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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 8, 2023 6:00pm-6:16pm CET

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for step into a bold adventure, the treasure map for modern globetrotters discovered some of your works record breaking sites on, you know, also in book form ah ah, this is dw nunes alive from berlin. today on international women's day, we take a look at the state of women's rights in iran. if someone who doesn't think like me or dressed like me, doesn't have freedom, then i don't have freedom either. many women say they're seeing more liberties in public, but the transition is very much
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a work in progress. also coming up on the shout after their meeting and keep you when chief antonio, potash and ukraine's president zalinski call for the extension of a grain deal aimed at using a global food shortage. and protests turn violent in georgia capital to lucy, anger mouse after the countries parliament signals support for a law that critics say, couldn't muzzle the breast and stifle efforts to join the european union. ah, hello, i'm clear. richardson, welcome. today is international women's day, an opportunity to celebrate women, but also an important time to highlight struggles that women around the world still face. in iran, for example, the situation remains dangerous for women. months after they 1st are to the streets in mass protests,
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women have achieved some of the freedoms they're fighting for which are by bringing you this exclusive report from tech run. and you'll note that some of the faces have been blurred for people safety. this would have been impossible just 6 months ago, walking distress up to her on in your own choice of clothing. now it's not an uncommon sight any more like this university student, many women are taking dairies, but it's still against the law. so to talk about it, we go inside higgins eod ward a, there were many reactions to me, not wearing that. he job people looking at me pulling faces or even coming up and insulting me. you're merely ating me, all very kindly and sentimentally advising me on what they consider right. my, but my biggest achievement from that period was that i became normal in the eyes of those around me in what didn't go hats raphi on the one. i'm like the show here in
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von of to ron's pu shopping malls, it's plain to see women varying whatever they want in friendly coexistence, refusing to be divided by to slammed republics ideology, no matter what they've chosen for themselves. personally, many says i'm going to do that. this is how i show my religious identity to people . i'm fine with this. i'm comfortable. but i think that if i don't fight for the individual, freedom of the person sitting next to me, i'm actually destroying freedom, has been better. if someone who doesn't think like me or dress like me doesn't have freedom, then i don't have freedom either. because freedom is not for anyone. if it's not for everyone, i also think about him and i wish about his skin. and so in the past 5 months, many religious women have joined to protest as well as men not pointing against a job. but for freedom, equality and to white to choose it's to mandatory her job that they see as
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a tool for oppressing them and said m as any who draw i personally that would not whether he jumped outside of that an image for them, the job sat and i turned, in my opinion, and this practice of not wearing it doesn't just mean that we are now physically. freya, also are, has seen those if is, if you're in hong any, it's actually a form of resistance figure. and the issue of the he job has taken on a special meaning crazy, broad will not only cost you paid on quantum residential as special meaning. most people hearing to ron seem to either share or at least no longer mine, highlighting that the rift is not among iranians. but between tim and deer leaders . turkish authorities have again band a planned international women's day march in central is tumble at short notice. but that hasn't just waited activists from taking to the streets. anyway,
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the mart organizers say they're determined to follow their route as planned. despite police blocking streets. women's day protests and marchers have been banned repeatedly by turkish authorities in recent years. citing public safety concerns and for more i am now joined by d. w. turkey correspondent julia han reporting from this band protest. you'll hear you seem to be in the thick of things there. tell us what's going on. well people have taken to the street here in this is single neighborhood defying the official ban of the international women's day march here in the city center. and you mentioned authorities, a band this protest citing and legit security concerns. this has somewhat become a routine here in the country where the government shows very little tolerance for public descent and criticism. there's been very heavy police presence. but as you
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can see, people came here anyway. they have gathered and they're trying to make their voices heard. women hear protesting, right grades tend to base and domestic violence in turkey. and they are protesting against hundreds of senate sites which are being recorded here by white groups. and they're accusing the government of president regina tie an amazon of not doing enough to better protect them. from violence, india as id, that's what people are shouting here, women, life freedom. we have also seen us in the rain and women iranian people here among the protesters. another chance that i can hear is you feel we are not afraid and we won't stay silent. and from that footage, we can see people have turned out in force. you, we are turkey, of course, has elections coming up in may. i imagine that's also on the minds of people protesting today. well,
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we've also had people i'm calling for the government to resign. the current, these pools here in recent meet quite often to be honest, especially after the devastating twin earthquake which hits a se kentucky about a month ago. and many people are very angry. the government responds to this is also, they have been accusing. the authorities is not asking us enough, not being there early enough to help save lives from under the rebel, but they also naming the authority of the net negligence when it comes to us with safety standards in building construction and men and women here told me that that had added to their anger that they're angry with the government response and they want to send a message to women, india with no message of course and solidarity. and that is very important to women here to people here. men have turned out as well. thank you. so much for your
