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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  February 15, 2023 12:00pm-12:31pm CET

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ah, ah ah ah ah, this is dw, live from berlin. the battle for back more to an east and ukraine has become the longest stand off in the war. each side seems determined to take the city despite heavy casualties. nato defense ministers, meanwhile, meet for
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a 2nd day in brussels to coordinate arms supplies to ukraine. he fought warns that speed of delivery could mean the difference between victory and defeat. also the program grief and syria, as those hit by last week's devastating earthquakes start varying their dead. they say they feel abandoned. plus germany's flat carrier. lufthansa is grounding a large number of flights because of a major i t problem. air traffic controllers are diverting all planes away from its main hub at frankfurt airport. ah, i'm gabel, says welcome to the program. russia is intensifying its efforts to take the area of a buck morton eastern ukraine. report say russian troops are relentless, the selling more than 20 villages and towns in the area. it's become the sides of
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the longest running battle in the war. analysts say any victory would be symbolic, as the city is not strategically vital. however, both ukraine and ross are se bear determined to prevail choice coupling and some different game was from them to roller shop. again, this is the glimpse according to russian state td into what's become known as the meat grinder. over the city of blackmore has been nicknamed to such because neither the russians nor the ukrainians have been able to make much progress here. resulting in a brutal stalemate that's produced the longest battle of the war. and one of the bloodiest for old site involved the budget of, of, of if everyone can see that we're having a hard time on this section of the front of the enemy are constantly attacking and small and big groups of one day. it's their artillery, and the next day they're infantry attacked. so it's
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a difficult time at the moment when our boys keep standing their ground with the battlefield back, which is now in its 7th month, russian officials recently claimed that its full sis have almost encircled the city . not se, says the head of the walk in a mercenary grip, which has spearheaded the russian offensive stead, says ben wagner, pushing forward house by house, me a square meter by square meter. it's hard work. it's not clear at all where the stories about some kind of encirclement are coming from early issue. i have johnathan raj back. moot will not be taken to morrow, but because there is heavy resistance. it's grinding. the meat grinder is working on new bottle. ah, despite the ferocity of fighting buck mode isn't considered a game changer in the small military. analysts say the city holds more symbolic
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than strategic importance, but it's important. none the less, it's capture would give the kremlin and much needed victory after months of setbacks and give its troops and you foretold in the dawn best region which the russians partially occupy, but one full control off for keith and its troops back moot hold emotional value was demonte law nissan and nobody will give a battle to mobile. ski will fight for as long as we can or more bottled, we consider back loot or fortran lasher for the day. we consider people who died their heroes at all. um, follow missouri. good. of course the city is more than just a prize in battle for back most people. it was home. yeah, you husband the hood. dear god, our town used to be so beautiful. there were roses everywhere,
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flowers it. oh. but it was clean. everything was kept in order. it's a memory that stands in stark contrast to scenes like this. and the bloody battles that have earned back mood, it's gruesome name. and for the latest about the battle in bar moody, w, corresponded. now calmly. jones is now from b, ukrainian capital keith. nick bartlett, seems to be turning into one of the defining battles or of this war at why is it so important to both sides? i think, yeah, this is about similar. listen. first of all we heard there. are you great, president zalinski talking about it as a kind of ukrainian fortress or something that would not up. similarly, the russians are desperate for anything that they can spin, sell outside the contributor to their own domestic audience as
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a victory after all those setbacks and ukraine with like had a song. when you look at the actual strategic importance though, in the kind of advances, this would give russia's troops in the region for less in the web content there for military expert, some even say that is actually easier for the ukrainians to retreat a bit. and then defend bigger, more important is like come towards can you buy from the positions from the geography of babylon? because we understand the americans alone, we pushing the ukrainians to give up, but more to not waste, not risk more ukrainian lives there. the task they imply has already been achieved . they've bound russian forces that have caused huge losses to the russian army in terms of human lives, but also technology equipment on the ground. and now, you know, the suggestion seems to be it's time to cup ukraine's losses. now, there are reports that russian shelly is intensifying and, but also that ukrainian forces or have a blown up a bridge that it would need to retreat is ukraine losing buckboard?
