tv DW News Deutsche Welle January 31, 2023 9:00am-9:31am CET
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ah ah ah this is the w news light from lane grief in pakistan as a suicide bombing claims more than 80 lives in a mosque inside a police compact. most of the hospitalized a police officers and the search for survivors continues. now than a questions around the pakistani tyler brown's initial claim of responsibility also
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on the program. us secretary of state antony blank and meets is re the prime minister benjamin netanyahu calls for steps to restore calm. after the latest outbreak of violence between israel and palestinians. ukraine reinforces its defences on its border with bella, luce, treat intelligence as a threat of russian invasion. there is low, but increasing men's closest ranks with moscow. the democratic republic of the congo prepares to welcome pope frances is supposed to paypal visit to the country for more than 30 years. ah, i'm still gale. welcome to the program. the death toll in the suicide bombing at a mosque in the pakistani city of patch while a shower continues to rise. more than 80 people to confirm dead dozens more injured
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. rescuers still searching the rubble got hope of finding more survivors is fading . many of the victims were members of the security forces from a police compound surrounding the mosque. while pakistani taliban commander initially claimed responsibility for the attack, a spokesperson for the group was backed away from the claim that they were involved in a ha ha ha ha ha! mournful prayer, as, as officers are laid to rest with fill police honors ah, just hours earlier and a legend, suicide bomber detonated his best at a mosque during afternoon prayers. emergency crews raced to the scene some using their bare hands to free those traps. in the rubble lamp wanting, there was chaos. at the sight, i rescued 7 people and put them in ambulances for one portion of the mosque had totally collapsed in the blast. and i cannot give you the exact figure of
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casualties. there were many worship as at the time of the explosion. make up any more digging of the mug away. most of the victims were members of pakistan, security services. the mosque is located inside a police compound, in a high security area with other government buildings. it's a major security breach. it's not yet clear how the bomber was able to slip into the world compound and blow himself up amongst the hundreds of worshippers. dozens are injured and in critical condition. hey, this is going to be glad. there are a lot of bodies here and we are transferring them in with that, i believe this is not the 1st time this kind of bombing has happened. local to halo of your hobby. shaheed would be from 2006 to now. and we have had enough of terrorism and thousands of people have lost their lives request for the heck if the
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victims were visited by prime minister shabbas sharif in hospital after he condemned the attack. it's still unclear who is responsible for the blast as the victims fight for their lives. authorities are anxious to determine who would have carried out an attack that even the taliban refuses to justify. we get more from our reporter banished java dot welcome finish festival. talk us through what happened for fil, a few fade bomba blew himself in a moth that was backed with more than 300 worshippers eye witness. a fair that he said bombard wasn't the 1st roar. went up a prayer, so this was going on and the impact of the blast was so high that the roof collapsed. a lot of people were crushed under a debris. we know yesterday the death toll was 59. ah, but a lot of injured couldn't survive and a lot of people are crushed under the debris, couldn't survive, and that door has now crossed more than 80. there were frantic themes at the
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hospital. our people rushed to the hospitals to find information about their loved ones. they were called for blood donation. i'm so there is a lot of a sadness, a shock, but also anger because this moth wasn't already secured, protected environment of protected a part of the, of the city of fish other for there is definitely a lot of sadness, but also a lot of anger. and the seems to be confusion about who actually carried out visitor initially um, at the attack was gleamed by a faction of pakistani galvan or d t p r. but them me in group d t b has a distance itself, a from the attack by ttp has been attacking aka funny state specially security officials in the border region of our pakistan and afghanistan. i think last 2 years. and their attacks on security officials has significantly increased beliefs
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that affects sure that more than 100 police officials were killed just last year instead of related incidence. but there's also other groups such as the so called islam extend an affiliate of the islamic state. claim responsibility offer attack in a mosque and a theme city of fish our last year in which more than 60 people were killed. so there are men that out like different drops operating in the region. but ttp is one of the most likes the strongest enemy that barcus and it is fear thing when it comes to desert of them, right? a white house, the government been unable to crush this insurgency. ah, that have been military at that they have been military operations to crush insurgency, especially after 2014. when a school was attacked by d d. b, in which more than $120.00 children were killed. and after that, there was kind of a consensus in the government that they have to go and attack these militants. and
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briefly from 2015 to 2020, there was a decrease in debt related incidence and pakistan. but since of gone taliban duke, over in afghanistan, a number of ducks have increased inbox, done on. and the current government also blamed the former government of emerald, han buck as any farmer. brown minister ran hon. initiated these dogs with pakistani taliban and afghan taliban were facilitating the stalks. and now the critic feared that these dogs emboldened back if any dial upon because during his dog's either compensation, the former prime minister asked many of stiff, tightest of bikers any time bound to come to pakistan and feed it. and in the air there were, there was a blank duty, hadley dared them as long as they lay down their arms. but it didn't happen that it was the choice find between the 2 by these are like if any taliban also broke decked agreement and got em. government also blamed the afghan taliban in
