tv DW News Deutsche Welle February 9, 2023 3:00pm-3:31pm CET
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a ah this is dw news life from berlin, ukraine's president urges european leaders to keep up the flow of weapons and the aid to keep lot of landscape capital world wind, diplomatic to a lobbying allies in brussels. sr e. u officials bound to provide teeth with maximum support to hold russia invasion in turkey and syria rescue workers scramble to find more earthquake survivors. 8 continues to arrive in the hottest areas after 3 cold nights,
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hopes fading far. and the u. s. accuses china, were huge surveillance program over several years. the pentagon says china had a whole fleet of balloons flying over 5 continents. aging denies the object shot down over american skies was being used for spite. ah, i've been because all unwelcome blooded, mister lansky is in brussels with leaders of the use 27 members states and their special summit on this situation in ukraine. before the discussions, the prime minister's president's and the blogs were senior representatives warmly welcomed the ukrainian president who's on the his 2nd trip outside his country since the sound of russia's full scale invasion before the summit, mister soleski addressed the european parliament. i bring you more details of that
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when we get them 1st. let's go to a correspondence, brussels, alexander and marvin to bring in her inside your thoughts. first of all, on that speech by the ukranian president the speaker of the ukrainian president and president and the for the european parliament was of course at taylor made speech for the european lawmakers that have been and the strongest among the strongest supporters for keith. and in this speech, a ukrainian president praise and their support saying that that is what has motivated, he's the people and the armed forces of ukraine to keep up their fight. and he also praised the european union and what the blocker stands for, mentioning the rule, rule of law peace, the european way of life. and a he stressed that this is the right to home. this is homecoming for ukraine to one day become member of the european parliament. and of course,
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and that was what the european lawmakers wanted to hear. there. alexander stayed with us for a moment. we'll just have a little listening to what lensky had to say. a few moments ago you gran european, we of lives them out just in the shipping. the russians are trying to destroy a ukraine in european way of life. ok, with total war was reject smith for what you were a place to destroy the training in european way of life. of course, no, not allow this year. but for each of all 27 elements of the european way of life. at $27.00 countries of the european union, this total waterfall, which rushes unleashed is not only for territory and one or another partner or a he won his threat lies only in the fact that there's a dictator with a master stock pile of soviet weapons, iraq, and supporting weapons was from other dictatorship. these other was jeff thomas,
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in particular data from the reigning machine or against was lloyd that did with good was bro to be able to waged this war or the kremlin? absolutely. what is your cynically, what is consistently no step by step said, year for year, mostly destroy what we see me as the basis nisha far? europe lynch with you? mean much more mostly nationally is la maya europa. and what was interesting about this speech is the fact that lensky wasn't hopping on about the needful fighter jets this time. it was the e u. parliament president. in her welcoming speech, you mentioned the 5 digits. while you write a riveto met sola, and they were pin parliament's president upset in her speech data. it is now for states, presumably member states to consider providing ukraine as soon as possible with everything and they need long raid share range weapons and fighter jets. so this
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was a strong sign of support. however, we also have to say that addressing the european leaders here at the council building, the ukranian president did speak about the needs to get fighter jets to protect ukraine skies. and in the press conference, after the talks, he was ask what a day and there will be any announcements worthy of whether all the leaders are on the same page. when it comes to this topic, we can presume that they are not. but zelinski sat in the press conference that there are certain agree, man said that to are very positive or announcements that are very positive, but they cannot be pop, be made public yet. so a he's apparently hoping to get to more advanced weapons. so without specifying whether he was talking about fighter jets all long range missiles, ah,
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so he's hoping to get more advance weapons, but he was not able to give us any details in the press conference. and he is still to have a couple of bilateral meetings with individual european leaders here in brussels or telephoned a lion. i found michelle and ms. lewinsky been held a joint press conference, some that off off of, for us, alexander. well, it was a press conference in which are both presidents, the european commission and president and the president of the european council stress that europe is standing by ukraine. that to europe is ready to support keith as long as it takes to win the war, or the la funder lion isn't even said we are one family. we are one vision and family members support each other. you can count on us. he told the korean roo, cure ukrainian president. however,
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we didn't see any deliver ups in this press conference. we didn't see any concrete results and nothing new so to speak. even though the ukrainian president said that actually he cannot go home empty handed, but says so far we didn't see any new commitments from the european union and its members states. well, let's just listen in now to what was left on the line. did have to say in that press conference, we all heard the urgency of your call to support ukraine. now you spoke in a very moving manner about and praising the european way of life and to add it that ukrainians want to come home to this european way of life. and indeed today you see we are one families. we have one vision and family members help each other. you can count on us. we will continue to provide
