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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 9, 2023 6:00pm-6:16pm CET

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a documentary series about the future of food. with the great debate this week on d w ah, ah, this is dw news live from berlin. russia unleashes a massive missile attack on ukraine, explosions in cave and across the country, target energy infrastructure, and hit residential buildings. we'll get the latest from our correspondent in the ukranian capital. also coming up on the show. after 2 nights of clashes with police
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in tbilisi, georgia backtracks on a controversial for an agents fill the rolling parties as it's dropping the draft along which critics say stifles free speech and protests. there were plans to overhaul israel's legal system. warp roads near the country's main airport, or some of it is rarely prime minister to take a helicopter to an official meeting. ah . hello, i'm clear, richardson. thank you so much for joining us. russia has unleashed a massive missile attack across ukraine, killing at least 6 people. missiles struck residential buildings and knocked out the power supply to zap a risha, europe's largest nuclear power plant. although ukraine says the plant has now been reconnected to the power grid in the capital heave mer of italy, which co said 40 per cent of residence or without heating. following the
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bombardment. at dawn, smoke billows a cross keys skyline, the ukrainian capital just one of several regions hit by a barrage of russian missile strikes while people was sleeping. we will come to a very strong explosion. it felt like it had stuck the house next door or somewhere very close, but we didn't immediately understand what it was. we ran to the corridor. reduce dolly, i'm fed up with it. i can't stand him any more than numerous seal good. how can you do this? what the marginal houses possible. the names are different if they're not human, i don't know what to call them. we're kick more of their frightening the children for their traumatizing done. but since you're couldn't, you could at least 5 people were killed off to a rock. it struck houses in the levine area.
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there were also reports of fatalities in the region of cason. russian missile strikes also forced this upper reaches nuclear power plant off the grid. this latest attack on europe's largest nuclear power station is causing huge international concern. this is the 6th time that this up, what is your nuclear power plant has lost all off site power and has had to operate in this emergency mode. let me remind you. this is the largest nuclear power station in europe operating for the 6 time under emergency diesel generators. what are we doing? this was rushes 1st to mass missiles strike since mid february. it says it was
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targeting ukrainian infrastructure, but yet again, it's left ukrainians. counting the dead tis of these correspondent, i mean as of his in the capital, keith. and when we spoke earlier, he told me the latest about this operation nuclear plants. that's right, seems that this power plant ends up richer, which is the largest in europe, as you heard, was temporarily taken off of the electric power supply that allows it to operate. now they have a system in place that will automatically start using power from generators that run on diesel. so russia attempted to play down the danger here saying that it's happened before and that the power plant has always remained in stable condition. and now what's important to understand is that russia is now in control, are since the very early on, and the war has been in control of the sap risha nuclear power plant, but it gets its electric supply from the ukrainian grid. so strikes like these from
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russia can actually take the power plant off the grid, but we heard what raphael grossi said, and he said that this is just a roll of the dice, that if we allow this to continue to happen, then it's only a matter of time before our luck runs out and tell us more about these missiles strikes, it appears. this is the biggest wave of russian strikes in the last few weeks. can you tell us what kind of damage has been done? it would not be an exaggeration to say that these strikes hid in almost every region in the country. there is 81 missiles launched, and ukraine said they shut down 34 of the missiles, but that's not a good ratio. as you can calculate it, there was a strikes in the south in odessa, there were strikes in the east in har keith, there were strikes in the north and journey of and, and in the west in levine. it was very significant because this is the 1st time since the beginning of the war, that a residential area in the western region of
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a vive has suffered a direct hit. now we're hearing reports that 5 people have died after it hit a house there in a suburban area. so perhaps most shocking for residents in far west ukraine, which is very far away from the frontline and is not in daily contact with the death and destruction of this war. i mean, you're of course, reporting for us from the capital. keep people woke up there this morning to the sound of explosions. can you give us an update on what the situation is like now? the strikes were very close to the center of the city. this time the explosion was so loud that it shook me awake as i did many other residents here. we know that it struck in 2 regions. one of them hit in an electrical plant that supplies power to the city. so at least 15 percent of the city were lost, power, a 40 percent lost heat, and that's a change from the last few weeks when there was relative calm here. and it's going back to the months over the winter that t of suffered a very regular strikes which caused blackouts. and really reminded people in care
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of that no part of this country is safe as long as rushers continuing its invasion on it as a thank you so much for that update in keith. stay safe. while george's rolling party has been forced to think again, it's announced it will drop as controversial foreign agent draft phil after international criticism and 2 nights of violent clashes between police and protesters. georgia, formerly part of the soviet union, has applied to become a member of the european union and the nato military alliance. up against the riot police battling for the future direction of their country. now it seems their voices were heard after another night, a violent protest in the georgian capital tbilisi, the ruling party announced they would draw the foreign agent law. for 2 nights the
