tv Behind the Mystique Deutsche Welle March 4, 2023 1:15pm-2:01pm CET
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is which given this deposed proximity to a densely populated neighbourhood, it could have been so much worse. and we've all and it there, coming up next behind the mystique, the workings of the most sod in dark film is more in our website, a, d, w dot com. you can also check out our social media channels. the handle you need there is act e w news a michael o, coo in berlin. wherever you're watching, have a great day. and we're interest in the global economy. our portfolio g, w, business beyond. here's a closer look at the project. our mission. to analyze the fight for market
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dominance. good is still with the w business beyond. ah ah, i ne, i t m low hammet, kasanya. i was single. i was well educated. i think the 6 day war did it. i was sort of floating, living in new york for a while and i thought that i had no purpose. so i decided i'd like to help if you had could and sent me to be moved to information about the street.
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i lived across the street from then and my purpose was to get real time information. wendy tai gigs were in their houses. i was not i am. i didn't have any escape my cousin. oh it was my escape. it was a lovely evening and i just my bill, i back to my apartment and i set it lingo and i wonder what my parents think if they found me now with long afterward ikea shooting, salvages,
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renting in the building. in 1973, 3 members of the palestinian terrorist group, black september and palestinian militiamen were killed, an act of reprisal for the munich olympics attack. in 1972, many innocent civilians were among the dead. it was one of the most brutal and shocking operations by the world's most controversial spy agency. the most sought with the 1972 olympic games and munich were intended to serve as a demonstration of optimism and democracy. 27 years after world war 2,
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west germany was keen to present itself in a different light. this is an idea newsflash early this morning. i'm to palestinian gorillas, rated the sleeping quarters of israeli team. the gunman shot dead to his railways are now holding 20 athletes and 6 officials as hostages. the guerrillas are demanding the release of 250 arabs held prisoner in israel. and have set noon as the deadline for their release. the go stations are going on with the german government. can us look, this is broken but also an emergency meeting was called mediately, auto prime minister golden live, spoke with us about how to proceed with glenn. she had a telephone call with chancellor villi front. he told her we weren't committed to intervene them because foreign forces weren't allowed to operate on german territory over. sorry, father germano, the terrorists demanded to be allowed to leave germany with their hostages
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pretending to comply with this request. the government arranged for the group to be moved to a military airport. but the planned ambush and rescue attempt failed. all athletes were killed and the botched operation. there were 11 hostages. 2 were killed in their rooms. 9 were killed at the airport to night. they're all gone. israel was in a state of deep shock. a period of national morning was declared. the messiah was determined to hunt down those responsible for the munich attack. but many european nations called on israel to desist from carrying out any operation. as mark were for what are we supposed to do then the europeans had made it quite clear. leave us out of your conflict with the arabs, no operations on our soil or golden. we're was afraid to jeopardize that cooperation with the european 0. the surviving terrorists from munich were hailed as heroes and the arab world. they were permitted to leave germany and were neither
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put on trial nor deported to israel. in the years that followed many special most od units tracked down the attackers and killed them one by one. the agency left a sense of fear and terror in its wake. lieutenant wilson operations such as these, where people are liquidated. local for blue. noch nash, that's not really what massage is about an issue to put it on there just a 1000. a fraction of all this activities in sun, a hope to meet the essential tasks for of a massage agent. a few are quite different on little yearly basil from the mass from the hot and ish will settled in the 21st century. there isn't such a thing as a classic massage agent for most the day. there are many faces of different types of people, but one criterion remains of the la moss. you must be mentally robust, but now i'm with you now because one moment you're breaking the laws of