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reporting, that is our correspondent helio hahn in a stumble. un secretary general antonio go cherish and ukraine's president of the mirror zalinski have called for the extension of a crucial deal with moscow that allows ukrainian grain exports. speaking after talks and keeps zalinski stressed, that black sea grain initiative was vital for the world for the deal allows ukraine to ship grain from its black see ports and russia to export fertilizer and food. both sides need to agree to extend the deal by march 18th, but moscow has signaled it, it might bork. the extension? well, in a statement quoterush stressed, the global implications of failing to reach a deal explorer is not included with us. oh, the great the coming over with the model,
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and then we're going to create conditions a slot. so that let's see in line with or corresponding jennifer palka is covering the kremlin from riga in lot via because d. w is banned from reporting in russia. i asked earlier, how likely it is that moscow will agree to an extension? well, about the renewal of the deal, it's still unclear. we don't know because russia is very quiet about its opinion. from a western perspective, of course, it's pretty simple why the deal needs to be extended. it is because of the food prices and inflation rate that would remain stable if moscow is on board with his deal. but if russia will agree to it, we're still unclear about that. and can you tell us a little bit more about what demands russia has made it to agree on an extension? yes it in march of russian foreign ministers, yet
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a gale of it off and his turkish colleague met and they discussed a paul possible extension of this deal. and russia and left off stated that they will only consider a renewal of the contract if russian agricultural and fertilizer producers needs will be accounted to as well. so they need to be, it count, accounted for. and what else was important is that after laughter of stated, that even though there are no sanction on russian food and fertilizer exports, there are some major issues when it comes to payment and logistics. so for example, last year, 250000 tons of russian fertilizer. where kept in here in latvia and a port because of western sanctions. but moscow stated another demand. they one to reopen and we start using an ammonia pipeline that goes through ukraine in order to public produce more fertilizer. but if you crane is going to make any concession in
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this regard, is still unclear. thank you so much for that update. that's due to these corresponded jennifer poca or protestors have returned to the streets of the georgian capital tbilisi to voice their anger over a controversial new draft law. the legislation that dubbed the foreign agent bill received initial backing from parliament earlier this week. opponent say, if pass, it would limit free speech and mark a shift toward authoritarianism. on tuesday, police detained dozens of people protesting against the legislation. georgia, at boiling point for these demonstrators, it's become a battle for the future direction of the country. and they're willing to fight for it the violent protests here in the capital tbilisi response by george's parliament giving the initial green light to a draft bill. which critic say, tramples on press freedoms and basic civil rights. they claim it's
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a russian style law that would require n g o z and independent media who received more than 20 percent of their funding from abroad to declare themselves. foreign agents scuffled broke out when it progressed with here majority in parliament. this week, the ruling georgia dream party say it improves transparency in the country. history, georgia, president, solomon rubbish, philly. who's an independent but was backed by the georgia dream party and her run for office went against the government and expressed her support for the protesters . speaking during a state visit to the us, she said the demonstrators represent a free, ga dot, which sees it future in europe, and will not allow anyone to take away their future room on a small move on you foreign policy chief to separate warren that the bill was
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incompatible with you values and standards concerning words for georgians at a crucial time for their countries future. the european union is currently considering george's application to join the block. earlier i spoke to annabelle, to cory a member of the george in parliament with the opposition for georgia party. i asked her why georgia is trying to push through a law that you've says is incompatible with european values. something that you also need to understand is bad. georgia along with, you know, there was because so shady trio ukraine, georgia, georgia. and we were basically all 3 of us trying to become a member of the european family for many, many years. and actually torture was the leader country when he came to the democratic reforms. but around 2 years ago, that's exactly when our leaders european hardy, former prime minister of georgia, resigned the backsliding of democracy start it. and it is not just me assessing it
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as a big fighting of democracy, but unfortunately our international partners being at the sienna you now european union also assess the situation in georgia starting up back in, in the beginning of 2021. as a backslider golfer democracy, the problem here is that the person responsible for all based left on the position of, of the chair of ruling party. and he decided to rule into becoming for bo and have no official responsibility. and started to run this country from the shadow. as you understand, this is the management which is impossible and incompatible with european standards and democratic standards. so what is georgia? dream is try and get this point is to maintain power and for maintaining power. they are even ready to, to shift georgia's for in policy. i was an aperture curry,
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a member of the george and parliament with the opposition for george a party speaking to me earlier, you are watching tito view news coming up next. indeed of the news asia. why the un warned that online hate could reverse progress for women and the wrestling squat in india, training women to dominate a sports all that and more coming up next with my colleague melissa chance. of course one is analysis on our website to ac d w dot com. thanks so much for watching. ah, so i was just rescuing daughter from a farm. this one the saudi globe and i found it like this and i couldn't just leave it there. should.


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