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afghanistan for facilitating back. if any valuable for providing them safe heaven. i'm so it's a complicated situation here. thank you for talking. a serrita did only report at be in his java. thank you. are you a secretary of state antony blinking is in the middle east? he'll speak with palestinian president mahmoud abbas a later and monday. so he made with his railey prime minister benjamin netanyahu in jerusalem. this was their 1st meeting since the formation of the country's far right, governing coalition. this month. the long planned visit of follows the recent spike in violence between israelis and palestinians. that u. s. officials say is concerning. antony, blank ins visit was planned for a long time. but it's timing amid violence that has rattled israelis and palestinians has given it a sense of urgency. moments after landing blank and urged for calm. it's the responsibility of every one. to take steps to content rather than claim
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them to work toward a day when people no longer feel afraid in their communities and their homes and their places of worship. that is the only way to hold the rising tide of violence. that is taken too many lives, too many israelis, to many palestinians almost every day in the week leading up to the trip had brought fresh violence. hours before lincoln landed. people in the west bank mourned a young man who was shot by israeli soldiers in the early morning. oh and in jerusalem, crowds paid respects to victims of a mass shooting outside a synagogue below 7 people, including a child, were killed by a palestinian gunman. i israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu didn't mentioned the violence after his meeting with blinkin focusing instead on threats from hiram's marta of to normalize
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relations with several arab countries working blink and applauded those efforts. but said the u. s. wanted to see more progress on the easing of the decades long conflict between israelis, global and palestinians. that's crucial. moving toward our enduring goal of palestinians and israelis enjoying equal measures of freedom, security, opportunity, justice and dignity present by remains fully committed. that goal. we continue to believe that the best way to achieve it is through preserving and then realizing the vision of 2 states. a poll from december show support for the 2 state solution in both israel and the palestinian territories is lower than it has been in decades . for blinking, and u. s. president joe biden, the trip may reveal a lot about their influence or lack thereof with netanyahu's new right when government and with palestinian president mahmoud abbas,
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whom lincoln is set to meet with next. a stone. i correspond rebecca written in jerusalem. welcome, rebecca. what's expected from today's that meeting with the palestinian president? well, as was the case when lincoln met with benjamin at yahoo, here in jerusalem yesterday, we are expecting him to call for calm for de escalation de escalation. really being the key word of this trip overshadowing and what was the pre plan trip, but really in the wake of the violence of recent days, de escalation being the name of the game. so he will certainly bring that to president mccord abbas. he will also bring up a severing of a security coordination between israel and the palestinians that were severed by the palestinian authority on thursday after a deadly raid in the northern west bank. and that's something that he will reiterate is really important for both sides to stop the did the escalating
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violence. and that's something that he will urge mahmoud abbas to reinstate. he would potentially also urge the palestinians to stop pursuing cases against israel in international court. that something that well could come up in the conversation, along with other things that were already on the agenda before the spike in violence, namely bolstering the palestinian economy. and of course, strengthening ties between the palestinians and the u. s. that were all but severed under the trump administration. it tell us more about those relationships between the palestinians or washington which has historically had such a firm commitment to israel warehouse that left the palestinians. well that's right, i'm in israel and the u. s. have had a long standing special relationship has it's known benjamin netanyahu and antony blinking mentioned that yesterday in their speech and enduring bond. that'll come as no surprise to the palestinians. they, they know that they know they know the game there about their relationship between the u. s. and israel isn't really at its highest, at the moment,
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the 2 administrations, israel and the u. s. not really seeing to eye to eye on a number of things, but for the palestinians, though, that's not really the matter. the relationship is still strong and when it comes to them, they'll be happy though that their relationship with the u. s. as i mentioned, it is sort of getting back on track after being orbit. save it under the trump admin estate station. they'll also be somewhat pleased by some of the comments that blink had made yesterday that i'm sure he'll make again today when he meets with math. what a boss regarding the alex and mosque as known as the temple mount to jews. the holy site here in jerusalem that the status quo of that style site must be maintained. and that's really important to us that will be met with happiness from the palestinians as so to will be the fact of lincoln stress that the abraham accords that the normalization of ties between israel and some of its arab neighbors. that that corridor loan is not enough and it is no substitute to pieces. he said yesterday for peace with the palestinians. that would be something else that the
