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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  January 30, 2023 10:00pm-10:15pm CET

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standing shopping and dining office, enjoy our services to be our guest at frankfurt. airport city. managed by from board lou. ah ah, this is the way you news lie from berlin. death arises after a suicide bombing at a mosque in pakistan. where then 60 people are dead after the attack in the city of the shaw are close to them. police officers, a pakistani taliban commander has claimed responsibility also on the program. it was secretary of state antony blanket needs israel prime minister benjamin
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netanyahu and calls for urgent steps to restore kong after the latest outbreak of violence between israelis and palestinians. ah, i'm to confirm. it's good to have you with us. why then 16 people have been killed in a suicide bombing at a mask in pakistan. the attack left dozens more injured and in critical condition. a blast occurred in the city of shaw are close to the border with afghanistan. and you have the victims were police officers from law enforcement compound surrounding the mosque. panic on the streets of pus shower. an alleged suicide bomber detonated his vest at a mosque during afternoon prayers. killing dozens, and hurting more than 150 people. emergency crews raced to the scene some using
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their bare hands to free those traps in the rubble hold of, i'm going to, there was chaos at the site. i rescued 7 people and put them in ambulances, or just one portion of the mosque had totally collapsed in the blast. i cannot give you the exact figure of casualties. there were many worship as at the time of the explosion regarding the muslim, rejecting the logo. most of the victims were members of pakistan, security services. the mosque is located inside a police compound and a high security area with other government buildings. it's a major security breach, and it's not yet clear how the bomber was able to slip into the walled compound and blow himself up among the hundreds of worshippers. over dog, the mosque is adjacent to the office of the senior superintendent of police. we were preparing ourselves for prayer, and we're heading to the mosque. we were on the stairs when the blast happened. we
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rescued some wounded people. dead bodies are still trapped under that debris. the pakistani taliban have claimed responsibility for the blast. militant attacks have been on the rise and pish, our since the taliban entered their ceasefire with government forces. earlier i spent eternal su, ross curry in karachi. she told us more about the casualties and the search operation impish, our following the bomb blast. you know, at the moment that at least 61 people have lost their lives and a 165 others are injured and relief operations continue at the police lines in the shower. we do know that at least 3000 vehicles to remain shot. this is a communication with them a moment earlier for people with operations to others are still under. we cities across focus on a new song, you know,
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like with solutions and gosh, like mom was kind of show support for the police forces. and we heard it in the report, the mosque that was attacked as inside a police compound. so this last really indicate the meter security breach. how are pakistani authorities investigating this? absolutely is the media security breach book. we haven't heard of the moment from the government back on. is it planned to do with any such attacks that may take place? the it is important to know can statement made by the dollar one, commander j, the states the ball to try in a space or project that is likely to be carried out to the general us army. suboxone authorities range to plant design, how they actually view the georgia set up in the days ahead to prevent such things in the pakistani taliban have claimed responsibility. what more do we know about
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the groups operation in pakistan and it's linked with the afghan taliban because they have come out and condemned the attack. haven't they? absolutely. each kind of unravels leah's list. a certain factional box, diabolic bonds gain responsibility. all the sections are disputing that came and it is interesting to know the thought of on cross the border of my son actually condemning the object code onto the scene most. i'm not to the doctors off the emission. so one would see how the situation was and how the next few days knowledge leon's gosh, the shower in fox. yes, ross curry in karachi, thank you so much for that update. your secretary of state antony blinkin is on a visitor, israel and the palestinian territories. lincoln met with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu in jerusalem for the 1st time since netanyahu formed a new far ryan government. the long planned visit follows a series of violent incidents that have you as officials worried about
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a major escalation between israelis and palestinians. antony blinking visit was planned for a long time, but its timing amid violence that his rattled israelis and palestinians has given it a sense of urgency. moments after landing blink and urged for comb is the responsibility of every one to take steps to content. rather than claim them to work toward a day when people no longer feel afraid in their communities, in their homes and their places of worship, that is the only way to hold the rising tide of violence. that is taken too many lives. too many israelis to many palestinians almost every day in the week leading up to the trip had brought fresh violence. hours before lincoln landed. people in the west bank mourned a young man who was shot by israeli soldiers in the early morning. oh. and in jerusalem, crowds paid respects to victims of a mass shooting outside
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a synagogue. below 7 people, including a child, were killed by a palestinian gunman. what most of them? so my go, israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu didn't mentioned the violence after his meeting with blinkin. focusing instead on threats from hiram's marta to normalize relations with several arab countries. working lincoln applauded those efforts. but said the u. s. wanted to see more progress on the easing of the decades long conflict between israelis, global and palestinians. that's crucial. moving toward our enduring goal of palestinians and israelis enjoying equal measures of freedom, security, opportunity, justice, and dignity present by remains fully committed that goal. we continue to believe the best way to achieve it is through preserving and then realizing the vision of 2 states. a poll from december shows support for the 2 state solution in both israel
