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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 9, 2023 8:00pm-8:31pm CET

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ah ah ah this is dw news live from berlin more than 20000 people now confirmed dead after those earthquakes in turkey and syria, as hope fades of finding survivors to stays after the quakes. the 1st un aide con boys have arrived in war torn syria to deliver badly needed humanitarian relief.
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also coming up tonight, ukraine's president renews his appeal for e. u. membership telling officials in brussels will only be peace in europe when russia is defeated and ukraine becomes a member of the european union plus anger in south africa over the countries spiraling energy crisis. protestors have stormed into parliament just as president here to rem opposed that declared a state of national disaster over crippling power shortage. ah, i'm br. gov. it's good to have you with us on this thursday. the death toll for monday's earthquakes in turkey and syria has now surpassed 20000 turkeys. president retro tire air to one has defended his government's response. despite mounting criticism, saying that preparing for a disaster of this magnitude is practically impossible. international rescue teams
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have joined the local emergency crews in the worst effected areas, but hope of finding more survivors is now fading by the hour a you and a convoy carrying urgently needed humanitarian assistance, has arrived in north western syria. it's the 1st since the earthquakes struck, 8 organizations have struggled to bring supplies into rebel held northern syria, which is under a blockade by the government in damascus. burdened with grief and living in harsh conditions, ali my mood is staying at this makeshift camp in aleppo province. he says he lost many of his family members to the earthquake. his surviving daughter is now a widow with 2 children, led the at all whole. my kids died under the rubble wallet situation is horrible. you know, when we're here in a camp an a 10 school, there's nothing. the situation is bad. i wish i'd also died with my kids. it would
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have been better manually molded when of organizations in the country are stretching their resources over a decade of war had already left millions dependent on aid, especially in the rebel control northwest. in the aftermath of the earthquake, there is even less assistance to go round. local aid worker say they are unable to secure the basic needs of all survivors. i'm not jethro valjean. dumping we're finding it difficult to secure chance food water mia and even mattresses financially. and then this winter, it was minus 6 degrees celsius day of, of gone. it's very cold. this disaster needs to support of nation. see any law that individual initiatives alone and not enough, but i'm getting off out of him. i am sure, however, that the hot in ed live de situation is equally grim. many have had to brave poor weather conditions. lemme and him now, when we hollow, as loud gave,
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how can we sleep any sobs, very cold while alex out things are bad and it's raining on us and here. oh, wouldn't tell us that we want help. he said, we want someone to help us. one of our little we have only god, there's a lot of cool, didn't bought it. we didn't feel warm yesterday and the children were freezing that will let them know that he thought that allegedly, as the demand for eat skyrockets, the pressure is mounting on damascus. which is said to be obstructing aid. while international agencies are criticized for not acting fast enough. syrians feel they have no choice, but to wait and our corresponded eulley, hon. she is in the badly affected province of hot sy, in southern turkey, in the town of here, con jojo. what can you tell us? what are you seeing there on the ground tonight? we've been following
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a very specific search and rescue mission here in co con. what you can see there, right behind me used to be a 5 story apartment block, a home for several families. but this building just collapsed in an instant when the quakes hit on monday. and now several days later, rescuers here have found signs of life. they have found a woman who is trapped under this pile of rubble. her name is zayna and she is alive. there is a special search and rescue team here from germany, from the international search and rescue. i s a r germany and they brought a special search and rescue dogs. they brought lots of technical equipment and they have actually, with the help of the dogs managed to localize. they know they are now able to talk to her through a hole in the rug. it looks like we may have lost our signal
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to eula. we're. we apologize for that. we would try to get that re established as soon as we can. the earthquake has led to the collapse of more than 6000 buildings in turkey, alone in the city of god. in tip, one of 10 turkish cities badly affected more than 900 of some 6400 buildings were destroyed in the quake authorities say countless more buildings were damaged, leaving estimated hundreds of thousands of people homeless in the middle of winter . fricky officially has building codes for earthquakes, but the extent of damage from the quakers raised questions about how will the standards have been enforced. all right. joining me now from london is jasmine de them up because i hope i got your name correct. there is a ok, does you see?