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a country and you feel like a licensed criminal infer. and in the next, oh, for back home will be a new and behaving as though you're as pure as the driven snow, a bush. they're familiar outside of it, soccer. mm. oh fi. she is long. a fall off could sat, a candidate could have a long or a short nose, blue or brown eyes. in the end, appearance doesn't matter, she had, but one thing's for sure. you must be good at meticulous planning and thinking on your feet so that you can improvise when necessary, welfare. b, you must be disciplined at taking orders. and at the same time be able to implement operations independently and allow for 11 ship it more so lola hamish will as an employee of mos had you set out an arm to without a pistol or a kalashnikov of pamela palmer. and then you end up in extremely complicated situations that you can only get out of with the help of body language and
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a smile in a wheelchair low. you also need to be able to lie convincingly schuler one. should a weapon ever be necessary to, but you'll only receive it for the time you really need it? ah, the meaning was, well, actually a long amos akin the terrifying jungle fighters are out of the question for me. lump hunting, not panthers, but slow cautious elephant center. they do the clinical m a in. they can certainly be obstinate and self confident, but on no account, should they be aggressive. not for me. again, i will commute the mush know me what have you, to be honest, a soldier in a combat unit is exposed to far greater danger than a mazda agency. but the most ad life isn't an easy one, because especially as a father of children in the home that often you'll go away for 2 days ago. and in the end you're away for 3 weeks. navigating frequently tricky situation was by at
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the more sub oh me at the massage with you're deployed world wide to utilize a variety of methods in operations. willow that need to have a 99.9 percent success rate. that's very challenging for sure. who has the hover with the claim or silly, which newland with mac billing la, mom, if you should, a double life is also difficult. you're at home with family and friends, and the next day, you're suddenly on a mission that there's no relation to regular life where you have to do things that seemed totally crazy. coffee. one of the 1st and most sensational operations by the most ard, was the abduction of one of the architects of the holocaust in europe. adult iceman iceman, responsible for the deportation of hundreds of thousands of jews to concentration
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camps. had changed his name and gone under ground, and when was iris after the war? acting on tip offs from argentina and germany and the german attorney general at the time fritz bower massage captured iceman in may. 1960 agents waited for iceman on his way home from work ambushed him in the street and brought him to israel. he had the loo. shannon told him louisa, we knew from the outset day that this would be an operation of huge historic significance has all done. he sells johnson, i from an a yard big guy has me over paradise, money a immediately felt his hat. sheshe stared, i knew he had to scar in a slow v as in an the law had said he had when i found the scene, i shook my partner's hand twice and whispered in a yard that we've got a law hash law, and the more sad operatives could have killed our daughter ashmond in argentina,
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but the israeli government at the time led by darby bengal. he on recognized the symbolic power of putting the former as, as lieutenant colonel on trial in israel. and that's precisely what happened in 1961, a german war criminal in the dark in jerusalem. a global sensation. royal murder should do so. with a pleasure, rosa chief is her l. planned the abduction via she will be prime minister david, been korean held, her rollin very highest. neil i got on the icon operation, was certainly the high point of his career. marla, before 8 months i r c server with the iceman abduction. the massage wasn't just sewing the seeds of the mystique that surrounded the agency ever since. israel was also making it clear to the world that the holocaust would not go unpunished. during court sessions and jerusalem, the head of messiah was also present. but it was years before the family of her rel,
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seen here on the right of the picture, would discover that he masterminded the capture absolute secrecy. no public appearances or statements. for decades. this was mandatory for any one involved with mos on israel encircled by arab neighbors, hostile to the fledgling state, didn't want total reliance on u. s. protection. in 1960 days, ben guion ordered the building of a plant to manufacture weapons grade plutonium for the construction of a nuclear bomb. fearing regional destabilization america urged israel to desist from its plans. massage, chief harville also categorically opposed the demona nuclear project. he feared that if the americans found out it would damage relations between the 2 countries. after initially relieving her live responsibility for the demona program, bengal he on eventually forced his resignation. washington was concerned at the