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palestinians will be happy to hear. though they are really frustrated with the state of affairs. they feel that they are a gender, you know, it isn't really on the global stage, and i don't think expectations will be very high from today's meeting. i think about rebecca rivers in jerusalem. war store is making headlines around the world. no. germany has pledged 200000000 euros to help brazil present the amazon rain forest where deforestation surged on the far right. former president john bolts, an arrow. the announcement was made shortly before the german chancellor. olaf shots landed in the country. is the 1st of western leaders to meet with the new president willing to silver since he was inaugurated this month. new zealand, there's repairing for more heavy rain this week, following the new, severe weather alerts, least 4 people have died in flash, floods, landslides or clubs under a state of emergency order. on friday, the city experienced its worst damper on record with ukraine's
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western allies. finally agreeing to send, keep modern tanks. now growing debates about providing fighter jets u. s. president jo biden's role that sending f 16 fighters and german chancellor shots was also ruled out supplying plates. but france and other countries of signal they could deliver equipment under certain circumstances. ukraine has been seeking a model rule claims to replace it soviet air force since the war began with allies, fear the move could risk escalation with russia or misuse, bullying in keith. talk me through some of the other equipment ukraine is pressing its allies for well, and 1st of all, they're asking for more of the same or for these tanks that have just been committed that the west has committed to, to be delivered as swiftly as possible because they would be needed in an offensive
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operation that ukraine might likely undertake in a few months in the beginning of spring. there is some kind of a ride race to whose 1st because russia seems to be preparing also an offensive operation. and of course, the one who is 1st sets the tone and it will be much more you cram, wouldn't need much more a resources to fight back a possible russian attack and will have less resources for its own counter attack. so it's about speed, it's about quantity of what has already been committed. ukraine also one sided jets . the most likely model would be vs 16, which exists in quite big numbers in a number of countries. um that ukraine says they would be needed in case of offer bigger offensive in order to for example,
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a bomb by positions behind the lines, et cetera. this is the biggest discussion for, of course, at the moment with western countries, especially in the u. s. still being hesitant about these hydrogen. i thank you for that. melissa. pulling it in, keith, belarus and russia have announced a week long training program for military staff in charge of that joint military grouping in bella, luce, a moscow's troops invaded ukraine across a belarus in border last february, while the ukrainian military says the threat of a renewed russian offensive, there is currently lo and doing everything they can to make sure it stays that way . that correspondent mcsaunder reports somewhere close to the beller rouge and border under the cover of pine trees, ukrainian border guards are forcing their positions a
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secretary. but his notion, these trenches are designed to protect the lives of the people in the military. he as well as to provide defense, mobile, maybe a bonus appointment as of them. so if the enemy attacks from the nearest road, if sure, our infantry will respond, i was just that i'm a little you let us know that i am would empty quoting these. he won't go into detail about their preparations and won't even confirm that these trenches are new, that others, but you can smell sawdust and the board seemed dry and clean. in the distance, we hear trees being felt broadly above it. their messages russians won't get past them a 2nd time to live with this bridge used to join ukraine and bella, luce, the defenders blew it up to try to stop the 1st rush in advance. now they are looking across the river again, right now, the situation here seems calm,
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but soldiers here prepared for this to change at any moment. the worries are that the russians could push through here again in the 2nd attempt to take keith with freshly mobilized troops and lessons that they learned from last time. it's places like these that the russians moved through before. the settlement south of the border where the fighting was fierce, appeal had lives changed forever. alexander lived here with his wife and mother and stepfather. he wants to show us the damage to his property. look mean the moon, the regular citizens were shelled with mortars in them. the russian artillery was firing at the farm. um and our tanks fired back at them. not what you. the artillery and tank shells didn't hit our house, but the mortars did look to be me. me. a wall came down on his mother and on the leave when they double billed food. wilma, this is where my mother's grave was me to speak up. ali visibly mc. let lucy
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alexander buried her here in his guard. only after the russians retreated, could he move her to a cemetery? and yet, alexander doesn't want to lose the invalid rochelle new thee, i believe that people have experienced such horror that it is difficult for me to add anything. oh yeah. you have to live, we want to live open and panic. so there's no sense in panicking yet. when you mer to run, could that we have nowhere to run to liberty. we'll see what happens. i shall go lip. i'll budge him. most of those who are still here, feel like him. further down the road, yet he not runs a shop at her house was also damaged in the fighting. it's, i don't even know. i don't want to go anywhere. and at the moment we're not able till it's very scary for children and i'm very worried. every one we met, you can talk about pain and loss,
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but it seems courage and determination run just as a pope. francis is due to arrive in the democratic republic of the congo today. the countries catholic population which the vatican estimates to be more than 45000000 as long awaited this visit, which they hope will bring comfort are made. fighting between government troops and an insurgency. a correspondent, merrill miller, reports from the capital kinshasa, which is expecting large crowds for the visit. ah, excitement is india. it's not a usual sunday mass for these church goers and candles capital kinshasa. the visit of pope frances himself is eagerly anticipated. he called rel blah in the murky murray. this is a once in a life, by marin. oh, we wanted to be peaceful god, allah! it will leave a mark in our hearts and minds safer than martine or cur. you just all in kinshasa
