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tv   The Day  Deutsche Welle  March 16, 2023 11:02pm-11:31pm CET

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ah, ah, earlier this week a russian fighter jet and a u. s. surveillance drone collided in mid air over the black sea, was a reminder of how quickly tensions over russia's invasion of ukraine could escalate . and that's why many allies of ukraine refused to send fighter jets to key, but not all allies today. poland said that it will transfer for a good soviet error, mig 29 fighters to ukraine by next week. today, poland also detained 9 foreigners accused of spying for russia. spies on a mission to make sure that poland keeps its weapons to itself. i bring often berlin. this is the day. ah . within the next few days,
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we will handle that. as i understand before, fully operational aircraft to ukraine. this hazardous episode is a part is part of a pattern of aggressive rish, risky and unsafe action. that incident of kosa could have escalated her as a pattern of behavior recently where there is a little bit more aggressive actions being conducted by the russians. the internal security agency has detained 9 people, suspected of collaborating with russian operatives. also coming up in france at retirement begins officially at age 60 to president mac wrong is about to make that number 64. like sticking his hand into a hornet's nest. today on the parliament bill and due to the uncertainty hanging over a few things, we can't take the risk of seeing 175 hours of parliamentary debate collapse. we can't take risk of seeing the compromise built by the 2 assemblies dismissed. we
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cannot bet on the future of our pensions. but to our viewers watching a p p as in the united states or to all of you around the world. welcome. we begin the day in poland, country making good on its promise to supply ukraine with fighter jets, to help it push back the russian invaders. this marks a major move in ally support of ukraine and it increases the possibility of the conflict. morphing into a bigger war. today, poems president said that his country will transfer 4 of its soviet era, mig 20 nines to ukraine as early as next week. poland would then become the 1st native member to sent warplanes to ukraine. and the president saying 4 planes are just the beginning. if be out of say, call a no choice leave within the next few days as we, we will hand over. as i understand for fully operational aircraft is to ukraine. it
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processed, i was somewhat of the saw, the rest of being prepared and serviced and they will be handed over after that. or poland will be the 1st to send fighter jets. will other nato members followed suit? that is, this is what denmark's prime minister meta fredrickson. this is what she had to say today is a yeah, through helping by the jets have long been on the ukrainians wishlist. and it is something we're discussing in the group of allied nations. so yes, it is something we're discussing with our allies, and it is something that the group of allies is considering of it. my gosh, i will not get into any further details, but it is a big waste from ukraine cranes. and she was speaking there after that announcement from poland. there were 2 announcements from poland today fighter jets being sent and ukraine. and the rest of 9 people accused of spying for russia. poland says it broke up, a russian spy re intent on disrupting the transfer of weapons from poland to ukraine. against him was between the internal security agency has detained 9 people,
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suspected of collaborating with russian operatives. but these are the suspects, carried out activities against poland and prepared acts of sabotage for russian intelligence. the scope of what that yield of, of evidence indicates that the group monitored railway routes and the tasks included documenting the transport of weapons for ukraine of onion money. photo vanya document suspects were also preparing acts of sabotage on aimed at paralyzing the supply of equipment of weapons and aid to ukraine. miles, if not so little spots of onions of stuffs and our officers secured cameras, electronic equipment, elizabeth and gps transmitters for little, which were to be mounted, untrained deliveries, bound for ukraine, which month of on the nothing else. but it looks, bo months old, low grain, or earlier this week, the united states accused russia trying to bring down one of americans surveillance drones over the black sea. moscow offered a different account, but to day the pentagon released video, which it says shows
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a russian su 27 fighter jet, approaching the drone, and then dumping fuel over and attempt to take down the drum. the pentagon says the jet collided with the drones propeller on a 2nd. fly by the video does not show the collision. military analyst, marina muran, she joins me now. she is with the war studies department at kings college, london. she is in munich tonight, going to see you again marina. i want to start with poland and those mig $29.00 fighter jets that it is sending to ukraine. talk to me about how significant this is for the ukrainian military. thank you for having me as always, and it is a significant move by poland because as there were discussions about the f, 16 and potentially the british typhoon. however, the problem is that it would require training of pilots and air cruise,
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which would take at least a year or so, sending a soviet mean $29.00 fighter jets to ukraine would indeed boost the capabilities of the ukrainian the air force. and there is no need to train the policy because they already know how to use that technology. and the, the, the broader issue here is not the fact that poland pledge to sandals, fighter jets, i think whole and signalled a year ago that it was ready to send the fighter jets. however, somehow, a year ago, the situation was different and nobody really followed up on that. the other issue is there only for fighter jets mom being sent to ukraine at the as we know. and we know that poland has about searcy of them. so the question is, would the, would the polish government send the rest of the chats and how will euro peon allies follow suit or not will they be pledging any aircraft of their own?
