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tv   DW News  Deutsche Welle  March 16, 2023 9:00am-9:31am CET

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ah ah ah, this is d w. news coming to live from berlin is ukraine planning a new military counter offensive this spring. as potting rages on in areas like bach moved in the east, we look into a potential shift and strategy from kia and how ukraine's allies are racing to provide more heavy weapons in trading for troops as they seek to repel russian
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attacks. plus, we'll take you live to germany's bonus, talk and, and addressed by transfer off sholtes. he's speaking ahead of an important european summit next week where the board ukraine, economic worries and energy issues will feature heavily. and investors unnerved as banking turmoil spreads asian markets slide after regulators in switzerland are forced to give credit suisse bank a liquidity lifeline. following a slump and it shares, investors are still spook after the collapse of 2 banks in the you. ah. hello, i'm terry martin. good to have you with us. you cranes present it to laudermill. zalesky says he's, but he believes russia war is approaching a decisive moment in his nightly video address. said moscow was on the verge of
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failure in ukraine, thanks to western weapons deliveries. and it's those deliveries including german, made leper tanks that may many or pending their hopes on in the east. particularly buck mode. the city has been a key battleground in the war so far. and it's in the region where q of has signaled it's gearing up to launch a counter offensive against russia. so can ukraine break the stalemate? their russian artillery fires on past moot after months of attempts to take the city. ukraine has forced its enemy to commit major resources and take tens of thousands of casualties. the ukrainian military says it's buying time for a spring counter offensive. part of the preparations for that counter offensive are happening far from the front lines in spain. ukrainian troops are finishing their training on advanced western tanks. they hope the leopards will be a game changer on the battlefield until now ukraine has been using older russian model tanks. ukrainian troops are getting training from nato forces elsewhere
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to like here in the u. k. learning the art of combined arms warfare, how to coordinate all the high tech weaponry with infantry assaults. on the front, a tank commander has high expectations. knows the concept and tactics of tank usage and battle will significantly change. because western tanks have a higher firing range. and other capabilities like a digital information field. if this equipment is used properly, one can destroy the enemy before the enemy approaches its firing range of her paula analysts say ukraine will likely amount a major attack in shop a reason or province aiming at the russian held city of moleed upon a successful push would cut through rushes supply lines to its forces further west . there are factors like whether that can only be guessed that not controlled.
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spring mud can slow or stop tank advances, bogging down the russians and ukrainians alike. that means the timing and the target of any counter offensive. and we're going to cut straight over to germany's bonus tag, war chancel. all of sholtes is expected to address the parliament ahead of an important use summit list listening. josh just presented his personal story of you by law europe. it's called homeland. i says, plural and getting, but as a contemporary historian gotten ashford decades has looked at the developments of a continent from the lots of solid down arch movements in the shipyards in poland. the fall of the berlin wall. the war in the former yugoslavia brick said that covered pandemic and rushes imperialist attack or on ukraine. and the european apiece system. timothy got nash has observed. all of this has written it
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down has analyze data. today all he says, the challenges that europe have to face are overwhelming. ronald got it, but at the same time, he warns us not to lose confidence and courage also, and not to fall into fatalism because one thing is clear for him this year, a part of our democratic free europe remains a unique project inspiring hope throughout the world. and this europe is worth defending this europe is worth improving and expanding. now, more than ever it's been timothy. got mr. long. i am grateful to timothy. got in ash that as a historian, he is trying to explain what the most important thing is about you. because we often overlook this as we look for practical compromises in everyday life,
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in lieu of the, in the face of war and a climate change. it's also about europe itself. it's about liberty. it is about democracy's security prosperity, good opportunities and decent work, or in order net 0, climate future for every one in europe. 64 angel. these are objectives that the german government is pursuing as well. hm. with feel new york and we share them with millions of other citizens in our country. part of it's not about not for tall and as nostalgia, and looking back to the good old days when supposedly everything was better. know now it is about to tackling the situation we have now so that we can have good times ahead in germany and in europe as a home was forgotten, leon, good slices,
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mister past year has shown us yes. what we can cheve together if we work together on the basis of solidarity and act resolutely in just 8 months. in germany we have made ourselves independent from russian gas and oil and coal. we're not just 8 months. we have completely changed our energy supply system with very different terminals for liquid gas kind voucher and different interconnections. and no one has frozen this winter. we have not half had to turn off the tap on and pull the plug while it was on our industry either because every one held together for lunch like actual. and that alone shows that when the chips are down can we can, will deal with transformations. dolphin, that we can pull out the stops out from and now it's important is that we get a sense of confidence is out and looking forward. it is possible we can manage to tackle the big changes ahead of us as well. and
