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tv   Euromaxx  Deutsche Welle  February 12, 2023 6:30pm-7:01pm CET

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o k, then buckle up, put the pedal to the metal, and let's ride. mm. read. in 60 minutes on d w. what are sports a scoring? did we say they were about giving up sports like every weekend on d. w. ah ah, with volcanic landscapes, crystal clear water and dunning views, we'll find out more about portugal,
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so called green island. later on in this show. i want to welcome to another edition of your o max with me your host. megan lee has a look at what else we've got coming up. how a 91 year old woman keeps on moving and a groove in. and we discover what makes the perotti a national favorite in poland. the life of a professional dancer can be relatively short lived. many hang up there, dancing shoes, usually by the time they are 40 years old, but not that big, eat fine, and schreiber at 91. she is still an active dancer and choreographer. she got her start as a ballerina and later turned her focus to festivity surrounding carnival in the western german city of cologne, where she is still active. for big you find in schreiber. age is nothing but
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a number. ah, it's hard to believe. but this lady is 91 years old. be financially, but is the longest serving choreographer and dancer in the cologne. carnival thompson is finish dancing is the language of the soul to me thus is when i'm alone . i've got my dawn. been my lion. i've always had this since i was a kid, as joshua informed klein all around the rhineland region. carnival events are taking place with dance performances and the acrobats cold function. my vision showing offer skills and they owe their success to biggie fonts, guy, but he's been trained in carnival dance groups for over 5 decades. in the early 70, she developed the best known lifts and fruits, and she has been known as the mother of moderation, acrobats, ever since diluted. i'm a salt throw or it katie throw. my love for dancing is almost an obsession. i mean,
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tons hide and i tried to bring it to the cologne. carnival, done so now can about tons in 9 siblings. she likes to show the dancers how to do it right. like here in 2015 with me looked floating through with as bad senior leg . i'm her. yeah. on the bus is robust. so now you can let this grandma down again with or she dances home routines on her own. here in her late eighty's, she draws inspiration for aga freeze from classical ballet. in the late 1940, she became a stage dancer at the cologne opera house. and in 1957 prima ballerina in fi bulk southern germany. and she kept landing dancing gigs throughout europe and the u. s . till the late 19th sixty's. but carnival was her big passion from early on when
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the city of cologne lay in ruins after world war 2. she was the one to organize the afternoon housewife dances beside the bombed out cologne opera house. there is a hotel there to day and half the half us in cologne. that was the most wonderful thing ever for fun. not finally up to that terrible wool and its off to mark hand. we had carnival again. you could have fun again and you could sing and meet friends again. this read at me high for me as a true cologne girl. carnival is the alixia of life. destiny via after her time as a professional dancer, biggie, fawn and shy, but completely devoted herself to carnival. the carnival events are still partly in mail. hands to this day. i miss how and in the early sixty's or seventy's,
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a woman was nothing in the cologne carnival knish and i don't want to blow my own trumpet. but then they discovered how great my groups were. that's how i became the mother of the muddy sion for the motor, demolished discipline, and iran will have always been her trademarks, biggie financially by works out almost every day. whenever and wherever she can. just a reminder. she's 91. ah whoa . biggie, financial i buy is also still active. as a choreographer once a week she trans, the troop different encryption. it's in the mail only group has absolutely passionate about carnival. i was on the fact unity burgess. i'm going, it's not about that affection. it's a kind of satirical dancing, however,
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we're not trying to be taken very seriously with your husband. it's about sharing the fun. we have shots of them for ourselves, spots and for the audience of all for go spoke with a few weeks later. it's showtime. this time the group is performing during a carnival event, but one of the dancers is sick, so it's up to biggie to take his place. oh, please give me a guy. i'm feeling quite confident because it's always worked in the past, due balance. ah, biggie fun enjoy, but is proof that you can be full of energy and enjoy life well into the golden years.
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she's an example for us. all. germany is a land known for among other things. it's driving culture. some of the world's top cars are made here, and of course you have the famous autobahn, but in these times of climate change, it's fair to question how much longer the car will remain the number one mode of transportation will. luckily, most german cities have a network of public transportation, which means many people don't have to rely on a car. your max reporter hon. a homo explored how the system works here in berlin. ticket the test, what, but there were no ticket barriers. it took me awhile to realize that public transport and jamie was not in fact free. when i 1st moved here i was pretty overwhelmed by the whole system. do i take the undergrad, this subway, the drown the bus, or even the ferry, or a combination of all of them?