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and how's this is going to play out? and i'm looking at what's happened was a tanks one hole and kind of all this topic, whether it will come to delays here as well. are you there? it is interesting that maybe there are parallels with with the tanks, with fighter jets. poland promised a year ago to send fighter jets. and yet it has taken a year now looking at this through the eyes of a military analyst. i mean, what tickets? so let me can you explain? is there a military reason for waiting a 4 year to provide it with 4 or 5 digits? i think some reason is more political because of it. i am. poland wasn't ready to transfer the chats directly and, and because the situation was different, we had a long discussion about time our is and whether it would cross any lines. and so there was this fear of provoking russia essentially. so fighter jets,
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even high mars was long range missiles were out of question, let alone supplying ukraine was fighter jets. and i think it's one of the reasons. so from a military perspective, obviously ukraine would have benefited from getting those fighter jets a year ago. and soviet error find it to be, that sounds like you're, you know, you're, you're sending some antiques across the border, but i understand these planes. they have been upgraded with modern technology. can we assume that ukrainian pilots will be able to jump into the cockpit? although will be some sort of training to make some learn how's this new technology works, but it will not require one or 2 years of training because i assumed that they were trained on the earlier version. so it would be sort of an upgrade, but it wouldn't be completely different from and let's say if they were to use an f 16 or a typhoon and po,
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that seems to be at the center of the whole weapons story for ukraine, particularly this week. also to day, there was a report that post authorities have arrested 9 foreigners who are accused of spying for russia. and what the report says that these 9 foreigners were surveilling, poland, railway infrastructure to disrupt any transfer of heavy weapons from poland to ukraine. is this just a one off a spy story, or do you see this as having the potential of escalating and expanding this conflict? well, and it's an interesting question. i think we have already seen seen the instances of people being arrested, for instance, in germany. it was a mole who was sending information to moscow according to reports, and i think that moscow does still operate
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a vast network of agents for those sympathetic ration cause to gasser and provide intelligence. and this is not surprising because russia's own intelligence apparatus has failed. several times, both in ukraine and pre invasion when puttin was misinformed about the capabilities of the ukrainian armed forces. and this as a result of the military reform to a certain extent of the military reform in 2010 when the infamous g r u was essentially slade. and so i, i think that it, it will not cause any escalation per se, but we can look at it from the perspective of provocation. and we have seen historical cases of kind of an exchange of spies, for instance, between the united states and russia. so i, i think we just have to be wary. and when we have to ensure that our intelligence
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agencies are able to uncover those schemes by russia and seemingly russia is losing its as if these people were arrested military analysts, marina moran from king's college london marinas. always we appreciate your time and your valuable insights. thank you. thank you very much. and were gonna say with ukraine now ukrainian president vladimir zalinski says that he believes russia's war is approaching a decisive moment in his nightly video address. lensky says that moscow is on the verge of failure in ukraine, thanks to western weapons deliveries. and it's those deliveries including german made leopard tanks that many are pinning their hopes on in the east of the country, particularly in buck moved. the city has been a key battle ground in the war so far, and it's in the region where keith has signal it is gearing up to launch a counter offensive against russia. so the question is, can ukraine break the still meet their new russian artillery fires on past moot
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after months of attempts to take the city? ukraine has forced its enemy to commit major resources and take tens of thousands of casualties. the ukrainian military says it's buying time for a spring counter offensive. part of the preparations for that counter offensive are happening far from the front lines in spain. ukrainian troops are finishing their training on advanced western tanks. they hope the leopards will be a game changer on the battlefield until now ukraine has been using older russian model tanks. ukrainian troops are getting training from nato forces elsewhere to like here in the u. k. learning the art of combined arms warfare. how to coordinate all the high tech weaponry with infantry assaults on the front. a tank commander has high expectations that know the concept and tactics of tank
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usage in battle will significantly change because western tanks have a higher firing range and other capabilities like a digital information field. if this equipment is used properly, one can destroy the enemy before the enemy approaches its firing. range that her lip, walla analysts say ukraine will likely amount a major attack and jap arissa province. aiming at the russian held city of melita pole, a successful push would cut through russia's supply lines to its forces further west. there are factors like whether that can only be guessed at not controlled. spring mud can slow or stop tank advances, bogging down the russians and ukrainians alike. that means the timing and the target of any counter offensive, or still a mystery, which is just the way ukrainian commanders wanted. ah, well, it looks like the retirement age and france will increase from 62 to 64. the french
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government today bypassed a parliamentary vote over it's unpopular pension reforms just minutes before of it was due to take place, which president emanuel macros, government invoked a special constitutional power to force. the reforms through without the boot is reforms admit widespread opposition. triggering massive protest and strikes across france. the movers expected to trigger a quick, new competence motion in the government by monday. how are you? i'm to now by our correspondence lisa louis in paris. lisa, let me just ask you. micron, he announced that he will resort to using what's on his article, 49.3 to push these pension reforms through without a parliamentary vote. what is his article? i mean, is it unusual that he's using it? it is in a way, unusually his, his lot. you know, he's not business as usual, but it has been used before since the beginning of the 5th republic in the 19
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fifties and governments have used it about 90 times. but what is unusual about it is that he's using it for this special form. actually in a, this is the flagship reform he's been running for, you know, to, to be reelected last year with. and he was saying, this is really, i want to put in place this a form, the pension form is what france needs. i want to show that i can perform this country and, and show that i'm a strong statesman. he a statesman here in france and also on an international level. now i'm using this special constitutional power means that he felt that he had not the power to convince enough parliamentarians to bait alone with his group. and so he needed to push the reform 3. yeah, and he obviously thinks he's on the right side of history by standing by where he wants the country to go. is there any one in government and politics?