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these are also a walk the end these and feel changes ahead of us will go well for us here in germany and in europe of us it won't go so well for the a f d heckling because they wouldn't have any business. they want to get him to do with citizen this of the builds mr. walterboro and this is why next week at the european council we will be engaging with the competitiveness of our competitiveness is a prerequisite for economic success people. and our prerequisite is our, our competitiveness is a prerequisite as well for our strength is a geopolitical partner. of course, i want germany to be attractive as an location for investment or kind innovation. but at the same time, it's also clear that our european single market can only work together and not as
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strong economy. here in germany is only possible if europe as a whole ferocious was on the market. and this is a context that we decided again, when we were in mesa book with commissioner fund a lion, it was a very intense discussion that we hadn't made a book. and we all agreed to stop. that is, and now the time has come to strengthen the single market that has prevailed for the last 3 decades, but it's important to invest in a green manner more than we have in the past system. okay, so next week in brussels, we'll be talking about the necessary framework conditions to do this. moving forward. in the run up to this, the german government has pressed successfully for greater flexibility in lieu subsidy rules. we are tackling the specific needs of the entrepreneurs in our country and doing so. the ideas of the commission were guiding acceleration of the
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planning and permits. it goes in the right direction. of course, when a competitive you needs to conclude the capital market in the bank union vice president just few weeks ago i was in, in stuff in silent on the border to france, linda where effect on her former cold wall mining site. the future of europe is happening was being my from the big, but were u. s. and an e u. company company, our building during the biggest semi conductor factory in the world, which we'd urgently need for green transformation here in europe. and we see other types of investment as well in finance, for example, is investing in dresden and wants to invest in like the book as well. and all of this, with the fits into the goals that we have set ourselves as a progressive government on macbeth, we want to get a little better and faster when it comes to introducing green legal technologies
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and ramping them up. we need to see a fast track to look jewel take off of all industries. we need more and more green hydrogen photovoltaic, helium heat pumps, geothermal c, c, s i e, carbon sequestration, et cetera, in the whole. and these are all technologies that we have to pull together to achieve. we need to connect our companies, need to invest in green technologies, also in response to the climate protection, the inflation reduction act in the u. s. in order to make progress with this, the european commission is presenting real proposals today was and it's about one of those, all they really fostering key technology is an ensuring the supply of raw materials that we need. if we are to achieve this green god transformational security and particular around the security of raw materials, we are looking at other partners that we have world wide. and this issue will be at
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the top of my agenda when i travel to japan tomorrow, with sweden, to avoid competitiveness, a little going, ulta, good luck, and we will only be competitive and successful if we have balanced budgets in all of you have been this week the eat, you finance ministers have pushed for a reform of the stability pact. and even if there's a great deal of work ahead of us, that will be successes that we have already achieved will be set in writing. and we will build on this as will deal with this difficult local subject to launch the ladies gentlemen. neither in germany nor in europe can we achieve our ambitious goals alone are hooked up through our climate protection. the co operation will be necessary with the emerging economies in latin america, africa, and asia pacific. and so we will be stepping up our efforts, there will be diversifying our economic will ties,
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particularly with regard to raw materials dr. young. just the list of heads of government, of state and government in the you will be looking at our trade policy off fatigue if we need to have an ambitious trade agenda personal which pursues our own interests, but also does justice to the interest of our global partners. this affects, for example, the interest of your forward states that have lithium, the cobalt or rare births not to be sold as raw materials, but at least to process them to the 1st stage of processing in their own country on your right. and as i traveled to latin america and india instantly, i expressed a commitment to this and commission of fund aligned to myself, agree on this point. then when it comes to energy at the european council, we will be discussing this issue in detail as well. for the fall, we can look confidently to the future now got,
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which wasn't the same last year. our gas storage systems were 70 percent empty. now there 60 percent full at the same time as asked him because he didn't play last. and finally we had these 3 relief packages and our rescue package and the government, the german government, has ensured that we get through this winter from well together. we saved ass together. and last year we consume 18 percent less than we did in 2021. other countries in, you have also say ost energy ocean gas prices are now below the level they were before the beginning of the live at home to solve a ration or of aggression. and now what we need to do is have a new energy infrastructure across europe. because this is something that the crisis has taught us as well, but europe is really strong. and if we stick together and support one another
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thing to put a fully loaded tubes. and we see this if we look at the solidarity agreement between france and germany, gus middle, and the additional gas supplies to us from norway and via belgium, and netherlands and france, along with a new half oil that we have just seen him going from the muscle dam gdansk to eastern europe, shows this as well and to escalate the pipeline through spain. and all of this is in my solidarity made flesh in the in you miss wilford together. we need to provide not just for the next winter, but for the next gears and decade when really lamentable and an important element to you is the proposal to reform the e. u. target for galactose power lived in the market,
