tv DW News Deutsche Welle February 2, 2023 5:00pm-5:31pm CET
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a team of talk to you. officials. i've been holding talks with ukraine's vladimir lensky and keith, ahead of a summit there on friday, also coming up, bratia mark's 80 years since the battle of stalingrad president put in commemorates the soviet victory over now to germany and appeals to patriotism. as his country fights, its own war of aggression and ukraine, plus belgium drugs, gangs, bringing cocaine through the port of antwerp wage a deadly war. europe's top policing agencies struggles to control a trade that many port workers are too scared to talk about. ah, i'm gabrielle as well come to the program, ukraine's president rodney zalinski and european commission president, also lafond ally and have been meeting keith funder line. and her team of top
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officials are part of the biggest you delegation to visit. since the start of russia's invasion, they have been discussing new sanctions on moscow as well as you aid to you crime. so, ukraine's president for the mas lensky, anther european commission president was left on the line. let's take this. europe has been by ukraine side since day one, because we know that the future of our continent is being written here. we know that you are fighting for more than yourselves. what is at stake is freedom. this is a fight of democracies against authoritarian regimes. putting tries to deny the existence of ukraine, but what he risks instead is the future of russia. our presence in keith to day gives
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a very clear signal. the whole of the european union is in this with ukraine for the long haul ukrainians. abilene, this battlefield, defend pacifically, those values that of europe has got united on his own, keeps uniting and we cannot lose it. so every back to him and he got a union between ukraine and the european union, inspires our people. and this give a result to the entire of it gives the result to our society more in order to get us to put defendant against the our joint enemy, but early on to w correspond mathias bellingham gave us his estimate of the statements by funder lions. the landscape it's absolutely not part of the usual job description offer e u. com massage or travel with all his. their fellow commerce are the 16 of them. plus from the line plus shot michelle, the head of the european council,
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where the heads of state and government need. they altogether travel into a war zone for that's a big gesture, of course. and you've just heard the words by from the lime and said lensky, making sure that these big gesture is proceed as a big gesture, almost a little bit lofty. but it's, of course, a ah, working meeting where a lot of things need to be discussed not only assistance to ukraine by the european union. that means monetary assistance, economic assistance, and several measures that should err sustained, the ukraine in economy, but also the process of accession. ukraine is a candidate for your membership since last year. and of course, this is a follow up on this process whether such a high level delegation or coming to key if that's more than just symbolic. is it exactly that,
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especially the ukranian side is hoping for some very specific or commitments by the europeans on this membership accessed accession process. the ukrainians have been venting this idea that there could be a time frame or by which accession could be achieved. the ukrainian prime minister has spoken of 2 years. well, that's not very likely we're, we're hearing from my the you side. but, and it's may of may be also not very likely that the u. e will commit to a certain time frame. but it is, of course, a symbol of the ukraine has completed one part of the they call it a questionnaire. one part of the assessment of the state of for ukraine and is hoping to get an answer. this will not be the formal answer that the e will give at a later stage, but they will be discussing the progress in this accession process. and that's also something that to lensky can sell to its people that he continues to be working, not only on winning the war, but also on the future of ukraine,
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maybe after this war. so this meeting is of course, important for both sides for the, the you to show their commitment and for ukraine or to show that they are having an idea of the future. what is it not only about of course a membership, a possible membership of ukraine or in the e. u, but it's also about the sanctions. what have you heard about that? well, it was left on the line has announced that her sanctions that e. u once to put new sanctions, attend round of sanctions. a new package of sanctions before the february 24th. that would be the one year anniversary since the beginning of the full scale invasion. but that the, the specifics have not been announced a day and keith would not be the place where they announced the sanctions. they are consulting with, keep on these. so sanctions, they are hearing what are the, the, the input by cave, what they would consider useful and what they would hope for. but of course,
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the sanctions need to be agreed upon by the e. u. member states and it, they would be an hours and a meeting of the e. u. member states, not at a meeting between the commission and keith. but here's bellinger their report from care. thank you much years and my colleague alexander phenomena has more on the reaction and brussels to events and cleave. i think there is broad support for what was a lot of fun. the lion had to say in keith and for the visit itself and the decision to hold those talks in an active warrant zone was meant to demonstrate to we are not afraid to come. we are there for you and to the talks today. the goal of them was to encourage ukraine to continue with important reforms and also to acknowledge what has been done so far. because of course, we have to remind ourselves that ukraine is a country at war,
