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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 6, 2023 4:00am-4:16am CET

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that every day, thousands of children still waiting for their delivery sponsor of books to day. so together we can deliver pinches. ah ah, this is dw news live from berlin conservationist. welcome, a breakthrough on protecting the world's oceans. more than a 100 nations agree a treaty safeguarding the deal wraps up a decade of talks and should help endangered species also coming up and go over greece is worst. royal disaster turns to violence, tried union said,
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decades to bomb. the investment is to blame for, for transport, safety and in german, football's fullness like the war spoken. frank, that traded punches in a gold field encounter, but neither side managed a knockout by so i lots and more coming up in sport this out. ah, a math to me, how'd welcome to the program. more than a 100 countries have agreed on a united nations treaty to protect the world's oceans. the landmark deal aimed to conserve marine life and by the 1st city in international waters campaign to say it's an important step toward safeguarding nearly one 3rd about seas. by the end of the decade, the ship has reached the shore, clues and lease up to some 15 years of talked. a deal to protect the
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world's high seas is finally agreed by more than 100 countries. i can safely say that this has been the learning journey of a lifetime. so thank you very much. every what the asians are our life support system. they provide us with food and transport rates. they regulate the climate and they offer a range of valuable raw materials. but nearly 2 thirds lie outside national boundaries, making them hard to protect. now the un high c 3, g. well, how can serve marine diversity in international waters, largest habitat for life on earth. it's best it on average or kilometers
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deep. and until yesterday there is no international law. no treaty that's guided conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. in this area, it's a big deal physically in terms of the size of the earth. but also in terms of multilateralism. assign that countries can play nicely together and get big stuff done. it's a good day for us. the world's oceans are under threat from plastic waste, climate change, and over fishing. now with this new deal will at last start to turn the tide. or we asked jessica battle of the world wildlife fund about the importance of the deal. so this trait will look at by the rest of the as a whole. it look at the fish though, we eat the plankton in the water that gives us oxygen. the coil read and the deep
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sing um, in terms of, of how to collaborate and how to monitor the activities under this treaty. they did, they did not impact negatively on the life in the ocean. it has to be through collaboration and what the st. the sets are, is a place, a conference of the parties for all government for the members parties to the treaty, to me every year, to talk about what they do to see what the regional fisheries management organizations who deal with fisheries on the high seas. what they do in order to protect by diversity and to discuss if more is needed, if they haven't done enough. police in athens have crackdown on demonstrate as protesting of grace's worst trained disaster. a railway official accused of causing the crush has been charged with negligent homicide, but campaign is saved. the real problem is decades of under investment in it, the transport system grease, his tend to anger and grease. the disaster has driven thousands on to the streets
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to protest about safety on the railways. theory stowed over into violence, says police he against crowns and athens. the crash has shops, the nation, and many believe it was preventable. grow the business government despite continuous warnings, there was criminal negligence over safety said to mother that that is what led to this tragic accident. 57 people died when a passenger service collided with a freight train. at the small station of rep, sunny, near the accident site, people held a memorial for those killed a railway official accused of causing the crash has been charged and appeared in court. that greece is railways have long suffered from mismanagement. in some politicians say the manager blamed for the collision, is just a quote. you have time, you have my chair. we have a duty,
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especially towards the victims said lights for the people to learn exactly what happened. of course, we don't believe it is the fault of one person exclusively. we believe it is the government's responsibility or a prime minister curious, or smith's attackers who previously blamed the crash on human error, has acknowledged that decades of neglect could have contributed. he's promising immediate measures to improve rail safety, which will be announced in the coming days. all right, let's take a look out. some of the other news making headlines around the world, the sour sonya center, right? prime minister i a color as a one, an election dominated by the war and ukraine. she's one of cubes, most outspoken supporters, and remains in office despite an economic crisis. ellis has secured just under
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a 3rd of the vote with nearly all bout counted. u. s. president joe biden has pressed for strong advising rights as he marked the anniversary of so called bloody sunday in alabama. what police attacked black march as demanding representation there in 1957. the protest in selma led to landmark legislation, biden's current efforts to strengthen rights to vote, have stored in congress sydney drive for it shows massive devastation caused by russia's bombardment of backward in eastern you cried president zalinski, his by attribute to his forces defending city, but pressure is mounting on the crowns commanders to pull back. analysts believe keith is considering a controlled withdrawal back would have seen as a possible staging ground for further russian advances. in the spring, thousands of venezuelans had paid tribute to form president hugo chavez, on the 10th anniversary of his death crowds visited the socialist latest tomb and