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how does public transport and germany actually work? and how important is it for a daily life here? well, let's find out. germany is definitely more famous for its cars than its public transport . mercedes, b, n, w, r portia or old, globally popular german car, bronze. but the number of people using public transport here is rapidly increasing, especially in cities. all right, let's jump in with a brief explanation of how the public transport system here actually works. we have a subway system, an underground system and trucks and buses that drive on the street. they differ in speed and rail network. the lack of ticket barriers here is confusing as a system of trust, but don't be a fool inspectors do occasionally walk around the train to make sure that you've got a ticket and it's 60 fine if you do it so not worth it. you can buy tickets through an app on your phone, or in more stations around the city because they are ticket machines everywhere. it's different depending on which region you're traveling in in germany, of course,
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over to easy for it to be the same everywhere. don't forget to stamp your ticket, otherwise it's not valid. there are different types of tickets, depending on the zone. the number of people and the stuff you're traveling to. for example, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. mm. open it easy. most people i know in berlin don't have a car because it's so easy to travel by train, track our bus. plus, if you're driving, you often get stuck in traffic. there are never enough parking spaces and let's be honest, it's not great for the environment. it's no excuse to use public transportation, belinda, you can use it everywhere every time. this is stephane, carsten, future ologist. course it is public transport for a german culture that well, 1st of all, the comments so other transportation is trying hard and is fighting with full extent to get more and people nowadays on us than
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public transportation is inclusive. it's sosa and it's sustainable. the idea of the european city is to be around and public space and not talking your private car. here for 23 hours. the city is about sitting and copies and dresser and, and talk to each other and debate the, the great this course us up our times at public transportation in the neighborhood . now it's time to meet the professional, those who keep the whole buffalo system moving. i'm thinking quite to shirley jones, who drive trains in berlin and she loves it. that's money transferring the tunnel for the 1st time with great experience the 1st time and the dog whole, the lights everywhere, the signals, the sounds of the trains. it's a really great feeling at sunrise if this is a stressful success and the fog is the most annoying thing is passengers holding
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doors open when it's done back please. that's what it means. don't get on. we don't do it annoyed people when they come running up and the doors close we have is scheduled to be dr. is have to go to the bathroom at the terminus and those are the minutes we're missing here. and there you have it. public transport in germany, it certainly makes my life here in berlin. more convenient and more connected. and it's nice to see how it brings everyone out here together to and said that the best way to experience a country is true. it's food and for poland. it's the parole, gay, a national favorite. now these are stuffed dumplings that come in both sweet and savory varieties for the latest episode of our series food secrets, we visited a restaurant in the capital, warsaw, where they serve no less than 15 different kinds. ah not shame moment the best moment about eating appear rocky is when he take the
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1st pine at all when he 1st feel the dove. how slight and pleasant it is in cape sam number you then? yes, they are warm lie. you have all this steam coming in your face, this comfort cause both from the memories, from that, from a sphere, from the flavor, but also from the texture of the dish itself. with, if them i, maria had shift at the piano garden yesterday night anna. and to down, going to show you how piano mailed to verify that i am on my am here at the restaurant. we have 15 different varieties of appeared. oh, good value. we have peered augi with wild garlic at all the re, carter and brenda, cheese and nuts that he got over and go yoga jaime, at the if it's a special tay allen mark. we have sweet peer doggy with puppy season raisins and nuts saw of mock him yet from com. you. those are high. mean am. i'm
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a good. another variety with plum, brown butter, and cinnamon. i'd get a little scared, mold famous. russian peered augi with potatoes and heard she is them and they are up. he had argued with in meet our absolute hit, all the ones with white sausage finished him or to be sure of course we take oil. yeah. egg 450 type flour, which got it and usually water condition e ron from for them. yeah. got both. becky, the egg is sort of my secret to the sto that gotcha. wagner thought it changes all the ingredient myself, and they combined together very well in the stove. young 5 back more salvage it shut again. it all got you metal to the father. bon the egg allows us to make various fruit as we need and arrange the dough later on elsewhere. but just about. yes i gotham ah jim on there vans. gov. a dinah oven to day. we have