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defending their territory. and there are people against russia's aggression. and at the same time, the government is working on a plan to implement the political and economic reforms. now the european parliament also held a session there today, reaffirming its commitment to ukraine's you membership. does that get you claim any closer to joining the? no, it does not. and that is the honest answer. because of course, there is a process that ukraine has to undergo. they have to implement reforms. they have to align every single sector of their economy, of their political system, of their educational system, with the european standards. it is a long process it could take up to a decade. so their turn, the resolution that was approved by the european parliament today is not bringing
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ukraine any closer to becoming a member of the european union. however, we heard from the ukrainian president today who said that every step that could potentially bring ukraine closer to you. queen the european integration is a seen as a, as a, as a very important step and, and as an inspiration for his people to continue defending their country. so in symbolic terms, i think this resolution approved by the european parliament could be seen as such an inspiration that ropey and lawmakers are calling on the institutions to speed up the process to have more sanctions on russia and to step up their military and financial support for ukraine, now you membership aside, what other support is the you planning for? well, we heard from your foreign policy chief to day that the european union is planning
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to extend its training emissions up to 30000 soldiers. i will be trained by the european union. i think that's a significant other for like funder line, also announce and more financial help for energy equipment, l e d lamps, for instance. or we could also expect more announcements to come, for instance, or the, the lifting of tariffs on ukrainian goods. that of course, the water ukraine is hoping for it to get sir, sort of fast track you membership. what to her demanding and pushing for that is rather unlikely to happen. dw brussels bureau chief other some are phenomenal reporting there. thank you. tom. now to have a look at some of the other stories making headlines around the world. who as vice
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president carmella harris has called for police reform at the funeral of tyree nichols and memphis tennessee 29 year old nichols had died after being beaten by police during an arrest. 5 officers have been charged with murder braces. the appeal central bank has hiked interest rates again, increasing them by half a point to 3 and 3 percent on thursday. it's the 5th hike in a row intended to curb years on inflation easy be president christine la guard underlined the bank continuing drive to tame inflation. even as the european economy is slowing, you can see and not an issue. and rights activists have denounced the arrest of 5 people on terrorism charges in egypt. they have published a spoof video about a prison visit. the 3 minute clip shows a woman visiting her fiance in jail and has received 7000000 views on facebook. russian president vladimir putin is in vogue. rot,
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formerly known as starling rot is attending celebrations. to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the soviet victory of a german forces at the battle of stalingrad who's in began with laying a wreath at the memorial complex to the fallen red army soldiers. later an event, he said that russia is again threatened by german tongue as a reference to belinda promised to send man bethel title not to support ukraine. is his latest attempt to compare rushes morgan's ukraine to the soviet victory over nazi germany. in world war 2, is that your school, but his speech smocks, 80 years since the battle of stalingrad, that helped turn the tide in world war 2 that's have a closer look at that fight. this is vulgar grant to day. the city formerly known as stalingrad lives in the shadow of the past. this banner says stalingrad is the birthplace of victory. that's because this is where according to military historians,
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the tide turned in world war 2. in the summer of 1942 nazi germany had pushed deep into the soviet union, stalingrad was strategically important. capturing, it would allow germany to push further towards vital oil fields and control the vulgar river. but the germans were far from home with overstretched supply lines. and the soviet union poured massive numbers of troops and resources into the battle . fighting raged for 6 months until the soviets were able to surround the german forces and cut off their supplies. on february, 2nd, 1943, the germans, starving, and out of ammunition, gave up. the victory came at a terrible cost between one and 2000000 people died. despite losing so many soviet soldiers, the battle is part of the legendary struggle and triumph over nazi germany. to
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dubuque, responded killian via is following the events in vocal graph from reagan, and i asked him why put in is attending these collaborations? well, this attendance is significant, this event is significant, really, to put it quite frankly, and simply because world war 2 is extremely important. in russia, it's known as the great patriotic war, and it was an existential threat really to, to the soviet union from which russia came forth. now stalingrad, as we saw in the report, was a pivotal moment where the, the momentum shifted to the soviet union away from the germans, the nazis who had invaded russia. and they actually managed to defeat the germans and stalingrad and turn the war around. so why is this important for today, and how does that really related today? well, the thing is, the russian propaganda and vladimir putin is saying that the ukrainians are nazis. and they are comparing these 2 conflicts as if they were the same thing. but really,
