tv The Day Deutsche Welle March 3, 2023 6:02am-6:30am CET
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come, ah, the mystery of the poison school girls in iran, hundreds of girls across the country were allegedly subjected to gas in deliberate and orchestrated attacks in their schools. dozens were hospitalized with respiratory problems on tuesday, the city of parties near to iran, according to reports adding to the hundreds of cases of poisoning since november, iran's government is investigating and says it could be an attempt by extremists to force the closure of girls schools. the usa department has urged iran's government to investigate. i am glad l. f, as in this is the day. ah . when i stand up i feel dizzy in my entire body feels lane. none. which means i
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can't walk. in one of the workshops there was a smell that was like the smell of paint. so we evacuated the students. i feel pain in my chest, and when i walk my legs shake a bit with assigned a special committee to investigate this matter. and this committee is comprised of the best toxicologists at the university professors of damage. also on the day, the americans helping migrants to survive the difficult and dangerous journey from mexico to the u. s. pal, texas brooks county is a barrow ground for a lot of my it's a work that has to me that nobody else is doin, it will continue it. you know, hopefully, you know, they'll be more resources for this type of work to our
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viewers watching on p b. s. in the united states. and to all of you around the world, a one welcome. iran's health minister says an investigation is underway into allegations that religious groups may be targeting school girls and a series of what a here to be deliberate poison attacks. hundreds of girls, our thoughts have been attacked with toxic gas a dozens of schools. the incidence began in november, several politicians have suggested the attacks are being carried out by groups of religious extremists, opposed to girls education a school day that ended in the hospital. oh, i feel pain in my chest and when i walk my legs shake a bit. when i stand up, i feel dizzy and my entire body feels very numb. which means i can't walk, hurting, you can call her back. in one of the workshops, there was a smell that was like the smell of paint. so we evacuated the students side muscular. these are the latest victims of alleged poisonings that have sickened
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hundreds of female students from dozens of schools since november. many have been taken to hospital with respiratory problems and reports mailing something strange before falling ill. the government has announced an investigation into what officials are saying could be an attempt to close down girls schools comp, j a, b j. o. we've assigned a special committee to investigate this matter. and this committee is comprised of the best toxicologists at the university professors via casualty. the done is gone, but parents say authorities have been slow to act or answer their questions. some have suspicions that the girls may have been targeted in an act of revenge. young women were at the forefront of anti raging protests that have rocked, he ran in recent months. iranian activists say this footage shows a concerned mother outside a school being attacked by a man who they believe is
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a plainclothes officer. something terrans police force have denied parents continue to hope for answers, but few expect clarity any time soon. of a more this mystery. i'm a joint now from london by other they present. she's an iranian researcher at so us university in london as a day. the iranian health minister says he's investigating how can the regime be trusted to examine these alleged attacks? is thank you for having me a short time sent you a question. is that no, i d 's points a team. hm. no credibility or legitimacy among the iranian public, among human rights organizations and defenders and in the international community in order to be trust that even remotely with capability. and it's
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a willing to conduct any kind of an independent investigation that will result in an objective finding. and a preventative measure, you know, to stop what is happening against school girls are now the timing is suspicious, isn't it? do you think this is happening now? because young women and girls are playing a prominent role in the anti government protests of recent months? yes, many of us in the community are of the belief that there is a high likelihood, if not certainty, that you know, this is essentially yes and not their intimidation technique by the islamic republic regime. that, that shows that it does not shy away from using violence against not only adults, but also children in order to suppress the protest in recent minds. and for those
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of us to follow the situation of human rights near on in the past few decades. you know, we also are convinced that this seems to be a pattern of abuse and discrimination against women and girls girls. but of course, i have to say because you know, of the situation and the fact that we believe that information and evidence is, is being withheld from the iranian public. you know, talking based on evidence is difficult at this point. but this, thank you lation and the pattern and the precedents. i think they speak volumes about intentionality of this law makers at this point. so do good at this, right. are you saying that the iranian government could actually be behind these attacks? yes, that's one of the speculations and, and with higher likelihood or less for a 2nd. imagine a scenario where you know,
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we can, it's difficult but like i can trust the fact that they're saying these are potentially shia extreme groups that are behind this as well. in my opinion, the public is extreme group with jurisdiction. so even if it's an element affiliated with the power structure of the public that are as they call, she had extreme groups. you know, there's a public has had since november these attacks started until today tried to properly investigate and to prevent these attacks so that they don't escalate the way they have in the past few weeks and days. as a result, i believe, even if they are not directly behind this, we don't know that they are. but even if they are and they have a pattern and the systematic crime against school girls at this point.