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you could stop him now? well, what happens when this special root is triggered is really that the reform wouldn't go through unless there is a vote of no confidence at the different parliamentarians. the groups have 24 hours to bring in such a vote of confidence. so until tomorrow, for position parties had already announced that they would do say, and we understand that at the rate of no confidence should be voted on next monday, probably, or starting next monday. and, and the only way to stop the pension reform now is really to bring down the government. now, when you look at the numbers in my call has with his party and ally parties about 250 seats in the parliament. and majority is at $287.00, and the conservative party has 60 seats. and you know, if you add 250 with 60, you get to 310. and the conservatives have already said that they would not vote
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against the government. so it seems a bit unlikely that this would bring down the government, although some commentators are still looking at the numbers and saying, you know, we can't be sure that everybody waits what he's expected to date falls as it looks now though it looks like this increase in the retirement age is going to to happen . explain to our viewers, lisa, why the french are so enraged by this, i mean from 62 to 64, to maybe here in germany or in the united states. that doesn't seem like such an unreasonable increase, but in france it apparently does. well, the 1st of all is the minimum retirement age. the average time and age is not $62.00 currently, it's about $63.00. and the, the threshold where you get, in any case, a full pension of 67. so when you look at a european comparison, france is actually in the middle field. and you know, people are so opposed to this reform because they feel it's not just about pensions,
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it's really about their social system. france has a pure pay as you go system. so he only, you know, the car workers pay for current pensioners, but there very few people who actually have private pension funds. so this is when the heart of what they feel will make sure that they can have a decent life later on. and they feel that the government is really attacking the heart of their so social security system, especially as you know, there was a report that was mandated by the government by an expert committee. and they had to look into the pension system. and there comes that they are concluded, was that actually when you look at the figures, there will be a slight deficit in the future in the pension system, but it's not going to be dramatic. so if you want to place a reform or not, that will be a political decision. and that's why many people here fear, you know, the government. yeah. they're saying we need as a form, but actually do we really need it? or is it about something else is about, you know, a justice, a question of justice,
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really. they feel that the government wants to take away money from the rich and give it to it from the pool of the go to the rich. and that's what they against the w lease. the we with the lease tonight from paris, lisa, as always, thank ah, germany's dance earl of schultz has voiced the concern over israel's planned reform to which judiciary he made the comments after a meeting today with his rules. prime minister bridget at yahoo here in berlin. critics say that the plans would allow these really parliament to overturn supreme court rulings. netanyahu in shult started their day in berlin at a memorial for the holocaust. check 17 at berlin screen. about station from here. thousands of jews was sent to extermination camps right up until the end of the 2nd world war. the 2 leaders paid their respects. benjamin netanyahu said that although germany and the world had changed, june was still being threatened. we have learned that the jewish people must have
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the capacity to defend ourselves by ourselves, against any threats. but we also welcome the friendship of those who share our concern, our values, iran's nuclear program was on the agenda, talks at the chancery, but also the controversial plans to reform israel's judiciary. at symbol contravir as a partner in democratic values in a close friend of israel, we are following this debate very closely and i will not hide this fact with great concern when i think we agreed that the independence of the judiciary is a pillar of democracy. oh, protest is gathered in central berlin to demonstrate against netanyahu's visit. he rejected the criticism of his policies in israel as though this was a break with democracy is not true. israel was israel, remain a liberal democracy,
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not different, and as strong as vibrant as it was before and as europe is to do, we're not going to deviate from that one. did. netanyahu had to cut his visit to berlin short because of the ongoing protests in israel or in israel today. and we just heard today was another day of protest against the government's controversial judicial reform plants. hundreds of people demonstrated in several areas in tel aviv, in what protexture is called a day of resistance. the marchers blocked roads, and there were some scuffles with police prime minister abridgment at yahoo's right . we government wants to fast track the controversial reform by the end of the month. move the critics see as a threat to the separation of powers. or it won't go down until of eve or corresponded rebecca readers. she is standing by rebecca another day approaches. what's happening, i can see, where were you born or what's happening?
