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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 1, 2023 4:00am-4:16am CET

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ah ah ah ah this is the to be news live from berlin. niger is rolling party candidate wins the most votes in the presidential election. protesters have taken to the streets in the capital accusations of hotel fraud opposition parties are calling for an election reba. also coming up here acknowledges wash and battle game. here
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as russia moves to circle the front line city ukraine's president voltmeter, zalinski says the intensity of fighting is only increasing ah, i'm here until welcome to the program. in nigeria, the ruling parties, presidential candidate, bullet nubile. as one the most votes after last weakens election. members of his old progressives, congress party started celebrating after learning about the election result. new is now on track to take over from outgoing persons who happen to harvey. what opposition parties have called the election a sham, and they want the results to be scrapped the labor party and the people's democratic party. see the pole has been irretrievably come compromised and are demanding a re run. ah,
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does disquiet on the streets of nigeria as a growing number of people calling to question the legitimacy of last weekend's presidential race? there has been widespread criticism of new electronic voting systems with technical and logistical issues. also reported during the count the main opposition parties, including the peoples democratic party and the labor party, have called for fresh elections. nigerians watched as they branded the weekend's vote, a scam or this initial, you smoke free, fair and credible is clear to one i just, i do, selection is solid, the compromised and therefore is not, is the wishes and aspirations. so every nigerian armies, the general opinion,
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the best thing to do is for us to correct it. i get it right on the streets of the commercial capital lagos, while labor one, a majority, people are skeptical about the election. modeling for the insurance with you and that way. so were wise that he thought, oh, woods on. oh, be known ating the issued do the issue here. did she do d m issue with the dealership? does it? i'll say that sam, he was in a free and in february says because he was obviously rigged in every states. some international observers said the election lacked transparency. a merry fears that a contested result from this tightly fault race could lead to violence are corresponded. melissa chic wilma is in niger is commercial capital lagossi. he gave us more details on why the main opposition parties want
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a fresh election basically quoted for the quarter. for constellation a without a. busy loss, the main issue is the lack of electronic transmission, which i say you mention to call me back. i was supposed to go in the unit on real time that i got so much money was spent. you a, wendy of not be published online on the one on uploaded,
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on the a that let's take a look now at some other stories making headlines around the world. in greece, at least 26 people have been killed in scores more injured. after 2 trains collided, the 2 trains, one passenger, and one for cargo crash near the city of larissa. destroying the 1st 2 carriages. hundreds of passengers have been evacuated safely. medic say sidney security forces shot dead a protester during the demonstration against military rule on tuesday. it was the 100 and 25th person to be killed. the weekly protests that have been held since the military who in october of 2021 who is also fired to your guys. i protestors marching towards the presidential palace in the capital cartoon. muscles regional governor says a military drone has crashed and attempted strike and civilian infrastructure near
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the russian capital picture circulating on social media suggest it was the creamy made key of has not claimed responsibility. the alleged attack was one of several ordered in regions across western russia. on tuesday, ukrainian present voltmeter, zalinski has warned that the fight for the city of buck mood is quote, only increasing russian troops have been trying to capture the ukrainian city for several months now. recently they've stepped up their assault in a bit to encircle bar mood and according to g of cut off ukrainian supply lines. the eastern city has seen some of the heaviest fighting in the war so far with huge losses on both sides. they're fighting for every corner of this nearly destroyed city. baltimore has become yet another symbol of ukraine's resistance against the invaders. it soldiers have been holding the front line for months, but russian attacks have become more intense in recent days. gordon,
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do you live and you could say every have sand. every street is covered in our blood . a pro lights are hillary isn't managing to suppress. there are tailor you on the actual need. we have a lack of ammunition. you lack of professional drones that can conduct reconnaissance. so the senior growing of you give them only for the bureaus vehicle battle. it has limited strategic value, but his capture would be a major symbolic victory for the russian army. and the wagner's group of mercenaries which appear to have put their differences aside. essentially, we have seen that, you know, in, in the political sphere it seems that wagner tried to contest the ministry of the fans. however, as of now we're seeing that on the battlefield, they're still trying do achieve a common, a military strategic objective. most of the cities,
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nearly 70000 residents have long left bartlett, soldiers and volunteers are still taken some people to safety. a few choose to stay with so long as my home is intact, silly and so long as i'm not hurt quicker. psalms on don't to stay here any more. grows rufus, on the scale of the destruction becomes clear when seen from above. but as bottom would known as r t, your mosque during the soviet times, may be about to be taken over the seat, is defenders a trying to keep their spirits high through us. but the with i was thinking maybe i'll turn on the radio and listen to some music. so i'm not poor turns love land on the radio. i heard ukrainian soldier will give up. art yamazik has been taken by russians. leave your positions and surrender real,
