tv Focus on Europe Deutsche Welle February 2, 2023 4:30pm-5:00pm CET
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as we take on the world, we're all about the story that matter to you. whatever it take by police, my we are here is actually on fire made for mine in the news . hello and welcome to focus on europe. it's great to have you with us. for many people in turkey, day to day life has become far too expensive. due largely to the dire economic
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situation, the country is facing. and soaring, inflation. under president era, one government, the price of food has skyrocketed. meanwhile, energy prices have risen in tandem as have the costs of renting an apartment or buying a home or condo. that's especially true in turkey, the most popular vacation areas. but here it's mainly russians who are driving prices up. turkey is one of the only countries you can still fly to directly from moscow and for russians on how ya, on the mediterranean coast, is not only a beautiful city to vacation and but a refuge from the consequences of russia's war against ukraine. but the rising real estate prices mean locals in antalya like movie ya, sher and their main pasha may soon no longer be able to afford their homes. antalya on the mediterranean coastline is one of turkey's biggest cities. even in winter, you can spend a day at the beach here. so it's no wonder that an talia's real estate market is
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booming. but the main reason for the weekly price hike is the growing number of russians who've been coming ever since the war and ukraine started looking to buy or rent homes. it's left residence like mussa, yasha and nare mean tasha struggling with this situation. in some cases, real estate prices are off by a to 900 percent up on my shock. even civil servants can't afford to live here anymore. darker so i know several who vast to be transferred because of the high ranks. we may my, she could, i could all letter the all yes shar and touch take created a group on social media called rent victims. they're visiting a pensioner who has been served noticed by his landlord. he can't afford his rent after a fivefold increase. alicia messiah is over. how much of a customer we haven't got a flat will now go to a foreigner,
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up. they have more money to spend in a month than we do in a year and make bottoms well, they let got on to. so i time for the states to step in together, the usa law, they need to provide social housing mold so that we low income families also have a place to live with somebody without the least a letter or a list of scenarios. they feel the main reason why real estate prices have skyrocketed is the growing number of foreign buyers. most buyers are russian, and there are nearly 60000 russians currently living in antalya, according to real estate agents. this has drastically impacted the market. not based me that i found the apartments that were put on the market for a 5000 years or about $250.00 heroes, could suddenly be rented to foreigners for 3 times the price either. when neighbors caught on to this apartment, they began demanding the same rents cautioned like bombay every, i'm cautious. one wish i video, the rent activists are feeling increasingly frustrated. not to be duties that
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anyone who comes here should be allowed to live as they please. that's absolutely fine. it's when it's at the expense of our children, our future, that it becomes a problem with the cities orthodox parish serves as a meeting place for many russians. several of the men here came in case russia introduces a draft. the metropolitan bishop tells us, others came to turkey because of the international sanctions against their country . oh davi. scottish already came to antalya before the war broke out. for him, the church choir offers a connection to home. oh, he says it has become increasingly difficult to gain a foothold and antalya even for russians. gotcha. so a low down low, especially in the 1st weeks. it's hard to find an apartment or even a job isn't. is this showing people asked me for advice. all the time with them, but unfortunately on, i'm not always able to help. i do. you have to own
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a business or real estate. i will about kick in 5 years not so melissa. saddle. thought f is an i t specialist. he like sitting on the turkish riviera, working way on his laptop, but he's aware that although he can afford to rent upwards of 500 euros, many turkish people are being left behind. ah, so i thought only we follow the requirements made by turkish authorities and otherwise let the market guide us. when looking for housing, you can't blame us for the economic and social consequences of that system. let me give up it for medical. but in mussa, yasha is eyes. there is blame to go around when it comes to the housing crisis. and some lies with politicians. he wants to confront the head of the inner city district where most russians have settled so simple to do, which i did love you in the past. foreigners used to come here on vacation below they book one or 2 week package holidays on the level that they didn't buy houses
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and settle here to love about us, mama, she minded a different percentage of foreign tenants or homeowners in a district exceeds 20 percent. the real estate market is closed to foreigners, wasn't a copy of 3 districts here in antalya already have such a been in place since last july. again, that amended law nick about the letter buffalo. can you at least help affected citizens like me to find an apartment, but i of them don't from technology. well that's not my job. that's up to the agents. oh, when yeah, shar picks his daughter up from school. he still doesn't have a new apartment to tell her about. he puts on a brave face, but his despair is growing. the rising whence in antalya may soon force residents like massage are to leave their home town. i having financial worries of a struggle all too many romanians now as well. the country is one of the poorest in
