tv The Day Deutsche Welle February 10, 2023 11:02pm-11:31pm CET
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umbrella, find much more on our website, the deputy dot com. ah rushes invasion of ukraine and the 2024 parish olympics, ukraine's president zalinski at his country's athletes are calling on the international olympic committee to ban russia and bell roofs from the games. but the i o c is not budget insisting that athletes should not be punished for the passports that they hope. is this about fair play for everyone, or is russia using its own athletes to whitewash a war? i'm broke off in berlin. this is the day. ah, dear thomas, but you are the president of the aisle seat on the bar. but if you say it was awesome, assets are not guilty. you propose to refer as russian and bill or russian atlas to
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participate in the parish games. but the whole like this, it's a war and it's for russia started this war, paint tell you the russians are olympic champions in crimes against civilians. and now if you compare this ticket appliances across an outlet store sacrifices ukrainian authors, do not make this mistake. this monumental mistake, ah, also coming up a dramatic rescue of the aftermath of turkeys earthquake. a woman trapped beneath the rubble of her home. she's pulled out alive. and we're all just so relieved. so relieved this when she got herself through it. she didn't give up. susan alice odon, we are so thankful that she is in this ambulance now and i have no words. ah, what you owe reviewers watching a p
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b s in the united states into all of you around the world. welcome a we begin the day where the battle field meets the playing field. the international olympic committee has opened the door for russian and bill ruffian athletes to compete in the 2024 paris olympics. and that decision is drawing eyer and fire from ukraine. you craze athletes of issued a statement condemning the i o. c stands saying that it goes against the spirit of the olympic movement. ukrainian, president zalinski agrees. he's lobbying other countries to stand with his country . even if that means boycotting the games. we know that men in russia, outlet associated with the sport glove of the russian army and of security, state agencies including atlas who applied for championships and olympic games. and we are a, we are that many, russ atlas, him a military or, or other special ran. we know the dresser is trying to use any,
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any attention of a walt all walt, to that ross's full war propaganda who enjoyed now by lay krueger. she is a sensor and a member of the german national fencing team. she's also a member of athletes. germany, that's an independent athlete association and she joins me tonight from tashkent, where the fencing world cup is taking place there. we appreciate you taking the time out of this important competition to talk with us about what could or could not be happening ahead of the 2024 olympics in paris. let me ask you as an athlete, what do you think about this position? the i o c allowing russia and bell roost to compete. and ukraine saying they should be banned. and i think it's, it's definitely h a l e t. let them compete again on the back spot because we have still the
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underlying violence in the ukraine. and as he could see us in the past, it's rush, i use it and the spark and political instruments. and so for me it's, it's not the right moment to take this position. what about the international olympic committees argument? they're saying that athletes should not be punished for geo politics of their respective governments. in other words, they're saying, you know, the russian athlete should not be punished for the actions of vladimir putin. i think it's always super hard to, to punish, at least for something. what they didn't start it, but as i already sat and we, we saw in the past that russia uses the spart as an political instrument. and so we cannot separate these 2 politic and spart in russia. they're too close. and so i
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guess it's, it's hard. it's hard also for me because i know the people there, some of them are friends of me, of mine, and i think it's sometimes you have the situation, you have to take em this decisions. and i think we're here, you're, you're close to the, the, the, you're as close to the olympic movement as most people would be. do you understand why the, i see is taking this position and insisting that russia and bill roost be allowed to compete. yeah, think and they they want to show that spark can beating brett says and so the piece in the word but as we can see, if we do not have peace in the word we half wars we have by alas. and so i think we also have to open the ice and the sparks and, and see that it's not only about peace and harmony and also in the sports. it's not
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all about this. and yet as i was, he sat spot it's politic. and so, no, i am not really understand the position of the i n c and in this direction, ukraine's president has, he's written a letter to the eye of see, he's threatened to start a campaign for countries to boycott the olympic games. if the ifc does not change its position, would you be in favor of a boycott against the 2024 olympics? i mean that could impact you personally couldn't yeah, it could if i take the decision to buy a cup of coffee and honesty, we already discussed that it's, it's in our team as well. but by cops is always, i would say it, german is the hardest swear it we have. and, and it's always hard for the athletes because at least it's an an hour back.