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i'm sure you can hear what's happening here. brand. we're in the middle of what is becoming maybe a day of disruption, but the road has to be happening all day long. have it culminated in a of the city and now we've gone past the american embassy. these protesters are trying to attract internet international attention to the applied. they said a democracy is being taken away from them. and then they're gonna do anything that they can. this is why they calling a taunts march now and then like this one had been happening all across the country . of course, the biggest one happening here in tel aviv, but organize it, say it a 150 different spots across the country today. people have been making their voices heard. some arrests were made earlier in the day, and there were some scuffles, as you mentioned in the lead in there. but largely these protests have been peaceful and they are now in their eleven's week. people say they're going to keep
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coming out until they have their voices heard. yeah, and i understand israel's from president isaac, your target offered a compromise proposal, but the government rejected that. why is that? that's right. he's been working on a proposal. isaac had been working on a proposal, a compromise, if you will, to try and get both sides closer together. so i just had to come to just that a compromise, but maybe netanyahu prime minister benjamin netanyahu flatly refused to come to the party on that one. but her talk is saying that hopefully it will be the beginning of dialogue. he's trying to do everything that he can to try and stop. seems like this one, you know, he's trying to get the country to come together. benjamin netanyahu saying that the compromise plan was a complete waste that it was a wasted opportunity. but hertzog still trying to get both sides to come together. we are seeing that the opposition are coming around to negotiations. they are
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interested in trying to come to some kind of a negotiated compromise, but there is still a very long way to go brand people here, very angry. and people on the other side, people in government, in the very strong they were gonna keep following these guys. hm. because they are moving quite fast, but definitely both sides still very far apart. at this point, it looks like they're at an impasse. i mean the turmoil, the you know, that you're reporting on looks like it's going to continue certainly. and the people that i've been speaking to here tonight, brent the people that i'm now trying to chase up the street. but these people have been saying that they are not going to stop that they, that it doesn't matter. even if the, the, the, everyone is a little bit pessimistic. they think that these are, these bills are going to pass. i think that they are going to lose the battle, but they said that they will continue to fight. now we saw president issac heard, so it's saying the country could be on his way to a civil war. now i've had that people on both sides of that debate here tonight
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saying some people saying yes, we are on the way to us if it will, other people sanctemore. we don't think it's going to go that far. but definitely they are going to continue coming out to protest brand until they feel that their democracy being taken away and they want to do everything they had to stop that did abuse rebecca readers in tel aviv tonight's rebecca, thank you. oh, not a soccer fee for president johnny infant tina will keep his position as the most powerful man in the world of football for another 4 years. he was re elected unopposed at people's congress in were one. does. capitol cigale? several european countries including germany and so that they would not support his candidacy after criticizing fevers approach to human rights under infant t. no. but with no challenger stepped forward in from tina will now keep footballs tough job and up until at least the year 2027. the 1st women that is almost done, the conversation continues online. you'll find us on twitter. and remember,
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whatever happens between now and then, tomorrow is another day we'll see you that everybody ah, with ah, to the point, strong opinions, clear positions, international perspectives. migration to europe is vice again searching. you authorities reporting the highest number of the irregular border crossing since
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2016 destination europe can migration being controlled. find out until the point to the point with dw, into the conflict zone with tim sebastian. just over a year ago, the main russian attack on ukraine was launched from bella roofs composition still survives there, even though it's lisa is in exile in with you ania. she's svetlana peak on those guys with her on roofing for ukrainian bitchy. but she said to propel her group, how in bello and florida conflict zone in 60 minutes on d w. oh, blue with what did you do before? i came to china. fantastic. ah, she survived auschwitz,
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thanks to music. he was the nazis favorite conductor. he is morally degenerate. ah, 2 musicians under the swastika, a documentary about the sounds of power, inspiring story about survival at home. i don't get the tennis. i was the only one . what minded luc music in nazi germany watch now on youtube. d. w dot ah, ah, migration to europe is once again surging. e with thirty's reported a 133000 irregular border crossings last year. the highest number since 2016 most of those flings seek to come by see 2 recent shipwrecks and the mediterranean attests to the peril they face.


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