tv Eco India Deutsche Welle February 13, 2023 3:02am-3:31am CET
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oh, oh, i the we can't live without water on our planet. it plays a crucial who in our daily life, we drink. it, grew cropped, generate energy, and produced. its importance extends beyond human consumption, with every pain from wild animals to the smallest flowers in our gardens needing water to survive. unfortunately, our ground water is depleted and the world is getting dryer by the d. so what can we do to address this growing problem? that's what we talk about today. hello and welcome to eco, india sunset. and now despite being
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a planted made up of 97 percent water. only 3 percent of this is for 2 bird conserving us water and finding ways of using and recycling it is the need of the a promising initiative and newton is already working on this. let's take a look. the bengal lulu is a large city in southern india where not all residents receive running water. it's mostly only the more affluent section that does. but experts say that the problem isn't a lack of water supply to the city. ready the calculation of the requirement of a metropolitan city is using certain standards, which i think are outdated. so for example, we now calculate at $200.00 lead us, but grab it up or date. but most european city is not in 400 lead us. but capital, if you take duct figure bang on sufficient water,
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it gets 1000 for 15000000 lead to some the cavity for the 40000000 population. and it gets a supplement of between 500 to 600000000 liters per day from ground water. so there's actually no scarcity of water sources. it's a question of getting some water for all and making sure that water distribution systems i'm already credible and get the. ready some citizens are working to save water to father. this cause shannon probably lives in an apartment complex and not bank. he and his residents association are looking for a way forward. we should not reach to that stage where the water is not better dollar for consumption. so we have to start considering the water marriage, so our basic concentration was on water consideration. we found that the water, which is used in apartment due drill apartment is being wasted. first,
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his group of residents fitted taps with air rate of reduce the flow of water by 80 percent. then they set up a rain water harvesting system to meet their needs for one month. they also recycle the sewage and used it in toilets and for gardening. and all the savings added up it comes from one, broadly drove water. so this much water, we could sale. you know what apartment, that means one crudely drove water. we stop are expecting from the water and why 10000000 liters of water saved in the u is significant. the group wanted to do more, so they set up age recharge well under the apartment to help replenish the water table. they did all this with the help of citizens action forum world of water. it founder has worked in this area since the late 19 eighties giant bring
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more people into the fold. ready one of the idea to bring in lay people, housewives, physicians, charter counters, anybody who is concerned about his r huseby and who wants to see if he or she can make some change happen. while we all understand that there is a crisis on water ah, through bi weekly meetings, the forum has reached 50000 people. it estimates that these conversations have saved 50000000000 liters of water by jo in bangalore. they've used methods similar to those implied by solace. apartments like sewage treatment plants. 2 rainwater harvesting smart meter installations and area of fitting it's about sensitizing,
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it's about constantly bringing more people into the ford and having existing people tell more stories of the work that they're doing in a way that such success stories can be hopefully emulated by others. another bang glory and taking it beyond residential complex's is god with douglas hottie. when she was a teenager, she read that 14000000 liters of water every year are wasted in glasses that customers don't finish in restaurants. the revelation resulted in the youth lead campaign called glass half won. the goal was to try to understand what is that solution that would work well for all of us. and that's when we came up with the idea of glass. half of the campaign now has the support of the national restaurants association of india, which helps spread its message with their support. the campaign has managed to
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change the policies of around a 1000 restaurants, but they also work with volunteers. like the female members of the rotary club, who pay regular visits to restaurants, schools and housing society to raise awareness among more citizens in this it up. what is not a spectator sport? it's a participate in sports citizen should become aware of the various ways that they can impact water. positively. can me engagement, community action and cleaning up old lead sort of us bonds and streams. all these possibilities what citizens can be harvest rainwater. can we get our children to be wise about water use? campaigners hold more citizen cooperation can generate a higher amount of water that moves reach all residents of mangled access to clean drinking water is becoming scarce in several regions around the