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deposition of her l. when deputy defense minister shimon peres visited the white house, he had to field a barrage of tough questions. they're going all of her, those she'll learn. and as i entered president kennedy's office, he was sitting in a rocking chair shall i took long ago. org was the 1st time i'd seen him up closer . charlotte immediately asked, why did you sack your masa chief? so i told him about the ro with harangue our number, the new logo, and he fired another question. michelle is, is israel making nuclear weapon us julia? are out there were said israel won't be the 1st all the last country in the middle east to make nuclear weapons so low her response that i was severely criticized for when i returned home. roger carroll gimme rock music for a few weeks later to read this sentence became the official stance of israel on this question of those region above his head. oh, marsan continued to expand its network in the 1970s. during the regency of chavez,
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upper levy, iran secret service got along famously with israel trailer burglary, ala. it's fairly imaginable from today's perspective. but in iran, on to the shaw raise are park levy. israel had an excellent reputation. israelis were able to travel freely around the country. every taxi driver knew where the israeli embassy was that he, his railey independence day parties, were unforgettable. they were just fantastic in the embassy gardens surrounded by date, palms, and flowers. we celebrated together with the iranian elite media service. but those good relations ended abruptly. when the muslim cleric ayatollah khomeini toppled the shaw and returned to iran from exile in 1979. the shot had previously asked massage to assassinate khomeini, but his request was not met. the shower was forced to flee and died the following year in egypt.
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operations and arab countries were often delicate and highly challenging. for most od agents. could the little bugger should useless for that scheme of of the work was very difficult in arab countries with ne, primarily when recruiting local each other. see who little i you were regularly pleased with doubts were all was wondering whether the guy was really working for us. a fit. should he blue or cover? could the people sitting in the cafe also be his people? you can never be sure good dilemma. bunker said most sod relied on its co operation with jewish immigrants from arab nations arriving in israel since the 1950s. people like eat seek bars ally, whose family was from iraq. he knew the language, the customs and practices and blended in without the need for any disguise. in the 19 sixty's, he was also deployed to iraq itself. his mission to gather information on the mig
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21. a soviet fighter jet, also used in arab countries. basil eyes contact with the iraqi fighter pilot money . a red file was the key to this information i you know it's carla c both of our low last over to me the little red for i had many reasons to come over to our sy. low law roof on the one hand he belonged to iraq's repressed christian minorities who on the other, he was expected to fight against the countries. kurdish minority also subjected to large scale persecution. he couldn't square that with his conscience. it shocked answer as well as israel. the u. s. also wanted to know more about this soviet plane, which was incredibly innovative and powerful by the standards of the day. massage planned operation. diamond in the summer of 1966 during a training flight money,
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a red flag flew under the radar to israel for the 1st time ever. a mig 21 was in the hands of a western army. it was a scoop. the world was in shock. these rallies have a russian make 21. that wasn't james bond, but a meticulously planned action where most of the operation gave israel the upper hand in what became known as the 6 day war. in a surprise attack by the israeli air force, more than 385 soviet planes were destroyed in egypt alone. israel won the war and occupied the golan heights the gaza strip and the west bank president, nasa's egypt had been duped when nasa died in 1970. he was succeeded by unwise saddam saddam. wanted to negotiate with israel at
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a stop over in tehran. he asked the shar, to arrange a meeting. a masonic agent relayed the request to h q o sullivan, old modem of dumb. assume it's going liam, right from the outset. you said dad wanted a peaceful solution to the conflict, but there was no response to the message from massage holy liquor you massage wasn't authorized to contact him to medulla, green mood, contadino, israel stance on the conflict with egypt who had already been published before. those only the foreign ministry which could have arranged an arbitration loom will be lose glue who before b. lawyer. so mccomb lived the minister at the time, had other ideas. and as a result of b, the foreign ministry passed over every opportunity to prevent one of the most horrific moors in the history of his russ who booming komatsu medina. the saloon following the failure of his peace initiative in 1971, saddam began planning