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now unfortunately, we've been hearing that girls have been targeted girls that iteration establishment . i've been targeting close enough. got to stop by the tale bond that's been going on for quite some time, regrettably, but not to me wrong. it's not boring. you a good public has no, has not a policy of the priming girls from education. and so in that sense, maybe they're not comparable. however, you know that iranian society, ever since the 20, as a beginning of the 20th century have had a long history of struggles for girls education. and this goes way beyond islamic republic. and so we cannot really put that credit on this. i'm a good public. i rate of growth education in iran,
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but i also would like to mention that, you know, even when i, let's say, like, as someone progressive as small leftover of things from the previous regime that stays such as the girls education and the public has maintained it. one day they decide that this is not to their interest. history has shown that they don't shy away from, you know, from reversing that policy. we have staying with the family planning. for example. iran was a public, was at the forefront of family planning and was receiving lots of appliances from the international community years ago. but when i a telecom and they decided this is actually to empowering for iranian women. and he reversed that policy and he ordered the iranian women to start making babies as fast as possible. and criminalize that basically the system could criminalize birth control. and now they
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are one of them, you know, backward countries when it comes to family planning. so you know that there is no guarantee that the public right now is not thinking maybe these grounds. and iranian women in general have become excessively m powers. and therefore, they are in the streets, protesting their rule and, and thinking perhaps that you know, in priding them alleged at the very least making school that may unsafe late as it is. and can be an effective information as of the present from so us university of london. thank you very much to the us now, we're an investigation by intelligence services concluded it is, quote, very unlikely that the foreign adversary is responsible for the so called havana syndrome. the term is used to describe an ailment that has affected us, diplomats,
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and operatives all over the world. the symptoms 1st appeared in u. s embassy officials work in the capital of cuba. havana in 2016. hundreds of u. s. government employees reported numerous symptoms leading to speculation that a foreign adversary had caused them by some form of energy. well, now when this story 1st broke, many scientists war that the most likely explanation was mass hysteria. and 2 of them wrote this book together. haven't a syndrome must psychogenic illness and the real story behind the embassy, mystery, and hysteria. and i'd like to welcome robert w barrow. the co author of that book is emeritus professor of neurology at the u. c . l. a medical center joins us from los angeles. dr. beller, welcome back to the show. i must say you were on the day over a year ago and you set back then havana syndrome was a mass secret psychogenic illness to these intelligence findings. now prove you
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right. you think? oh, certainly. i believe that the report is pretty much exactly what we've been saying for the last several years. i think it may be more complex than simply saying it's mass psychogenic, illness personnel, because that's difficult to define exactly what we mean by. but the report concluded that there was a series of possible explanations from a pre existing conditions, conventional illnesses, environmental factors, and then also what they called hyper vigilance, which would be. busy like pure psychogenic, that there is a range of illnesses that may be occurring in these people. and i, and i think the most important thing is that we recognize their real symptoms. these people are experiencing real symptoms and it's very frustrating. whenever i hear people say, well there's, these are strong people. how could they have psychogenic illnesses or soccer and
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symptoms? just say a suggest a complete lack of understanding of psycho genesis. so is it, am i understanding you correctly there? that is saying that the fear and thoughts can cause real symptoms. of course, yes, i mean we know psychosomatic symptoms are extremely cramp there. been studies suggesting about 50 percent of visits to physicians end up with no objective laboratory test abnormality where no explanation for the symptoms and the vast majority of them are psychosomatic. so psychos, my symptoms are extremely common in the, in the general population. and they can, they can be arranged from, for example, there's no question that many of these people had migraine. next describe symptoms of very characteristic of migraine headaches and other migraine symptoms. and we
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know migraine is complicated and it has a lot of genetic components, but it's triggered by stress. in fact, many consider it the prototypical psychosomatic illness of psychogenic illness. so someone has a migraine headache triggered in the circumstances, is very stressful. circumstances working in an embassy and they were told to be on the long outlook for unusual sounds, triggering symptoms. they would then relate the migraine headache to the symptoms. busy busy sounds that they heard or some other patterns symptoms is going to happen . now we also saw studies backing up claims of directed energy injuries. what do you make of those? i just don't agree with them. i, i believe there's any object to the evidence. in fact, the studies concluded that they really didn't have objective evidence like them all i scan abnormalities. hearing test down amount is tested or very