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the u. and in rural regions, even a visit to the doctor constrained a monthly budget to the breaking point in the village of hotel correlate many people don't have health insurance, and the nearest doctor is so far away that the journey alone is prohibitively expensive. luckily, there are doctors who can help like the ones behind me here. their motto is if the patient can't come to the doctor, then the doctor has to go to the patient free of charge. it's 6 30 am and the romanian capital, bucharest. visa medallion is meeting a friend who will be taking her to the remotest parts of the country. she is straining to be a nurse and volunteers for the aide organization, corvana cool me beach, or dr. is caravan. the visa has a long day of work ahead of her for which she won't get paid, but she's committed to helping disadvantage people in her home country as their law combine. yeah. as part of the campaign,
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we're promoting good health by offering screenings to those in need body, o 5. the help of other volunteers such as myself. and if we can provide a number of complex medical screenings, people just wouldn't have access to otherwise. if they invested got d months, but they're still a complex there. this time she's heading to hotel daily, a remote village in southern romania, it's gymnasium, is being re purpose as a medical center for the day. by evening the 3 doctors and 5 nurses sent by the organization, will it examine over 75 patients? one of the 1st in for a checkup is lent itself as a lie. the 72 year old has lived alone since her husband died in august. no doctor was there to help him. no money for it. he passed very quickly. one day he had a thrombosis in his left leg, which went untreated. he la woman,
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that then his heart failed and the address died on. it's a situation familiar to many here. places like what out aly are typical of rural romania. there are hardly any jobs here, and incomes are low. many don't have health insurance and get by on the little day grow on their farms and in their gardens. misha, ala varosti annu is one of them. she lives on a farm with her husband who is ill. and grandma, no one is not the law made you. i never really went to the doctor. i've been with my husband, but i myself haven't been to the doctor since the birth of my last child. i haven't even had a check up since then with the fact that she can get a free check up to day is nothing short of a miracle for miss ala. it will be the 1st cancer screening she's ever had. you were by she no, but good. not good if you go to bucharest, you need to have the money for a screening. well, they don't do it for free. they're like they did for us here. the mob. whoever had
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the idea to come to us and who todd lay. well, it was a great one of any should i know what that lorenzo organized the visit from the medical care of and with the help of private donations, the doctors are paid, but their assistance worked for free. during the campaign, over 60 doctors and volunteers spend 8 weekends working in rural areas. they're always sent to poor villages. in the end, up to 1400 people will have received free examinations and consultations. there are cities without sorry, villages, without her family doctor, as we call the thought g b. there are areas where there's only one for maybe $23000.00 and for thousands of people. and they're also, when he goes to investigations like an ultrasound, people do often have to travel more than 3040 kilometers to day nursery, that magdalena is assisting gynecologist law. the sub luca,
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she is conducting ultrasounds as part of breast cancer screenings, and examined 30 patients before noon. how many copies the youngest was 22, the oldest was 63 and came to migrate that most of them have never had a breast cancer screening before. and didn't even know that they should have wished younger if i take all day long patience, keep flocking to the center. these older women also make use of the opportunity to see a doctor for free, even though they all feel perfectly fine. this woman is the last patient of the day . after 11 hours, the vienna model is work day is finally done. dot dedicated. i'm exhausted, but happy to the day didn't just pass. on the contrary, it was exciting a day like no other. i've had 4 people now my and i hope to repeat this experience because it also helps me to become more aware of things. no fighter dick that. so
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margaret bishop m in a been fernand overall the results were positive to just one patient is thought to have a potentially serious cancer which might have gone undetected were not for the aid organization. as any parent will happily tell you, raising a child can be tough. it's also true for hannah reuter. she's trying to provide her daughter with a well rounded life. but she, herself navigates in the dark, and a writer is blind, and so is her husband. their daughter, mila is the only one in the household who can see. but even if that means a few more obstacles in their day to day lives together, they manage to overcome them. it's 70 m and a regular school and work day. it tenant is making her daughter miller's lunch. suddenly wears the egg by the st. austin, rush by the sink. oh, i found it up from the front number. this is all it's funny having to blind people
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at home as you always have to make really clear where he left something for the other one will be feeling around for it for ages, running their hands over all the surfaces. sometimes i think how nice that would be to just take a quick look around. so i can do this at the computer this morning. a special program tells us what's on the screen. oh, okay. mr. miller? yeah, max check that you've got everything in your pencil case and stuff and i will, i don't want to take your stick that go up fe. it's i would have needed that later . what do you need to day a folder? got it. we don't handle case. got it shampoo, pencil, powder, whatever you call it. yes. got it once english and does mueller also help outs when mom and dad can find some things i'm sure at,