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world neutral hinton drought. in many of these areas with limited sources of water nearby, like rivers leaks or wealth communities struggle to find a solution. but fog harvesting in areas where the fog is common could provide much needed relief to them. let's find out how into the humanity they bring is a treasure. clouds of fog shroud, the mountains of spain could on canadian, at a time of increasing drought and water scarcity. every drop of water in them is a blessing. cheer as many as possible of these drops are being captured in nets. monitoring the process is the joke of sour olive accommodate us. even when there is no fork, the environmental technician has work to do with the lawyer. i am checking if the filters here are in tags. so let me go and if there is rubbish,
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all shooter, what do you mean by rubbish and you like taking a journey from sand or lamps? sometimes there are tiny dead animals, 215 collect as when stole tier 2 years ago. it's a fairly simple system which requires a fog location. and a bit of wind. when folk moisture raindrops accumulate on the mesh, the water drips down into the tank and then flows directly into storage units at different locations downhill by a multitude of houses. they were to go like until they got further with the collectors that we have here. we could catch $300000.00 leaders of water per year, and according to the manufacturer. to date, we have captured 45000 leaders. what they seen, we are of course not pendant on the weather, which are locally my and there are years when i can catch much more healed and others when it will be led north through. our goal is to reach $250000.00 leaders per year, a line to achieve value young if we can't rely solely on this traditional model and,
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and, but we'll also use newer designs that may be able to harvest even more water at a more no they're both in my, your deficient or leave accommodate us in the team of environmental experts. he works with neat, more water loading for 20000 mew trees. only a few minutes drive from the fall, collect as they are restoring an area that was ravaged by flames in 2019 them of them. it was the worst wildfire on the island of glen canada. in recent history, the blaze devoured 10000 act as the scars it left us still visible to day or different restoration projects are in full swing across the area, including on this hill side with 35 picked us up, being revived to tackle desertification rising global temperatures. make spain's cannery islands increasingly vulnerable to drought and fires. still fragile nutri seedlings are bedded in
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a biodegradable cocoon. it ensures that the water that was harvested from the collector's won't evaporate too quickly and boosts the trees. survival right? natalia marital abby light leads the team here to her. this project is more than just a job. open carry one at them when you see people. yeah, i live close by the real thing that i, when i saw the face cloud of smoke from the wildfire palate and kept my suitcases in the car waiting to be evacuated, said about what lamentable in the end. it wasn't necessary for them. nothing about that. but at least now i have the opportunity to restore the affected area where the island is part of me better. but this place in particular, i'm in the similar ha, up there in the team. have already planned at half of the trees for the life near black project, which has received millions of euros in financing from the local government and you the deposits of fork water are currently emptied manually. but researchers are
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trialing a storage system that releases the water autonomously into areas where it is needed . they have observed that the system has already improved soil moisture in areas where they wanted new trees. it's giving the team here hope that their job will bear fruit some days soon for a while your thermal hm. this is a small pocket of laurel trees and it's a living example of what we want to achieve in a penny. arreola then feeling it's all thanks to falk created by the coastal climate and clouds ascending to the cooler mountain region. a similar project has also been set up in portugal and both locations experts are examining where the fuck catching could be an effective way to protect against drought and fires. in other eric climates across the mediterranean and beyond. similar systems in chile and morocco,
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supply water to small villages for pharma, ferman cardona, the fork hetcher's could be a game changer. his land is in walking distance of the collectors. he lost up to 10 hector as of pear. apple and nut trees. in the 2019 fi of ground cannady fast growing ferns have now taken over what was once an orchard or through us fire burnt everything to the ground to them. nothing was left yet and i'm only child the soil. this year though, he planted again, apple trees. and during the hot, dry months his neighbors from life near blessed supplied water. in the past, harriman calona was dependent on rainfalls. go on you every year, the summer's get longer on it rains like a minute. it rains less in winter to on. it's more difficult to maintain everything . yokohama, diffuse, because without water, if nothing,