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which was presented 2 days ago, which the energy ministers in the will now bank debating on invite on the all of our debates about the way forward this month. i will be seen its height against the back ground of the turning point in history caused by pollutants were under crane and the russian wave aggression that is something that we will naturally be discussing. again at length at the football european council meeting next week. or what i said or 2 weeks ago here in the german bundis ta continues to be the case case. we are supporting a crane in that battle for liberty, self determination and territorial integrity, financially, politically and humanitarian terms, but also with weapons no longer. and we will continue to offer this support as long as it is needed. good moment, bluntly, altogether with our partners in youth and the world for more than
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a year. now we've been insisting that the war of aggression goes against latest international doctor community. his rules ala might is right, is wrong, and we counter it wherever we can go. with warner looking back over the last 12 months, it would be up to took some lujan. germany has supported ukraine with 14000000 years. this is a considerable sum, but it is appropriate for our country which i'm tired of that will. and then there's the german participation in the comprehensive you support for ukraine, for example, in the form for direct budget aid, which is $18000000000.00 euros this year along miles are on together with our european partners. we will continue to ensure that ukraine door receives weapons and equipment to defend itself and to hold out what's particularly important is
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that we supply ukraine with the ammunition needs and do so quickly at the european council. i will be working with our european partners on new measures to offer a continuous, better support for ukraine. and we are prepared to open our procurement life training approaches with other countries as well. at the same time, our 10th e u sanction package continues to make it harder for russia to pursue the war of aggression and we will keep up the sanction pressure will be ensuring together that 3rd party countries do not find loopholes in these sanctions. under the fuse fledged gentleman biggest in view of this terrible war of aggression, we also have to say that you are p at ukranian. citizens need to be protected in from europe, here in germany. them but your time we have been supporting ukraine on all levels of good, the government, particularly the local authorities. and we do wonderful things
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with see that your program and the same is true for countless citizens, for associations and institutions. all of the volunteers and everyone who has help, let me say at this point, thank you. good morning. the national government has offer 3500000000 euros. i'm to the, the, i'm a she local authorities and 2.5 this year. and we have decided that we will pay for the money that goes to our ukranian citizens. so that means that the national government will be paying for their housing. i'm somebody lend money and we'll be working together to do justice to what we owe these refugees lately, a burglar burger, it's not just people who have fled ukraine to us. there are many others who have
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come to us, some looking for protection, some looking for a better future in europe, often here in germany, little to unfold. and our responses must be just as differentiated as their needs. in february, already the heads of state and government debated this issue and set out guidelines . because here too, it is the case that regard effective responses to the causes driving people to flee their homes can only be done live on the european level. people who comes for him, people who come from humanitarian causes to our country must get the refuge they are seeking. and we owe this to our own principles that he wrote a whole, but it was also in june. but he said that if someone who doesn't have a right of residence in germany must go back to their homeland quickly. and that's not happening as well as it should. so we have to had better agreements with
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countries of origin for which we have set up a special plenipotentiary for this subject is legally of and because the thing is we want to reduce illegal, irregular rather than immigration. we want to ensure that people do not tried to get to our country is illegally using people smugglers to do so. one. yep, legally other, and we go, we also want to open regular migration room to support because it's here that in germany, we are already missed missing skilled workers all over the place here. but there is some good news here. and the good news is that the mass unemployment, that was a scourge of the country for so many years, all has gone for the long term. it belongs to the past now the really water holes. and now the real challenge is to pull all the stops out to ensure that our economy and our society have enough workers honestly. and the
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german government last autumn, approved it skilled workers solution, which is an umbrella. to ensure that we have that the skill book is that we need in this country. april 1st and foremost, is ensuring that we harness all of the potential we have in germany as it is now. but that won't be enough because we will also open legal, regular migration channels to get these skilled workers that we need. first and foremost, we had to have new regulation in terms of citizenship and skilled workers being able to migrate to germany. and were nearly there. several ladies gentlemen, we live in the market, challenging times. the climate crisis is exacerbating war has returned to europe, and there is a shift or global powers. and these are challenges that the german government tackles head on our whole country takes these challenges on europe. takes these