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at 1st they have to look and if they can't find it, then i help mendez head appeal to me. i need dont have to do that as miller wasn't here anyway. and that's an important principle for us. she's not our servant after all that she's just a child offer and if she doesn't want to then she doesn't have to master things. he had told me before the family leaves the house and it takes the time to apply some makeup. and she has. she learned how at a course for blind people, even if she can see how she looks. hannah feels that making a good impression helps combat prejudice. to the mud and so much good mike. intimate with our example. my child was running around outside with tomato sauce on her t shirt by the arm. people would very quickly assume that it's dirty because her poor mom couldn't see it. da, so i've become a bit of a perfectionist. i am going to prefer to check things 5 times. see, but because people look at us and to see how we look at what we do. if we get
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across the road safely as a matter of physical, reddish class, the chrome, one meal is at school, can do, makes lunch. he works as a mas sir. he went blind, almost 15 years ago after retinal detachment. oh, hannah has been blind since birth. she works in public relations and as a writer, what was their 1st meeting like? oh so you mind it was a feeling and here comes a woman was a great voice, a feeling. of course i couldn't see her, but i felt she was beautiful. then i told myself, forget it, it'll never work. when i was in london, 99, ferguson focused in ha, just for his me. now that was look at married, 3 years later than meal arrived along with a few worries. were to gandy my telephone numbers of stuff to some i let it i, i think it's a huge challenge for all parents. whether cited that lines or with any kind of
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impairment wasn't subtle. and when people instead of saying, but oh congratulations you having a baby. how wonderful say oh, have you thought it through opt? how will that work? cannot thinkin' me get him? that's quite unsettling as much from felons shouted in the afternoon, hannah and mula. take a walk with guide dog duyka. the family lives in central berlin. went after nanda, you go up to the corner and wait for me there. michelle. boring watchman. bye bye. as usual. see soon. this guy by and from the go decade. oh freaking light. thus it's always nerve wracking to let her rush off like that. about what it wouldn't work without trust twice that i know she's very careful on roads and so far we haven't had any problems. i don't see those pacific near me and torsion mila is increasingly aware of how people react to her family. and she knows what she wants from them. that's why they should have more respect. because my
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mom's also a normal person with her cited are blind. all parents want to be able to stand tall. on a says hers is just a normal family. for her daughter's sake, she'd like to see more acceptance and fewer preconceptions. i is. this is the darby from blue to sher. it's irritating for her that people stare at us whenever we go out as a family. we're always the focus of attention with them. i'm course sometimes i think it's good. we don't see it to fit it. who did my daily like people to regard it as just something very normal and didn't to after all, there have always been blind parents at fountain and for us it was always normal. not an issue at all and he marked but unfortunately some still don't see it that way. and i'd really like that to change the adventures. bethesda and 4 of us and not
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chinese dissidence who managed to flee to europe. think that they are safe. at least this was what winging you believed. he moved to the netherlands several years ago after he got in trouble for criticizing china's government. but ranging you says he still feels threatened by beijing. according to a report, china runs illegal police stations across europe that put pressure on dissidence in the netherlands. this has caused quite a stir. that politicians and the hague have made it clear they want to see such overseas. chinese police stations shut down winding you is heading to his adversary, the chinese embassy in the hague. the 21 year old fled china in 2019, when he was just 17. he had posted content online questioning the government's response to protests in hong kong. now, based in the netherlands, he says his anti government activism in europe has also caused trouble for his
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family back home. i want to let you explain to me why didn't my arrest the, my, their parents. the 2nd this is the, the protest. i'll put us the also for another tell us didn't. ah, because the, the chinese government her in kyla or as the a lot of chinese didn't. and the prosecutors in wines. how's our crew that he expects the dutch police to be called as soon as he arrives outside the embassy? ah, for this coming his prediction materializes within just a couple of minutes. i low to please say it's routine for them to ask people what they're doing. if they linger outside foreign embassies based here in the hague, whilst chinese passport is invalidated, he says, fake bomb threats are regularly called in to hotels around the world. using his name. on his phone, he shows hundreds of calls, which he says he receives most days, threatening him. he claims he was recently followed into this cafe by someone he
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believed was a government agent. for me also for my girlfriend, the we just want to learn more life. what are the, the kip with to 1000 a 3rd, to me, a harassing me, even this listen, the people follow me or mich problem to me, or just microphone go ask the i am over. this is usually the come to hear a loud voice. i will go to your house. it's running, michel, me, little bit crazy. laura hath works for safeguard defenders. a human rights angio which released a report in 2022, claiming chinese authorities. we have established over a 100 overseas police stations in $53.00 countries around the world proxy. they also found proof in china's own reporting that over 230000 chinese citizens were persuaded to return to china between april 2021 and july 2022. well, we found where accounts by chinese us or it is saying that these stations are being run to provide services such as renewal of passports, driver's license,