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i could have you whether she's an engineer specializing in the effects of earthquakes on buildings at the universe university college london. you know, after the last major quake in 1099 building laws in turkey, they were changed. they were adapted to ensure that at least new buildings built would be resistant to a major earthquake. do we know why so many buildings collapse this time? i don't think the issue here is the billing cause that they weren't in 1999. they are now. he's building a very long and engineering training is pretty high quality, a boss, the enforcement regulations, a compliance with fire inspection practices, what's lacking. so i think there are 3 issues. one is that the design might not
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follow the codes in the 1st place. i fortunately as this, these things are going through another. secondly, even if the design actually uses the in the right way, that the constraint across fraction stage a contractor actually might not in demand. and also a key is the cost of the modifications. and i thing on the line of this, you know, starting from the design all the way it goes to stages, things can do wrong, come the we have seen the time. and again, it's 999 square before and after 2020 in europe with this. this is the building close. i think people that we're looking at what has happened in asking, is it possible then to have building codes?
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is it possible to build buildings that would have withstood this magnitude of an earthquake in this location? oh, yes. so when you look into this or this, these are only the early days. we need to complete our engineering assessment properly to be able to say something more concrete. our initial understanding that to look into the records is that in a large, especially, we are seeing that both the horizontal and vertical acceleration is actually the design level. as not only they do se, the design levels that they actually get very close to or exceed the limits things values for the last. so there any way we see these are only initial assessment with the she wants. the search and rescue operations are
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over on the quantities our engineering assessment, and it looks like the in the larger got it, especially if you would expect me to high levels of damage. the damage mechanisms are going to be slightly different perhaps. so that would mean that to me what, what, what does that mean? the damage mechanisms? well, the way that the building that gets damaged is something that we actually, we actually design it is, it is a something that is embedded into the engineering design process. so how you actually design buildings is that, you know, you allows a building to undergo some damage, but in a way that is not going to compromise. the stability asked for, was leech line losses. so we are see here is it. so you're saying the buildings
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can be built to that where there is an allowance for buildings maybe to sway back and forth in an earthquake. what we have seen here in southern turkey or buildings that have basically just collab straight pancakes, one level on top of the other, all flattened. and you're saying that dutch construction should be or there should be codes that should prevent that type of pancakes from happening. absolutely. so accounting that i had just mentioned, we would definitely expect very severe damage 1st of all. but then so the, from the who just, i think what we are seeing is still quite possibly, you know, also then little damage by lives in the area. even those locations are the values didn't exceed the design. let's still, we are learning the source. so this is a strong route mostly doesn't allow
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problematic. last fraction a stop. definitely. i can tell that from what you're observing, we can definitely say the buildings are not ready. yeah, and that's a, that's a sad, sad statement to be able to make now. and of course, it will be too little too late for tens of thousands, if not more people who have lost their lives in this disaster lose access. we appreciate your time and your valuable insights tonight. thank you. well now, joined by martin frick. he is the germany director of the wins world food program. he joins me now from rosalyn. mr. frank, it's good to see you. we know that people are still struggling to find shelter. it's code night time right now in turkey and syria. do we know? are people getting enough to eat people who need food? are they getting it?
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well, this is a disaster on top of a disaster. the area that is affected has been kinda down by 12 years of war. and where we are operating right now, we have been working since many years to protect people. now what's happening is devastating and at least we were able in the who is 72 hours to reach 64000 people with food. but the need to reach much more than that. 300000 in turkey and 200000 in syria. are you reaching the people though that needed? i mean, how, how are you particularly in northern syria? talk me through how you're able to get food to people right now. well, as anywhere in the world, we work was partners and was our partner, the red syrian and arab red crescent. we were able in the 1st 24 hours to deliver $4000.00 of meals in aleppo. we've been providing colleagues from the red crescent, with 30000 meals that are ready to eat. and of course we are gearing up to
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a much larger operation in order to reach all of those affected by this devastating quake. and mr. frank are, are these organizations that you work with on the ground they are particularly in northern siri? are they telling you that that the food is getting through to the people who need it? we know that has not always been the case in northern syria. well, absolutely. i mean this is what we do. we monitor, we make sure that the food is coming to the people and mind you, this is new and not a new operation for us. we've been there for many years now, even without the earthquake. we are in a dire situation when it comes to receiving the funds to support the people. but when we have the money, if we have the money, be kept directly to the people who need it most. and let me ask you about funding. i mean, is the money there right now? do you have the financial means that you need to deal with this crisis? immediately? i need to explain the world food program is