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our full support now to sustain your people through this atrocious war and for the future. so, alexander, what can we expect from today summit? well, i think that the press conference was what we could expect, as i said, no major announcements there and nothing really, really new from the representatives of the institutions. but as i mentioned, the lensky is still to meet with individual member states. some of them, especially those in the eastern part of europe and the baltic states, there are very supportive, it could be that he will get more commitments from those states. but with regards to the official announcements,
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there was this strong signal we are as the european union, it's representatives a set ready to support ukraine to continue the support to put in place new stronger sanctions to speak about the creation of a special tribunal to held a to whole, to russia accountable, but in terms of accession talks, a certain date for them to start. there was not that commitment that says lensky was hoping for. he asked also a funder lion and char michelle during the press conference or whether ukraine will start at session talks with the european union next year. he said, i'm, i mean, next year 2020 this year. i'm sorry. i mean 2023, but he didn't get an answer to that. thank you very much for it. charming, in alexander phenomena now. brussels bureau chief there to turkey and
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syria, where the death toll from monday's earthquake has now reached more than 17 and a half 1000 turkeys. president bridget tie a better one is defended. his government's response, saying that preparing for a disaster of this scale is practically impossible. international rescue teams have joined local emergency crews in the worst affected areas, but hope of finding more survivors is fading. and in many places like turkey's hattie province, residents say they've seen little outside help. for days, these residents have spent the night here. camped amongst the ruins of homes in hats. how you province. one of the hardest hit by monday's quakes. they say they can still hear voices coming from under the rubble from the moment. but if in left without any help to save their loved ones. rescue teams,
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equipment and emergency support is now starting to arrive here. the many fear it's come to light and their frustrations. and now turning to anger, we have 30 dead in that is our state really incapable? i think so incapable. i have no words. 30 bodies have been lying have until the morning should be a millersville hotel for you'll feel a little turkey's president is acutely aware of the fingers now being pointed at him and his government's response to the disaster. and while visiting some of the worst effected areas on wednesday, he did admit that they had encountered some problems elevator. certainly there have been shortfalls. as the conditions have become clear, it is impossible to prepare to face a disaster like this all over make merchandise. the opposition leader sees things differently though, blaming the president for the destruction. was it there is only one person
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responsible for this catastrophe, and that is there to one the 20 years. he has failed to prepare the country for earthquakes. with our international emergency and rescue teams are now up and running with crew. so more than 2 dozen countries taking part in the rescue mission . and despite fear that the window to find more survivors is closing, there is still hope that more people may be found alive. with moments like this, providing emergency teams with all the motivation they need to carry on. the search for signs of life in syria. international aid has reached a rebel held enclave despite complications caused by a 12 year civil war. and official at the barbell o y border crossing between turkey and syria has confirmed that a u. n. 8 convoy has entered the region where millions are relying on humanitarian aid. a d w team is there and sent this exclusive report. digging through the robot
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an assyrian town of harrow, just one of hundreds in the region that have been flattened by the quake. rescuers often just using their bare hands for the most basic of tools. graphite is one of the locals, frustrated by the lack of proper digging machinery. that's compounded by exhaustion after working 2 days without sleep. however, hm, and we need help from other countries. we're getting some equipment, but we have people under the rubble and we're trying to pull them out. we have malice, but what good are mallet got this little? what we really need is heavy equipment to rescue people and they've been under the rubble for 48 hours. we need heavy equipment to get them out. she on about olive some bulldozers have arrived. but they're not nearly enough. given the widespread scale of destruction. and hopes of finding more survivors are diminishing by the
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hour while the able bodied assist with rescue efforts, others are left to ponder. what's next for them. lather, anela. miss willa. dont have any clothes or any possessions any more than other than the streets and the rain without socks or anything man had they don't have anyone to stay with us. my siblings died in the leper while i had a hot inspection in the hand of rafa. and the other helpers in her, him who continued to hammer away until our mission is complete. and after that, they'll have another massive task rebuilding their village. to get a better picture of the situation, it's serial. joined by any more stuff. a venue, i mean, you and resident coordinator, we hearing reports about this 1st column void, making it over the border from talking to syria. could you tell us how significant that is? a significant these people have been waiting for help and assistance from the
