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tv   Business - News  Deutsche Welle  February 23, 2023 7:15am-7:31am CET

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in the city of janine also ended pick 10 people killed these to be at the dead placed best man a petition in years. the un has warned that if efforts are not meet to de escalate the violence, good spite and out of control. and with that now you are up to date here on d w news. i'm sarah kelly in berlin. after a very short break, i had his business news with my colleague janelle milan to stay with us for that. take care with mine is with getting ahead using tech
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as our documentary series of founders valley foliage africa. to meet the founders empowering their continent through digital innovation, a transformer, work in health and living conditions in their country and inspiring the world with their ideas. only valley africa watching out on the w documentary ah, a blow to your electric vehicle plans teslas scaling back it's german battery building ambitions in favor of chasing subsidies in the u. s. when it stoked the existing transatlantic tensions. regulators in the state of charge to south to re
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encrypt entrepreneur after and best as last billions. we'll discuss what went wrong for 0, one and how would you like to work a day less every week? well, a major trial in the u. k. is being held as a success is a state of the business i'm of what's in berlin. welcome to the program. tesla says it's scaling back. it's plans to produce electric car batteries in germany. instead, it'll focus on its operations in the us to take advantage of generous subsidies being offered. tesla, which has a plant just outside of berlin, cited president biden's inflation reduction act. when explaining its decision, is one of the 1st companies to make such a move, which the leaders were concerned might happen. they have accused the u. s. of favoring their own produces at the expense of european businesses. earlier i spoke to our financial correspondence in new york. teddy austro asking him whether test was decision, proves the european union right about its concerns about the inflation reduction act. well,
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it's certainly having its intended effect of the by didn't ministration. right? use me, i'm on camera. i'm attended effective the abide and administration to the court electric vehicle company to court battery companies to produce their product here in the united states. and that's because the inflation reduction act, right? it provides pretty significant tax credit to the financial incentives are very, very strong. now, tesla is just one of the 1st firms to state openly, right, that they are oriented more towards the united states because of the i r re, there could be other reasons such as the high energy prices in germany versus the united states. so there could be other reasons there and now the you, of course, is trying to fight back with some of its own. i experimented with the state aid program of own, but i think we should expect to see this trend continue. biden bid him set some confessions to try and locate the european union leaders who've been so upset about
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this. so we actually see any sign of any changes to the i r a to as you know, to, to, to ease those tensions. well, biden does have a lot of domestic pressure. i think that's important to state. for example, there's a lot of major labor unions that would like to keep those production jobs here in the united states. there's also environmental groups. there's also consumer interest groups abide and you're right has sort of nodded to the earth in union, nodded to make promises to try to keep those incentives are interpret the law can really change much involvement to interpret the law to provide financial incentives to european countries, which have free trade agreements with the united states, but really, it's very unclear. this is flagship legislation or biden, the teddy auster at the new york stuff. he's changed a little bit busy things. now one crucial ingredient for teslas.
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batteries is lithium and mexico is hoping to be a major supplier of the mineral. i suppose president abra door has signed a decree, nationalizing a lithium reserve found in the north of the country. it's a deal that is bound to interest tesla which has its eyes on building a factory that chandel mexican president, andreas manuel lopez abra door, is hoping his country will become a formidable force in the electric battery market. he signed a decree, nationalizing lithium reserves found in the northwest state of sonora on the us border. a move he says will prevent the resource from being exploited by foreigners, particularly russia. china and the united states. moreland utilization has already been made. the law has been passed in the legislature and the lithium belongs to the nations. young. tesla has expressed interest in building a plant in another northern region, while president abra door welcomes the electric car makers presence in the country
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. he's concerned the north might not have enough water to support a factory. he's touted the south an area where he's trying to draw more investment . and we're 70 percent of mexico's water comes from president abra door and tesla ceo. ellen musk are expected to discuss the issue directly. i know you how to read them. now let's take a look at some of the other global business stories that are making. the news. heineken says it's struggling to pull out of russia almost a year after it's pledge to leave you to the war in ukraine. the bruce, as it's still trying to find a reliable buyer for its business in the country and his face to sell a 300000000 euro loss. more than 20 percent of the energy produced in the e. u between march last year and january came from wind and solar energy, according to research, think tank and burn climate says the surgeon, renewable energy production. low as the need for gas in ports, allowing the block to save 12000000000 euros. and staying with energy,
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france is now partly powered by organic waste. total energy is new production facility has started pumping by o me thing into the countries gas that work. it's a project that's projected to eventually supply for $30000.00 homes each year. now u. s. regulators have charged a crypto entrepreneur of orchestrating a multi $1000000000.00 crypto asset securities fraud, and he appeared to now be in hiding the collapse of dough quan sperm. terra form labs last year. wiped out about $40000000000.00 of investors money and shook global crypto markets. the firm had developed the terra luna and tara u. s. d tokens. the securities and exchange commission accuses kwan and tara form of failing to be truthful with the public about the crypto assets are still deeper into what's starting to feel like