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i think it's really important stress here that we have very little real time information coming out of but more that is the situation all along front lines. yeah. there is now no more access for journalist, but more as a recent thing. oh civilian volunteer angeles. are no longer allowed in the reason being that you're protecting them, looking after them, treating them with the ability medical sources is just too much distractions. ukrainian army, we've definitely seen yet. civilian volunteers try to bring supplies to the local population. coming to quite a lot of harm in recent days and often of the ukrainian army, when things are going badly, will only release information quite late. but i think, you know, the fact that it has been closed off already says a lot. and there's a sense here and key of that me, people are gonna affect the butt, might have to be abandoned in the weeks and you know, months come now there has been lots of talk recently that ukraine needs fighter jets from, from the west in this particular battle the battle for bar mood would fighter jets make any difference is important. see here what those planes allow ukraine
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to do? thought about the planes as such about the prestige. it's about fact that they firstly would enable ukraine to protect their troops with the from brook it's from missiles. it's kind of further part of the kind of anti air defense system. and it would allow that project power for it to tack russian positions far behind the front lines to ext new kind of thing. they can't do right now, but they don't have long range land based missile systems. the west just isn't handing those over to ukraine. but there is also the emotional component of sits about getting the west to kind of, you know, be more whole hearted. it's board of ukraine to kinda nail its colors to the mass and say we are on your side and not somehow on the one hand say we're insulted out with ukraine, but then keep stuff back in the view here from care of is most of europe is under that, nito, american nuclear umbrella, you don't really need this kit we do. if you're not going to give us any shooting guarantees, then hurry up and send us as equipment. our correspondent nick connelly, they're in a cave. thank you very much, nick and nature's defense,
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vanessa meeting for a 2nd day to devise a plan to help ukraine defend it's eastern territories. ukraine has repeatedly made successful demands for tanks and air defense systems, but his sofa fail to secure nato commitments for fighter jets ahead of the meeting . british defense secretary ben wallace said the u. k was ready to supply weapons to ukraine. i said the use of fighter jets would require extensive training. nasal members are discussing how to speed up the supply of other better equipment to ukraine as well. and also about possible peace talks with russia. candidates defense, mr. anita and had this to say. if vladimir putin wants peace, he can leave ukraine in till that time, we need to continue to do whatever is necessary to support ukraine, sovereignty instability in the short and long term. there are 3 main categories of
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age that we are discussing. air defense missile systems continued 155 millimeter ammunition as well as tanks. and in all 3 categories, canada has been contributing and we are working closely with our allies to ensure that 8 of all sorts continues to be put on the table for you. cranky will m i asked the ws brussels bureau chief on some of phenomena if nato could potentially give in to the ukranian fleet football plans. well, i think that's eventually nato allies. individual allies might be ready to provide a queen worth fighter jets bats. not sir. now, but of course, nato's goal is to help the ukrainian forces switch to nato standards, including the air force. and we also have to assume that eventually ukraine will run out of their soviet era jets they are using right now about for now we also
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have to stressed at some allies are very cautious. they say a day wouldn't like to see the fighter jets being used to attack the russian territory. and it also points to the fact that the whole matter is very complicated . we are speaking here about very complex weapons systems. and the question is, will they be able to be maintained and repaired in ukraine? so no decision has been made yet, but the discussion is still ongoing. now how much of a concern are ukraine's dwindling ammunition supplies their well, this is a major concern and nato secretary general stoughton bag has said that so are described the whole situation as the race of logistics. pointing out that ukraine is burning through shells much faster than a western countries can produce them. and this is, of course,
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a big dilemma for the alliance and the allies because they want to continue supporting ukraine at the same time. they need to make sure that they can still protect and defend nato territory, so they want to ramp up their production. they want to join forces to jointly for jointly, procurement. they also want ukraine to sign deals directly with arms producers. but all of that is going to take time. there is apparently no quick fix talking about quick fixes or zalinski has said that the speed of delivery is key. what about speeding up the delivery of taxes that on the agenda that it is on the agenda. in fact, countries who are willing to provide you, queen wits in modern battle tanks are meeting here on the sidelines off the
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defense ministers meeting. they want to coordinate, they want to speed up the process. but we heard from the german defense minister and the step is to use who sounded a bit frustrated. as you know, germany had been criticized for taking their time to decide whether they are willing to provide ukraine with ledford to tanks and whether they are willing to allow other nations to do so. their decision was made. but now germany is scrambling to get enough hotness allies on board to deliver those tanks to ukraine. so we will see what the outcome of that meeting will be. thank you very much. so to w. l. a sum of phenomena they're reporting from brussels. and if you want to know more about what's being discussed and decided at night or today, just stay to we will carry secretary general stockton bags press life that is