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a war against israel to restore the honor of the egyptian army recapture occupied territory and retake the suez canal, which had been closed since the 6 day war. the messiah found out about these objectives from one man, ash, half my, one of all people. the son in law of saddam predecessor abdel nasa and a close confidant of the president was cooperating with the israelis marsan, chiefs. these are mere med marwan frequently in london. i've reached out to me, they tell you the truth. i wish routine. our exchange was almost friendly. we drank vodka together and got deeper and deeper into the material a little. and he told me everything he knew in great detail room. i found out more
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and more val and every 2nd in his company, she was worth the cash. we gave her the survived gold cause of shortly burn careful report. lou louis and he suddenly ma, one said that egypt was planning to start a war against israel on the 6th of october, 1973. but that said that would hold. the plan of israel took what he described as a revolutionary step, got mazama mazama last month. mom on couldn't tell me what saddam meant by a revolutionary step. so at the time all i knew for certain was that egypt was about to launch a war. wrong. immersion of old eyes on yom kippur. the holiest dye in 2 days of beautiful not by yesterday. he told me i had to make a quick decision. should the synagogues be closed on yom kippur that that visit
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based on an unverified warning from a paid traitor overview says it should because of me review of this information enough to mobilize the army and reservists zilkey or you'd be all she agree? so me room the argue shields, duck. my one had already sounded the alarm and warned of an imminent attack twice before. on both occasions, nothing happened to these i'm ears, hesitation had fatal consequences. when the war did break out, the israelis had just 14 hours to mobilize. just as more one had predicted, more than 240 egyptian jets flew over the suez canal. 2000 guns opened fire on israeli positions in sinai. in northern israel, 700 tanks rolled on to the golan heights. israel suffered heavy losses. 7500 soldiers were injured and 300 taken captive. 2600 troops lost their lives.
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israel had to dig deep to force the attackers back. the army was left demoralized. bes, amir faced harsh criticism. latin, elegant people in the us of the one that on that, that i, i, brother, died in the young, poor war. when you knew it could have been prevented if the head of messiah had acted on asher of my one's information shall measure grief and turns to anger with battles under the hood of love. you apparently visa mia? relate the information in amateurish fashion, from a telephone booth on a lane that was so bad. each cuen israel couldn't initially decode message, go by the go, then iraq moment dinner. largely she got her as to the head of mossad, had no other options, schubert, the israel's, not a 3rd world country. but behind joanna that most sad would allow information like this to just split through the net. i am convinced that my brother's death in this
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war could have easily been avoided. his milan in 1982. the israeli army invaded lebanon, israeli prime minister, minot him begging, aimed to drive out the pillow with a military strike. the palestinian liberation organization had been launching rocket attacks on israel for years from positions along the lebanese order defense minister of yell shahan, once a celebrated general made the operation his priority circle this wonderful mountain air. it's pretty high up here, just magnificent. with after its expulsion from jordan, in 1970, the pillow transferred its headquarters to lebanon, with its aim of dismantling pillow structures. israel interfered in the ongoing
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lebanese civil war and fanned the flames of conflict. was on, had previously warned against any intervention to view, to fight and destroy those organizations that have been killing and murdering all paper for you some years. ah, in addition to the israeli army and the p alo, syrian troops and christian lebanese militia were also involved in the fighting. although the israeli army did not inter beirut itself, the lebanese capital was under c. despite coming under heavy bombardment in the city center, the pillow remains defiance. we are here. and as our freedom, 5000 our volunteers embedded, joined the horses, gave them very important lessons. they received another letter.