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work them here. that's why the fog water is genius. it's the solution. loony. loving mucus. here we don't have any way of watering. illustrious jumper has no irrigation, and there are no, well, you know, the lady, there is no water. so i know there's only rain or shine for coaches look or thought of earlier in preparation for the hot summer's he wants to install his own fog, collect us to make the most of a resource that is right within reach. in the face of the deepening climate crisis, it is not clear how reliable folk events will be, but once the new trees are bigger, they will at least stabilized the local climate and protect somewhat against heat and decertification allowed ago, blah. so she lock up, though in the long run we will remove the collectors because the reforest at area will at some point take on the work of harvesting humidity, florida, our currency in little public. that's how forest work was younger goblin. what they
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captured the humidity and historic in the soil level, she done it well enough for soul ali recovered it, us and the team. every tree matters grand canada is counting on its fork. collectors to help heal the wounds of the devastating wildfire and safeguard the island against a future disaster. drinking water is very unevenly distributed around the world with horton added regions in latin america, asia and africa, facing severe shortages. when danza build miskin was on the water crisis, when near my regions and communities like we've seen in and around china and ethiopia, exporting drinking water can also have serious impacts. let's take a look at how mrs. playing out in la salt water, rich la soto is keeping thirsty south africa alive, but the tiny, landlocked country as paying a high price for it. we didn't anticipate that the dams here in the so to liberty,
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the misery that is bringing perhaps worn out too. i see nothing of the better life is that they promised us what if it were up to me, i would decide against the building the dam, the needful water mains high. the souls of special water remains in the pseudo adams which approach we have been able to divert water to south africa. but we are limited by the quality of our environment. phase 2 of the la soto highlands water project started 3 years ago. one of 5 damage is being built here to supply water to neighboring south africa. the entire village has been moved to another location. as the construction work hit us hard,
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they had promised us jobs or children are supposed to be earning something from this, but instead they're out of work. what about while other people in south africans get the jobs we go hungry? when they also took our fields till another about the pool sales in grazing land, now house construction workers far from leading to greater prosperity. the damn has brought misery for residence. driving 8000 people from their homes. the water will flow to south africa's financial hub, johannesburg, 400 kilometers away for the 16000000 people in the city and surrounding province la. so toes dams a vital and already provide 60 percent of their water since the project is financed with south african taxpayers money, eula,
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kline hands has been monitoring it for a long time. he works for the organization outer, which seeks to expose corruption and mismanagement, urbanized ations taking place and future development. then expansion of business needs more water. the problem is we are only very limited to the water that we have in south africa. we don't have innovative technologies and circulated infrastructure yet to recycle water. and currently we highly rely on the las darlene's face to scheme to provide future demands. it's one of the largest infrastructure projects in africa and is supposed to benefit both sides. south africa, paisley soto, nearly $70000000.00 euros a year for the water. and the soto uses the dams to generate electricity for its population of the local project manager from the list. so time, highlands authority tells us, let him 5 years time. the dumb wool will stand right hair,
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$5000.00 hectares of land will them be flooded? as we are all away, this plan of projects would have social impact and environmental impacts. and i, we as the project template number of fi programs, which had been there, discussed mac lead with the communities are as ways that means ha, ha, ha, mitigating against the laws of land. that the laws over there are crazy. we have in perpetual mer to sea sick. we heard exactly the same promises 24 years ago when the cat saddam was built. all other dams feet that water into this reservoir, from where it's pipe to south africa. sick. we worked for the se and only legal center. the project was conceived georgia by 2 undemocratic governments of south africa, apathy, the regime,
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and the military. it there at the gym in mistletoe. those governments did not have mandate from the people they did. they said need for the review of decent, which the project is also threatened by massive soil erosion. the construction of the dams, along with overgrazing and climate change mean more and more soil is being eroded by the rain and ends up in reference, a sediment. in many places, only by rock remains totally to say, lay as a consultant for a national project. the aims to protect the so toes, rivers, work. his hair rebuilding low walls into the hillside to reduce the speed and force of rain. water run off and prevent erosion. they also remove invasive shrubs that
