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tv   The 77 Percent  Deutsche Welle  February 27, 2023 7:30am-8:01am CET

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they hope it will help combat hunger and climate change with nico africa. in 60 minutes on d w. lou, what people have to say matters to us on me. that's why we listen to their stories. reporter every weekend on d. w. hello and welcome to the 77 percent. my name is edith kimani and i'm coming to you from the heart of ne ruby in the special edition of the 77 percent. we're going to talk about love relationships. and of course, hot break will find out what attracts people to each other,
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to ignite that special spark. ah, we'll hear how back. so like money and power planes relationship with and we'll meet the designer who wants people to express themselves. no, much of their sexual orientation. ah. so we know that money can complicate things in a partnership like when love or sex. i used as an exchange for money. we're talking here of course about sponsors. black says or sugar mom isn't daddy. so we want to take a closer look at the bless, a blessing culture, specifically in south africa. and some young women opened up to us about the experience i shot wanting though this next report discusses dependency relationships and sexual violence. oh, oh. when she started his studies 23 year old and the plunder and tumble from widow
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was struck by the expensive looks clothing and excess of shopping. her fellow classmates enjoyed her friends was so cold. lake weeds who depend on rich men to maintain that lifestyle, but introduced her to her own bless, of a wealthy married man who was more than 20 years. her senior hughes, c. m, is clean with the gift. it isn't worth shooting the re coffee, know her. but the gifts did not come for free and tumble, soon discovered that she need to perform sexual faded. this is when she started having 2nd thought. doing really wanted, it kind of just felt like i was be invited into, sorry, but type of prostitution. but then now i have to make do with whatever just come by
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just because of the, the fact that she wants this life that you want you want last life lavish. no jury a softer lines or the struggle to survive in a society where money and from how a concentrated in the hands of men tumble is not a lie. some men even believe money gives him the right to control a woman's freedom. 46 road modular villa kazi has 3 mistresses. he does not allow them to work, leave the house without his permission or earn his cellphone. woman, italy, 1010. so we need to control them. they need to be in your finger tips. as we like food for me, i would go into school so that i can have money. i can have power, i can control him that his behavior might entirely undermine his girlfriend's. right to self determination seems
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a little concerned to be causey. both he and his friends claim to pay their girlfriends around 400 years each. for cbo mac longo, this is pure business. i mean that's the whole point. so we know what we, what we do is we take care of women. then they, what do we get into tennis love, that's all. that's all. nothing else. so your insight move. yes, sex has been taken care of to someone making you feel special. in a recent south african health survey, one in 10 young women reported to have had transactions. this is a massive problem. it says all the jackie, pamela, say we meet the author in an up market hotel in johannesburg. but what say is well known for her book, which spills the beans on the blessing and bless the culture, but more say, experienced the fluid borders between transactional sex and human trafficking. i've
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read one of you one or 2 with this hotel a, you know, with i remember all the things that are written with on as a young girl. she ran away from a violent time and became involved with a very wealthy man, a few months into their relationship. he took her on a private yacht with politicians, business men and mistresses, being trapped in the middle of the ocean. she had no choice but to enjoy being raped multiple times. you can be changed it like this in a heartbeat. if the minister wants to buy you, they'll buy you regardless of who you dating in the group. so even if you're dating the wa, yes man in the group, he can trade you off a business deal because the ministers after 4 traumatizing years, a mont saint managed to escape the grasps of have lesser. she fled abroad, wishing,
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wrote a book about her experiences, a warning that the world of glamour that we see on our phones and internet platforms is sometimes far from the actual truth. social media give us an invasion of fiction comfort and luxury expected. and people hopeful that lucius and you don't even know that just to get ahead of this drink in front of us . what are the maybe other things did you have to do? just for that one? it me. back in. so wet ovula cause he meets his gulf ed blades, wilma, he wants to buy her and you hand bag, which is nice, but zima is not early enough for the luxuries she has a baby and needs the money to buy basic necessities. ready to pay rent and she's well aware of the dependency she finds herself in bed as bianco. we have to to sleep it all the guys and pretend is if you all you okay with everything. just
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because of minute. because i round here chances of jobs. you don't, we are 0 preventative of getting age, all right, on anything and everything to good idea of how you either sit in time in place with a post curve. it economy in shatters and then the unemployment rate of over 60 percent . the outlook for these young women is bleak, being blessed becomes a basic way of survival and the female body an object that can be bought and bartered. but of course, not all relationships, so this complicated and well money often plays a role is often about simpler things like who gets to pay for the bill on the dates . so we wanted to know what your experiences were. and for this we went to millennium park in a gotcha. i spoke to buz when it comes to green o, o d awesome guys. the idea changed. get