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challenges on a key for our success is confidence in the future, the little deep transit time that we will indeed achieve these ambitious goals. we have set ourselves. some people will ask themselves, where are we supposed to get this confidence in the future? so for this, and it is true that you cannot dictates the confidence in the future, it is something you can achieve by looking at what you've already achieved. total. if you've already tackled difficult challenges, you are more likely to have confidence. and if you look back over the last 12 months, we have tackled these challenges and that is my response to where to get confidence in the future. it is, there are it is from that. and on this basis we will be successful in future. we in german, germany and we in europe. thank you very much. did goodness counseling with me to and was at swim team at some for the even less is
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leaking, thought exact as on mondays i little time good life. i watching live coverage from even watching live coverage from the german bonus tag here on dw news, chancellor. all of sholtes has just addressed parliament. i had a bit you summit next week in brussels. it was very much a speech of encouragement, encouraging encouraging his audience to show confidence in the future. despite the difficult times he focused very much on the issues of competitiveness under the green transformation of the economy, which are key goals for the european union. but he stressed the importance of, of, of securing st. supply lines of 4 important raw materials. we're now going to hear from the head of the opposition. please match from the opposition cd. you party, the christian democrats. come on. you cannot prescribe confidence. will spa sergeant as the big tim chancellor just said with including his statement and
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this is an assumption that i wouldn't contest correctly, but you also cannot artificially talk people into feeling confident about the future. and you feel confident in the future when people believe that you have a government. it's just in place with a clear moral compass on that. so to focus with makes sorta good decisions and inspires confidence rather than telling people they should be confidence terms of and i think it's rarely but you've been you won't us on the so obvious, howard words and deeds go different ways. as in the talk, we just heard a recent call me, and it's almost amusing or mcduffy oscar smith that we followed unforgettable as an as to what it is. the british historian timothy, gotten ash that you cite, we all respect convey matched out mister shut. i'm not sure if you're aware of this
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or not, but ash tied to the spot paulson introduced the word charlotte soon ensued. his english readers. he described the word, the german were chosen as a short thing in the field and he interpreted shouting as communicating good intentions forfeited bar. i'm going to have only to invent any imaginable reason to delay and to change things. this is the new word that timothy garden, ash, as introduced into the english language, showed thing normally in common your only chance of their flight. so you can't seriously contest that the german government and the european union rights and more in the last 13 months. lots and lots of finding us your mock. i'm not suggesting they haven't done a few things. right. so, i mean, the, you and nato have managed to join forces,
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and that's not something you can take for granted. and this is down to all of the new member states and nato, even if nato expansion to include sweden is still failing due to the resistance or turkey partner. if now, europe and nato have helped ukraine and humanitarian material financial and quite rightly in military terms as well. but chancellor angela, who is the extent of our age, who by him go to india for i listen, scott, so i'm from line directly wrangled below the u. s, i hate to put it mildly, is the risk exaggerating a little bit because based on the economic power of many different countries, particularly in europe, other countries have done far more than we have to resubmit. everything doesn't look good. and if you had claimed here, let me say that this is also true for certain eastern european countries as well.
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and particularly for the baltic states because these countries of the e u, which quite rightly are extremely concerned about the wars spreading to their own kind of countries here, every you didn't mention at all to day looking beautiful, clearly innovative. and you also neglected to mention the report of the parliamentary, representative of the armed forces here and she belongs to your party. not ours, miss ho, go represented her report over 2022. we are headed. the german armed forces abundance via is lacking everything. both side homes and then in the period under review, she says not a single hero has not a single sent was spent on the german,
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i'm twice as from the special military fund. so german chancellor, you need to start, i know, under referring to the state of the german armed forces under previous governments . because you have done that at length and yet look at your own government. i mean, we agreed here we agreed that 100000000000 euros because i can understand that you're feeling a bit nervous as i talk about it. but there are soldiers, men and women of our armed forces on the tribune. and there are plenty of soldiers on the ground working from there and you should see how they feel about it when you next visit them. i'm sure they'll let you know. now together we approved 100000000000 euros, not for the armed forces. and if one year down the line, not a single euro, not a single cent has actually been spent on the german. i'm forces than this is
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a scandal, chancellor, and you're responsible for this and no one else. we probably wouldn't be long kit right now. our new defense minister, not quite right, believes associated with some hope that things will get better than they were in the past. but mr. per story, us hostile, it's not just a matter of replacing one jobs. in the defense ministry with new people, you need to completely change the procurement system of the germ german i'm forces so that we achieve real change here that was cancelled. yeah. and lexia chancellor, i'm a lawyer last year. i think you came up with a new national security strategy or you announced that it was going to happen. it was going to happen in autumn then it was going to happen in spring. then you going to presented to me an excuse to come.


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