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and i think the discussion is wrong on this point. so i would not, i'm yeah, be far the by cost. i would not. yeah. taking our different deck and because it makes only sense if really every country in the works. yeah, stays together to buy cox, the russians. if it's just one or 2 countries that doesn't make sense and at least it's, it's harder for us because we gave our position to their actions and make it easier for them to to go up. and so i think it doesn't make sense. it's a dream from every athletes to compete in the olympic games. and if we take this away, that's not right. ah. russia launched a wave of missile enrolled drawings against the crate on friday. the attacks began before dawn, the homes and power plants, cranes military also reported an increase in fighting on the ground in the occupied
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east of the country. in the capital of keep, residents took shelter in the city subway system. ukraine is bracing for a rush is offensive by the spring or you want to go down to marina rome. she is a defense expert at kings college london. she joins us now from munich, here in germany. it's good to have you with us. let me ask you, are we seeing the russian defensive that the ukrainians have been warning of oh, thank you for having me. i think that russians are trying to intensify their military operations. i'm not sure if we should be considering it as the offensive that we have been long waiting for just because it intensified the ear strikes. but it is heard that russians are trying to destroy that capability of the ukrainian armed forces as much as they can to gain some advantage on the battlefield. so that
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when they offensive actually takes place, the ukrainian armed forces would be in a much worse position. and the russians have a very small window of opportunity knowing that the tanks are to arrive to mid spring. so they have to use this window of opportunity also because of the anniversary of their invasion. they need to show some success. marina is ukraine's military. is it strong enough now to hold off and even maybe push back the russians? well, that is a difficult question because it depends on manufacturers. and in terms of manpower is the ukranian military has lost a lot of its soldiers. so there is a very aggressive recruitment campaign going on right now. the as a part of the military's being trained to use the leopards. so in terms of manpower, there is already a shortage in terms of morale because of the intensified russian air strikes. and because of what happened in sola dar and now the russians as it pushing and runs
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operation as well. so they're trying to regain the initiative. and obviously lack of equipment is another problem a. so i, i think that the ukranian on forces are right now in dire need of support bulls in terms of manpower and material. and also they are morale because they are not in a good position to withstand russian pressure if it continues to be what we have seen to day and, and onwards. and despite all of this, the question is still being posed, when could this war be over? i want you to take a listen to what the former commander of nato forces in europe been hodges, what he had to say if the west continues, if we continue, what we're doing now maintain that level ukraine is absolutely going to. well there's, there's no doubt about it, but it could take 135 years, and a lot of innocent people are going to be killed over that period of time. so the sooner that we deliver them to capability to achieve a decisive outcome, the,
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the sooner that this could be over, i believe it could be over this year. or yeah, i mean, this is that to me, it sounds very optimistic. what do you think about his assessment that the war could be over this year? if ukraine simply had the weapons that it needs well was old juris packed, and ben hodges didn't say was a series of victory looks like so. i'm not sure what kind of objectives he's seeking to achieve when he's talking about victory and the war being over ukraine has a certain idea of rethinking the entire territory is now captured by his russian forces including crimea. so if we take that into consideration, i do not seeing that his prognosis is realistic. and we also have to be careful when we're talking about capabilities and delivering technology to ukraine, apart from all the logistical and financial issues that it might bring was, it was
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a have to seen that technology is never a decisive factor. it is a force multiplier, but there are so many examples from military history were technology wasn't that decisive. and, and, you know, we just need to look at afghanistan as an example where you have a superior military with appear at technology, still losing. it's a contest of wills and it will depend on who can outlast the other one. and i'm sure that the russians are not going to give up that quickly. so prognostic that it was, and this year is probably premature yet. it is interesting, you know, hodges also talked about the capability to deliver a decisive outcome. we know that the ukrainians want western fighter jets, but you know, that would take time to deliver. you have to train the pilot. what else could come under the definition of capability in your well, there have been talks about delivering helicopters instead of fighter jazz because it wouldn't take that long and it would be easier in logistical terms. however,