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a picture of like before too. too much. oh yeah. if you do, i'm not well young. you're not able to pay for it. i didn't have been times where you want to have more than to pick the most expensive piece in the world to go to. and then by time you can like to squeeze over a something i like. how much is it really good? i mean, you're calculating your, you know, get you back home because i can afford to move she to, i went out to someone and i couldn't finish the food anyway. like, you must finish. carol left. all right. like almost finished. you really nice one because in red flag like how will you tell me i must finish because he's going to more than buying and i have no idea how i would behave if somebody forced me to finish my food because they were paying for the bill. but you know what dating aside, we also wanted to find out what attracts people to each other and what makes relationships
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work. so here's what you said. one thing that draws me so if i knew the other person likes, with respect to me, i saw i saw the issue was brianna. you don't move in particular job that he's personally, i guess dorothy maybe came to his 5th grade level of my life. she was always there for me just of what they need the time like i've never had such support ever in my life. he's on this, let me just say on this to me. and whenever he is wrong, he do apologize. that the most amazing part of it. interesting to me, she was always history. i mean, oh, don't dish or about me. you're about me this year, your money run away. and when he asked me that was like, i like you know that or i need you like, man, if maybe we can do this issue with there are
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a 1000000 different ways to love. and who you choose to love should really only be a matter to you and your partner. but in life, this isn't always the case. your family, friends, society, and even national laws can determine who you can and can't have an intimate relationship with, as well as who you can identify as i'm talking about the l g, b, t, q plus community which still faces this criminal as well as defamation. and attacked by both states and society all around africa. so let's start off by unpacking gender identity and sexual orientation and what the letter stand for. we ask our sex and relationship, but can break it down for the hello there and welcome to the spread of faith space where we get to discuss everything, sex and relationship. today we have a question on gender and sexual diversity. the question reads, hey kev, as a person trying to be a better l g b t q plus ally. i'm finding it hard to understand all the new language around
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agenda, sexuality and sex. is there a way you can simplify it for me? so i can better understand how to conduct myself in spaces where i meet diverse group. i'd really appreciate it. thanks. let's start by creating 3 boxes, biological or assigned sex, gender, and sexual orientation. each of these boxes has many sub sections, but will focus on the most important points. the 1st box, biological sex, is what the doctor use is to identify you at best, based on your genitalia, most of the time it's either male or female. but there are also cases where one is born with both male and female genitalia, that person is known as in to fix the 2nd box. if gender, gender is a social construct. if what society throws you to place you in a binary box of either male or female, for example, dolls and the color pink or said to belong to only girl. whereas trucks and the
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color blue are set to belong to only boys. but not everybody conforms to this gender. binary gender identity comes from your in a sense of self and may not aligned with the sex that you were assigned at birth. you could be male, female, both neither or some other agenda. and the could mean, for example, that you're not comfortable with pronouns, he or she and would rather be referred to as they or them. for example, the 3rd box is sexual orientation. this has to do with attraction that you have to a person based on their gender, which could be romantic, emotional, or physical men. and women strictly attracted to the opposite agenda and known as heterosexual. if you're attracted to someone of the same gender, you could be homosexual. if you're attracted to someone regardless of their sex or gender identity, you could be pansexual. keep in mind that this really is just the tip of the
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iceberg. this so much more to learn about the l g b p, q plus community. i hope this has been helpful and i do urge you to keep doing your research online. well informed ally like you are very important. that's it for me, gaz till next time. goodbye. thank you kaz, and if you're interested in learning more about sexual minority or just indicating yourself about sex on the body in general, you can have what is the ground page where we have a series of kaz on just that. now hearing kenya between 2 people of the same gender is punishable by law. this law has been in place since 930 and results in sexual minority being harassed and left with virtually no protection from police of the seats. in general, 2023, a young tenant question designed an l g. b, you activist edwin, she lobo was killed walking white bread p a. the community with some people who are
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still willing to speak up can yes l g b t q. community is on a lot. in january 2023, edwin to lowball, a student fashion designer and gay rights activist was killed in the canyon town of l. dorit. his tragic death sent shock waves through the community makeup artist denison gary. the impact ah, when, when the new fact kim, you know, like i was not sure what happened, edwin and i was like, i really hope it's not about how he didn't save himself. i've given a lot of hits. i've been receiving a lot of hits and a lot of comparison to anyone. everyone is telling me, you know, if you don't take care, you will end up like edwin. dennis was always aware that his sexual orientation was not accepted by society. but the online debate about edwin's death has degenerated into an anti l g b t q plus hate campaign. right now are they at martinez kane?
