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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 14, 2023 11:00am-11:16am CET

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all these technologies work, how they can only go super glue. that's how they can also go terribly. watch it new to ah ah, this is d w news coming to live from berlin. ukraine says it's future depends on winning the battle for buck moved. in 10, spotting pest raged in the eastern city for months with each side suffering heavy losses. yet opinion is divided over the strategic importance of the area. also coming up australia unveils plans to buy at least 3 nuclear submarines from the us
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. joe biden called it an inflection point in history, but china says it's a dangerous road. how will that impact global security and recovery efforts in malawi as cyclone freddy lashes? the southern african country with torrential rain and high with ah hello, i'm terry martin. good to have you with us. keith and moscow are both suffering heavy losses as fighting intensifies in the eastern city of buck moot. it's where some of the most intense fighting has taken place in the year long war in ukraine. present zalinski overnight, bowed to quote, destroy russia. they are saying, ukraine's future depends on the outcome. what happens in buck mode and other key
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areas in the east? the relentless boom of artillery echoes across east in ukraine, across forests, fields, and hills. ukrainian forces of fighting to hold back a broad wave of russian attacks battles, a raging in many cities and villages. as moscow goes on the offensive all along the 250 kilometer frontline, according to ukrainian president volota may zalinski his country's future hinges on the outcome of these battles. those resorts on us would you, the situation in the east is very tough, very painful. we need to destroy the enemy's military power and we will be low reef gear and muddy anchor of div kid and back mood vill glinda and come younger and all other places were a future is being decided and the future of all ukrainians is being fought for
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great in the besieged city of buck moot soldiers faced some of the bloodiest fighting since the war began. russia has been trying to capture buck mode for months. so far, russian mercenaries have only managed to partially encircle the city. moscow is now intensifying its campaign, delivering ammunition to wagner fighters, who have been spearheading the attack on buck mote. some $4000.00 residents are still in the city, according to an official tally. despite the fist fighting in and around it. of a russian commanders, the capture of the city represents an opportunity to finally deliver good news to the kremlin real quick. here come here. grace moore rejoined l by our correspondent in kiya, but he is putting up but he has some military analysts. even one's from ukraine have questioned whether defending backwards is still worth while given the
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realities on the ground. what's the rationale for ukraine holding on their well, these military experts are, they have said that it is too costly to keep the city either the losses are too high and that these forces might be, are missing in future operations. then that's the one thing and they, the other thing is that they are saying that the risk of encirclement is very high . ukraine has deployed many soldiers into backwards into the center of battle in order to hold back. the russians were attacking her with her big manpower and very intense shelling. so the n encirclement would certainly mean huge losses through the ukranian army. these are the 2 warnings on the other hand, are the rationale to defend her. the town is that both sides are dug in there.
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and if for russia, if, if, if they would retreat from this town, the fighting would just move on to the next place. zelinski has said that losing blackmore would open a road on to grammar toys. can lobby on selects the most 2 most important cities in ukrainian hotel territory and the don bass. i'm and that the russians would move on to the cities easily. this is contested by some experts saying that there are many stages of defense before these 2 cities, but certainly the destruction would just hit the next town and it would be equally, a bad there. and what about russia's perspective on back move? because russia has also been suffering significant losses. it's being reported. there are, why is russia throwing so much at bark mood term? what makes it so important? strategically for moscow? so this is the thing that doesn't seem to be
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a very high strategic value in terms of this being a transport up or being a you know, on the, on top of the hill that would open a path into a valley or something like that. it is one of many towns and it happens to be where the front line has come to a halt at this. at this point. um, i think her russia needs a when somewhere in the door must and there have been dis, i have decided to throw everything on 2 bath mode. it is, of course, ah, it is, of course, a further step towards these 2 main cities that they want to reach. but the fact that they are concentrating on backward might also have to do with the fact that some actors, notably the head of the wagner group, have called this the ultimate goal. and the when would be very symbolic because they've been trying to take this city for 7 months now. and seeding here would also not make them look very good. and finally,
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just briefly matessa their reports coming in about a, a rush, an attack on corolla tours can eastern ukraine. what more can you tell us about that? right, these were in that residential buildings being hit by a rocket. chromatography is not within artillery range, so it's not shared constantly, but it has been the target of a rocket attacks are more frequently than other cities in ukraine, and today was another one, several residential buildings being hit so far. we know, as we know, one person died and 3 have been wounded, but he has thank you very much, shar corresponded with his spelling of there in the credit capital keith. now china has criticized to plan by australia to buy at least 3 nuclear powered submarines from the u. s. and the u. k. beijing accused 3 countries of going quote, further down a dangerous road and of disregarding the concerns of the international community.