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a 100 percent grow checked funded. so he can only work if we get money in. it's not . busy at all, it is question. so what we're looking at is 46000000, which we need immediately to support the 500000 people. i have match. so far we make do with money that we have with the serial operation that is on the way. but that money doesn't take us a long way, martin frick with the world food program, mr. creek. we appreciate your time and all the efforts that you've and your team are, are doing. thank you. thank you. here are some of the other stories now they're making headlines around the world. we, the chiles president gabrielle, border chez asked for international assistance to combat wildfires across the center and south of the country. 24 people a di did the fires in recent days. authorities have warned that a new heat wave could worsen the situation. the philippine president has met with the japanese prime minister in tokyo as the 2 nations looked to strengthen ties in
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response to china's growing military power in the region. the 2 leaders are expected to sign a key defense agreement later that would allow japanese troops to join were training exercises and respond to natural disasters. in the philippines, the oscar and grammy award winning american composer burt bacharach has died at the age of 94. 1 of the most prolific. busy authors in the history of pop music, he produced dozens of hits, including baby, it's you, i say, a little prayer walk on by and raindrops keep falling on my head in the book have because he had ukraine's president bought him. his zalinski has renewed his appeal for his country to join the european union. you told me you leaders to day meeting in brussels, that europe will only be at peace once russia has been defeated. and once ukraine has become a full member of the you, the lensky trip to brussels kept off
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a busy 2 days of diplomacy in which he urged european allies to keep the military and economic aid to keep flowing. images for the history books. president zalinski and b, u parliaments, president met celeste, ending side by side to demonstrate that ukraine is part of the european family. it is this family and its values. zalinski emphasized in his address that the people of ukraine dissent every day on the battlefield. sand massey of rabo, this is our europe. now these are our rules. this is our way of life. a deal grain him for ukraine. it's a way wholly away to its home sla, those whole dorman cylinder, key priest, the chamber for its early backing of you. kennedy stated from ukraine, pointing out that this support motivated his country to be strong and to stay the course. president lensky speech was her powerful mom.
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it was moving the fact that he spoke with such character and passion for joining our family here in the european union. we have been walking this path for the past year, and there's only so much who can add on except for solidarity and our feeling that we belong together. and this is the feeling that we all felt to day solidarity with your queen. that was what you were p and leaders wanted to demonstrate as well when they came together in brussels for their meeting with the ukranian president. tough and sanctions on russia and further arms deliveries were at the top of their agenda . would zalinski once again asking for western made fighter jets for his pilots. you so much and i'm sure visibly number for us to survive. we need these weapons. would. that is what i'm talking about actually was that are positive signals concerning the respect of weapons. roy, we've got positive signals that we heat each other. awesome,
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we are not going to really want these signals to become concrete words. second ali, but a torrijos concret and his or her hello me. and she made clear that his country also needs a concrete date for the start of accession talks with the eel. of course we need this year and this year shall when i say this year, i mean this year i love this ah, $22023.00. i feel i feel really, really responsibility at that uni within the european culture which are the other. but despite all the laughs and a lighter tone, ukraine is likely to have a long way to go to join the block. it's a merit base process. the commission president funder lion said not one set to rigid timelines for the lensky however, ukraine's e. u membership is not a distant dream, but the future that it's certain his visits to brussels has seen a lot of good will, and promises to provide more military support. but the ukraine and leader made it
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clear that what his country needs right now is not promises, but swift action as good or brussels correspondent now jack here, jack renaud, that's president zalinski. yesterday he was in london. he was in paris. the big message there was we need fighter jets. what was the message that he brought to brussels today? yeah, very much the same. he was demanding that the european partners step up and provide those fighter jets. that's what he says that ukraine needs. but it's only in the last month or so that the european partners agreed and allowed tanks to go to ukraine. a german block henri exporting german main tanks, the lap at twos that are made in germany that took a long time for the german government. so to release and relax and allow those tangs to go to go, i think frankly the appetite to send fighter jets in the bigger you capitals that matter which is really power some berlin on this. i don't think that to keen to immediately start sending fight station just just after they've agreed the tanks.