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that tends to be by not sure of gas safety of their pictures of the sexual orientation are going to walk blue. even simply leaving the house can be a problem. they're not safe to go outside. you're not as sure that you'd be safe unless you have the unity but then where a man can they. and the situation right now will be run rob wall in 10. and it will take some time before we get back to our home. what if the government criminal life is hate to lead? minority groups. i feel like that i will feel protected. homosexuality is still at a bu and canyon society. but in the light of edwin's death, the l. g. b, t q plus community and the allies are once again calling for acceptance. and d criminalization. there's a lot of homophobia. there's a lot of hate to ads,
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people who, who's only who, who are hating because they exist. you know, they exist. that's it. i leave, i'm leaving, i'm game play most of africa. the laws are very similar to those hearing kenya in a jury, for example, one can get up to 14 years in prison, mental being gay. and in some parts of the country which are ruled by fleming sharia. law punishment even was nevertheless, there are few brave people with sending up for themselves. we meet one of them, the legal space, fashion designer, daniel kuhn k who is calling for more respect and acceptance in conservative nigeria, same sex relationships who if the wholesale wild for the l g b to q plus community. but like ocean teenager daniel concord has an idea to make
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it a little friendlier with these inclusive question brand case apparel ah, very much a think about so. so this coming, this one, the prison i have personally done are going to so i had one disrespect to discrimination on 3 percent. so growing up, i always been like will lead and all of that. so i got to read more and i found out about to you. i've always been a 1st time i have to pick up on myself. despite the odd lucas brand has been welcomed, especially in the l g. b t q plus community. bold inscriptions like fem isn't weakness. gender is fluid and weird can be seen happening, hung out around lego. i think it's quite an innovative and intrusive brand. i've always had time finding stuff fit my
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agenda, expression for like with the 5th run. it always it go get, i always find what i want because less than one my bronze out on it will suit and be like, my good. how do you mean those students stuff and i'm like, yes. then there is a special construct premium. exclude. anybody kind of like, i mean the way it person isn't, is owned by the or the own body and the thought they need, like which something sees operating very, very bold come from someone to speech. they can just call cause any kind of safety we leaving it always fun. things like this. done, you know, runs an online store from his home. he revealed designs on his instagram page. clients can also request designs. daniel then gets a graphic athletes to realize the work before supervising the feeling and branding . experiencing hostility is part of the job
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efficiency right offensive. i, some people just come into my business page and just be like what's up? why are you doing this? is this against god for you and what and what's not on whatsoever. didn't people don't understand is my brand is not for the, for the particular presence my brand before every body and for his friends and customers wearing his clothes in steals a sense of pride. that i'm going through my discretion to ask what, why you are in something like this. what does this mean? no, right. but then i understand it's coming from a bit of ignore on. so most of the time i see the and i kid demo. what things mean if we find the scripts junk with a k to but i really didn't care. this is me and i little bit a man with a message. and while people like daniel fighting from one step to the society,
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many people have their own relationship battle to fight big or small. like cooley and get should there are, can nigeria and couple living right here they, ruby. and while they knew they wanted to be together, their families and friends, well, they took a bit of convincing. nairobi is east africa, melton port, attract and residence from across the continent and beyond. but a kingdom capital acceptance of diversity does not always extend to matters of the heart. at the beginning, it was very difficult when my wife go to places an individual or a manager. and yet it was like, whoa, used to be a very huge stereotype by dancing oh, you've come to can to steal our woman from all cooler and get to a cross cultural relationship. maybe unusual. but like many young people love familiar to get married to. i think yeah, austin, to 2 years colleges fresh from school, he talked me and you know how we say