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supposed to stop in round about 30 minutes. stay with us. first, let's get you up to speed on some other stories making headlines today. a service has been held in portland, florida to mock the 5 year anniversary of a school shooting that left 17 people did. the memorial comes just a day after 3 people were killed in the latest mass shooting at the university of michigan. u. s. president joe biden, again demanded that lawmakers take action against what he called americas done violence epidemic. before me, you have some assets with united nations. nikki haley has announced she is running for the republican presidential nomination next year. she's the 2nd contender to join the race off to have former boss ex president donald trump. now that i stole from the earthquakes in turkey and syria has surpassed 40000 a dw team as documented events in the disaster song. at the moment,
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the border between turkey and rebel controlled areas of syria has been largely closed for a long time, but has no reopened to allow in aid supplies. muhammad crated reports from the border crossing at bob. i'll ha won. this is not in a convoy crossing from turkey to syria. it's a procession of belief to you and families taking the bodies of relatives who had been living and turkey back home for bernie. some have only the backseat of their family cause to transport that he means abutment has driven more than 20 bodies across the border so far he can't understand why much needed it is so slow to arrive in northern syria, la la, la z one in the just as we noticed that there are more dead bodies than aids and
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rescue teams that arrive into northern syria. so my visual of the north needs a lot to the on it and they died for people whose homes were destroyed and were now living in the street on gun regarding rescue teams. people are still under the rubble that have not local. finally and eat, convoy arrives more than a week after the earthquake. only a very few have gotten through the you and relief chief stood here on the darker side of the border, crossing with celia and said, we have so far failed the people in northwest syria. martin griffith was referring to the inability of getting aid to syrians. i'll finally, we're spotting some aid convoys crossing into celia on a basis off. better late than never conflict across the border. insidious behind the delay. the region is controlled by different militant groups and political factions, disputes, and distrust have off skirt aid delivery. oh,
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here in the village, often dearest, desperation has set league, i feel it, it is short. if every thing we do not have any more to that, we do not have any heater, fidela the coit, if we're in the evening and yet we covered ourselves with blankets. but all our children got to think it was super allowable. jamal has worked himself to exhaustion. he's been cleaning properly from his home with his bare hands trained to pull the bodies of his relatives out from under little winds. oh or not. what on the 1st day of the earthquake, people under the rubble was still alive and they called help us get us out. but we had no tools on the 2nd day, the same thing, but now we nearly tools to get a dead bodies lying under the rubble, 3 alone a law help us. we believe in god, but we want to take the bodies of our kids, mothers out of the rubble and buried improperly in graveyards. global of remarkable, some syrians feeding the world has once again failed them after years afford and
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multiple displacements, little help has come their way well, from all the situation on the ground, on the joint by dr. piney on preventive. she is the vice president of doctors without borders here in germany. now, your surgeons were already supporting hospitals, treating wounded from the assyrian civil war there just for context. how difficult were the conditions there already and how much worse as it got now. so this equation and not with syria, was already quite precarious before the earthquake, not with serious serious one of the countries are that come through with the most internally, the same people and the area where the earthquake happens. host 4000000 people of them. 2.8 our intern display. so people were already in precarious has
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situation. they were living in camps already. and now our colleagues are facing that people who had already very, very little access to has access to water and sanitation. have now to share this with much more people who are displace again, were homeless and has facilities are destroyed, hospitals are destroyed, our teams underground had to every to maternity hospital, one primary health care center because of the fear of this facility being call ups, which means that those have facilities which are still functioning half now to cover even more while having a huge amount of patient and talking about the huge amount. and you mentioned the high number of displaced people already due to the civil war. how
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realistic is that? you can support around 4000000 people. i mean we as doctors without bothers where on the ground before the earthquake and we're trying to support internally displaced people not was already but we have to say the situation was working during the last years. humanitarian 8 support towards not was since you in was getting last the current to make was a hitting that people and then on top we had already some color a cases. so this iteration for this people afford this place. people was very bad. and of course now it's getting worse, so the people are our colleagues on the ground are overwhelmed by the work they have to do. and despite the work they have, it's affecting them as well. i mean,
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we have 2 of our colleagues were unfortunately, we know been a di doing the earthquake and most likely have lost the families lost once they have lost home. there are some of them are homeless themselves. so even medical medical stuff is affected and is trying to help out. so it needs an immense international support to, to get through to get 8 into this area doc upon and prevent their vice president of doctors without borders in german. thank you very much. thank you. major technical difficulties at germany's flack slack harry a loose tons up of stranded thousands of passengers worldwide accompany is delayed and grounded flights offers are 2 systems were hit by a glitch affecting checking onboarding. old plains are being directed away from