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ah, shall on sunday be cool. with the help of the most sad arielle sharon establish contact with the christian militias and lebanon too, among them a sheer shimaya owls, a huge one of their leaders are still quite honestly sharon and the more sad convinced him that a 2nd piece agreement that the previous one with egypt would be conceivable, with lebanon, and that this was something that he could achieve him together. seni lorris gave me time. ah, the lebanese forces lead by by shears m. i n began cooperating with israel and the israeli army christian units were trained by israel as the civil war continued to rage by sheer jamielle was elected lebanon's new president. previously the pillow and its allies had withdrawn from beirut and southern lebanon under the supervision of italian british and multinational troops. but the stable lebanon,
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israel had hoped for, failed to materialize. a more sag liberty to shallow than most, had failed massively. in this endeavor, we thought we had the situation under control issues. i personally thought the same robot anita. we lost our grid on all of it. woman if shirtless more than just a few weeks after his inauguration by sheer g m i. l, was killed in a bomb attack, blamed on the syrian intelligence agency. shortly before his death was m i l had made pledges to strengthen ties with israel. his assassination triggered the sabra and shatila massacre in september 1982 the ring the bell. i'm sharing with the according to our correspondence reports, palestinian refugees have been massacred in west bay roofs, mid christian, malicious, killed, hundreds of people. the hardy for them. we don't have precise casualty figures yet
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or thought quotesoft christian militia stormed both refugee camps and targeted women, children and elderly people. the camps had previously been surrounded by the israeli military. by the time the israeli military was ready to intervene, it was too late. what happened, one was hit by grenade israeli to withdraw from west bay route and hand over to the lebanese army as the well declares its outrage at the massacre of palestinian refugees. and it's the road is rainy to pay, but still causing confusion. the christian militia said they had intended to track down those responsible for the murder of bus years in my own. they claimed that defense minister of hail shavon had agreed to the plan and his really commission of inquiry assigned
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a shared political responsibility for the massacre to shahan. he was not accused of any premeditation, but nevertheless, israel public outrage was huge. for long will tell you arm latasha morsa rakishly bustling down. may i be called the co operation with the christian militias was after all, arranged by mo, sat and managed by the mossad office in beirut. or over the commission of inquiry. not only was this by agencies rule don't plead, it had virtually no significance at all. and even in the do, the same time, the author, decision makers were hauled over the call. grandma sub, for the without only donna clung. arielle sean resigned as defense minister, prime minister may not him begun stood down no charges were brought against the most odd 15 years after the peace treaty with each
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prime minister, it's actually been and foreign minister shimon peres, traveled to jordan in 1994 santiago. they owe them ricky that we flew to jordan. so dear will be for secrecy reasons. king hussein arranged for the meeting to take place in the house of his perla hassan. i have cousin, their prime minister rabin and king hussein you're going to work on the peace accord between israel and jordan. but all on no same that this meeting could happen at all was largely thanks to the head of most at the time he for i'm highly valued and assert their skin. over the years ethan, i aim her levy established a deep and trusting relationship with the jordanian monarchy and the king himself. lucia kisha. emily? hi im her ladies longstanding relationship. it came to scene of jordan. it had an incredible impact on the negotiations. the interpersonal connection between the 2 mutual trust, this atmosphere was felt by all those present and influence. the general situation
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were been in the sense of doing something meaningful together, eating together. laughing company is that not a clear indication of something we might describe as piece gum, where level of, you know, so come from old on the day of their 1st meeting, there was genuine warmth between each hoc levine and king hussein that very same evening. the 2 men planned to sit down and make some crucial decisions to run a roll, a love for sort of map scenario shots were laid out on the long table verse. now gentlemen, in both king hussein and prime minister ruby recall, we're able to read the maps and images and saw the old in your mill a by i got a car, they withdrew to a room together for hours. ya. whenever king hussein indicates to problem or been responded with a suggested solution or bubble and vice versa,