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police tried to disperse to crowds to find protesters waved you flags, rejecting a draft law that they say is reminiscent of existing legislation and russia that has been used to crack down under st. critics say the law which would have required and she owes an independent media who receive more than 20 percent of their funding from abroad to declare themselves. foreign agents is undemocratic. the draft law didn't just stir public anger at a beat on the bill in parliament on monday, and it was law makers getting into draw to
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use representative for foreign affairs. had warned the bill would be bad move for the country. now the government seems to have caved, were drawing the draft before it could become law. but this alone will likely not put an end to popular protests. many are calling for a formal denouncement of the bill and a release of protesters who were detained by the police. earlier, our correspondent maria could, to, in tbilisi, told us more about why this proposed law, faith, such opposition. noise widely seen as russia for an agent. legislation that it was introduced in russia allowed the crumbling to crack down on civil society and in georgia, there is a very much of anti crumbling mood. and georgia sees this legislation as the put in legislation as the opposition posts. it's so they're really kind of they were
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concerned about russia, the influence, and we've seen on the proto people who are saying no to the russian law. never back to the u. s. ceasar. so they don't really want to jeopardize the future by introducing this law. as i said they are towards the authorities dropped the bail. however, us, we don't know still if the law wouldn't be range reduce later and we can bring you up to speed now with some other world news headline. turkey has resume talks with sweden and finland over there. nato membership bids after repeated delays, both sweden and finland need turkey's approval to join the alliance. ratification from hungary is also still outstanding. rescuers in the spanish region of catalonia, say they fear the worst. for 3 people trapped in deep down a mine near barcelona, local authority say there has been no sign of life from the workers. since part of
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the po tash mine collapse. thursday morning, 3 palestinians were killed in an exchange of fire with israeli security forces in the occupied westbank. israel says its soldiers had rated the village of jabar to arrest suspected militants. the deaths come amid escalating violence in the occupied west. thank. well, in israel efforts by the new right when government reform, the judiciary have led to widespread protests, the proposed laws would reduce the powers of the supreme court and allow more political influence in the appointment of judges. crowds opposing these plans blocked roads leading to israel's main international airport. disruption force, both prime minister benjamin netanyahu and visiting us secretary of defense, lloyd austin, to change plan. critics of the reforms have called the proposals a threat to democracy. supporters in 1st they reflect the will of the people a spring. indeed, other correspondent rebecca writers has been covering these protests throughout the
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day. rebecca rochesters have called it a day of resistance. can you tell us what you saw today? yes, certainly cuz we've been traveling around the country are drawing to follow some of the resistance measures that they these groups have been taking. you mentioned there the projects at the airport. we were there earlier. that was the people blocking the entrance to the airport and trying to disrupt prime minister b b, b netanyahu. benjamin netanyahu attempts to get there. he was obviously flying to italy today to meet with the prime minister there. he was disrupted and he had to fly b as ordered by police shop up. and he was also there meeting, lloyd austin, the residential equity. as you mentioned, who was supposed to meet him in jerusalem and his officers and go into tel aviv as well. that was also disrupted the military here, asking what austin directly stay at the airport because of everything that's going on it today. we were then in tel aviv the scene of many, many protest,
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really since the beginning was a very good one of the beginning of january. and then as you mentioned, this in stockholders, people tried to, to block the highway, the main highway going in and out of the city. and now we're actually outside for the city in between jerusalem and television outside the justice. minnesota, how reported has had been taking place here for several weeks now as you can, hey, it's very loud. i'm pretty glad i'm not one of his name is the only people who have been protesting. i think very loud. really any that he knows that the people here are not happy. yeah, you can't miss that level of noise. it looks like a really energetic crowd, even at this, at time of the evening. what, rebecca? all these protests, these demonstrations are the pressure and netanyahu toward a compromise i, i'm glad the president either has been dropping some compromised legislation that
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he's hoping to bring the 2 together. not yet a complete the whole. what's happening in the parliament, they want to place both of the bill being read in the can. is it before del, agree to any kind of compromise? we all think sign a hearing was that maybe it is interested in looking at my no doubt because of all the noise that people here are making. but it's not yet clear. weather is going to be found. making the purchase is here saying they're going to continue coming out until their voices are heard. they're pretty angry. they say that democracy is being ruined, being taken away from him and if any choice rebecca letters. thank you so much for your reporting. there. have a great evening. you're watching d. w news coming up next in detail with the divide between women in pakistan over what their future should look like. and why many families of those killed in
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the indonesia stadium crush are disappointed in the justice system. floss glove, but not marriage, an unconventional choice for the south. korean couple who star in a wildly popular reality series is asia was melissa chan is up next after a short break. i'm claire richardson and berlin from the team. thanks much for watching and with . d getting ahead, documentary series founders valley with meet the founders empowering their continent through digital innovation.


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