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a dish unlike any other in the world. yet all ye scuffles, these it's going to be paid argue with sauerkraut and mushroom 5 j. it's a traditional christmas eve day. i can budget thing on their on their ve lean on that one, the phone exit nice table rehydrate dried mushroom, mod. i grind them into fine dust. my m for pot for yet because of a political garbage that adds very intensive mushroom flavor. i thought that i yeah, you know, gum in some mega. my port was above. i got it. yeah here's my thing of get all what but that if they with filling is very important my every kind of fear doggy has a distinct hayhurst and you need to appreciate it mixed with the dog. i thought was
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report report which caused the ortho. that i have yogi. ah, it is it a? yeah. unless they got the oscar we followed this dumpling valesh it together without fingers sla squeezing from eat on edge so that none of the filling can get out. i go up as i go as a banging chair here with babel fired for the motion with as i got the van, the water needs to be boiling. are they over the for i to them, but i thought, am he my ability when we dropped he a rug into the pot, the water cools down in yuma, so we need to make sure it's boiling on yours to get swimming open and we can't boil them for more than 3 or 4 minutes, because after that, the dough my overcoat, asked the maria over here. oh here and there isn't that it's back heavily connected with all and they became a bit like our food. i couldn't, even though you can find them in different countries,
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mostly in central and eastern europe. i think that in poland, we are just super proud of that. my name is bogus, i'm in town. i'm a journalist and reporter based in warsaw, poland. one of the places now that we use the connect with our so called milk bars, they originated in the early 20th century. so all the flower base dishes, for example, peer became like a very popular because they're also very economic and they're very satisfying. you can find them still in those new bars, and you can have a portion for a few euros. but then you can also find a good on your appear to be inspires dishes in the best time dining restaurants. just. i think it's the best food that they have a very special place in our hearts. so is packet saw if you don't get something, you cannot forget on lunch, but yet they make you feel good. sort of an eyeball. i
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winter here in europe can be pretty cold and gray in many places. but to day we are heading to a place that enjoys a milder climate than most at this time of year. or after the island of south miguel, which is part of the portuguese as or islands located in the atlantic ocean. the azores have been called the hawaii of europe. and d w reporter drew righty shows us why. ah, i'm here in the middle of the atlantic ocean on an incredibly green will kenneth island. this island group is called a source. and you'll be surprised to know that it's actually a part of europe to portugal to be specified today. union me will show you why this place to such an underrated jack. in this video, we're exploring cell miguel,
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the largest and most populous island in measles. throughout the whole island, you'll find a lot of viewpoints. they called me to do rows like this one here. don't miss thing, at least a few of them because they're totally worth the with we start our trip info, nash, a small village, and geothermal one demand. here you'll find an array of hot springs, mad pots and steam vents, all fueled by the powerful forces of underground volcanic activity. the azores are all about geothermal springs, and relaxing and hot bath is a unique and hurtful way to experienced the islands will cannick origins. the terran no strong hot springs have long been a popular tourist destination. the unique yellow watercolor comes from the iron content. the surrounding beautiful botanical garden features a wide variety of exotic plants and flowers from around the world. i'm
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surrounded by green here. this fire has such a high variety of plant life that it's nothing that you've ever seen before. so miguel is not just for relaxing. there were beautiful hiking spots that give you some of the best means. if he wanted to an adventurous but smaller door, tried the hiking kale, add the lago, the full book. people often refer to the azores as the value of europe. and you can see why that it's hiking and swimming have made you hungry. it's time to move on to a very through see and delicious symbol of historian. culture. azores is very famous for its pineapple. i'm here in a bye now put foam inside
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a green house. it's very hot and humid in here, where you can see a lot of by now small little plain matches going through many places around the world, offer a chance to swim with dolphins, but usually an enclosed spaces. if you're a fan of marine wildlife, you'll be interested to know that watching whales and dolphins has become one of the most exciting activities diesels have to offer. and not only can you watch them, you can even swim with them in their natural habitat. daltons are generally friendly and social creatures, so they may come up close to you out of curiosity. we even spotted from babies the islands on notorious weather, changeable weather. one moment the sky may be clear, and the next it's cloudy. one part of the island might be shrouded in fog ball,