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during his visit to the united kingdom, the british government agreed that they would start training, fight a pilot. so now zalinski knows that he's going to try and get those planes at the moment is it's just, it's just was the haven't certainly been any promises made. but with all of these issues, with all of these weapons deliveries the demands were made. and then slowly over time, the ukranian government managed to turn the nose or the maybe into yesses. so we'll have to wait and see. yeah, he's done that with battle tanks. he's hoping to do that with fighter jets. we will . we heard it was almost like a love fest today when we heard ursula on the line and charles michelle both i'm speaking with of the ukrainian president but but beyond words, i mean, what do we know about unity within the e u when it comes to weapons for ukraine and just general solidarity with this country. this solidarity is, is very sure actually, and i think that was quite heavily expressed by pretty much all of the leaders and
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certainly that reception in the european parliament. i've been in brussels a long time, and i have never seen quite a reception for a leader as a lensky when he walked in up towards the, the parliament hamis. i co op these up the says, all of the staff out in the balconies cheering for him. so it's been a very woman, but as you say, what are the promises on the table as well of on the lines as a 10th round of sanctions include some of this lexical and military leadership that would be significant success for him to take back. also, the sped off the accession process. ukraine isn't just trying to turn away from russia. i think we have to keep that in mind. it's not trying to turn away from russia just to be independent. it wants to be any you member state. but there are complexities to that. i think that that message was carried to the ukranian president today by those other leaders. leaders are continuing their summit without him here in brussels now. ok, d w's bosses corresponded jack paired with the latest from brussels to night. jack is always taking south africa's president 0 rema post has
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declared a state of national disaster to deal with the country's largest energy crisis in decades. he made the announcement during his annual speech at the parliament in cape town with pressure growing on his cabinet. power outages across the country which lasts up to 12 hours are topping the list of grievances. the blackouts are expected to further damage south africa, struggling economy. now ahead of the speech, dozens of demonstrators attempted to get on the stage. you see that right there? they were demanding that mr. roma hosa resigned that they were confronted my security forces before it was although china had said that america is waging information war against it by accusing beijing of spying with high altitude balloons. the pentagon says that the balloon, it shot down on saturday, over the carolina coast was part of
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a large surveillance program. china contends that it was just a weather balloon, but u. s. officials say you belong to an aerial observation network spanning 5 continents . these are the soggy remains of what is alleged to be a powerful chinese spy. craft u. s. defense teams here pulling the remnants from the sea off the south carolina coast for further inspection in the pentagon. doesn't believe this balloon was an isolated incident. us and nato officials have meet to discuss what comes next. china engaged in this irresponsible action, violation of our, our sovereignty and turtle integrity and international law. and as we noted as well, we're not alone in this. countries across 5 continents have also had surveillance balloons over fly, other territory,
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which is why we're sharing this information with others. we're also seeing increased chinese intelligence activities in europe or again, different platforms. hm. um they use a south lord, so they, they, they cyber analysis in order not to say it's also volumes. the discovery of the balloon and at subsequent shooting down have wilson washington's already, teens relations with china. the u. s. has briefed 40 countries on the situation with a stray li are responding by pulling chinese made security cameras from some government buildings like this war memorial to ensure that they are completely secure. china insists the balloon was simply monitoring the width of the full veering off course. it is unacceptable for the us to attack china. vivian is ships, and it is irresponsible. sensationalizing, the full qual,
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china threat doesn't help improved by letters dressing, nor does it make the us more secure as the united states mops up from the balloon fall out. president joe biden is stressing relations between the 2 countries. have not taken a hit amid growing global tensions. the white house seemingly still hopeful of salvaging ties with beijing to watch any w news. as a reminder of our top stories this hour, the death toll from those earthquakes in turkey and syria has male from top to 20000. international rescue teams have joined the local emergency crews in the worst affected areas. hope of finding more survivors is now fading by the out. edu grades. president vladimir zalinski have renewed his appeal to join the european union in brussels. he said that long term peace in europe will only happen once you crate defeats russia and becomes a member of the u. european commission. president ursula on the lion said,
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there is no rigid timeline on ukraine joining the you you're watching a dw news. i'll be back at the top of the hour with more world news followed by the day of the next is to the point. ah with
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ah, with to the point of strong opinions and the clear positions international perspectives to the us and china have never really trusted each other. now the 2 superpowers have once again clashed over a chinese balloon, flown into u. s. territory,
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but just how bad can it get on to the point we ask us china rivalry, what's behind the grow intention to that point with d w ah, with i am said lana sienna kaya, i am running for president of the republic of beller room, all the key, i like everyone else for a long time, i thought it was best not to get involved in politics. hugh, she is a wife of an upcoming politician in a dictatorship and then in a moment where she tries to stand up for her husbands, who destiny changes. and she, herself becomes a school teacher at john dar searches for
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the truth again. this time, the exiled turkish journalist meets svetlana at seattle sky, exiled leader of the opposition and bella roost. of course i am tired and tired. physically untied, morally is too much on my shoulders, but i have to hold this weight because i am responsible for the future fall country for the people far behind the boss gardens of truth starts february 18th on d. w. the relationship between the u. s. and china has always been characterized by mistrust . the world's 2 largest economies view each other as rivals and their latest dispute was ignited by a white balloon that china flew over you west territory. the u. s. government says that it's air force shot down a spy balloon that american.


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