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reliable it so i do, i think that it is clear down there. there really would have been no objective studies showing there's either brain damage or in your damage. so what's more simply what's, what's curious in my view is that so many people have been affected by these real symptoms that you describe in so many places around the world. it was as eating on p b. s. they said something like 1500, more than 1596 countries. so consider that. how would any foreign government be going around to $96.00 countries with some mysterious weapon over met now 5 years with no one finding any hint of such a weapon. and i think the, the conclusion of this report is at this point, and we've been saying that right from the beginning, i mean, even after
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a few years with everybody looking, nothing was found. there is no weapon being use here and all the consequences of that, including studying the embassy in cuba and all of the subsequent events i think were just inappropriate. now, why do you think it has taken? are the authorities so long to come to the same conclusions that you have come to years ago? well, it's a difficult problem, and then you see, even though i mean there was a real backlash. what should work just reading in the newspaper today and hearing the news last evening. most reporters just aren't willing to accept that yet. i know it's difficult. i think our news is mostly now testimonials and, and what it's, it's difficult to deal with this kind of a problem because it's, it's, i started, people think that if, if they are said to have psychosomatic illness there,
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but there must be facing it or the symptoms aren't real, there are, they are real, they have, they're suffering from symptoms that are israel's, if they had a brain to, they're just not due to trauma to the brain or the other explanations that they'd described from about other ameritas, professor of neurology at the u. c. l a medical center. thank you very much for your inside juke. ah, america, southern border with mexico has become a flash point for illegal migration and people willing to risk their lives to get to the u. s. one, county and south texas. now the human price of those illegal crossings only 2 well, brooks county is where most undocumented migrants die after crossing the border as their make their way north, many get lost in the vast texas wilderness as they try to avoid security checkpoints. but the combination of high temperatures,
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a lack of water can prove fatal, dw reporters, carolina to mike and julie pinella, investigate a sign of death. walter is hover above the you saw the border. a see a lot of ball and a my phone. this time it was just animal bones, but often eddie canal is finds the bodies are, remains of migrants. a decade ago he found that the south texas human rights center. it's volunteers, help migrants who risk their lives in the desert. to day, a group of new volunteers has come to find out how they can help. we need other froze. it doesn't cause migrated up. his approach is to set up water stations along the migrants routes in the desert. many die of dehydration snake bites or from drinking contaminated water. is up in the
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local school, eddie, the water boy i am constantly people are coming through. this is one of the ranches where people come through a lot, migrants ah, for some reason or another, they touched this ranch once they weighed in circum circumvent the checkpoint. whereabout, i would say 5 miles away from the checkpoint. to this day, the organization has installed more than 100 water stations in the desert. cali fernandez, help installed the 1st one, trading he's been able to save many lives, many have perished. but he has been able to save many lives in less than 2 decades . brook's county has recovered the remains of nearly a 1000 migrants. oh line families of the missing turn to sherry. benny martinez asking for help. some have been searching for their loved ones for months or even
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years. within 72 hours. it will be like that. okay, so for body, everything still and tags too. gutless for sheriff martinez. the solution to the problem is clear. we have the drawback insecure. the water for ok. you stop them at the water. this we all have all this missy person's guess. actually were in the top 5 instead of texas for missing persons, but 80 things simply closing the border. once the migraines from coming is dead, he fears it will push them on even more dangerous fruits, increasing the death door and the pain of the families south, texas brooks county is a barrow ground for a lot of my this a work that has to be that nobody else is doin, it will continue and you know, hopefully you know, they'll be more resources for whatever work. he needs resources until then,