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d t and talking and yeah i, which is why p like by vibe. he actually up front. he told me you're going to be the mother of my kids for neighbors, friends, and family, the new capos, but in love, connection was difficult to accept. i was now telling my friends to know these, that dating. you know, you're not telling a lot of people. and then you know, come alpha and her. yeah, i met this guy, we've been seeing each other and i'm like his name jan. donaley. what i sure. my dear, what do you know about him loud? you know his back or he'll leave you today. comments like these will fall on deaf ears, yet whose family have long since accepted west african in law as a member of the form. but wasn't always the case when he told me that i didn't know to believe it. i see dwarfed. ignore the
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gleick. he said, i don't want to hear anything about dick. i want you to think i was in grammy. when he told me, nigerian, i was like, what is m a there? and doing, can i know africa go to america or europe. so that was for me or minded learning. another thing that i had was his muslim. okay. and my sister is christian . so he really misses there's going to, because of i know my sister, i really loving some like i were to become mostly eventually the couple of chose to put aside that may see us with the adults behind them. the per forge ahead to was a shed life that blends the best of that different backgrounds included in the kitchen. at the beginning, it took a lot for genuine road like i'm visiting him at his place. he used to really, really like cooking, you know, i guess dust there a time he was trying to lou or me is like them cook for you. my wife. he taught me
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how to make the stools denture law of their fried rice overtime. i've come to enjoy most of the grand dishes from old guy leave rome morkie more from below from a fro mac. okay. ever do whatever you go from regardless of your background, your cultural, your age, whatever it is, your type it's, it's possible he let me be me and i let him be here. it walks for me perfectly. and we will just happy with where nearly at the end of our show, but we have one more issue to talk about. so that's hard to break because like, you know, not that's how some relationships and maybe most, i mean i can't be alone and it's showing you must have some experiences of your own . so let's hear them. yeah, it may not be shown to be times i may have walked felton or i'm living have been
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before i think i'm the one actually. i'm interested in a given me a. yeah. and, and a good with us today. so you just need to go through them . i just have you with the read log. i basically read this, it was budgeting, this is a particle out the this particular the i will never forget because i that lady on which i wait for that particular looking for like a long shot. i'm not sure i felt very particular about the day that i believe i will never forget. i get all my trust able to take any for granted. and then it was my head because yes, i'm a footballer. like if i go to the beach, i'll perform well, like my guys a black. okay. was wrong with to like, why you why,
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you know focus to be was wrong or deep darby or? yeah, fine to me. i feel i'm, i'm doing my best. i didn't know i wasn't doing the right thing on the peach, i get my bride end of the i ended up losing sight. i didn't get a low bike in return like my trust was taking for granted. so i just have to like exclude myself, other relationships, but out by the 1st one. so since then i swore not to have any relationship, a 100 percent. again, i have to be extremely careful in order for me not to like for the big thing for the 2nd time. but i will highlight this and then bring this to the end of the show this week. if you have story to share with us, connect with us on social media, you can also write to us. so he will is 7 to 7 d, w dot com and subscribe to our youtube channel. we have you now with, you know, the do by now a big to you. thanks for watching. mm.
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ah, a mazda, a label. ah, with
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who insect falling through the rain forest. medical researches are working on sustainable nutrition for the future. rich and protein environmentally friendly, and both the time they hope it will help combat hunger and climate change
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with africa. in 30 minutes on d. w. o . interest the global economy with our portfolio d w business beyond. here's a closer look at the project. our mission. to analyze the flight for market dominance, just did that with d w business beyond david madeline shar my welcome to my podcast, love the matter is that i invite celebrities influences and experts to talk about all playing loud effect from day to get today. nothing less because
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all these things and more and then you know, season off the plot can make sure to, to and then wherever you get your past and join the conversation, because you know it who love matter. mm ah hm. ah
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ah ah, this is the w life from berlin escalating violence in the west bank after a deadly shooting official say a right by israeli settlers left a palestinian man dead. the attacks were an apparent response to the killing of 2 israelis by palestinian gunmen. we'll hear from our correspondence in jerusalem also on the program. the search continues.


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