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will live calmly, but our preface in the east suffer their death every day. the buttons, the most gives us hope those are gone though i might spectrum to god for reconciliation among the congolese is going well and reconciliation between the congolese under wanda's sleep you one day in the east of the country, the congolese army and rebels from the m 23 group are fighting what is effectively a war. the fighting has killed thousands and caused hundreds of thousands to flee. after recently broke had cease fire, the rebels were to withdraw, but then captured a strategically important town. dear c president felix just acadia says rhonda and a polka gamma is supporting the rebels, the u. s. e u and un agree and have called and rhonda to stop said pork america denies any involvement over the past months. father bless, manuel has been organizing protests for peace. he says the fighting in the east is
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a neglected crisis on english glass, jody. me stand in solidarity with the people that suffer logically. do we stand in solidarity with the country that finds itself in a situation of an unwanted warrior and all that was enforced upon it place gameboy . he says the fighting is partly over resources. the east has precious minerals like gold, cobalt and copper, suffolk list, i believe, the ability that exists in the east of the congo, or it's a bit of a problem of its soil. and probably it's richard all delicious. say the shock of every one who comes and wants to pull it from congo. no less. would you go more in a $1.00 to $1.00 or neighbor is toasty and hungry? asked laugh if fun. many here tell us they would like to see the pope tried to broke a piece between the presidents of the dear sea and rhonda. people here have high expectations of po francis, but while many help his visits might bring reconciliation. for others, it has already had realized consequences. in preparation for his visit to the
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capitol authorities bulldozed, the makeshift stalls of small traders destroying the source of income street van der murphy, m boma shouldn't be selling vegetables here but says she has no other choice. does alonda, i'm afraid the police will arrest me and destroy my goods. so the pope is welcome here, but they have to let us do our business because our children have to survive about the way that the authorities are focusing on the big picture. the prestige of the people visit while most people, on the other hand, focus on any hopes for peace. frances may be able to offer when i asked that d. w religious affairs and list martin gac what sort of welcome pope francis is likely to receive well, particularly in congo. i mean there is quite a bit of excitement. i think that generally speaking,
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what we have is once again devout to can trying to highlight or to shed light on part of the world in which there is great gone and bloodshed and sort of trying to refute focus attention, particularly of the west. given the fact that, given the fact that you know, there are several hot spots round the world and to some degree south to, than in. and that these are actually had been neglected. i wish we had in the reform as effectively a war in the countries east that that must have caused enormous security concerns for this visit. indeed, so the regional program for the people this was to go east and to be said, gama were 2 years ago in 2021. the italian buster was killed during an ambush, but that it was actually scrapped because in the region, in recent days there's been sort of heat up in the conflict in there. yeah, i mean the country is seeing of,
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of violence in the east and does is, has actually for is about you can modify the trip. and after that they are fe, pople had to sounds sir, dan, to plead for peace in the region. does he's voice carry any weight that yes, not only i think his voice does carry weight. i think that the general approach to this visit, which is really a bit of a circle moment because he's in with the moderator general of the church of scotland. and archbishop of canterbury can, can very, excuse me. it's meant to be joined, a join bisset, show unity among what are the 3 main religious groups in the countries is the youngest country in african has indeed seen also enormous conflict, mostly around civil war produced by a political impasse. much of the conflict is happening along at nick and to some degree religious lines. so bringing in the church of scotland and the church of
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england into the, into the visit. it's meant you have not only sort of be a very strong message, but also helped to pacify some of the conflict affecting, affecting those communities. ok, thank you for that, said d, w. religious has analyst at martin, gac you're welcome. and since you're up to date eco, africa is next here on d, w with a report on an app that lets uses a nigeria turn the trash into treasure. i'll be back at the top of the have a good day. with
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the time, as well as the basic medical care eco, africa, d w, russia to support or resignation the war machine has a 1st grade on the country. but not everyone supports the president swore. this report takes a look at what ordinary russians actually think closer to 45 minutes on t w o, a little nar, davinci mysterious masterpiece. this perhaps the greatest leonardo masterpiece
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in the collection of the louvre and no, it is not the mona lisa. it is the virgin of the rocks, 2 versions, multiple copies, and a hidden drawing. was there another symbolic meaning to this beautiful painting that perhaps we just don't understand? the search for answers starts february 10th on d, w. a climate change is notice some bleak future. now you the effects of global warming very much with us here and now.
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