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would otherwise whitehouse endemic clones. he's roots help to keep the soil in place with the current erosion. the life of such stems would be fairly compromised the lifetime because in no time there will be more full of sediment done water. so this would be lost investment, in my opinion, a ring of saving this or letting it fall. now japanese researchers recently published the results of their large study on how much water humans need every day. according to this research in bio individuality, please, a big curry, which means water intake needs to read from boston to puzzle miss from the habits i post has been monetized by the beverage industry, which is dominated by large corporations for decades. small local producers get
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avoiding even though they're often more sustainable when it comes to water use. let's take a look at an example of this in tummy 9. let me pull up the bottles, put them in place, cabinet and chill. in a nutshell, that's how golly so does mate 65 year old sobre money has been making the sovereign in the city of her old and dom allotted for more than 50 years using salt water, fruit juice, and flowery and i to navigation was the least of my interest since i was 10 years old, iowa, so i got into the business of making company to drinks early. it took 17 long years to learn. the nuances of the business of this experience gave me the confidence to start up my own cub. when he did drink business for the holiday, they're out of the beverage has been popular in india since the 19th century and bi
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monthly friendly from the get go. the so does all natural and the bottles of washed and re used, super money, san phase. it's a lot of the effort dissolved in taste. boom number put it, but the young product have a today shall flight because their chemical free are signature pin. your soda are most unique flavor tastes like pure rose and it's very popular. any wrote, we offer a total of 4 flavors, ginger orange cola in our signature penny or soda boredom. sobre money used to sell to local businesses, but he stopped with advancing age. now he has his own shop. every day he sells up to 200 gully sodas and as many as 600 on weekends in the distinctive dented bottles . there are other goodies, automakers in the road who have their own online presence. use machine production and offer a brought to paulette flavors. but super monies in the freight of the competition.
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these committed to doing things by hand. what is a small beverage factory use of the money also supports the local businesses. since all of his ingredients are locally sold, he doesn't youth preservatives. unlike most of the international sovereign produces that gully, sort of competing against money, small sort of manufacturers fear big names will squeeze them out of the month and a stress, the regional water supply dose concerns of fuel political activism, including protests in 2017. the original trigger was a ban on traditional bull damon, a decision that outraged many people here. but another issue emerged. gold's but more protection of local market from international beverage producers delicate philip can on the order, not everyone demonstrated against foreign carbonated drinks. as while during the
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jalap cartoon protests and i'll get a gun with the latter masters, we supported that because we never stowed the foreign beverages. but we still see how a lot of people prefer cylinder. the no, no, really low. i far shopped an offer form beverages people which is go to other shops and be creased to get them in out there today to do. i didn't learn typically by the, in the back that either from madison, mr. of pessimism. the recipe that for vanden and his father believe will help them in the future. goalie sorta has always been about recycling and studying locally desired traits. today, after all, avoiding waste and reliance on distance supply chains is becoming more important in the ear of climate change. and then i'll only local out, i'm up at a fella enrollment. bundling auto. com. okay. yeah, i want to make sure the order are so the products are available in all the local shots and villages either on england either on the brought it anita cornel. michael allowed them to get a canal putting in or on the some other one he and that, but i am confident that my son bill one did equal with the family business and run
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it successfully. his goalie sort us proved that sustainability doesn't necessarily to quite a revolution. sometimes you only need to uphold every day traditions. it's up to the younger generation to recognize those traditions and maintain them. ah, we exist mickel's water does. i hope this has been your take away from today's episode. consulting water is imperative for the survival of our species and other living organisms on it. i leave you with that thought and see you again next week. good bye. and thanks for watching. with
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