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spare you with and i was like the yet sure into while i'm driving through back moot, and i'm going to surrender. so funny thing with resources running low and overwhelming attacks these soldiers are determined to make the russians pay a heavy price for bachman did up, his ukraine corresponded calmly. he was his assessment of the latest developments in blackwood, of to weeks and months of full starts. seems like he ukrainian withdrawals, but more might finally now be on the cards. report suggests there's just one safe route left between the city and ukrainian l territory. we've heard from a top ukranian general who's complained that russia is sending in its best prepared and most experienced troops, but a huge losses. and we also know that the u. s. has long been pushing ukraine to get out there, convince the potential gains from forcing russia to commit shoes. resources are simply not worth the risk of seeing ukrainian troops encircled there and most of
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the planners, the military plan as the experts. they say this isn't a city with huge strategic importance, not a logistics hub, foreign minister center. it's just one of many cities in don't bass in that part of his new grain, but symbolically, it's taken on a huge, some importance, a huge significance in the last couple of months. it's been the top verin's news feeds here. and it's city that present. lensky refers to very often talking about the fortress, but more so trying to explain to ordinary ukrainians, it was worth risking. ukrainian soldiers lives there for the last couple months and that it's now no longer the case. that is going to be very difficult indeed. as to walk ryan's on the carriage, the numbers are mounting on both sides. tens of thousands of soldiers have died with some estimates. putting that number much higher than our next report. we meet an orthodox priest who spends every day lean ukrainian soldiers to rest this his father, tara may. i shook a military chaplain, preparing for his daily duty out of the vive cathedral. and these are ukrainian
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soldiers carrying their fallen comrades. their loved ones have turned out all their fellow fighters to, to say good bye. ready the steady stream of funerals have taken a toll, the manner sylvester, to each thing for me personally, the distance between earthly life and the turn alive has shrunk to the bare minimum shortage. because quite often i have to realize that we are really saying good bye . and praying to the defenders of ukraine who died defending our motherland. but that is shamal. far deeper, shameless him, alma says, oh, it's time to take the fallen to their final resting place. an emotional last journey. and just one of many for father taught us. yet the most show that the courts, if i think i can give you a clear number, but he can all be seen at the cemetery. obviously we're talking about hundreds of
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funerals. certainly the more closely you boring, so little darker. it sometimes happens that we bury several of our heroes before lunch, and then after lunch, whenever there could be 5 falling in a day, sir, to whom we said good bye to our cheer. the final moments above ground before the earth swallows them up amid so much grief, follow tad us, says his job is also to keep up morale. sir, is it? no, it's not easy psychologically, but for now we're holding on on that as him with him on not just given up and praying. mullen was invalid. one last good by and then father taught us must ready himself to bury more soldiers. friendship operation, president no lake lake has resigned after being accused of sexual harassment, but rather than condemn him. major male figures in french soccer had been praising the 81 year old even suggesting he should keep his other job with will governing
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body fever. no, le, great help master mine, france is 2018 world cook triumph and is a powerful figure in the global game. but now the 81 year old president of the french football federation has been forced to resign at the allegations of sexual harassment. he denies wrong doing and was praised by his successor after an emergency meeting to announce he was quitting during your clock. it was a very important meeting for french soccer to come off. it started with a very dignified statement by president lekrit, who i believe has once again shown through the decision he took. he says that he's one of the great leaders of french football. they got the original the football horses. instead of criticizing the outgoing president over the harassment allegations, a top figure from french club football also had kind words fill
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a grid. who is expected to continue as head of fif as paris office is he suffered jojo, may be fever, can help noel out at this difficult time. ready baltimore, i've always had a lot of respect for men and women who make lifelong commitments, poverty, so just so i think this will be good for an oil soccer separate dornbush. so i could tell he appreciated fever. reaching out all yasser saw teacher it priscilla elemental, the door. that of all is not well in french football. women's national team coach coggan viagra is also under pressure to step down at the captain, wendy, there now and 2 other players said they would skip the world cup in july. french media reported that they now had refused to play again under the aca because of her methods. big problems in the french game are coming home to roost. and finally, it may be winter in europe, but the surf is still up despite the cold. several hardy souls have been breathing
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the water in the surface paradise and as a re in portugal, nearly 5000 meter deep underwater canyon helped generate the enormous waves. hundreds of spectators watched on from near by cliffs. numerous surfing records have been set at the side. all right, you've been watching d. w. news and as more and more you bodies are banding, tick, tock, christy plots and has all the deals coming up for you next in your business update . i'm here until thanks for watching. every jenny is full of surprises. we've gone all out we've used them one day in v in the foot.


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