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and the palestinian territories is lower than it has been in decades for blinking. and u. s. president joe biden. the trip may reveal a lot about their influence, or lack thereof, with netanyahu's new right when government and with palestinian president mahmoud abbas, whom lincoln is set to meet with. next. journalist's semicircle is based on jerusalem and gave us his assessment of the joint press conference. earl, it's clear that the 2 have different visions that when it comes to the, our attitude towards the palestinians, m blinkin was talking about the vision of the 2 state solution. you were saying that no steps should be taken. that would take the parties away from the 2 state solution and we know that the nathan, he always government does not support a t state solution. and natania was presenting his of his philosophy. he was saying
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that what israel has to do is it make more relations with other arab countries. and he was talking about a dramatic breakthrough with other arab countries. and the idea is that aster is word will reach peace with neighboring countries, even mention saudi arabia. but this is the country that, that often israelis are talking about, then it would be easier to reach peace with the palestinians. second, look now at some other stories making headlines around the world to day. they are secretary general has urged south korean to provide military support or the government in ukraine against oldenburg, has been meeting officials. and so hoping to persuade the government of earth a long standing ban on supplying weapons to countries engaged in act of conflict. polish prime minister monteros muranski as the country as planning to spend 4 percent of its gross domestic product on its military this year. and will be the highest percentage among all nato countries. owen is working to expand its army
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following rush as the invasion of ukraine. a russian strike has killed one person and wounded 3 more in the eastern ukrainian city of harkins. according to the regional governor, a missile hit a residential building late on sunday. at least 3 more people were killed by russian shelling in the city of her son. rohand forces in eastern ukraine have been focusing their firepower on the city of buffalo for months. now, finding there is among the heaviest, seen in the war with extreme casualties on both sides. ukraine meanwhile, has been ramping up pressure on western allies to deliver more weapons to block any russian audience. a unit close to the frontline save german howitzers are already making a difference. we head out not long after daybreak, following ukrainian soldiers to an artillery side near the front line. by far mote, a self propelled how it's
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a vehicle from germany has been stationed here since mid 2022. the soldiers using it were trained and germany has the house changed much here. loves which are very, very much we used to use soviet made artillery. comparatively, these machines are much quicker and they maneuver much better. they can fire much faster and they're much more precise. so a little bit about the english newsome. jessica rama the technology is good, but it does break down when it comes to germany. that was great. i liked it losses, they trained as well. i'm very happy that i was there, and i got some experience that's helped us a lot, but he will suit justin them. well, either the will of the soldiers have to bring the gun into an open field to use it . they're targeting russian tank units along with their artillery only about 8 kilometers from here. the soldiers warn us that it's about to get extremely loud.
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in the knee pro, we made the spokesman for ukraine's military commands in the east. sadie shepherd of archie with china and osceola. we think it would be ideal if we had an craft to our military helicopters avoid it. like you know, we're very grateful for everything we receive and we use what we get recorded for. we are more, it's an investment, not only in our national security law, but also in the whole of europe, was where, where sadly, losing very many human lives with messiah but a child is ajar. the same day we see 1st hand just how dramatic the situation and the don, it's grecian has become. russian rockets struck the city of constantine nautica in the middle of a residential area, killing 3 people. the destruction continues. on the edge of the forest, the soldiers moved their how it's a back into its hiding spot. one of their biggest concerns is that it will be
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discovered by the russian military. we can't stay long, but before we go, we're allowed to a quick glimpse inside the how it's a genius is it's particularly dangerous here, most of the most because we're very close to back moot where defending buck moot. it's the focal point right now. basically as we leave the side, we can already hear the russian artillery in the distance again. their assault of the city continues. record rainfall is pounding new zealand north island for a 3rd, straightened day, triggering more. flash floods and lands lines. the death toll has risen to for auckland, the country's largest city. as the clear in the state of emergency i minister chris hopkins has described the flooding as unprecedented ah, waiting waist deep. all calendar is fought to bring their families and pets to safety. dozens of homes have been damaged beyond repair
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and residents are processing the shock. and there was just a swarm of people um, push responders and leave with them, which was really good to say. and then i looked at also the devastation and it's a family home with children or not. fortunately, if we've already got a, our prime minister, chris hipkins flew in to assess the extent of the damage. the mate service has confirmed that you said i was ocwen's weakest day on record. i'm hearing just surveyed some of the extensive damage both on the ground and in the year. it's clear that it's going to be a big cleanup. joel evacuation centers have been set up for those fleeing the weather. chaos. it's a little bit overwhelming. thing of families coming in, you know, from pretty diet situations and, and just to be able to help us. it's really awesome experts or warning that more
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severe weather is on the way. so for at least the next few days, this is home for those waiting out this storm. stay with us now the business update is next was wrong was and there is a forest, always much more news and analysis on our website. that is d w dot com. you can also follow us on social media. our handle, there is apps data. when you news article for me and the entire team here and our news, remember lam thank you so much for your company. with ah, every jenny is full of surprises. we've gone all out to give you some tips with.


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