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landing a loft as is main hub frank airport, in order to prevent a backlog on the ground floor for more on this, i'm much on the studio by cassandra sent from a business desk. cassandra, what's the latest? there's a lot of questions right now, but what we do know that there are massive delays and cancellations for las honda. the premier german airline bloomberg has reported that the airline has grounded its flights of times a has not confirmed that yet, saying that there might have all slides, but that's what bloomberg's report about. latania says that they still have some flights in the ground that they're not going to ground just yet could be on their way to destinations outside of germany. it's unclear. lufthansa has not confirmed that yet. meanwhile, as you said, german air traffic controllers are directing flights away from frankfurt. that's the largest airport in germany to nearby cities. and this is all due to a serious i t error that is affecting check in and boarding. now some information has come to light about what has caused this. it appears to be damaged glass fiber
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cables that may have been damaged during construction. you're near by and we know that this is causing chaos at frankfurt airport. local tablets and germany are also saying that the calf has extended to munich airport, which is another hub for this airline. and so far, thousands of passengers around the world have seen delays or cancellations, and the stock market stock market have already started to punish lufthansa with stocks decreasing in value by 1.5 percent so far. so it has sort of ripple effects and you've already been describing the how severe is this? well, let's compared to what we have seen in the last year, which has been a turbulent year for the airline end street. there were the usual things, cancellations, baggage delays, but the after effects and ripple effects of cov, it have still really been felt by the airline. essentially. when airlines and airports were less busy, they laid off a ton of employees. and then when demand came roaring back,
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all of these airlines are many, many airlines were caught flat footed. last summer may, travelers probably saw these long, long lines at airports in europe in north america. i myself was caught in a 3 hour security line in montreal. and then over christmas, there was a huge storm in the u. s. a had ripple ripple effects after a meltdown for weeks. and then just last month, airlines cancelled more than 1300 flights and over 10000 were delayed in the u. s. after there was a breakdown of a can key computer system for the government, so it's been a bumpy year for airlines. we'll see how bumpy the situation gets because under the sun that from dw business. thank you for this update. we're going to read as an era now, which is gearing up for its 1st full scale carnival since the pandemic, while some celebrations went ahead last year in brazil. really famous st parties were cancelled now organizes reckon these festivities are going to be the biggest party on the planet. ah,
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it's been described as a reaper thin rio nodded neighbourhood rides across the city. oh, the sounds and colors of carnival aback. ah, this year sees the full return of the world's biggest posse, including the cities, epic street, la coast them off. the unofficial launch of carnival. hundreds have been authorized after being bans due to the cobit pandemic in 2022. and there is much to celebrate plow in this carnival. what we need is to be happy. throw yourself in happiness. huck. people at the stake, lay down somebody lot. i actually, i think that politically this year is special, not only because of the pandemic, but also because you've had the victory of
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a left wing government. i keep asking myself, what would become of this cannibal if it were not to this victory of a left when government foot rios world famous, sam bas goes. there is no time for dancing. just yet. for months now, artisans well doesn't. so as i've been working long hours to have everything ready for the main parade, acoustic image of the will miss lucy believe in this romantic carnival? yes. that they see on television, the greatest show on earth buckle. it's all about pasha where? oh app i shall nice to see, but it's also a lot hard work and b, mood of all than a year. could i buy lou? he had the gabriella, my 01. and for re i shop, harness they hope the cities passion for carnival. we'll also see revellers spend bag and held them to make up for the loss of tourism. during the pandemic. m,
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i have everything you need to, sam, by the night away is on sale here with retail is expected to earn more than $970000000.00 us dollars during the celebrations. and that's it from me and the news team, a fun hour danco way up next is a made in germany looking at the influence of climate change on the global economy on gabrielle 1st in berlin. me and the news team thankfully ah, with
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this gadget for a measuring methane makes the invisible visible with impact on climate change has long been underestimated. many emissions are avoidable,
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but how exactly can they be stopped? and how can the economy benefit from these reduction made in germany. next, on d, w eco, africa. in botswana, the number of wild elephants is increasing, leading to a growing number of conflicts with their human neighbors. a local wildlife in geo is trying to advocate new solutions that allow for the peaceful coexistence between people who meter eco africa. in 60 minutes on d, w. o, she took a delicately explicit switch, nickel shape, relative mean the swish like
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a gun. i witnessed his report, but she changed all these go to said the i said that the mary, you pull a story of resilience rushes more in ukraine. one years since the invasion began. we take a look back and into the future in the new 1000000 slowly in february on d. w with ah, ah, ah, ah observed from the edge of space images of.


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