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requirement for the proposals were either accepted or discarded on the spark plug and play early evening. we'll realized we had a piece tree. plenty old in him. ah, allow me your own by the simple words, shalom salam beef successes like this, often depended on individuals and not institutions but more sod held fast to the conviction that it had flayed a key piece building, rolled them with with it in the hall or le me of course, we're convinced that we're making an important contribution to the stabilization of the region and the world, even though others take a different view. moving, we're convinced that we are fighting terror in the wanna know that we see ourselves as a bulwark against the nuclear chemical or biological trans web. authentic no on once
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was out there. and the any way to prevent these was marsh is to wage secret war slacker. shape in our law mahash, are you what? that's why are clandestine activities will become more and more crucial till about 11 things. you feel super, but unfortunately in israel there is no scrutiny of most ad activity or fill up the organization is exempt from all criticism to him. mood is completely shielded, is totally invisible. 3rd in and that's a problem. contrary to other institutions like the army, the foreign ministry, mossad is never check. it is or inspected. so should the hulu and in recent years, most on had been making more and more mistakes. for example, in 2010 during a mission to assassinate a high ranking hamas official and dubai and operation captured on camera. uh huh. canada is murdered in his did i hotel room is really
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muffled on mobile was responsible for the abduction and murder of israeli soldiers . the authorities in dubai said that 11 more sod agents had shadowed and killed him . the hotel cctv pictures were beamed around the world. photos of the 11 suspects were published as the investigation got under way. interpol confirmed that all passports were forgeries. israel has neither confirmed nor denied the accusations, but the diplomatic fallout was devastating for israel. ah, the british government expelled numerous israeli diplomats. the israeli envoy and berlin was summoned to the foreign ministry to this day, israel has not provided a convincing explanation. israeli media demanded that the head of more sod be sacked, the slavin command on the dash he lacey towards her aches and we thought situations
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always arise that had tricky to song restless. nevertheless, i always stick to the original plan. yes it but keeping plan be in the back of my mind in case something goes wrong. you're healthy celibacy and what's available. that's the only way because more complex situations are part of our everyday lives behind them. sometimes things do go wrong. him, it happens. she's a stubborn, but failure, that's rare of. and when that happens, it's extremely unpleasant. omby says hello nemo. messiah has been active on social media from years. it wants to present itself in a positive, attractive light and keep pace with digitalization and remain operational in an era of cyber attacks. my ear dugan had of most on from 2002 to 2011, was an active proponent of this modern approach. luncheon value that you did with
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latasha on one of the either the guns biggest achievements was to equip the mossad with the latest technical standards. and from here for cyber war, i like to learn more in other words, or lead the mossad into the new digital world. today the mossad is also a leader in this feel of the seems roy in the year 2006, a syrian government official checked in to a london hotel. he was not aware of the more sod agents on his tail. they broke into his room and extracted photos and documents from his laptop. these provided evidence that syria was working on its own nuclear program. massage immediately informed the cia, the u. s. secret service had reservations. it feared that destroying the nuclear facility might trigger a larger conflict in the middle east. my ear doggone believed the plant could be removed without major diplomatic complications. but as had of most odd, he could only express recommendations. in the end,
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it is the politicians who make the decisions or use power tilt. if toyota will know the option to simply not attack was still on the table. the prime minister at the time a hood or mat and i met most our chief doggone and weighed up all eventualities once more i do a pool on the floor. we then spoke to the defense minister with a hood, but actual to the new my lee gun. normally we unanimously agreed to attack my ability boil only because a lot of them i'll never forget the tension. we waited nervously for the pilot to return safely to israel. hoping that it will result in a larger conflict in the middle east that there was no escalation. elegantly operation orchard was carried out without further incidents, and there was no response on a regional level. but nevertheless, most on chief dugan began to reconsider attacks of this nature. more sod, sir, and is ready to go and have been tactic, lead,
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brilliant after it was in terms of 3 guaranteeing is really secure. they were truly house. they have not been strategically great. and so if you're asking me as a friend to comment on what's the best future for israeli intelligence, it's dragging is really policy makers out of the tactical and into the broader strategic vision as to how do you change the broad circumstances in the middle east to make israel secure in the future. the current israeli government believes the greatest danger to the security of the nation now emanates from iran. here is my message to the readers of iran. your plan to destroy israel will fail. israel will do whatever it must do. to defend our state and to defend our people. when netanyahu weighed up the possibility of