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and so on. but also to form a link with the public security bureaus. and crocker rhetoric supports back home to monitor the sentiment and public opinion within the community and to assist in this kind of persuasion to return operations. we reached out to the chinese embassy in the netherlands, but there was no response. the chinese foreign ministry categorically denies the existence of overseas police stations potential for china by it's by international law and respects the sovereignty of all countries. the so called chinese overseas police stations do not exist. the dutch foreign minister tells us they've asked china to shut down the police stations where we have been crystal clear to the chinese about what we have seen. any type of a state activities can only take place if the host country actually is aware and is ok with that. this was clear, not the case. so we taught them to close them a as a b, which the which should have done an currently investigating the exact specifics of the matter wagons. if the stations are still active and $130.00 in the netherlands
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to do more, they show the africa. busy police search the overseas police station this year, the fu, the criminal, i mean the chinese overseas police. i hope the kind of report to the chinese i'm, this is a beautiful pay already may call free call reports to touch, but you say i won't. the europe and commission says while it condemns all foreign interference on the territory of his member stays, it won't launch an e u wide action. this is a matter of national security and sovereignty of the u. member states. some member states have already launched investigations and the commission welcomes very much this fact because it is a matter of huge importance to shed light on this worrying phenomenon for wanting the harassment. and the fear by the chinese authorities is nothing compared to the worry. he feels for not knowing how his actions have affected his family. he is unable to contact them. i tried to call my mother
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the number you have dialed is not in service. please check the number and dial again at home actually dancing. it brings us together. it connects us and for these dancers here, it also keeps cultural heritage alive. many armenians love the traditional dances of their country and see them as an important part of their identity. even armenians who live abroad will travel back to their homeland and come together with others in the capital of yerevan for evenings of song, dance and laughter. night has fallen in the armenian capital of yet, yvonne, but this little courtyard is buzzing with life. inside armenians, from all over the world, meet once a month to learn and practice traditional dances. satan has travelled all the way
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from germany to join. it does fit and then to past years have seen us lose touch with a lot of our culture. and that includes armenians who live here in these dances or something that unites us. there's real passion in these steps that some of them had us lucy, hand in hand, celebrating togetherness. armenians are a small people, just 3000000 live in the country. more than twice as many live abroad law, i'm an armenian who live in the diaspora in russia. when i was growing up there, man, studying russian culture, reading russian literature, i'll do that. but at some point, the question arises, well, this is russian culture, and now it's very interesting and diverse. i want to know my own to long story. minot, iowa. every one is welcome, young and old experienced and new dancers the course instructor stresses the importance of this. and it's free, of course. oh, hello. literally didn't just,
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it's about restoring your people's identity, how we see ourselves, especially as armenians. we have lost a lot of her culture throughout the years. no soviet union, for example, we were forced to be communists. so rather than armenians, georgians or russians, long a year old. this dance is unique. it is traditionally performed in war time before combat. these cadets are still in training, but others here have 1st hand experience after several wars against azerbaijan. this hi charlotte, it's such a shame. we're always at war. as i wish we just spoke side stairs in ours so that we could stop this hate. because hate doesn't lead anywhere. it's a mix. many here think it's just a matter of time before tensions boil over again. but for to night, this dance school is filled with unity. m joy. that is it
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even minutes on d. w with we did the urgency life saving boxes. we give our everything to reach those who need us the most. every box feeding their futures boxes for the hope of life saving food. we feel asleep deliver not just next day that every day, thousands of children still waiting for that delivery sponsor of books to day. so together we can deliver finches mania. so i am lana. see i knew sky. yeah, i am running for president of the republic of bella, rosie. only key with you. she is a wife of an upcoming petitioning at the dates. is she been done in
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a moment, where she tries to stand up for her husbands, who dest, any changes, and she herself becomes a politician, john dunder searches for the truth again. this time, the exile to turkish journalist meets svetlana tihano, sky, exiled leader of the opposition and bella reuss. huge. because i'm tired. i'm tired . physically untied. morally, it's too much on my shoulders, but i have to hold. they swayed because i'm responsible for the future. follow contra for the people far behind the boss. sh, guardians of truth starts february 18th on d. w. o ah, ah
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