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the u. s. u k and australia unveiled the plans on monday at a meeting of their security alliance known as all cas oh room. welcome to the 3 global leaders. they've come together to a not, not just the major arms, dale, that's an historic strategic partnership. the oak is agreement. we confirm hearing sandy, i represent the biggest single investment in australia's defense capability in all about history. ah, australia will buy as many of 5 of these nuclear powered submarines and light to build a new one themselves. based on british design with u. s. technology. it's a long term upgrade that will make australia a full partner in fielding top secret us nuclear technology. previous, the only shared with the u. k. warden has no partnership. we're showing again how democracies can deliver our own security to prosperity and not just for us but for
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the entire world. oh, chris is an attempt to can to growing chinese military power in the asia pacific region, including beijing's construction of a sophisticated naval fleet. however, china has react to his unease over the dale. a spokesman for beijing said the partnership was the result of cultural mentality which could violate the principles of nuclear non proliferation. may you all the latest joint communique issued by the u. s. u. k and australia indicates the 3 countries have gone further and further down a wrong and dangerous road for their own selfish political gains. in complete disregard of the concerns of the international community, what brought australia won't get nuclear weapons. the nuclear propulsion of new submarine fleet will add substantial strength to the west and alliance in the asia pacific region. earlier, we spoke to bates gill,
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the executive director for china analysis of the asia society policy institute in sydney. explain how china has expanded its presence in the inner pacific in recent years. for the last 1015 years, the chinese military has really grown quite considerably. and in both quite quantitative and qualitative terms, we see a lot more presence of, of the chinese military in asserting its claims, for example, in the south china sea. and of course, increasingly assertive and aggressive even in its military activities toward taiwan. and it's these as increasingly apparently trying to expand its presence in the western pacific. much closer trust, really ensures. so in all of these ways, i think we see much, much greater concern on the part of australia as well as honest partners as well as in as partners united states and united kingdom china analyst, bates, gill, there from the asian society policy institute, speaking to
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a little while ago. now let's take a look at some of the stories making headlines around the world today. china is reopening its border to foreign tourists for the 1st time says 2020. it will start reissuing all categories of baez's from wednesday. the tourist ben was imposed early in the coven 19 pandemic tried it, dropped its strict 0 coven policy late last year, and has gradually been easing travel restrictions. scientists have released footage of a massive iceberg that broke off ant arctic in january. the a $81.00 iceberg is estimated to be the size of london. the aerial images were recorded by a team whose research station was once located on the iceberg. they had been monitoring growing cracks and the ice sheet for over a decade. nearly a 100 people are confirmed dead in malawi after
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a cyclone. freddie slammed into southeastern africa with torrential rain and high winds. this is the 2nd time in a month that freddie has made landfall in southern africa. having earlier struck madagascar. it is one of the strongest and longest lasting storms to ever be recorded in the southern hemisphere. some way under these washed off roads and my lovey, people rescue workers like prestone chica latoya. i trying to find them. lynette miller landed. and so far we have recovered 30 bodies, but we're not yet done. on my own, we're still looking for more victims. second, i'm using this whoa to at least find someone who will call cyclop freddy has wrecked houses, and the city of blunting and created rushing streams that residence a struggling to cross many of the injured have been taken to
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hospitals, but others are still missing. many what young women in her mother was so bad in the night doing that when jarvis yvonne now that it's day time, i can feel the loss that end of it was again, is it a buddy? i've never seen something as terrible as this would be new by my neighbors, homes are gone and their family members are gone. ah, in some cases the father is alive, but the wife and the children are missing. i know for excell cycle on friday killed several people in mozambique before making its way to my loving. scientists say such tropical storms are getting stronger due to climate change. they want that video rather like this will only become more frequent and less polluters drastically produce carbon emissions. else tennis and the indian wells masters in california, the reigning champions in the men's and women's signals have been showing off their
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class. but some heavy hitters had to say good bye in the women's draw. raining wimbledon champion, eleanor re buckner ousted former indian wells when apollo, but also to claim her spot in the last 16 but the biggest upset in the women's draw . so weld member for all sir bern, knocked out by market of andrew sofa, who was ranked 100 and 5th. after beating jabber at the australian open in january, the 23 year old check again prevailed after too close sets to set up a meeting with her compatriot carolyn, a much over in the next round. later top, seated, eager swell tech was made to sweat obits, canada as bianca under asco took the well. number one to a tie break in the 2nd set, but soon tack battled through to remain the only female player. yet to play a 3rd set this season. as she stays in contention to defend her title
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over in the men's singles, the current champion also remained in the race to defend his crown. american taylor fritz showed his class by dropping just 3 games on his way to a commanding victory over sebastian by as a 6162. when showed off his fine form and you are watching the w news from berlin in just a moment. marie scene of from d w business will be here with market reaction to worries over the u. s. banking sector. i'm terry martin. thanks be with us. they will say will make the agenda here just then again, love on banning the for away from her. but i didn't have to was my own god and everyone with later hosen, every day 1st getting.


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