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they're not because in the 1940 is the soviet union was attacked. last year, russia attacked ukraine. and many of the battles that we see playing out like marie pull, which was completely destroyed by the russian army, have, have a resemblance also of stalingrad just perpetrated from the other side. now bobo grant has been symbolically renamed back to stalingrad just for a couple of days to mark the anniversary. but what's behind that? well, to be honest, volga grad is renamed back to stalingrad multiple times a year, especially for important dates like this one or also victory day. and this has been done multiple times. now. why was vulgar grad renamed? why was stalingrad renamed to vulgar grad? well, following the purges under styling after stalings death, the soviet union tried to come to terms really with its pass understanding was and
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where millions of soviet citizens were killed, put into gulags, kind of the russian version of concentrate the soviet version of concentration camps and, and to do to, to process this past they, they did multiple things among them they, they renamed the city for stalingrad to vulgar grad, a more neutral name based on the river vulgar. now, how do ordinary russians view this anniversary? i think, you know, it's difficult to say what the exact polls are in russia because we're, we're having trouble getting information out of the country. and we also have to take polls from russia with a huge grain of salt. we have heard though, is that a mental illnesses have considerably grown in russia and anxiety has grown. at the same time, some political scientists are saying that around 25 percent of russians support the war. 25 percent of russians are against the world war and 50 percent are just trying to keep their heads down and,
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and really have nothing to do with it at all. i would say that probably the people that are against the war and are probably horrified to see these 2 conflicts being compared to each other today because one killian by there. thank you. let's take a look at some more headlines now. the energy giant shell says its annual profit search to a record 38000000000 euros last year. that's more than double would have made the year before. the company benefited from surgeon gas and old prices after russia's invasion of ukraine. according austrian has given 4 men prison sentences for assisting the perpetrator of the 2020 dana islam estero attack. they were found guilty of helping him obtain guns and ammunition. the attacker killed 4 people and
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injured 23 before he was shot dead by police. pope frances has arrest thousands of young people at a stadium in the democratic republic of congo, capital kinshasa, he called again for forgiveness and reconciliation in the war torn nation. it's the 3rd day of the pope's visit to one of africa's most catholic countries. these suicides bomb attack on a mosque and pakistan this week has left the country security forces unsettled the attack tags at officials, praying at the building which was located in a secure police compound. the bomber was reportedly disguised in a police uniform. now offices are calling for measures to protect the people tasked with protecting the public. it is a red protest. they're not civilians, but police officer smith in pakistan's, happy back to her province, demanding security. as you st bombing in a mosque on monday, get many of their colleagues,
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but this was not the only attack militant here. i relentlessly targeting to police last year. more than 100 police officials lost their life in desert related incidence. every day our men are being martin, and no one is protesting and asking why they're being killed. no one, what is it under the anthem on your head? how did a suicide attack into the police compound point, we demand answers for joe. up, we demanded justice for our dead in coming isabella. as this protest was happening, funerals were taking place, but the guilt in the glass dis, family. if morning they lost a policeman whose father was also killed in a bomb attack more than 40 years ago. and just a few kilometers away. and their family is grieving for an officer who lives behind
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a widow and fight children. vaguely. these frequent attacks on security officials mean civilians do are forced to stay alert bob bliss them. now when police officers pass me, i fear that if the police are attacked on i might also be attack an armload. but if the people are meant to protect us being attacked for them who will really protect us going, gallagher, authorities are investigating who is responsible for the mosque attack as security for 5th fight is 313th of militancy in north western pakistan. the port of antwerp and belgium has become the number one gateway for latin american cocaine destined for europe. the trade is controlled by powerful international gangs and comes with high levels of violence and corruption. the problem is so accused that antwerp mayer is now calling for the army to be deployed