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you know that capability deliver a decisive blow and what, what kind of blow does band hodges in this h a blow on the battlefield? because, you know, we have several hot spots on the battlefield. so i think in terms of kind of offensive technologies that ukrainian forces would need much more technology and also manpower as well as skill in order to be able to orchestrate that kind of decisive blow. i wanna get your take on what we'd begin, the program with how russia would react if it was excluded from the next olympic games. or if there was a boy caught by other nations. i mean, from your point of view, would that have any impact on russia's military strategy and you create i don't think it would affect a military strategy for see, i think it will play out more on the diplomatic level. and i'm sure that russia
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will not be happy in the band, but that will again, plane play into rushes, narrative. it's been saying all along that it is fighting against neat or so i think that, you know, the russians might be prepared that they will be banned and excluded from the international community as, as rogue state. and my thinking goes that russia will try to exploit the potential divisions within the door and reinforce its aggressive diplomacy as well as the reinforce it's information warfare against the west. and, you know, conducting a symmetric response to being banned from the olympics. but as far as the battlefield is concerned, we don't know what it will look like in 2024 and you know, at the, at what stage will will be. so i don't think that it militarily, it will make any sense for us to change anything. this is expert marina moran is always marina. we appreciate your time and valuable analysis. thank you. thank you
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for having me. ah. the death toll from the earthquakes and turkey in syria continues to rise by the hour while hopes of finding more survivors is phased by the hour. days after the disaster hit, but emergency crews, they keep defying the odds. digging through the rubble to pull out people alive, we traveled to southern turkey to witness a german rescue team. save a woman in an operation that lasted more than 50 hours. deep under the rubble trapped beneath layers of concrete, here in the town of carrie con, is 40 year old zane up. she's been trapped under this debris for days now that there is hope she will make it out alive. a complex mission to free her is underway, involving a team of german rescuers and using drills and specials equipment. they've been
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able to cut a path to her. i will try a on the surface, sitting amongst the rubble is debated. they naps, younger sister. she has been here since monday, waiting and worrying and in a desperate attempt to give her sister the strength she needs to keep going. zabeda bravely heads under ground. later showing us a video of the moment they shared beneath the rubble the name?
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debated it. oh yeah, oh yes, i'm a or warm so they said i should go even if she is the guy that 9 i be saying. i need one. xena is buried very deep under the rubble. i could only hear her voice. i can no longer hold out, save me. she said, i'm in so much pain. help me cool young middle. the rescue team works deep into the night offerings, a beta all the comfort they can even of the shopping this day
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attempt to free her sister and by the early hours of friday morning, there is good news. after 50 hours of non stop work rescue workers miraculously pull zane up out alive. she sat to be in stable condition. the relief is overwhelming. good alleged. we're all just so relieved, so relieved this woman. she got herself through it with the address she didn't give up. that is all done. we are so thankful that she is in this ambulance now appear to me. i have no words. absolute attention was extreme really up there. when she was out, i said, now i believe in miracles, after 100 hours fighting for her life,
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they know it's free. and her sister's desperate way is finally over our correspond that you're your hon. that she was there for that difficult rescue mission. well, of course that so what i asked the beta as well, and she told me as soon as she know that her sister was alive and that there were a team of rescues from germany who were willing to help her and who were really restlessly working to bring her out, she knew there was hope and she, she knew it would, it would happen. and what i really believe is what was important is the moment that they know and zabeda were able to speak with each other. i think that was giving zayna under the rubble a lot of hope. she knew there were people who were fighting for her life. we actually spoke to the bay, the sister briefly a little earlier. she told us that they know is doing fine considering the