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a military attack on iran in 2011, his plan was opposed by of all people massaged chief dugan. contrary to previous operations, dugan considered the elimination of iranian nuclear plants to be a serious error some of the with meal. so most of her life serving this country. i'm a new i'm in total of the right to present blackwood, the more sod boss recommended sanctions, international pressure and a block on the supply of materials. you can read the question law curves such i'm a thought cuz the rights and the best solution for it. i believed in such a solution should be the tool, the $100.00 to below was home. no true that it should be. the 1st option should be the last option, the gun sheet and a good law. it again, made it clear from the outset that he didn't want to support the position of
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benjamin netanyahu and myself, with regard to iraq. halim bit that we were, that would be conveyed that stance to other government representatives. a members of the military, olivia team. it was completely legitimate that none of the, when he started talking to the media, we thought therefore earring his criticism in public because he inflicted great damage at us. gov. because in doing sample at that, it was also divulging our plans to iraq with konica if dilemma don't disconnect it was the hampton at that said that she needs shmoop. wilson jealousy slew beacham in the name of the israeli government in these railey people, the shimmer i'd like to thank you for your extraordinary service. hello, william of the lou. honestly, sir, super. when were all the best and many thanks. that obama. after 8 years, the gone was succeeded by tamir pardo then yosi colon. we'll see coin wilson with utica and the prime minister security advisor and close confidant of netanyahu is
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the new masa chief in 2018 benyamin. nathaniel presented an apparent spy agency scoop a reason for the us to pull out of the nuclear deal with iran a few weeks ago in a great intelligence achievement. israel obtained half a ton of the material inside these vault. and here's what we got. 55000 pages. another 55000 files on 183 cds. iran light. big time netanyahu claimed that the secret material apparently hidden by iran after the signing of the nuclear deal could have been used to build up to 5 hiroshima bombs. he accused iran of lying to the international atomic energy agency and
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concealing its previous nuclear ambitions. as a result, the nuclear deal was based on deception. he said 3 years before and one of his last appearances mere dugan once again defended his position and compared the situation with the yom kippur war of 1973. when israel was on the brink of defeat, and he looked out laugh if you are a girl, i'm not a member of any political party. i feel a duty to the state of israel malone with a new middle gra yeoman. i'm a veteran of the young capua war time, vo, green. i was afraid of the enemy be jealous, but now i'm no longer afraid of the enemy, or even i'm afraid of our leaders. and the, or just rather, gosh, as they are following neither vision nor a course, only it will shift made the
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a gun mailed them good. how can it be that what used to be the most powerful country in the middle east, as it was not able to ama mcclung with a strategically correct way? long forget about them are that we fair, better shopping. where are you leading us, mr. prime minister who's i'm sure shortly before his death in 2016. the gone acuteness on yo of laughing vision. a former san chief publicly criticizing the government's political course. that was a 1st and doggone wasn't alone. after all, although the more sod was becoming steadily more powerful, it's control remained in the hands of a single person. the prime minister. this resulted in a lack of counterbalance war monger or peacemaker. throughout its history. the messiah has been both naveed barney, i was appointed director of the intelligence agency and 2021. his tenure is likely
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of the extraordinary we are the a lifestyle euro, euro mac, in 30 minutes on d w. ah . so i was just rescuing from a farm this one this body go with i found it like this and i couldn't just leave it there. he should meet. ah, this is such a great burden. it was so dirty that cleaning it, turn the entire bathroom into a matt. this is the water birds 1st. well, one of the most beautiful moments i've ever experienced that a truth with a dock you series about our complex relationship with animals. well,
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i think i will live long enough to witness the factory farming. the great eat debate this week on dw, or ah ah, this is d w. news ally from berlin, east the battery. about mood nearing an end. you came military intelligence sources . shea, ukrainian forces are under increasing pressure from russia in the fight for the front line city and labor unionists since.
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