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a familiar story with sam kessler from crypto news website, coin desk is great to have you with us, sam and you know, just tell us a bit more about who do kwan was and where it went wrong. whichever form yeah, thanks so much for having me. so. so like you mentioned, kwan was a south korean crypto founder. he went to stanford and he created tara watching ecosystem, and tara form labs, the company behind it at the core of this ecosystem, with something called a stable coin. so in the ball, the world of crypto stable coins are kind of the juice that fuel the entire, the centralized finance ecosystem. because they pay they stake pegged to the price of a stable asset. in this case, u. s. t, tara stable wednesday unpaid to the price of $1.00 us dollar. and unlike other stable coins that have $1.00 in the bank for every crypto token, this token was supposed to be the centralized meeting. there was a quote unquote algorithm that kept it at $1.00, but we see for the store is going,
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the algorithm did not work. so $40000000000.00 went to virtually nothing in just a couple of days. back in 2022 about a year ago. this next month a so i'm just like, is it normally enough to get the c c involved? so what are they saying that the count has done wrong in the telephone? the wrong? yeah. so it's not as simple as just like a business failing. even though tara form labs and no one will tell you, that's the case. but like you said, the fcc contends that tara form and doke one committed securities fraud. and they had a lot of pretty big claims in this complaint that they filed against tara form and joke on. so 1st off, they say that con himself personally cashed out funds that belong to the ecosystem . millions of dollars to personal accounts. they say also that he learned in the users to the ecosystem using a essentially false promises and really predatory incentive schemes. and they did
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things that essentially misrepresented the algorithm as being more safe than it actually was. and just put a bunch of money into this ecosystem from retail invest. there's largely who had no idea what they were actually getting into some just just briefly i feel is going to notice the pattern here with the and i will be thinking of some background afraid of noticing that that the likely script a guys are getting themselves into a lot of trouble. how high is confidence in the crypt? marcus these days briefly, if you can it's not as high as it was. i think most investors will tell you that the space is a lot larger than it was last time. there was a fair market a few years ago, but yeah, this is definitely her confidence because these things that were, you know, there's criminal filings against them. it wasn't just simple failures. they were core, they being at t x and tara to the entire crypto ecosystem. so they're failures, they're, you know, outright wise and, you know, you know, frauds as, you know, we're,
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we're led to believe now. yeah. i have definitely had a chilling effect. ok. well, some kessler, thanks for staying across that for the some test from coin dash for me. now, how does a 4 day working week sound in the u. k, the world's largest trial scheme align work is like an extra day off. each week is being held as a success. most of the companies in bo say the benefits of made themselves clear and they're not ready to go back just yet. fay johnson smith brings homemade cupcakes into the office. she likes to bake in her spare time, which she now has more of her employer is one of 60 companies in the u. k. that took part in a 4 day work week trial. i found that just having that one extra day off her week guest me so much more time to recover right after having such an emotionally draining and demanding job, it would take a lot for me to look for
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a job elsewhere. now, staff have reported better overall well being, but the payoff has been big for bosses to one expect can see was the so much was the, the dropping absenteeism as much this increase in happiness is production and tightness because i think we were most concerned about was this idea that would people become more towards a more stress because they were trying to compress their hours. i'm not being the case. businesses reported that revenue increased 1.4 percent on average. and 9 out of 10 companies in the pilot say they will keep the 4 day week. some experts predict that not adapting to the emerging model may put firms at a disadvantage organizations that was finding jobs. so, why don't we just aren't going to get the best times buying. so once we get that tipping point, it's not a question of whether companies want to be in the new moves. it's question if
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they're not seeing this movie, it's not going to get the police, they need convincing other companies to go. the new route may end up being the toughest part of the job. now, so from in the business, same hand berlin, if you are more from us, you can edit that data. we'd have com slash business, they'll find his on the t de leon, use youtube channel till we see you next time with one years of war in ukraine. how has it affected the economy, our sanctions against russia working? our overview covers booming ukrainian i. t firms supporting their homeland
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skyrocketing natural gas prices and evolving cyber war. that's more dangerous than ever made in germany next on d. w. ah, there's is the story of many ukrainians before russia's invasion, marta and siri had trained as volunteers for emergencies since the beginning of the war. they have been in combat even fighting directly at the front focus on europe. in 60 minutes on d. w. ah. in imagine that you're eating a hamburger and as you're biting into this juicy burger,
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your dining companion says to you, actually that hamburger is not made from kaos. it's made from golden retrievers. should meet. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 in meeting cultures around the world, people learn to classify a small handful of animals as edible and all the rest they classify as disgusting. a duck you series about our complex relationship with animals. the great debate this week on d. w. o . m. ah. 12 months ago, russian tanks rolled into ukraine starting europe's biggest military.


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