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circumstances she is injured. she has been taken to a hospital in the city of i donna and this story is not only one with a happy ending. it's actually part of the story is also that they lost her entire family in that apartment block. her husband and her children have not survived. they are dead. that was usually a 100 reporting. he read germany, a growing number of volunteers has been doing what they can to help relief efforts . we have a look now at how humanitarian aid is getting from germany to the disastrous ill tense blankets generators all stored in almost 20000 pallets. here in old, in the south of germany, all rescue against the germany delivers to turkey and syria. go through this logistic center. it's germany's central rescue supply hub than by the agency for technical disaster assistance. a federal organization that is mostly stuffed by
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volunteers. they come here multiple days in a row, leaving their jobs behind to help me find out on them. i had already gone with one of the 8 transports and when you see how much the people actually needed, i think it's just good if you can support them because otherwise it's almost impossible. you don't know whether the 8 will arrive or not. and here you really have the opportunity to see that the aid is delivered. the train volunteer spring into action when disaster strikes. almost immediately after the earthquake in turkey and syria, about 30 volunteers started to prepare supplies. the volunteers load the goods on to trucks and then drive them about 600 kilometers to the von stuff in those saxony . get something the f yesterday, the 1st 3 a 400 ems to come from here from boons talk and another 4 planes will leave today. with a total of more than 40 tons of aid supplies, it's a fantastically prepaid operation. there are already logistics experts in turkey. that's good because now it's important that the supplies arrive quickly so we can
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help people and for security reasons, the german air 1st can currently only fly to turkey. decisions on where the goods are going. i taken day by day with regards to the security situation, but it is no longer a decision for our agency, but for the foreign office or brussels president. the german foreign minister in a bad book has asked for the turkish syrian borders to be open for rescue supplies, something that could prove difficult. meanwhile, the volunteers in olm will continue their mission. and the blue trucks will keep driving. ah, american footballs, super bowl, 50 southern takes place on sunday between the kansas city chiefs and the philadelphia, eagles. hundreds of millions of people are expected to tune in to what will definitely be a one of the kind, super bowl 2 brothers will be competing against each other. and for the 1st time in
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super bowl history to black quarterbacks will be competing against each other. the stage is set in arizona for one of the most remarkable super bowls. yet it's the 1st time american football showpiece. we'll have 2 black starting quarterbacks as kansas city chiefs star patrick, no homes take some jail and hurts. and his philadelphia eagles, the significance of the moment is not lost on any one that has been on his retirement. i said his historic moment to be honest performance to do so many others. so much is the reason for telling them that they can do a tune. so this is a problem hertz is in his 1st super bowl. his opposite number ma holmes has already lifted the trophy in 2020, but understands why this game is so special. to be lucky enough to be in this position and the plague is another great galle jalen. it's only
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a special moment and i'm glad that we're here today. how can we keep moving forward and how can week motivate kids that are, are younger that are gonna oh, they're going to be a quarterback. it's going to be a special special day. and a great, the morgan ma holmes, has struggled with an ankle problem of late, but nothing is going to stop him teaming up of start. i tend travis kelsey, who will be facing his own brother, jason, a center for the eagles. this is also the 1st super bowl since 2017, which was won by the eagles. whether to number one, seeds from the regular season have reached the finale. 6 if that's not enough to whet your appetite, pop star rhianna will be making her come back in the half time show it's all shaping up to be a super bowl. like no other. how the day's almost done
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a sustainable future clever projects from europe and india. eco, india. next blog d w. what's making the headlines and what's behind them? dw news africa, the show, the back schools, the issues shaping the continent. life is slowly getting back to normally on the streets to give you enough reports on the inside. our correspondence with on the ground reporting from across the continent, all the friends stuff, the mazda to you in 60 minutes on d, w. o. in a johnson dodge to searches for the truth again.
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at this time, at the exile to turkish journalist meets svetlana itsyana, sky, exiled leader of the opposition in bella. luce, of course, i'm tired and tired, physically untied. morally, it's too much on my shoulders, but i have to hold this weight because i'm responsible for the future. follow a contract for the people far behind the boss. guardians of truth starts february 18th on d. w. ah, with we can't live without water on our planet. it please the crucial who will not be the lives we drink. it grew crow.
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