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eddie hopes his efforts ring a sense of relief to a national tragedy. lou today. so another example of claim and counter claim in russia's war with ukraine, which news outlets like this one, d, w. unable to independently verify the kremlin, used ukraine of a cross border incursion into the russian region of pre unscrew, causing the death of a civilian ukraine, denied the allegation and said it was a provocation by moscow. and for more of this, i wanna bring in roman such hook, who has been monitoring the information war in ukraine since it began for the atlantic councils, digital forensic research lab. he joins me now from keith roman. you have just published a report on disinformation in the war and ukraine, one of the main findings you have discovered. sure, yes. so what we found, 1st of all, is that russians use both old approaches and the new ones to influence different
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audiences. so for instance, they continue to over inflame the information space with false theories and denials of they are, let's say war crimes like it was with m age 17. and after the invasion, that was the case of boot massacre or the mario bull majority cost, the co bomb been but own side this thing. they're also using something you like full polls debunking, for instance, like the website war and fakes that actually uses that back chicken tool box to actually promote propaganda and create this information like it was as it was, which i'm africa when they claimed that there were people moving in there really famous video from the city when the russians withdrew from the city. and in reality, it isn't. but in the many case, russian, emily de amplified the video and claimed that it's all the false information by the
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premium tech when the reality wasn't. and the other thing is that they tied their messages to the specific audiences, meaning that for different regions, they use available infrastructure. so in europe being union, there are t and put make our band so they needed to find some another ways to reach the audience to some french, both ations or just users on social media. they are injecting those different narrative. and for the places where the r t and we are still actually in place, they're using them because they are available. and other thing is that they use the branding of the well known media, like bbc concrete, there are ali my and then tie them and just among others and promoted their messages like with the bomb ban of chrome at those railway station. so they
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created the food which put the creative or like different logos of this media that seems legitimate in order to find an external confirmation of their information. and tell him that look, even the western media agree with us. when in reality, those media never published those stories in the 1st place. so i need to add up to that. another question is very important here. if we look at both sides who's winning the information war, in your opinion, i mean it's, it's a great question because well, i honestly believe that it's impossible to win information more as it is. because it's like continuous thing that goes for a while and there is no such thing as like winning definitively. if we're talking about the european union, we probably could say that ukraine is better represented in promoting the truth in what's happening on the ground in the way that the russians cannot promote their
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version of what's happening. because through the prevails and the real footage of the places of the bomb beam of the war crimes, they are prevail in the information faith. so in that case, you might say that probably ukraine is a half. but again, if it's not whim and not the week, 13 information war, thank you very much. the roman of such a and that's it from me and the day team that's the day as we saw it, but the conversation continues online. you'll find that on twitter, either at dw, so you can follow me as 11, b r s c. and that's it. again from me on the team. thanks for watching it
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with, with to the point. strong opinions, clear positions, international perspective with the war in ukraine is becoming a clash of systems. western democracies are feeling challenged by autocracies, like russia and china. and they are all, cording, non aligned countries like india. so on to the point we ask war and you create our new alliances, dividing the world to the point one. next on d, w from russia, into the conflict zone. with tim, sebastian,
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he says it will stand with ukraine for as low as it takes us with joining the union . so a long way to go with the war now it's 2nd year. what happened for the sense of urgency about e u membership with so vital, i guess this week is covering barley or vice president of the european parliament conflict in 60 minutes on d. w. oh. and jenny has had an 1111, not a single woman. mission is to send the fast female jasmine astral his life. the gender gathered in space exploration. germany's 1st female astronaut, it has been waiting for years to get her turn. a private initiative is pushing to
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make it happen. me personally, it's just a dream. i've always had, i've always wanted to see the us for destiny, for space starts more changed on d, w. the war and ukraine has global implications and is increasingly becoming a clash of systems. western democracies are feeling challenged by a talk receives like russia and china. both models want to prevail. so far china's piece plan for ukraine has found little favor in the west. instead, there are warnings from the us about possible arms deliveries from.
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