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deductions. terry shoals reports, looks to me like a kalashnikov very small, completely round. is that what the drug dealers are using the sun from on the recent shooting death of an 11 year old girl in her family home in antwerp, believe to be an accidental killing in a dispute between gangs has drug culture research to invert and fearing attacks will now spiral, i hope it won't be cycle of revenge because then you have a whole new level of violence in, in, in predictable dynamics. belgian authorities seized a $110.00 tons of cocaine last year, a record, but they estimate that's only about 10 percent of what's imported. not enough to disrupt criminals business. there boosting their efforts, planning to deploy more than a 100 extra people at the port along with new scanning equipment. but the added scrutiny may make smugglers even more determined to recruit insiders to help get the cocaine on to land. they're already targeting port employees. they approach you
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very directly show pictures of your family, of your kits, of, of friends, and this is a, not a very subtle way of working it's, it's a real threats stephan van for him as the general manager at alpha port walker, which represents employers at the port of antwerp, he said it was risky to even speak with us on the topic. i realized that this is a danger. maybe also for myself and my family. i think there's no alternative than being open about this problem. if you stay silent, i considered as to be cooperation to these guys. i think we need to stop them. that's a top priority for the e. u. police agency europe, or because so many other crimes are linked to drug trafficking. whoever is involved in drug trafficking is also involved in money laundering and document for europe all emphasizes it can't even begin to tackle this problem without help from around the globe. you are not going north says they're increasingly teaming up with origin countries like columbia,
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as well as places where king pins often sit. he says it's working step by step. quite a few of high value targets were taken out, were arrested in dubai. and they were allegedly orchestrating cocaine trafficking into the you from to buy. so this loophole will be close. so many loopholes remain open. but to invite and says do nothing. it is not an option. you're just gonna say, oh, we just let them do their way and, and i love it. did the city of the country and europe flop with cocaine? it is not an option. in the meantime though, the piles of confiscating cocaine in belgium are so big already that authorities fear the gangs will try to steal the drugs back before they can be destroyed. uncovered 19 panoramic was officially declare the global health crisis 3 years ago by the world health organization this week. the w h o said that the pandemic is not yet over. nevertheless,
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many countries around the world are returning to some sort of normality measures such as wearing a mask in public places have been scrapped. but life is far from normal for the millions of people who continue to suffer from the effects of covet months or even years after they had it. they have what's called long cove. it one family in the u . k. showed us how it's changed their lives abandoned. that's often how people with long covert feel. sammy mcfarland was infected with cove it 193 years ago. she still suffers from lethargy, difficulty concentrating, and the loss of her sense of smell. she's had to give up working and sell her house . her husband has become her terror. but her daughter who was 14, when she caught cove, it has had an even worse time of it. as she was blacking out painting and she had really severe abdominal pain. and the pain would paralyze her. sammy is slowly
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recovering. but her daughter kitty is still having a tough time with hong at enclave it because they have strong uses a young and healthy. i'm seeing my, our school even when i go i was, it's 40 young, active nature. there were lots of brilliant, curious doctors and reset south there, but it isn't yet enough and hasn't yet found a treatment. and that, you know, there's a lot of work to be done. we need investment in biomedical research in britain about $70000.00 children suffered covered symptoms for longer than 3 months. london's university college hospital is carrying out the world's biggest study tracking 7011 to 17 year olds. long covert affects about 10 percent most eventually recover, but for about one percent of the cases,
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symptoms can persist for a very long time. it's commoner in girls and boys, it's commoner in older children than younger children. are the things that seem to make you more vulnerable. ah, if you've got health problems, physical or mental health problems before the pandemic, there is no quick cure and it's not yet well understood. professor stevenson says long cove, it is still a puzzle for sammy. she tries to deal with it by getting back to her old hobbies like swimming in the sea. her daughter kitty is also making slow progress. it was easy. w news is a reminder of our top story. european commission president up on the line has said that the you is planning to place fresh sanctions on moscow before the 24th of february. that's exactly one year after russia invited ukraine for the line made the announcement at
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a summit in keith. the sanctions are expected to include additional price caps on russian petroleum products. that's it from me and that it was theme for now. don't go away. coming up next in d, w. news, asia. why a group of indonesian island indonesian island is taking one of the biggest cement makers in the world to coax that store. we had a lot more on the news asia that south next with bearish vantage just after a short break. and of course there's lots more news and analysis on our website. d, w dot com, go check it out. got office and berlin ah,
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