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outside world for 4 days now and whatever we can get to them, whether it's gone, it's comes from the lot of the salt is absolutely needed. so i'm really happy that this is happening. that one across from mobile, our and i hope that we will have also the, fortunately to support from this side of my left side to the people who are have be left without any support in that area. but we have the people this, this in yes, please go ahead. is there more support coming from other areas because i know that border crossing in the north is the sole border crossing. the only way to get aid to these people in this region. we were lucky to have some predispose this, this really get a kind of supplies there already before before we get started. so the team
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and the partners worked very hard to help bring some support to the people who needed at the time. and that was used both for the northwest and also the other. other governors that have been affected for 5 governance have been affected live huh. the lead for tools. and so we managed to get some of the stock that has been the review waiting, and it was therefore the news for the crisis, the city of crisis, the norman syrian crisis. but this command says that came on top of the crisis, came to take all that and we've tried to relieve the depression on the people who believe them, whatever they need. so there were, there was food, food and clothes, and blankets and whatever,
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non food items that we could bring. we've tried to do that and that is over the depleting, the stocks we have much, much more a need or is needed. so when we see the situation in the northwest and have a lot in all the area that is affected, and that's 8000000 people who live in that area, the need is enormous. what about getting that help is what about getting in with been to actually save people? do you have hope of finding people still alive under the rubble? where are the for today's, the fall day off of the crisis. so the hope is really becoming more and more thing . we missed the opportunity of doing that on the 1st and 2nd. on the 3rd day. it's just that the situation is celia is
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a tough situation. we had the 10 years of crisis, the equipment that was available needed maintenance needed the spare parts. and it's, it's not, it's just like a place on top of it. you have this. so it is quite difficult and that's why it's hurts. to see the people using their own bare hands to help her in the northwest and even in other areas despite the very the lock. so it's coming from government and other partners who are there, but it's very limited to come back to the neat table. have to leave it there. you, when humanitarian coordinator and more stuff have been on the thing. thank you very much for being on the w news. appreciate it. that much that china has said america is waging an information war against it. by accusing paging of spying with high altitude balloons. the painter gone says the balloon. it shot
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down saturday over the carolina coast was part of a large surveillance program. china contains, it was just a weather balloon that us officials say it belonged to an aerial observation. networks spanning 5 continents. these are the soggy remains of what is alleged to be a powerful chinese spike. craft u. s. defense teams here pulling the remnants from the sea off the south carolina coast for further inspection in the pentagon. doesn't believe this balloon was an isolated incident. us and nato officials have meet to discuss what comes next. china engage in this irresponsible action. violation of our, our sovereignty and turtle integrity and international law. and as we noted as well, we're not alone in this countries across 5 continents have also had surveillance
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balloons over fly. other territory, which is why we're sharing this information with others. we're also seeing increased chinese intelligence activities in europe. again, different platforms. hm. um, they use a south lard, so they, they, they cyber analysis in order not to say it's also volumes. the discovery of the balloon and at subsequent shooting down have wilson washington's already, teens. relations with china. the u. s. has briefed 40 countries on the situation with a stray li are responding by pulling chinese made security cameras from some government buildings like this war memorial to ensure that they are completely secure in china insist the balloon was simply monitoring the weaver before veering off. course. it is unacceptable for the us to attack china. civilian is ships and it is
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irresponsible. sensationalizing, the phone call. china threat doesn't help improve bilateral just nor does it make the us more secure. as the united states mocks up from the balloon, fall out. president joe biden is stressing relations between the 2 countries. have not taken a hit. amid growing global tensions, the white house seemingly still hopeful of salvaging ties with beijing and for more let's go to professor michael clark. he's a specialist for defense and foreign policy. a king's college london spy program that spans at least 40 countries across 5 continents. what does that tell you? oh, i wish the united states just making clear to the world that the china conducts a sort of a societal level spine process. it's on an industrial scale and they just gather information from everywhere all the time as much as they can. and despite balloon