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just around the corner. the web is fine. it's always possible to track down the blue skies because a number of very useful websites provide live webcam footage from various spots around the items. and finally, love is in the air as valentine's day is just around the corner. but maybe you are suffering from matters of the heart and need a bit of advice for one person. who famously knows heartache is juliet. the tragic heroine from shakespeare's play, romeo and juliet. you can write a letter with your queries about love to juliet, addressed to her home in verona, italy, and with a bit of luck. she'll right back. ah, the club duty eta, in verona, italy, christine espanol. lo is
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a student in volunteer here. she picks up the letters to juliet. many people, right. i most of the missives speak of heartache. gotta treat them. dear juliet, sort of, i need your advice because i'm in love but unhappy married alamo. i wish to fill out like in the movies, and i long for somebody who would do anything for me. she had a kind o ins renewed though, and i mean they're looking for a friends enjoy to not that of someone who can give them advice and listen to the audit someone they trazadone see medicaid. people who write to julia are often looking for help and mattress of love, though they're disappointed or it may be their relationship recently ended on a saudi up in affinity. thank people wait in line to see duly it's house and the famous balcony. christina spun yolo, enjoys her role. she's wanted to play the character from the shakespeare play, since she was a child at the club. d julietta. she's also one of the so called secretaries,
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a pool of volunteers who read juliet's letters. some $8.00 to $10000.00 arrived from all around the world each year. they saw it. the letter is by language and if at all possible, answer them the clubs president joe van that marcia has been added for 30 years. that are good, julia thought i had seen bought of juliet as a symbol of love viet oprah. she is genuine, vibrant and courageous age will vanish. she's younger, but passionate about love. you the more i up a soon are back eloquent tonneau people write to her about personal things that they might not even tell a friend. my god. on amico william shakespeare's tragedy begins with a brawl on the streets of verona, northern italy. it tells the story of 2 young lovers from feuding families. juliet, cappy led, and romeo montague. their families strive to keep them apart, but the couple would rather die for their love. they live on as the world's most famous star crossed lovers. but i mean that the protagonist die for their love. in
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spite of all the resistance they took extreme measures and remained together in death for laura that made them immortal as tragic heroes. the vein from the la feeney mortified artworks depicting the couple can be found in the museum. the tragic love story has been interpreted in opera, ballet and movies among them, italian director of frank. what's f e at alley's film? from 900. 68 costumes and props. from tiffy at alley's film are also on display in the museum. the balcony was constructed for visitors, and as a popular photo spot, touching the bottom of the juliet statue is supposed to bring luck in love matters . but the highlight is a photo with juliette. in won't, it's like a fairy tale. a thought of juliet symbolizes love. oh it is on a fount. everybody was against her or she far for her love. what about $100.00
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volunteer secretaries male and female work year round, answering the letters to juliet. my at a school that money and they got the raw. my said you should never answer negatively and tried to wish them the very best your, ah, you have to build up their self confidence, leave and give them hope, if you do just that and cetera. most of the letters to juliet are carefully written by hand. after all, it's not just words, but strong feelings that go into this mail box. and that brings us to the end of another edition of your max. don't forget to go to our website for this week's viewers draw and a chance at receiving some goodies from d. w. you can also follow us on social media as always, thanks for tuning in. and we'll see you again with,
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with you shift your guide to life in the digital world. explore the latest
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online trends. navigate your way through the digital jungle. get a global perspective. we'll be your guide and show you what's possible. you decide what really matters to you. shift in 15 minutes on d w a. do you like it? with do you want it? okay, then buckle up, put the pedal to the metal and let's ride with read in 30 minutes on d, w. o.
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in. in many countries, education is still a privilege. tardy is one of the main causes. some young children work in mind. jobs instead of going to class others can attend classes only after they finish working with millions of children all over the world can't go to school with. we asked why? because education makes the world more just i make up your own mind. d. w. made for minds, i took advantage slip slip out 1st, nickel shaped manager, mean the switch like unless his teeth that i witnessed his report. but she still needs go to that the i said that the mary, you pull the story of resilience rushes more in ukraine.
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one years since the invasion began, we take a look back into the future in the new building. slowly in february on d, w. ah, ah ah, this is d, w. news life from berlin. after the devastation and tacky arrests are being made. officials detained those allegedly involved in full t construction of buildings that have crushed to thousands to death. we have the


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