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an old military barracks to mark the occasion. chavez ruled venezuela from 1999 until his death from cancer. in 2030 chinese communist party leadership has set out its strategy for the year ahead. the opening of the national people's congress in begging has bought a commitment to hire the fence spending and a warning of escalating threats from abroad. the party has also set targets of relatively modest economic growth in the wake of the pandemic. the national people's congress is the highlight of china's political year held in the great hall of the people where the rubber stamp parliament assembles to improve decisions already made by the communist party elite. with the economy still batted by the pandemic. the leadership has set a modest growth target of around 5 percent. beijing also makes no secret of its
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designs on taiwan, which considers part of its own territory. see them, we should push for the peaceful re unification with the motherland treaty. as we chinese on both sides of the taiwan strait or one family, bound by blood. the island has never belonged to the days people's republic. oh, but is one reason for beijing to increase its military spending? well, the former premier host of escalating threats from abroad and said the army must improve its combat readiness. but the man setting the pace is delicate number 064 to teaching, paying his tightening, his grip on power and will secure an unprecedented 3rd term as president aah is bought now in the bonus lager frankfurt traveled to bull spoke,
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looking to pick up their 1st away when of 2023, but the walls who were gunning to get closer to the european places in the table, refused to leave the pitch empty handed in the, in the end, both sides had to settle for 2 old draw. wolf's bergs last time in front of a home crowd didn't in well for the wolves. they were all bark and no bite. in this one, all eyes were all frankfurt most dangerous offensive weapon this season. randal colo, money, the leagues only player with double digit goals and assists, but it was the wolf who started this back and forth gold getting a fair oh, more mar, mooc hub, over goalkeeper kevin track to poke it in the empty goal. wolves up frankfurt took to the air to level randall colo milanni with his 11 goal of the season. a few minutes later,
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evan in decor found the ball in fired in the put the eagles ahead to wood. it was an absolute rocky over goal wolf bergs, jani gearhart, got some payback before the break. with the near post header, wolf, bergen, franklin share the spoils to to the final score. in spite of the lack luster 2nd have both sides could leave the pitch with pride after this one in sundays or the game by levitt cheese and coasted. 2 or 41 went over here to berlin. the man of the match was jeremy cream pon who fired in lubbock his 2nd gul 10 minutes after lying on the 1st the 1st on the 22 year old has bagged by the go and in the system in the same game. when gives lubbock using some hope of getting back in the hunt for european football next season. so then let's take a look at all the results from the match day. and we'll see the draw in both spoke
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with live occasions when by him took down stood got on you on berlin bade cologne might spade hoffen. heim, glad back. shed the spoils with fryeburg shaka. down to bottom, ox berg bait breyman endorsement. also beat lapses back on friday. so what does all of that mean for the bundle leg standing? let's take a look and we will see by and hanging on the 1st place, but they're still only ahead of dormant on gold difference on you, on berlin, and our 5 points behind them. in the bottom half shaka had moved out of last place for the 1st time since october, that dubious honor is now held by buchan running formula one champion max the step and cruised a victory in the 1st race of the season. the bahrain grand prix. the red bull driver never lost the lead and crossed the finish line ahead of teammates, sergio perez and asked and mountains. fernando alonzo. it's for stepan's 1st win in baron max for stop in open the formula one season in pull position,
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and he had no problem staying ahead of the pack. behind him, his red bullet, teammates sat, go pet, as jostled with charlotte claire. but soon the latter's ferrari broke down. oh, kopel order. no power that set up a one to finish for red bull with fish up and an pet is getting their campaign up to a great start. yeah, very lovely. that's really good results. they have a good race face for through it up to thank you guys as well as the 1st time for shopping as one in bob rain. it's also his 1st try up in a formula one opener very, very good. first thing where i basically made my gap and from there what was all about just sticking out for the tires because you never really know what's gonna happen later on in the race. so we just wanted to make sure that we had the right
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tires and a good condition as well. so yeah, was are happy to to find it. you know, so when here her married going back to last season, 1st job and has won 5 out of 6 races and has now made a powerful statement as he starts his quest to defend his title. on his quick look at some of the other stories from the world of sports now and in the n. b a with the philadelphia 76 is snapped the milwaukee buck, 16 game winning st. james hardon powered his side to victory, scoring again high, 38 points. as the sixes rallied back from an 18 point deficit, the running in i chilled champions the colorado avalanche fell to the dallas stars by 7 to 3. that was for jason robinson's school twice and added an assist, dallas lead the central division and have won 3 games on the back at the under
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20 asian cup in his pakistan. something special south korea's council gin obliterated jordan's defense taking out 6 plies to school, an absolute scream on his left foot. the wind moves korea to the top of the group at a step closer to securing a spot in the knockout stages. and that is all for now, coming out. next world stories is from musicians in ye, crime, fighting bull with they don't forget this more on the website at any time that they w dot com. you can also check out our social channels. the handle you need is at d. w. news. i'm anthony houghton building. thanks for watching. healthy journalism help us in overcoming divisions. save the date for the d. w. global media forum 2023 in bonn, germany and increasingly fragmented world.


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