4.00 degrees celsius on average. so how do officials best sound the alarm and make sure people understand the gravity of the situation? one of the things that was done for raising awareness, which i think is really a game changer, is we have been categorizing heat waves for the 1st time in athens. this year. it's
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a pilot project that was started and c, v, spain and athens, greece, and will be adopted by other cities and categorizes heat wave space on that effect on human health. much like earthquakes get categorized less of the intensity. the idea is to help people prepare and respond better. the city of athens even develop an extreme heat up that's now also being used in milan, paris, and one of them. we have an application called extreme, a global that shows you your personalized risk depending where you are in the city and your age and your gender. and whether you are, you are, you have pre existing conditions and tells you also on the map where to go to take cover where the cool spots are around you. in a similar effort, every cause, 1st, heat officer is currently creating a heat map for the city of freetown. what we're trying to do is to and where are the hot sports? ah, where are the albany eats?
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i land 2 bags of plans and proud ties. resources, resources in sierra leone a limited, so you're genia carbo wants to focus on helping the most vulnerable people 1st. that include female vendors who are exposed to the sun all day when selling their produce and uncovered markets without any shape. so what we've done is to work together, we those women and design a projects which we call the market share cover project. basically, we use a material that is heat reflective that doesn't absorb the heat to provide a shade cobra, for the we men. meanwhile, free town is currently cleaning up garbage life and converting them into public gardens that i cleaned safe and cool to also planting a 1000000 trees across the city for at frito eventually becomes treated. and i will
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actually is taking a similar approach. we just from a $2000000.00. 2 moran forest program is, is a really ambitious me should be able to provide we've a 30000 increase for the city. we never had that in the past before. trees don't just provide shape and reflect the sun's rays back up. they also help lower the air temperature around them by essentially sweating the take up water from the ground, which then gets put back into the air through a process called evapotranspiration. but they aren't the only form of agitation that can help called on the air. in places where there might not be enough space for new trees. streets and roofs can also be green. cities across the world from paris to london, bangkok to singapore have started incorporating green roofs or living walls and their urban architecture. and santiago, the chiller is looking to say using nature based materials with high solar
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reflectance as one had yet another is going back to using light colored materials for the outside of buildings, from walls to roofs, something that southern europe has been doing for a long time and now other cities across the globe can adapt that idea. of course, climate change cost by carbon emissions as the real driver of extreme heat. we have to drastically cut our greenhouse gas emissions in order to prevent a catastrophic level of global warming. but experts say that even them so much damage has already been done. that will also have to learn to adapt. that's why we are address either to do the problem. now, in order to prepare us for the future, we know that pre bernice, it takes time out the east and will not meet. just wait until, i'll stop there while you wait. he's out on the base in order to be ready for and that brings our show to a close. we hope you enjoy dates and that you come back again next week until then
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take care. i'm crystal, i'm signing off from nigeria. time for me to say good bye from uganda as well. but of course be sure to check us out on all our social media platforms. so out we can all stay in touch. that's all for now. it is a good buy from counselor here in uganda. ah, with blue blue with
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who toxic air. south africa's economy depends on coal, but air pollution is a legal problem. ah, indians are pushing for a switch to renewable energy. but with so many livelihoods
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dependent on coal, it's a tough message to fell global 3000 in 30 minutes on d, w. e to india. a sustainable place for learning the go school in the desert to rochester, tom the school was built using traditional methods which isn't only climate resilient but also helps the pupils to dream b. e goop, india. in 90 minutes on d w. ah. with i am is atlanta see i was kaya. yeah, i am running for president of the republic of bella, rosie,
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or mickey with hugh, she is a wife of an upcoming petitioning the day to ship. and then in a moment for she tries to stand up for her husband's pedestrian changes, and she herself becomes a politician john dunbar searches for the truth. again. this time the exile to turkish journalist meats, sweat, nancy huddled sky exiled leader of the opposition and bela reuss. huge, of course i'm tired and tied. physically untied, morally, is too much on my shoulders, but i have to hold this weight because i'm responsible for the future fall contra for the people far behind the boss. sh. guardians of truth starts february 18th on d. w. ah,
12:00 pm
ah ah ah ah, this is the w news live from berlin, an explosion and a mosque and pakistan kills at least 2 dozen people and wounds over a 100. many of the victims are police officers gathering for noon prayers. in the north western city of peshawar.


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