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is it was a stunt. and it wasn't, wasn't teacher logical blue and it wasn't serious spine blue. and it was a suggestion that the chinese were making and they lost control of it, lost control the stunt of control of the, the political message they were trying to send. and for all sorts of interesting reasons. and what about the politics since china's response to the accusations? it's denials. what does that tell you? we always go through this process sufficiently, try to get away with it by saying it's a mutual logical nobody believe that. and i will not believe it. i don't think and then they go into will worry diplomacy mode, which is to threaten all sorts of things to say is disgraceful than the fact that you wrote down a balloon. it's flying over your face illegally was somehow completely unacceptable, and there will be consequences. they always say this and try to always feel that it has to respond in a very vigorous way to everything. they take no prisoners,
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they will make no concessions even when they're in the wrong, which they obviously incomplete. in this particular case. so it has damaged american chinese relations, probably not irreparably a rep. it's a suspect. it's not the crisis but the, the, the visit that anthony blink and the 2nd state was due to make to beijing the following day. that's now gone on into cold storage. i'm sure it will take place at some point and, but trying to needed that visit more than america. so china is virt itself by making this stuff go wrong, and then they will have to so sweet, but the, the debrief from that, michael, is there anything in any of this that has surprised you? it did surprise me that they would be so foolish to chinese, to be so foolish as to fly a balloon over the continental united states. a 60000 feet being balloons operate normally from the, from $60000.00, up to about 850100. 60000 and higher altitude blues can do quite
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a lot of good. and they are quite difficult to detect on radar. but at 60000 feet, this blue could be seen from the ground with the naked eye. and so they clearly intended it to be seen because playing games, suggestions are surprised by that because it was such a foolish thing to do, and it convinces us, again, put people in the west tend to assume that because we think china always plays for the long term it is very cunning and careful and they calculate every truth. they're just as stupid as the rest of us. they make the same stupid mistakes as we make. and this was something that i think the people's liberation army probably thought was a good idea. i think probably the central committee didn't know about it. and suddenly they discovered that in the middle of the preparations for the lincoln visit, which was very important to try that they shouldn't have this stunt, which somebody thought was a good idea a couple of weeks ago. was getting in the way and they've done themselves. no, no good at all. well, it's also interesting to see how the white house has been responding and how that responses evolved in the day since let's have
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a little listen it. it certainly doesn't. this incident and the fact that secretary lincoln had to postpone is true. it doesn't help get the relationship back on to the solid footing that we hoped it was committed to work. we're trying to where we can advance american interest to benefit the world, but make no mistake about it. as we made clear last week of china threatens our sovereignty, we will act to protect our country and we did have relations now between the us and china, taken a big hit. no, no. okay, that's interesting. the, by an administration trying to come attitudes towards china somewhat. what do you make of that? yes, i mean by the ministration wants to make it clear this spot. it will pass and we've got a broader relationship we're trying to think about. and again, they don't want to go over the top on this, but button was issued some strong words. they went directly to china,
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they were directed to republicans in congress because remember, when this bloom was 1st discuss. ready the republicans sort of hyperventilated about because they went into, into a sort of historical overdrive saying this is gathering, gathering surveillance. you shoot it down now. and they're also 2 reasons why it wasn't a clever idea to shoot it down until it was over the sea. when they shut it down, they shut it down to shallow water, so they could recover the contents, pretty wetting tracks because it kind of working out on the, on the latin. i guarantee that chinese bloom was not picking up any useful intelligence whatsoever. because the americans, as soon as it appeared on the continent united states to applying a buffet with you to a craft, to a flying below it. when you choose and some of the surveillance, i can guarantee i don't know, but i would state my reputation on the fact that they were blocking any, any, any chinese attempts to gather stuff in the ground and they were, and they're probably scanning, getting stuff from it and as they did so,
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w. and we're interested in the global economy. our portfolio g w business beyond. here's a closer look at the project. our mission. to analyze the fight for market dominance. if this is where you live at head with the w business beyond too many of them would. i am had lana sienna sky, and i am running for president of the republic of belo, leaky b. o. ah, in which, under searches for the truth again, this time, the exiled turkish journalist meets svetlana piano, sky, exiled leader of the opposition and bella ru. so, i mean,
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of course i'm tied and tied physically untied. morally, it's too much on my shoulders, but i have to hold this weight that goes, i'm responsible for the future of our country for the people far behind the boss gardens of truth starts february 18th on d. w. a visit the doctor news asia coming up to date accusations of deadly drinking water in india really doesn't dug normally say pollutants from nearby factories have contaminated that drinking supply. and the government has done nothing to stop it. and move over valentine's day called hard days. yeah, that's what an indian government advisory body you suggesting people do on the 14th of february, cbs co love or making a point if you can find.
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